This is a question for the ladies here on site and for folks of color
Living well and enjoying my retirement
How do y’all feel about certain members here addressing women as bitches and hos doesn’t it seem degrading to you and for you AA guys does it annoy the fuck out of you when you hear the “N” word in various forms coming from non AA folks, maybe I’m rong but I don’t feel comfortable about these banalities being thrown around and then defended as a term of endearment when it’s just plain disrespectful, it’s not politically incorrect it’s just ignorance.
If ANYONE uses a racially charged word, then the use of that word should be open to everyone. It makes no sense to me for African Americans to be free to use words like “coon” or “nigger” to spice up their vocabulary while denying the same privilege to others.
I extend that logic to any racially charged word ... spic, beanerd, mick, nip, wop, redneck, kraut, hymie, limey, pollock, spearchucker, gook, cracker, etcetera.
The offense of these racially charged words is not derived simply from their usage but from the context of their usage. Any of these words can be terribly offensive when employed to convey bigotry and hatred. But these words can also be used without offense in other contexts.
I’m not among those people who have built an entire lifestyle around being constantly offended at every turn.
I use any of these terms in a non-offensive manner whenever I want. No one who knows me thinks I’m a racist.
If someone is offended, it’s their problem not mine.
It wasn’t meant to offend anyone. It was simply meant to concur with reverend.
AA women are in my opinion very attractive for a multitude of reasons.
I didn’t think the play in the word was distasteful.
I’m generally not a very PC person though.
My point is the use of those words aren’t politically incorrect and many folks using those words are just fucking rude and looking to get arise out of people rather than being politically incorrect.
I believe in free speech just like everyone else but most here wouldn’t talk that way in the presence of those people whom are described as different from themselves, just imagine a situation where you were out with a woman in a restaurant and the waiter came to take your order and addressed your date by saying “can I take your order bitch”, that’s the point I’m making
Feigning offense at certain words I use just to make a thread about attacking me just shows what a hypocritical, spineless lil bitch nigga you are.
I absolutely detest the N-word. I’m not anybody’s “nigga” and a feel like punching anyone who uses that word, white, black or purple, in the throat.
Gone and forgotten.
I'm done with you.
Mamisan will be at your door soon. She can change you, and also:…
Online, different story. I've seen it used by people I know and people I don't know. People I know, I try to let it slide simply because I don't believe them to be racist and they didn't use it in a racist manner. People I don't know tend to not get that benefit of the doubt, as I have no reason to delve into what the context is - mainly because of the anonymity and 'distance' factors. Obviously, racist usage doesn't fly at all.
As alluded to earlier and as rhb said, context really matters. Without them, words are completely abstract. One person could call me that word as a term of endearment while someone else could call me a 'reasonable person' with all sorts of underlying contempt.
Would it be nice if people were more considerate of others' situations and didn't feel like said consideration was some sort of control? Yeah. However, that train left the station a long time ago and the trip was one way. Just have to do the best we can and limit the cases in which we find ourselves in uncomfortable/disrespectful situations both online and offline. For online activities in particular, I've found the ignore feature to be rather useful.
It's an interesting discussion to have about language in urban culture, but IceyLoco is not a valid example of that culture or its slang.
Twentyfive said "... but going out of your way to make people feel singled out is not a small potatoes..."
But it is de rigueur for trolls.
"... we have gone through this before and most of us are better than this."
Not the trolls.
Feigning offense at certain words I use just to make a thread about attacking me just shows what a hypocritical, spineless lil bitch nigga you are.
Why would a black person use the word nigga?
Is the word slang or a curse word?
If it’s slang and part of an AA vernacular then why can’t it be used?
And if white people do not use slang or things of such, then why choose the word Nigga?
Can a word change meaning with people, places and things?
I wonder when white People use the word nigga does it sound like cultural appropriation to blacks?
The thing is, someone has to want to be offended in order to be offended. Simple as that!
Second off, its not that a person hearing a racial slur chooses to be offended. Its the fact that the person saying it chooses to be offensive and says it with that intent. Being offended isn't wrong, not putting said offender in their place, is.
So now black people cant/ shouldn’t be offended. I don’t speak for all I speak for me
It’s very doable to tell offensive jokes without using offensive worlds. That’s the grey area I like to live in
I am not offended by slangs (cracker) or stereo types (drunk Irish) but I also have not experienced true hate, bigotry or oppression because of my race. So I can understand why someone with a different experience attached to hateful words could feel very offended by them.