Calling Cards
sinclair🦕 🦕 🦕 🦕
Do you have any unique mannerisms or traditions that you incorporate into your strip club visits?
For example, shadowcat said he use to bring bags of candy to the strip club and be known as the Candy Man. He also, always wear t-shirts with funny sayings on them. I knew another clubber not on TUSCL who would always bring a tube of cocoa butter with him to the club with the aim of finding a dancer who would let him massage her with it in the lap dance area.
last commentOne of my mannerisms would be that I am a lifelong Budweiser drinker, so that is what I always order or have at my table. I also hate the way many clubs charge ridiculous prices on hard alcohol, so I tend to sneak in my own. In clubs with alot of cameras, I drink nips straight or pour them into a soda in the washroom where there are no cameras. I then toss the nips into the urinals as a calling card to club management. If it is a dive club with less surveillance, I may even discretely drink the nips and discard them out in the open. I have yet to been caught.
No actual discerning traits. I try to blend in. I don’t think I have any traits that make me stand out. I’m tall - and skinny - so it’s not easy to blend in sometimes!
Does masturbating while sitting at the bar count?
I always smell like fabulous 420.
Although not an old fart, Sinclair is old school. It’s been forever since I’ve heard “nips” !!!!!
I sit at a table right by the stage and drool.
almost always wear dark usually black athletic shorts & commando
often wear non-collared black t-shirts (even my car is black "in keeping with my favorite color")
the clubs I go to are small dives with floor dances which I usually get on a high-chair/barstool - I will often put my $$$ in my socks rather than my shorts' pocket so it's harder for a dancers to steal my $$$, also, in my pocket at times in the past my $$$ has slipped out from some aggressive grinding
in most clubs I always sit at the bar
maybe i should wear socks... lately i had $400 slip out of my pocket from agressive grinding. and i did not notice it missing until a few minutes later.
Lloyd is too funny!
The Huffy bike parked out by the club front door is definitely his calling card. However, he’s not been in a strip club in over 20 years. I guess he meant to say he parks his bike in front of AMP’s - before Mamisan throws him out!
I’m guessing there’s no stall shower in his RV? Is it actually an RV - or is it a van down by the river?
I don't always drink Dos Equis, but when I do, I order it shaken, not stirred.
Lloyd is funny? Lmao nothing funnier than an inane comment like that.
My M.O. is well known here: monopolizing a single girl for hours, doing a lot of drinking.
In what is almost certainly an episode of incredible paranoia, I worry that my signature is so obvious and identifiable, in the unlikely event any strippers from here are reading, that I won't say them
This we gotta see, SJG fighting a bouncer. :)
^ it’s not SJG’s fists that will take the bouncer down - it’s his body odor!
Hanging with shadowcat at Columbia PP, got me free candy that I could give to the dancers and tell them I was his personal assistant and all requests for him had to go through me, first. :)
I sit in the same spot at the club (a spot that's usually open), order my 2 drinks at the same time (2 drink minimum), and like to nuzzle girls when I get lap dances with them.
At one of my regular clubs, I always sit at the stage, drink two Bud Lights, and buy lots of lap dances. Essentially every minute that I'm there, I'm either sitting with a dancer or getting lappers.
At my other regular club, I almost always sit at the same table, spend all afternoon with one or two dancers, drink 2-3 beers (whatever the special is that day, otherwise Corona if there's no special), and do at least one and sometimes two 30-minute VIPs. Almost every minute is spent either sitting with a dancer (often with lots of under-the-table touchy-feely in both directions) or doing something quasi-sexual with her in the VIP room. This is my less alcoholic version of "partying Subraman-style" :)
I don't go to clubs that often, but when I go, I spend like crazy. I don't partake on champagne room offers. I will take VIP offer if it is less than $ 200 for room. I mostly spend money on girls and drinks. I keep big chunk of 20's in my back pocket. Equal amount in 100's in my front pocket and around 200 in 20's and lose change in shirt pocket for drinks and tips to wait staff. I don't have a regular dancer, but a regular waitress. I tip her well. Dancers come and go, but waitresses stay. She brings me the right girl. Every time.
I typically change seats in the general club sitting area after each private lap dance session. I kind of figure out what areas of the club get heavy foot traffic and which get less girls approaching. If I want to try to avoid getting hit up for more dances when I'm not ready yet, I'll try to find a seat in the low activity area. If I see a dancer I want to get dances with patrol a certain area often or hit the dressing room, I'll move to be more visible to them.
Often times, I'll also have a roll of breath mints next to my drink. I like to keep my breath fresh.
I usually wear dark pants or dark shorts, never white anymore after a dancer left marks all over one time. I also bring plenty of cash to tip ones and small bills for lap dances without asking fur change at the club. If I do need change, I get it from the bar staff or someone else other than a dancer. If I run out of cash, I stop buying and plan on leaving soon. I never use club atm's. I check my money left before lap dances if I don't know already. I always confirm lap dance prices with dancers and number of songs unless she is a favorite and I know what to expect.
Vincemichaels: "Hanging with shadowcat at Columbia PP, got me free candy that I could give to the dancers and tell them I was his personal assistant and all requests for him had to go through me, first. :)"
As a bonus, vincemichaels pocketed some of that candy and handed it out the next day at the middle school across the street from his apartment. Why waste it all on overage strippers when you can use it to entice 14 year old girl instead? Am I right buddy or am I right?