
Comments by orionsmith (page 44)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Loving a stripper
    I would get her to buy into whatever she wants if you are agreeable. If her idea doesn't work out, suggest trying to get her into a charity halfway house so she has others in the same boat trying to get drug free and free of other drug enabling habits if her original idea fails which I believe there is a good chance of failure. It might not be a bad idea for her or both of you to check into it as there could be a waiting list to be accepted. She may need to understand she needs to be serious about wanting to change.
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    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Loving a stripper
    Well since you asked publicly, if she really wants to get better and you want to help her, I would contact United Way or some other organization if she is agreeable to get herself on the right track, drug free and part ways. As two people with impulsive tendencies, it will be very difficult for the two of you not to resort back to old ways if you are both seeing each other that much living under the same roof. In my opinion the temptation for both you and her would be great to return to old ways. You can always try it though. If it doesn't work out, help get her shelter at wherever a charity organization might be willing to help her get clean and straight. A charity may have more experience and support for her. I've donated to United Way and heard people speak about being accepted to a half way house getting drug free and them saying it saved their lives.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper punched out a customer's tooth
    A million dollars? Man I missed my chance. One time a dancer jumped up from down below me and smacked me in the face with her head giving me an awful bloody nose. Stupid clumsy dancer. I would have been really upset if she did it on purpose. Worst I ever bled from any sudden impact with anyone and I used to fight just about every other day when I was young. At least I never got impaled by strippers sharp heels. I've seen where some guys could claim whip lash from the strippers climbing on their shoulders and shaking them like crazy. No one injured from it though. It's possible some dancers were getting customers noses rubbing against their bikini covered pussies. I survived. Actually it was fun sometimes. Hard to see anything though when your nose is pressed against her bikini. Those were from stage tips. Not lap dances.
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    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Best predictor of a tight pussy?
    If she screams, then she may be tight.
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    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Advice for South Carolina
    If you are staying in Columbia, one other option is to drive to Charlotte if you feel like driving. However I don't get to Charlotte that often. I imagine Platinum West is likely crowded if a sister club burned down. I like to avoid big crowds. I did visit Platinum West a couple years ago. It was very nice and had some of the best bathrooms I've seen in a strip club. Lots of nude dancers but I read they went topless only a year or two ago.
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    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    When a Stripper calls you "Daddy"
    I dont remember any dancer calling me daddy. I've heard lots of other names though.
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    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Odd/weird things that made you break from SC-ing
    I saw electrical tape and duct tape over the dancers breasts and nipples. I heard there was a new rule. Left within minutes and didn't come back for 2 or 3 months. On other occasions, strip club burned down. I never went back to those places if they didn't rebuild.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC at a dancer's place?
    Strippers had their places pretty clean when they had planned for me to come over with enough warning. I've let a few girls drag me to every bar in town and then over to their place on a few nights without giving it much thought. That was years ago when I was more concerned with getting stopped by the police than any stripper trying to set me up. The police were more of a hassle in some towns and more of a concern than any potential criminals. Some police in some small towns will follow you after leaving a club waiting for the tiniest infraction to pull you over. They may even follow you for miles and stay right on your tail making you wonder what jackass is behind you. If you speed up and take a chance they are not a cop, suddenly you see blue lights. Sucks. After two episodes, I just assume it's a cop if they are following me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC at a dancer's place?
    I never thought a dancers place could have lots of bugs. That would make me want to stay away. I don't like to go to a girls place if I just met her and don't even know her name or anything. I've been asked to leave and come over. I don't think 1 minute nor even 15 minutes is enough time to build up enough trust unless you've already had a BJ or sex then I might trust her a little. If she was a 10 though and asked me to come over after I just met her, might take a chance. For some odd reason when I was younger, one or two lap dances seemed to be enough to trust a dancer enough to go over to her place. I've also read that guys don't think rationally after seeing something pretty like a nice pair of tits. Just remember if she flashes her tits and says come over to my place, it might be a setup. I haven't read about any female criminals doing this yet though. It would be a good tactic though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Public Plea
    By the way, why does this site have such tiny avatar pics and no pictures? For fans of naked dancers, you would think there would be plenty of pictures. I suggest Founder add a spot to let dancers post their tits. I always act nicer when I see tits.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Public Plea
    mdb, I'm just wondering, did you have brothers or sisters? It seems like you've been isolated. Not trying to be rude. I'm just curious.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    Ive had a dancer make it obvious to me I was being delusional for thinking I had nothing but a business relationship with her just because I gave her some money for some inexpensive lap dances at her place on a couple of occasions while visiting. It might only be business but it might not be. If a relative pays me money for something, almost no one would say it was strictly a business relationship. Now if it stays to time for money sort of thing, then that does sound more like a strict business relationship. If you are visiting without any time for money and she danced for you a little bit or whatever while you were there, less so. If you have visited her without giving her any money for anything, even less so. The dancer in this case even got upset at me for keeping her secret from everyone I knew thinking we had a relationship. I deluded myself thinking it was nothing but business because I had given her money for lap dances a couple times.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    OT: musings on Adulting and savings (long)
    I'm currently paying about 106 a month for satellite with over 250 channels as compared to another relative that had something comparable to basic cable for about 100 a month. Negotiate monthly expenses. Compare plans. Monthly expenses and charges are where people lose out. Eating out several times a month you really lose out. If you ask yourself, do you want to work your current job another year before you can retire by ordering shakes or making them at home and it makes you think more about routine expenses. I know I'm still spending a lot on entertainment but my internet sucks in my area and Netflix would lag I believe. I do know someone who avoided cable and satellite and had an antennae in his attic for years never paying a cent for tv entertainment service. My selection of shows would suck in my opinion with that option. Save more, retire early if you can. Just ask yourself, are you willing to work extra months or years to keep buying whatever. I splurged already in my 20's and 30's on strip clubs. I'm cutting back with minimal effect on my lifestyle other than not visiting strip clubs. I'm eating better food and saving time and money. I'm also looking for a new job. I don't really want to travel over 50% of the time or travel overseas for work or be on call 24 hours a day and weekends. I'm not doing that now but if I have no choice I might consider it. I really don't want to routinely travel overseas. I'm ok with occasional flights here in the US. Certain jobs have different job requirements.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    OT: musings on Adulting and savings (long)
    Was just saying I like to cook a lot on one day whether that is sloppy joe, hamburger patties, etc, then eat leftovers the rest of the week to avoid doing lots of cooking and eating out. It's also faster than eating out or cooking on other nights. I don't call defrosting patties as cooking. I mix they meals up during the week. If I get tired of leftovers, I still pick up some fast food but like making my own shakes with real ice cream and some milk or root beer. Tastes a lot better than any fast food shake and it's a lot cheaper making my own. In fact microwaving a raw potato makes for a much better potato than I would get at say Wendy's plus much cheaper. Better food, less cost. It's the way to save. I've just had a problem with several potatoes having bad spots. You can't tell it from the outside.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    OT: musings on Adulting and savings (long)
    I've been in the process of cutting expenses since last year. Eating out is a big one of you haven't done that yet. I have some relatives that suck at saving money and keep running out. The way I like to buy groceries and cook meals is to cook a lot o one day, freeze it in freezer bags and defrost in microwave whenever I want a hamburger for instance. I will buy a couple or more packs of hamburger meat and sometimes make some into just meat to freeze to use with spaghetti or to make into sloppy joe and use a bunch of the meat to put into hamburger patties. I have some cookie sheets , pit foil on top with edges folded up to catch the grease and spread try patties out and put in the oven at 350 degrees. Take out and turn after about 10 minutes and brown on top, cook another 10 to 12 minutes and done on the inside of not too thick. Then either eat one or two and freeze the rest to eat whenever I want without cooking for the next week or two. One day of cooking, simple defrost and fix other days. An easy way for baked potatoes is to either buy a bag of potatoes, poke holes in it with a fork, microwave as spliced by microwave or slightly longer if thick, the eat baked potato. Cheaper, buy potato flakes, microwave bowl of water, mix in flakes and a little milk, ready to serve. Save rest of flakes sealed up for later. One box of potato flakes makes a lot of potatoes and you don't have to worry about bad potatoes. I did buy some better pyrolex coking bowls if I spelled that correct. I also bought a razor hair cut kit and have a hand mirror so I cut my own hair. I know some tricks to eat and live cheap but have t really changed that much. If you really want cheaper instead of hamburger buns with sloppy joes, you can use two pieces of toast. It actually can taste better in my opinion but hamburger buns are easier. It's probably less calories using toast than a bun. I also do the same thing with hot dogs. I use a piece of slightly toasted bread folded up for a hot dog bun or two of them if two hot dogs. I actually like that better than hot dog buns. Helps cut back daily calories too if you eat turkey dogs or hot dogs a lot. And some strippers thought I was just cheap in the strip clubs. I was splurging big time when I used to go to clubs. $3.50 to $5 before tip for a single beer? Really? Tipping $2 each time a stripper went on stage for dancing in front of me for 10 to 30 seconds, wish I could make that kind of money per second. Granted a lot of guys were not tipping at all.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Calling Cards
    I usually wear dark pants or dark shorts, never white anymore after a dancer left marks all over one time. I also bring plenty of cash to tip ones and small bills for lap dances without asking fur change at the club. If I do need change, I get it from the bar staff or someone else other than a dancer. If I run out of cash, I stop buying and plan on leaving soon. I never use club atm's. I check my money left before lap dances if I don't know already. I always confirm lap dance prices with dancers and number of songs unless she is a favorite and I know what to expect.
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    7 years ago
    Washington DC
    That is horrible to keep having sex without others knowing. Please stop or tell others first. You may be ruining the lives of husbands, daughters, kids, wives, and everyone else affected. In my opinion, you are right up there with murderers on the moral compass scale of things. I know they are out there. Please be responsible and let others know before sex. I hate the thought of some young dancer getting infected with such a disease.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Get the money never wife a hoe
    If you even say the wrong thing in a strip club that takes money, some of those ho's will overhear and be at your table faster than a bat out of hell. I don't want strippers thinking I have money to burn.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    Well good luck with everything mdb, I don't know you and wasn't trying to comment on you. No insults intended. I try to be nice most of the time but other times I tick people off without hardly trying. Some people just have a difference of opinion and if I say something they disagree with, some just get ticked off easily. I'm not even always sure why some get ticked off so easily. In several cases, they may have personal issues. It's why I usually avoid talking politics, religion, and other topics in a work place and with certain people. Even with some of my own sisters, I avoid certain topics. My male relatives are pretty much all the same mind set.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    I'd go back and delete all my long posts here if I could. Didn't mean to distract. Not saying anyone here is like this but this thread reminds me of certain guys in strip clubs who are like regulars in love with dancers. I've seen such guys bring presents into the club to give to the dancer and the dancer doesn't even care for the guy that much. This thread reminds me of an attempt to say something about it. I myself never said anything to the guy in one case I remember. Dancers always quickly distract me in clubs. It wouldn't surprise me if some people thought I was in RIL at some times always getting dances from certain favorites. There are probably several opinions about what is a RIL as there are for dancer body types that guys prefer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    If You...
    I ran out of juice the other day. Had to jump my car. Stupid thing goes dead if I dont drive it enough. Both dealer and auto store said battery was good after I got it charged back up. Wondering if someone is fibbing about the good part. Pressed wrong button on remote control the other day. After several minutes of no luck with tech support, they asked me to feed it new batteries. Still no luck. Then the guy told me I could buy a new remote at Walmart. Spotted a very dusty newer looking remote under the tv. Tech helped me set it up. It works fine. Apparently all my equipment is so old, they would need to replace everything and then charge me more. Everything I have works fine though except the one old remote control. Sometimes not changing anything is the better solution. I have a satellite remote control that has to be coded correctly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trusts part 2
    Thanks Taxi and Papi.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: Workers displaced by technology
    One strip club even replaced the dancers with robot dancers. For a day or night. The only way I see strip clubs keeping customers in that case is free beer and food. Actually one club got me to keep returning with free passes and free pizza.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: Workers displaced by technology
    Self driving cars and trucks could displace millions of drivers. McDonald's is phasing out employees as the wages approach $15 an hour and using kiosks instead or robots. I read this was their plan. I read human unemployment could become such a major issue, some were suggesting a universal basic income to be paid to everyone as a basic wage whether employed in a traditional job or not. Some are even talking about taxing the robots. If industry or businesses can replace people with robots and get the same or better numbers, they will do it right away.