
If you feed it, fuck it, or fuel it, it’s going to give you problems.

My advice for the day. Learn it, do it, live it.

Juice knows the fuel it part first hand.


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Avatar for Mate27

Ass, gas, or cash; nobody rides for free.

Avatar for warhawks

Juice, you should definately go electric.

But you’d probably forget to plug it in.

Avatar for warhawks

I’ve also heard if you drive it, fly in it or fuck it, rent it.

Avatar for Jascoi

ditto warhawks.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Yes but if you feed it, fuck it, or fuel it, it'll probably help meet your needs too. Unless it's a wife.

Avatar for Cashman1234

That’s why I prefer to pay before I pump! The payments after pumping seem to be much more expensive - and the payoff period takes much longer.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Have you fucked a door knob lately?

Avatar for LecherousMonk

I believe the saying is, "If it flies, floats, or fucks. . . ."

Avatar for orionsmith

I ran out of juice the other day. Had to jump my car. Stupid thing goes dead if I dont drive it enough. Both dealer and auto store said battery was good after I got it charged back up. Wondering if someone is fibbing about the good part.

Pressed wrong button on remote control the other day. After several minutes of no luck with tech support, they asked me to feed it new batteries. Still no luck. Then the guy told me I could buy a new remote at Walmart. Spotted a very dusty newer looking remote under the tv. Tech helped me set it up. It works fine. Apparently all my equipment is so old, they would need to replace everything and then charge me more. Everything I have works fine though except the one old remote control. Sometimes not changing anything is the better solution. I have a satellite remote control that has to be coded correctly.

Avatar for Dominic77

Life would be boring otherwise. Good outlook, I agree.

Avatar for vincemichaels

Life would be boringly bland without fuckups. Fuck the living shit out of it.

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