
Comments by AtAboy (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    My take on icey
    Nicole1994 I haven’t read enough from you to assess. Generally people don’t like being psychologically assessed. And you really have to be pretty screwed up for your issues to be evident over a message board. SJG- I briefly thought about this, that starting a thread about another member is not good etiquette and would probably get me in trouble on another forum. Honestly, I got the impression this board doesn’t coddle it’s members or police the posts to avoid hurt feelings. Then I figured if this was that kind of forum this would be the way to find out. I haven’t been on since I posted this original post, but I put Icey on hide once I logged in today. It’s been fun, but I didn’t join this forum to argue with bitter women masquerading as men. I joined because I like watching hot women take their clothes off and I really can’t share this with my friends in real life. And also so I can read the reviews of clubs to see where I would like to go next.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Worth the drive, bring ear plugs
    Correction, a burlesque show is no touching, sounds like I implied there’s some touching during those shows. That’s not how I meant it
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Lots of money and no nudity
    Thank you for your comment
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Worth the drive, bring ear plugs
    I wasn’t looking for extras. Sometimes I enjoy the show. Like I would enjoy a movie. Or a concert. Only it’s a stage show with naked women. I don’t have to have extras to enjoy every activity I do. Tickets to a burlesque show would have been more, with less touching and no nudity. Again this is just me. If you’re looking for extras then this may not be the place for you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    Icey I replied to this on the other thread Good day sir.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    I don’t tell women to “go away”. I treat them with as much respect as I can given the situation. I very much enjoy visiting other clubs and don’t want to burn bridges with regulars when I’m in the mood for more familiar interactions. My goal is not to have lots of stripper bitches to fuck. I’m in a completely different mind set from you and I don’t expect you to understand me or my actions. For starters, I don’t need to troll Internet forums for enjoyment. Also your comment doesn’t address why you felt me calling you a woman was insulting. You side stepped explaining that by trying to insult me. Classic pathetic attempt to distract when the opponent can’t address the issue at hand. Again you think me calling you a woman was meant as an insult when I never said it was. This lets me see a little of your thought process. Don’t try me, my understanding of behavior and psychology will have you stirred up over your mommy issues before this thread is over. Because issues like yours come from controlling mommies, son. Unless you’re just mentally ill. Sometimes there’s just a biological mental illness or personality disorder at play. In which case, no amount of reasoning will help you without some professional intervention. Good day sir.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    Well said reverend!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    Oh Icey, if you only knew.... I most certainly don’t consider calling you a woman offensive. It actually made me laugh out loud at you calling me a misogynist. And if I picked you out as a woman from the get go (when I joined) then believe me, you come off as a woman the way you write. I never said you being a girl was an insult. Funny you’d take it that way though. Do you think being a woman is degrading and a form of an insult? Because I most certainly do not.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Lots of money and no nudity
    Yep, that’s exactly what it was. Not worth it for bikini bar
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Worth a visit
    PC thanks for the pointers! In my reviews I just did I tried to list more prices and be a bit more descriptive
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    Icey, I should have been more specific, I didn’t mean you resurrected the threads. I just lumped them into what seemed like a dumpster fire of threads when I logged in after a few days away. The resurrected threads have added to the ambiance of the stuff you’ve been posting. Icey, I’m sorry but your way of talking (well writing) just reads like you’re a woman. I don’t know why, it’s just registered for me that way, and it seems I’m not alone in thinking this.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    First and most important, east coast representing right here. Fresh off the hook. Word is bond. I was a teenager when all this was fresh so I can go 90s thug talk all day muthafuckas. Secondly, I solved my regular problem by just taking a little break from main place and visiting some new clubs. I’m enjoying the variety and seeing how it’s done else where and I’m thinking a little time to cool things is good. And when I get the urge to go to my regular place, I’ll just be polite but up front.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    I’ve been trying to follow this whole thing. Think I came late to the party. I agree I’ve assumed icey was a girl even before seeing everyone already figured that out. Also I’ve lost track of how many “bitches” icey has. But damn if I was half as awesome as Icey says s/he is at surrounding myself with strippers, I damn sure wouldn’t be wasting time on the internet. This is quite entertaining. Especially the resurrected threads from 2007.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Do you ever go to a strip club when you're not horny because you're sad inside?
    No. I go when I’m feeling good and want to have a better time than wherever I’m currently doing. And yes horny. When I’m sad I like to be alone so no club. I agree, seems like a troll post. But I answered anyway
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    I hope it was not one of us
    I was gonna say too TFP unless he’s a BIG spender, I’m surprised the bouncer didn’t show him out. And if he was a big spender and thought because of that he can act like an entitled prick and ruin everyone else’s time plus be rude to the dancers then he’s still a d-bag no matter how deep his pockets are.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    How long did you wait to club again after wedding? And why?
    Inane = is not A loan = a woman
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    How long did you wait to club again after wedding? And why?
    A woman’s sex drive, is effected by their hormones but ultimately it’s much more psychological than men. It’s normal for women to lose some of their sex drive after having a baby. There’s a lot that goes on, with birth and caring for a new baby. Including utter exhaustion. And if you’re stepping up to care for your child with them, you may find sex inane a priority for it as well. If you’re wife is in the middle of the trenches of baby care and you step out on her, then I don’t see how you can expect a solid marriage. This is not a woman that is trying to deprive you, this is a loan that is consumed by the care of a child you helped make. I can’t speak to menopause as we haven’t dealt with that yet however hormone replacement is a very real option to help with lowered sex drive due to hormones changes. However, the main cause of a “low sex drive” in women is that their husband fails to get them going. When you first meet a women it’s easier. Everything is new and so getting her turned on requires much less effort. Also the culture of sex in our country is still very male centric. And often younger women still believe sex is focused on the male experience. So they may fake interest, or not finish but focus on you finishing or not be fully wanting it but do it anyway, because they’ve learned that’s what women do. In my experience with people, women seem to go through a psychological change somewhere in their late 30s to mid 40s. You can google it. It is sometimes referred to as female midlife crisis. It’s hard to say exactly why, but around this time they seem to really come into their own, and hormonal speaking women have a HIGHER sex drive at this time. But I’ve noticed this is when they begin to put themselves first often after many years of raising young children and staying home and putting careers on the back burner, and even “serving their husband”. (I am only speaking for my generation) When women begin to put themselves first after all those years of putting themselves last, they begin to want a new approach to sex. This is an issue if they don’t communicate this to their husband, and they just expect him to know. Which often is the case. Also around this time women begin to feel the effects of their beauty fading with age. They want to feel desired. They want to feel beautiful. They want to be romanced. And listened to. They want to connect with their partner. They want to be dated again and re-experience their fading youth. Thus want you to choose them over friends, hobbies, the damn tv. They want your undivided attention. And none of this should sound difficult if you love her. They also want to “live” life. They may want to go out more or join new clubs. And if by this point the marriage actually is still healthy, she will want the man to join her. She may seem like her sex drive is lower, but it’s not. Biologically this is a peak time for a woman. It’s that her desire for sex with you is lower. Woman connect though emotional intimacy. If she’s turning you down over and over, and she may even say she’s not in the mood. But women know it’s easier to blame their mood than to be honest and say you don’t do it for them anymore. Also a side note, if a woman has gained lot of weight, she may feel so unattractive to you that she doesn’t want to have sex. But that a whole other issue for discussion. Plenty of women have healthy sex drives well into old age. But for women the foundation is their relationship with her husband. A woman that feels happy in life and love and feels attractive to her partner will continue to want sex.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    How long did you wait to club again after wedding? And why?
    Went a few times with my other half when we were still dating a long long time ago. After marriage waited over 10 years. In the trenches with babies, establishing careers, buying a house, creating strong marriage etc etc... Kids are older now. Me and SO are secure enough that it’s not a conflict in our marriage like it may have been in the beginning. But not every marriage is ok with SCing. So you may wait forever if you’re waiting on the green light for it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What Does the Strip Club Offer You That The OTC World Doesn’t?
    I like looking at and touching hot naked women. Turns out when I go to a bar, I’m reminded that I am not in fact a solid 10, and already I can’t hope to talk to the hotness level of women I like. Secondly, should I consume enough beer to no longer be bothered by the 4s and 5s (and occasionally the 3s) that will entertain my company, they require an exorbitant amount of time and energy to engage. Assuming things escalate there’s the question of where to go. And seems they don’t want to just dance and strip for me while I touch and have fun. Also can I remind you that even drunk I’m still conscience enough to know they aren’t as hot as the SC girls I now know are only a 10 minute drive from the bar I frequent. If I had the youth and looks to bag a 10 at a bar, maybe I’d not be so enthralled with SCs. I have plenty a life and friends and activities that I partake in that don’t involve SC. But SC seem to be the only place I am easily able enjoy hot women that are otherwise out of my league.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Which one?
    In the right (heavier) pic*
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Which one?
    I’m surprised at home many people don’t think she looks hot in the left (heavier) pic. I don’t think she’s fat because what I look for is still having a slim waist / flat tummy and the weight in the face, arms, hands (yes hands). To me fat is when if you saw a girl from the chest up you know she’s fat, extra chins, flabby arms, sausage fingers. And if when they sit big floppy tummy hanging over. She has been able to grow here bum so big by heavy lifting to grow here butt. A girl that starts out that thin, if she gains through weight lifting and healthy eating is still going to look good (in my opinion) rather than a girl that just eats garbage and doesn’t work out. Thick girls with higher muscle mass still look tight. Different strokes for different folks, but small waist and big booty, how is that not hot?? And I agree I typically like a bit bigger boobs but I wouldn’t turn a girl down over it unless she was absolutely flat.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    I don’t have any advice but in a similar situation, so would like to hear what others say. Muddy9, Realized too late that you are correct
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Patrol Boy
    You did “research” (google search for 5 minutes) on IEPs then from that concluded one won’t help a 10 year old boy? That speaks volumes about your ignorance. You don’t know shit. So you’re proud of your generation because you helped kids cross the street when you were 11? Was this an accomplishment for you personally at the time? At 11 I was home alone every night with full care of my baby sister until my mom got home before I went to school. After school I walked alone to various places across major highways, to buy food, to do laundry and sometimes hang out in a place that had AC during the warm weather before my mom left for work. And I was born in the 80s. I did more shit than you at 11, and I’m still educated now enough to know what an IEP is and why it’s so important for any child with a disability from autism, to Down’s syndrome, to cerebral palsy to speech delays or hearing impairment. Any child with any disability benefits greatly from and IEP. So 11 year old you that wasn’t as cool as you think can kiss my 11 year old ass.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    does race and/or popularity/whispered popularity amongst any other thing play a
    I haven’t smoked since my teens. But I think this may be the kind of post that if I lit up a nice fattie, and got stoned out of my mind, it would suddenly make sense. Much like playing a record backwards. The message is there, you just be high enough to hear it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I guess Pocahontas wants to be known as Robin Hood instead
    ^ agree