avatar for SCPandit
So I recently became HIV+ from this lifestyle and I've got to say when I was in the Hospital recieving medicine, I did not care and im not sure to be honest if im still in shock or not but I've just continued living my life as if I don't even have it. Im still free of herpes but, Ive been going to the same clubs, hanging out sometimes, sometimes doing more. I've been absent for a while because after my recent infection (in the past year) I just started doing everything. AMP's in from Philly to D.C, Street hookers and strippers. Especially strippers at cheerleaders, ive even found a way to make the condoms pop, everytime. Anyone been in my same shoes or would like to maybe talk some sense into me? I feel bad because this is a hobby and i believe in it likes it my religion but at the same time, I just dont care I feel like this is the "Dark side" of this game and now Im on it.

PM me or respond back, im just so lost guys.


last comment
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Have you read his reviews?
Can you clarify your situation? You’re hiv+, and recently you’ve been trying to spread it by breaking condoms with sex workers?

That’s not good!
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
More than "not good," but criminal in some states.

Just unprotected sex? Or did you share needles?

I honestly don't know "RandomMember" I only did BBBJ, I never did BBFS and somehow ended up positive. I don't recall a condom popping or anything. I went to the same AMP's and Strip Clubs, used condoms that were brand new from Targets.
Nah, I haven't been trying to spread it. I just pop the condoms because I want raw sex, i still try to pull out. what have I got to lose? I already have the bug.
That's horrible.

With today's meds many people live normal and apparently healthy lives - probably a good idea to find a good doc that specializes in HIV.

Doesn't mean life is over or that you can't/shouldn't live a normal life - you should take some time to think about things and maybe a support group may help - but you need to be more responsible now that you can affect other people.

How did you find out you were +?
Got it. I think it still is adding risk. Hopefully it won’t spread to others!
That's odd that you didn't get it from BBFS (assuming you have not shared needles) - even with BBFS the transmission rate is very low (although being exposed one time can do it of course)
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Could be from civi experiences.
2 Things: 1) You probably got it from the BBBJ, or another sexual encounter, it’s transferable via oral or any type of unprotected sex. You’ve gotta think, if she’ll do it with you, she’ll probably do it with others, so the risk is always there.

2) Your life isn’t over, you can seek treatment and still live a healthy life, but you should probably step away from this lifestyle so as to not spread it to others. Try to think about other people.

I found out I was positive first from one of those Home HIV test, I didnt believe it so i went to a Patient first and got my info in the mail, they ask for your address and a bunch of personal information. It was really embarassing, TBH. I'm 24 years old and not im gonna live with this for the rest of my life, but im still addicted to this lifestyle I really love it.
From what I've heard, the meds often work well but but being re-infected from continued unprotected sex can significantly negatively affect the treatment
An I feel like the other people who do BBFS and BBBJ and entertain this are just playing with fire, at the end of the day it was my fault for contracting this disease not the person who gave it to me. I played a role but at the same time, I knew the risk. I'm just sitting here thinking that I wouldnt want to affect someones whos not in the lifestyle, so how would I as the "man" that I am stop. I cant date a "regular" person at this point, I kept having sex with Thots, hoes and prostitutes that I just kept falling i feel like theyved consumed me. I love looking at a woman, how could I ever be half of someones whole. I endulged myself into this lifestyle to the point I began pondering who was the hoe, who was the trick. I'm just so confused, i dont want others to get hurt but at the same time, Do WE count as people? Think about what we do, or atleast what I do. I was asking for it, there have been times I had sex with some of these strippers in the bathrooms, outside of the club like this was bound to happen I just kept playing with fire, I dont even know why im so mad I finally got burned.
For whatever reason I thought that was you in your avatar which is of of an older man (as far as I can tell) .
Troll account... why does anybody take a home HIV test?
...They are made by OraQuick and they only cost $50 at CVS...why wouldn't you get tested if your regularly having sex with prostitutes.
I can see getting a routine check-up and getting tested. But to take to spend one's own money for a home HIV test cuz you're getting blowjobs... nobody does that
Yeah, easy to have doubts about things posted on TUSCL - I don't recall enough about his past TUSCL posts to determine his merits
You weren't having sex with prostitutes you were getting flu shots by your own admission..
Well then... I do believe I'll take a nice long break from "the lifestyle."

Fucking amazing though, I've had enough bareback sex with strippers through the years to infect all of TUSCL twice, and yet I'm 100% STD-free. This guy gets a bareback hummer and now he's Charlie Sheen. Life is just some fucked up shit.

@SCPandit, did you have any symptoms that prompted you to do the at-home test or was it just a routine thing?
Having bareback sex in your condition is an awful thing to do and will ruin the lives of others.

To those saying it was possibly acquired from BBBJ, the risk is extremely low to almost non-existent. Do your research. It is almost impossible for a man to receive HIV/AIDS from receiving a blow job from someone who is positive. HIV/AIDS in not transmitted via saliva. The infected person giving the BJ would have to have blood in their mouth and somehow transmit that into the person getting the blow job through an open wound on the penis and into their bloodstream. It is believed in the medical industry that this may be an ultra rare or even nonexistent occurrence in the real world. Now, if it was the OP giving head, there is a chance, but again real small of him getting HIV as the recipient of an infected load. The infected load would have to seep into an open sore/wound in the recipients mouth for the chance to create an infection, and that too depends on the "viral load" of the semen. If the load is swallowed, there is a good chance (but not 100% chance) that infection won't occur as stomach acids are known to kill off the disease.
If doing the P4P thing then it makes sense to get tested regularly whether at a clinic or a home test - a home test may not make sense if one has to keep it hidden from an S.O.
Fact that he's dropping brand names and all that really really makes it that much more fake. I go to CVS grab a box condoms vitamin or whatever. I'm not going to remember the brand unless I go there for the strict purpose of buying a specific brand because someone recommended it to me.

So for him to know the brand means that it this purchase was premeditated. And you're telling me he premeditated the buying of an AIDS test because he was just getting blowjobs.. bullshit
This could be one of the more sophisticated trolls. Your photo and your reviews dont jive for a 24 year old.

Your story does not add up and seems targeted toward shutting down advocates of this lifestyle. If you are real you are a huge piece of shit and you should off yourself now. But your contrition for your actions makes no sense unless you are insane. If you are insane you need medical help for your mental condition as a priority.

Either way fuck you! Dont come here for absolution or your fucking trolling asshole.
I'm all for fake stories but make it make sense. It's called High Fidelity it's story writing 101.

If I was going to write this I would have said it went to the doctor routine check-up they took some blood work and they called me back and told me I had AIDS or HIV whatever you said
Low to non existent doesn’t mean completely nonexistent. Chances from that are higher than being covered by a condom. It happens sometimes, rare for sure, but sometimes.
Whenever I buy something I usually make sure I get a brand I trust, especially something important like an HIV test
SCPandit... so you're also being racist against Filipinos or Pilla-pinos as I'm sure you refer to them.
No complete troll account. He's saying he's in SC Bandit but he put the P there to make fun of
It's not ws if this guy has a solid TUSCL rep for one to believe a story like this one, but on TUSCL one is always at the mercy of what's true or not

And personally I would have said I contracted hepatitis C which is way more easier to get than HIV
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Some things are too low to troll ab. If he’s a troll, that’s on him. I won’t call anyone out on such a serious issue, even if they sound like a pice of crap. If you come on here and claim to have contracted hiv from this, I won’t play detective. If it’s true, I’m sorry, and I hope you will please stop risking the spread. If not, and you are a troll, you are beyond humor, or even being a fucked up piece of shit, and I won’t play.
Im being racist to Pilipinos*, F signifies American Oppression
HIV Fucktard posted: "I only did BBBJ, I never did BBFS and somehow ended up positive. I don't recall a condom popping or anything."

Sorry, but I don"t buy it. Do you realize that you're basically a medical miracle by catching it solely through BBBJ? Seriously, get that shit recorded because you would be the very first documented case of transmission solely through receiving oral sex.
He's got three trust total two from troll accounts and one from an actual tuscl member..

Ok. Putting on ignore... This was just... I feel like I could do a better job at creating a troll account with just a little bit more thought.

Le' sigh. Even the trolls are getting to lazy to make calling them out fun any more.

avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
That is horrible to keep having sex without others knowing. Please stop or tell others first. You may be ruining the lives of husbands, daughters, kids, wives, and everyone else affected. In my opinion, you are right up there with murderers on the moral compass scale of things. I know they are out there.
Please be responsible and let others know before sex.

I hate the thought of some young dancer getting infected with such a disease.
An no, im saying im a Strip club Panidt, as in an Expert...
Nice try though you goofy fucking troll cunt. ;)
An if i didnt get it from BBBJ, im not sure where I would have gotten it. I dont do anything else risky.
Okay, everyone seems to think this is bullshit, and yeah, there's a good possibility he's just yanking our cranks. But if it's a troll, it's a very elaborate troll complete with detailed reviews, some of which have caught the attention of the discussion board in the past. Regardless, I've personally fucked a clown car full of girls who have, at one time or another, worked at Cheerleaders in Philly (even though I've never been there myself). So this could theoretically be a problem.
And here's the other part if you want to play the part of a retard then don't know what pundit means... retards have never even heard of the word.

Damn we're just talking about a little congruence here know who your character is that's how you successfully troll.

At one point your characters vocabulary was so low he wouldn't even know what his ABCs are but now he knows what the word pundit is.

Go back do some research please do try to troll again. Sometimes it's actually enjoyable not being 100‰ sure if it's a troll.

This work was both shoddy and sloppy. Absolutely no fckn imagination.
Gaca focus on the issue.
If you live in Baltimore, Washington D.C., Northern Virginia, Philadelphia, I was also going to some club near Littlestown PA cant think of the name of it. I would advise you to get checked.
I honestly just wanna know how i got it, I was going to RL Therapy and 2 spas in greenbelt, I tried a couple other places but those were my "Go to's".
As BJ99 mentioned, it's pretty low to lie ab something like that, but some people get off from pulling distasteful pranks, and it's easy to do on an anonymous internet site - but then again one would hate to call someone a liar ab something something so serious, but then again his story is a bit inconsistent and a bit far fetched being that it was just BJs w.r.t. the bare aspect - and why post it on here, there is plenty of support and professional help out there to deal with this stuff.
Ok SCPandit.

What's do you do for a living?

Here's a hint: There's only one right answer.

GACA you nailed it. His reviews are all over the read is this is a fucked up dancer thinking she can be the most clean in a dirty club, a vindictive SO, ex-dancer or a disturbed mind that gets off on having an effect on others.

Either way a fucked up POS
Oh screw it...

Ok so your character is from Mumbai, he's obviously an IT contractor. At 24 (which is an odd age to be state side because technically you'd still be finishing up your masters) you're most likely to be a in a data reporting role. You share an apartment with a few of your countrymen which affords a 24 year old making 45k to 60k enough disposable income to go to strip clubs and AMPs enough and pay for the amount of blow jobs it would take for this medical miracle to occur...
At best we're kinda chasing our tails with this - at worst someone with a f'ed up mind - probably nothing to be gained by going on with this thread
That's called congruence... Took me all of 5 minutes to come up with that. If you want to troll. Just a little bit of thought. Just a little.

And shit...

Now I can go on and say hep C from blowjobs found out from blood test yada yada yada.. people would eat it up

Well PAPI has spoken... I'm done.
I am gonna take this the high road and make this thread actually worth something and use it for a life lesson.

The lesson is Get Tested Regularly!!! If you are sexually active get tested two or more times per year. This is not just for your health its for the health of the beautiful girls we spend time with.

If you are concerned about discretion use a clinic that maintains your anonymity. Planned Parenthood offers this as well as alternatives.

Be a man and take responsibilty for yourself and others. You will be a better man for it!
Oh...and if you come up positive for anything DEAL WITH IT, get treatment and tell your partners. Dont be an example of this horrible piece of shit!
This sounds fishy. Sounds like someone just wanting attention. Odd that you'd get an HIV test after just having BBBJ.
One way to prove it would be to post your test results, the letter you said they sent you. Just cover your name and address. It would end the skepticism many have.
Do you realize that you are. Endangering the lives of every on. having HIV and having unprotected sex with people. You can go to jail for that.
Don’t know what the OPs con is, don’t care to know either. Stupid fucktard is severely in need of a brain transplant.
If you check the literature, there is basically no chance of becoming HIV positive from receiving a bbbj. This is not how the infection was acquired.
Juice, did you piss off a SA girl so much that they made a fake account on here?

They don’t like male escorts cutting into their business.
bang69 nailed it. We have another admitted felon on the board. Call the federal prosecutor in that district and have this bastard strung up by his toes. C'mon, Douchester, we know your aliases are on this thread. Do your duty as a rat snitch and call the FBI!
I now know one person on this board that I'm not giving trust to, digitally or literally.
JAprufrock has an ace point. Odd that SCPandit would take a home HIV test after only receiving BBBJ.

Also odd that SCPandit would have emphasized discovery of a method to make condoms pop. Does that mean that he waited until after he became HIV+ to do more than BJs?

However, I have to say this is brilliant trolling. Look at the number of responses. Crappy fiction, but brilliant trolling!
If this is fiction - it might be the lowest attempt for attention I’ve seen so far. I hope it is fiction, as it would be a very shitty thing for someone who knows they are infected to do.
I call bullshit on this. NOBODY would deliberately try to infect others and then post it on a public board. You don’t even have to be a member to read the discussions. It’s an admitted felony in nearly every state. The OP shouldn’t be surprised if he gets a visit from the authorities at some point.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
^ We already have an admitted felon, what's another? I suppose they can keep each other company.
I tend to think this is a BS post. Knowing you are HIV+ then popping condoms on purpose is assault with intent minimum up to attempted murder and even if he is doing that no one is stupid enough to post it.
I put sex industry workers into a couple categories all of which end with people just trying to earn a living whether that is if they are trying to support a drug habit, dead beat BF, no skills and kids, or just in it for the money but, at the end of the day they are just trying to get by like the rest of us and an asshole doing something like this should be buried alive in the NJ swamps with 100 bag of lime sprinkled on him or taken into a cornfield with guys hold aluminum baseball bats.(Watch "GoodFellas")
I agree TiredTraveler - and I really hope it’s all fiction. It boggles my mind why someone would post this type of story. There are many other ways to get attention here.
The only thing more fucked up than someone lying about this as a joke is if it is actually true. In either case the OP should quit what he is doing, whether that is trolling or potentially spreading hiv.

To everyone who is going nuts about him getting infected by a bbbj, he also admitted to having cfs. While I've never heard of someone becoming hiv+ from a bbbj, I have heard of people who did so because of a faulty or torn condom.

The lifestyle many of us mongers lead is high risk and while condoms lower that risk they don't eliminate it entirely since they are not 100% effective. That's why I am honest with my doctor about my lifestyle and I get tested for stds each time I have my blood work done twice a year.
@Tiredtraveler "...taken into a cornfield with guys hold aluminum baseball bats.(Watch "GoodFellas")"

You're thinking of the movie 'Casino,' not 'Goodfellas.'
More fake news.
@SCPandit said: “Anyone been in my same shoes or would like to maybe talk some sense into me? I feel bad because this is a hobby and i believe in it likes it my religion but at the same time, I just dont care I feel like this is the "Dark side" of this game and now Im on it. PM me or respond back, im just so lost guys.”


First, any day that you aren’t in the dirt (dead), is a good day. HIV or not Second, being able to take things on the chin — a sports term borrowed from boxing — or showing stoicism is a good trait for grown men, and it’s in short supply these days. It doesn’t matter if life knocks you down. Keep getting back up. Demand a rematch. Third, don’t forget humor. You have the choice to cuss, cry, or laugh. So why not choose laugh? Lastly, women are generally a side effect of successful life.

If you're not a troll, then you're a horrible twat.

If you are a troll, then you're a lying twat.

Either way, you're a twat.
@BurlingtonHF - you sure it wasn’t Field of Dreams? Sorry - JK!
See, I think this is another Dougster clone. It would be just like him to come on here portraying a despicable person and then later come along and give everybody a ration of shit because this guy got such a hard time, but someone else just as despicable (in his opinion) didn’t.
avatar for AshleyCash
7 years ago
Pretty sure he's lying....and just looking for a discussion starter
gmd: I thought I was insane for thinking that. In fact, I exactly think that's what this is: one of Dougster's zillion troll accounts. I'm waiting for the reveal :)
Actually, expecting Dougster to do something like that is the epitome of rationality. Expecting him *not* to, now that would be insane.
@gammanu95, somehow I don't think Dougster would care half as much about this as he did about vincemichaels (he must have been obsessed with protecting teenagers and military honor or maybe it was something personal).

@Cashman1234, that would have been a better ending to Field of Dreams for sure :)

@everybody, I'm 99.9% sure that this isn't someone's alias. Gut instinct. And while I seriously doubt that he got HIV from a BBBJ, that doesn't mean that he didn't get it from another route (as has already been discussed)
BHF - it would be very sad if this story is actually true. I’m not condoning the behavior - but I’m sure lots of bizarre thoughts can run through a persons head if they believe they caught hiv from strip club extras.
The OP has close to 20-reviews - I read a few lines of 2 or 3 of his reviews and they seem specific; i.e. I doubt it's an alias.

In one of his reviews he mentions being a plumber - i.e. works w/ his hands, and mentions FIVing a dancer big-time - that could be one scenario for infection - a nick on a finger from someone that works w/ their hands and such finger coming into contact w/ infected vagina fluid - either way it's a f'ed up depressing thread.

I also think the OP hits close to home - we're all aware that our "hobby" can be risky but count on it being a very small risk; and such a thread heightens our biggest fears.
After reading through this crap again I still feel the OP is a scuzzball who doesn’t know the meaning of personal responsibility. He may actually have HIV I don’t buy it though, but regardless his sheer lack of regard for others he comes in contact with is stunning, trying to get even with unsuspecting girls and indirectly guys for his personal misfortune caused by his own actions is criminal. What a creepy fucktard.
Papi makes a good point. I’ve read some of his reviews. It can be a bit difficult to follow - but I think Papi’s assessment makes sense.

I think - in the post Papi referenced - the OP mentions that he may have given a dancer an infection because of some funk on his fingers. So he doesn’t seem to mind finger fucking girls with his unwashed hands.
Hoping this post about being HIV+ isn't real. If it is, please seek help immediately from true professionals.

And I agree with the tuscl skeptics...some things about this story don't add up. If you're really 24, you're born in the 90s and personally, y'all 90s babies are wired differently in my opinion. I just can't picture today's 24 year old hittin massage parlors, hookers, escorts etc like us born in the 50s, 60s, 70s where porn wasn't as easily accesible as it is to 90s kids. And I've thought that once you get HIV, you kinda know it--your body will react to the virus noticeably that you'd end up seeking medical professionals sooner before you'd pick up something from CVS personally. And I'd think you'd be so traumatized being only 24 and catching heat from this lifestyle that you'd take a break from risky adventures for a substantial amount of time. Or that you'd login on here and just warn us all instead of low-key bragging that you're still ignorant. And I'm not sure how you can catch it and not know who gave it to you. Can't even tell if it's from a BJ or not.

Wishing you luck tho
avatar for sheepdogsc
7 years ago
In Maryland, it is a misdemeanor punishable by up to three years in prison and a $2,500 fine for persons living with HIV to knowingly transfer or attempt to transfer HIV to another person. Any type of HIV exposure, including consensual sex... may be subject to prosecution. On its face, neither disclosure nor the use of condoms or other protection would operate as an affirmative defense to prosecution under this law.

Says gothamyte
"And I've thought that once you get HIV, you kinda know it--your body will react to the virus noticeably that you'd end up seeking medical professionals sooner before you'd pick up something from CVS personally."

^^^That is absolutely false, many people with HIV don't know they have it because it is usually asymptomatic for so long. It often takes infected people years, sometimes over a decade (or more) to show symptoms. If it regularly gave people symptoms, the amount of people infected with HIV who KNOW IT would not be as low as it is.

I do agree with a lot of what you said, though, besides that.

The chances of contracting HIV from a blow job are *almost* non existent. I think this person claiming to have it is either a lying troll, or lying about how he got it. I mean if you have HIV, that sucks, obviously. But it's not a death sentence anymore and I don't even think it's a life sentence anymore. I think there will be a functional cure within 5-10 years (hey, they found one for Hep C).
I appreciate your insights Nina. It’s important to realize that there are minimal symptoms - and multiple options for treatment and a long life.

I wonder if this is a conversation starter - or a brutal troll - discussion? It seems the OP posted - and hasn’t offered much in the way of additional clarification. I’m sure he’d get lots of negative feedback (if he confirms his condition to be true), but it might steer him towards treatment?
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