
Comments by orionsmith (page 45)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trusts part 2
    I started over. I trust no one, not even myself. Besides the site said I can't trust myself when I clicked on it. Is there an easy way to find the top 40 trust list? I don't want to trust the wrong people on here. I have enough con artists trying to con me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tips for dealing with strippers perfume/lotion/etc
    I smell like strippers and smoke after leaving a club. Have to wash all my clothes and shower as well to get rid of the smoke stench. I've been able to smell smoke in a jacket I wore to the club days later.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here we go again with another strip club tax to help sex trafficking victims.
    Unfortunately they can serve one term and still collect lifetime pensions at taxpayer expense.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How I found TUSCL
    I think I searched for a strip club list.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone stay home so they aren't worried about catching the flu in strip clubs?
    I think sick coworkers in the past got me sick. Crossing my fingers. Not sick now. Staying away from strip clubs during flu season just for that reason is the first I heard of that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Anyone familiar with the "sticky tables" at the Trophy Club in Greenville? (Stor
    Here is a link to pics and video. Her tits are censored. I could swear I've seen her before. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5295409/Stormy-Daniels-puts-South-Carolina-strip-club.html
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here we go again with another strip club tax to help sex trafficking victims.
    Just saying lifetime senator pensions could be used to pay taxes since it is going for a good cause.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here we go again with another strip club tax to help sex trafficking victims.
    Just wait until the people propose taxing elected politicians the same amount of money they might collect for taxing everything else under the sun. Then use the same argument the politicians used. Maybe a future president could issue an executive order. Could raise a lot of money to provide support for trafficked girls, curtailing sugar consumption, what ever arguments politicians have used in the past. If the elected politician can't pay the full amount of tax, he or she can work for free if they proposed a similar tax in the past. Any pensions paid by US taxpayers could go towards their tax payments.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gift from a Dancer
    Other than free dances, a beer and a calendar. Plus a girlfriend experience with all the drama I could handle.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trust Ratings
    I'm new here. If I haven't met anyone, how can I really trust them? Reputation points makes sense. Maybe reliability of reviews?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you document your strip club visits?
    I'm still waiting for lap dances, drinks, tips, and cover charges to be tax deductible. Will strongly consider voting for anyone who fixes that. Also need to eliminate the 10% early withdrawal penalty for IRA's and increase deductions for charity after the latest mess up. Then I will track everything. I can set something up on my phone to track everything. Until then I don't bother. If democrats did include such deductions, then they could add up all the deductions and locations and check to see how much dancers and strip clubs reported. I'm not sure how all this could be verified though. We might need a USCoin to handle all transactions since no one likes to save paper receipts. We just need the correct code instead of listing a strip club or dancers name on anything an so might see.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    Criminals and people from like Venezuela where currency is in trouble would still look for alternative means of tax avoidance and saving their money so bitcoins and other harder to track alternatives to value would still be used if possible. Hyperinflation is a threat to saving money in regular dollars or other currencies. Drug dealers probably love the idea of using secret transactions for high dollar business. It wouldn't surprise me if governments were working on plans to stamp out bitcoins. Can't have people moving large sums of money out of the country via other means if your own country has currency issues. China and South Korea already cracking down. US officials probably working on plans starting off with tracking and taxing every big buyer and seller or face jail time by going after the exchanges if people aren't reporting gains. They are slow to catch up. I would look for more China and South Korea like crack downs if any issues develop with the value of the US dollar. Now the 1000 people who own 40% of Bitcoin can establish short positions in the futures market and make money by shorting their own coins and then doing a mass sell off whenever they want. Let retail investors bid it back up, pull the rug out, repeat. Ok, I will stop posting on this. I do kind of like the idea of USCoin. Except the tax part. We need an easier method to report gains at year end. Of course no one reports gains if the value of the US dollar goes up compared to other countries so maybe we don't need any taxes. I will stop rambling.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    The funny thing is, they say there is a limited supply of these artificial coins but people are creating new different types of coins all the time. When will government step in and start creating their own block chain coins with a real base value say like $10 and call it USCoin with full acceptable wherever cash is used and electronic payments accepted but supply is limited to 100 million coins with an annual limit increase per year of one million max, decreased if not expanded in any given year. Bitcoin would be crushed. With USCoin they could add automatic taxes and tax payment tracking so that traders don't have to worry about keeping track of all that. Refunds of over tax payments could be issued back in US coin as an exception to the annual limit. Could USCoin reach $20000 a coin and blow away Bitcoin? Definitely. You would be able to use USCoin securely everywhere. I would not like paying taxes on lap dances though. Dancers might not be happy with Uncle Sam taking taxes out of her pay but wouldn't have to worry about paying them later. She might even get an end of year USCoin refund. See, I just proposed a Bitcoin killer. Someone else can figure out all the details.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    I can also compare Bitcoin to say one hot girl in clubxcoin. A hot girl in clubx sets up a hotgirlcoin. She says it's worth whatever other people will pay for it. She even does something Bitcoin does not or maybe it does, she gives it an arbitrary value by saying on occasion, she will do a lapdance if time permits for a lap dance coin. Several guys bid up the price of lap dance coin to $1000 a coin. Other guys go on tv, rant and rave about it saying it's the next best and greatest thing. They are lapdance coin millionaires. Soon everyone is saying, put some money in, watch it grow. A few guys give a warning. Others say, what can go wrong? There is a limited supply of lap dance coin, it can't exceed 21 million coins. This example is very similar to Bitcoin in my opinion with the added fact that the dancer does not have to honor a lap dance coin but will if she thinks the value of lap dance coin is going up.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club for ‘sugar daddies’ and ‘loners’ given green light
    I've probably been called all those names at one time or another by dancers. I could add others. Dancers a couple of times thought I was undercover LE in a club where I wasn't a regular. I only had one dancer call me a player. She was the one wanting to have sex all the time. Once a dancer puts a label on you, it's not that easy to change her opinion. I thought it was very amusing to be called a player while going to strip clubs and paying for lap dances. It was refreshing to hear a girl say, anytime you want it, I'll be there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Justice Department enforcing pot laws
    Congress should legalize it, tax it, then restrict it so people aren't smoking in cars while driving nor in bars, restaurants, concerts, and clubs unless that club or bar has a special designation as pot friendly. I'm not a user nor smoker and don't plan to be but don't want to fail a drug test where it's illegal because I inhaled too much second hand smoke somewhere. I'd rather not inhale any smoke. Congress should be doing a lot more but can't agree on hardly anything. I believe pot does help some people with severe medical issues as well. Congress should also drop all the strip,club zoning laws if a club existed in the location in prior years instead of shutting down clubs across the nation. Let individual cities set up zoning laws instead of doing state or national laws. It's the local residents who should be able to decide what they will allow and where. If one city in the south wants to be strip club USA, let them. They could also have a church right next door if people want something to confess in a morning service although most churches and strip clubs don't operate at the same time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Wives
    There's a lawyer here if you want a divorce. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    If a hoe choooses me...whats a fair fee to chsrge her to join my team ?
    It's not even called juicepimp university. I can imagine the curriculum for a young girl enrolling might be a pole dancing, pole climbing, stripper 101, customer service, managing finances, support group resource for soon to be single mothers, and how to satisfy juice. Then more advanced courses later on. Like how to get guys to pay big bucks while claiming, I only do this with you, you're so big, I want you to come visit me, I'm lonely. I need some money to pay rent, etc, etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    If a hoe choooses me...whats a fair fee to chsrge her to join my team ?
    Juice did you start a new school up? Found this before finding this site. https://home.tusculum.edu
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How big of a Monger are you ?
    0, Obviously I may not be human anymore. I haven't paid any money to anyone in centuries.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do you handle a ROB?
    Good job playing her. You got even on one unscrupulous dancer pulling this tactic. Now you need to avoid the club though unless you like trouble
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do you handle a ROB?
    One dance is usually less than 5 minutes Don't expect anything free from dancers unless she says it is. This is a common dancer tactic to get extra money from guys who don't know to ask.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do you handle a ROB?
    I usually call a girl a rob if she skips out on a dance or set of dances after asking for money up front or overcharges higher than what was expected
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do you handle a ROB?
    I don't like dancers doing extra dances without asking but I ask if I think she's starting another dance if in doubt and ask if it's free or part of the original deal. I agree technically you shouldn't have to pay for something you didn't ask for but I agree. Expect trouble if you go back. Dancers doing extra dances without asking is like Bottomlinebooks sending a book you didn't ask for. Expect trouble if you don't pay or call them up get credit and write cancel on invoice etc. I read technically you didn't order it like many don't but you need to send a notice via certified mail that you intend to keep the book you didn't order without paying I read. I expect that outfit operates like dancers in many clubs. Do stuff without asking expecting to get paid. It's not right but they cause trouble or work at getting paid. Best to stay away from the club