
Comments by orionsmith (page 43)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    OT: Bubble, Bubble, Fraud and Trouble
    If I knew how, I think I might create my own cyrpto currencies seeing how limited the supply of bitcoins are, then everyone could buy my currency. I could even claim there is a limited supply of each currency just like Bitcoin. What could go wrong? If people drive the price up several times, it could become the talk of the town. Might be my best chance to be a cyrpto millionaire. Create the next best thing. In other news Facebook stock dropped on news that viewer hours dropped by 50 million hours. Then they said that cutting views of the viral cat video wasn't going to result in any loss of revenue and the stock is up 2%. Coming up, juice creates a stink viral video at McDonalds. Toilet overflowing. People running away from turds. Just a matter of time before captured on video. Facebook viewing hours jumps 200 million hours. Just a matter of time.
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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: State Of The Uniom
    I'm just glad he didn't say anything about unleashing fire and brimstone on North Korea like the world has never seen again. I wouldn't be surprised if some people sold stocks yesterday knowing Trump was going to speak for over an hour. Pelosi looked tired. She may want to retire.
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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: State Of The Uniom
    I read an article on CNBC long before the President even was close to finishing his speech about how the president messed up his speech. I guess they couldn't wait to criticize. It was kind of lame. Said the president turned an optimistic speech into a pessimistic one. They didn't even wait until he was half way through it to post they article. Obviously someone wrote it before he even spoke. Maybe a fast writer could have written it after he spoke for a few minutes. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/30/trump-state-of-the-union-a-new-american-moment.html
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever deal with a stripper dying?
    I wanted to reach out and express condolences but thought everyone would wonder how I knew the survivor and dead girl or girls. I donated I thought anonymous on a friends Facebook page but you know how intrusive Facebook is. They required an email to make an anonymous donation. I didn't think. I used the same email I used for my Facebook email. Suddenly the survivor and some of her friends stayed posted as top suggested friends. Would have used a throw away email if I had known to not appear intrusive in their lives. Most of the strippers I knew back then I don't think are dancing any more.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever deal with a stripper dying?
    I became aware of some dancers in a terrible car crash. I'm not sure of the reason. Based on the fact where it was, I suspect some animal may have run out in front of them and the driver tried to dodge it and wrecked. I really do not know but that is what I imagine. The one survivor I knew and had danced for me several times. Very friendly and pretty. Another girl I had met and talked to a few times. I never realized she only lived a few miles away from me. The other dancer I did not remember. It was a sad story. I was glad it was in the news and that others talked about it or I might have never known. They kept the fact that they were dancers out of the news. I remember one girl that died had strangely held onto my arm for several minutes one evening while I was standing around just watching. I may have come close to death a few times myself. It's sad. I hope they are in a better place. People die too early all the time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Arson is being investigated at the Columbia Platinum Plus fire.
    Can they rebuild? I'm just wondering.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Nude clubs can't serve alcohol - is as annoying as it gets
    I agree though the law is stupid that guys can't control themselves with alcohol and nude girls but I have no desire to fight a law that benefits me by allowing clubs to allow customers to bring in their own beer. I think some guys used to really take advantage by bringing in large coolers. I just hope they had at least one guy not drinking much. BYOB clubs are the only clubs where beer was so abundant, other guys offered a beer and I offered beer sometimes to dancers and others. I sometimes used to bring in extra beer for a dancer or two. Some dancers would make a point to sit with you if you had her preferred beer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Nude clubs can't serve alcohol - is as annoying as it gets
    BYOB clubs alcohol policy in South Carolina I used to my advantage by either bringing my own beer in and saving money over other clubs high prices or by just not drinking at all. It's kind of nice to drink a set amount and know that no waitress is going to be bugging you the rest of the night or making comments like these tables are for drinking customers only.
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    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    How do you ask a stripper politely if you can grab her boobs?
    If you are too shy to ask if it's ok to touch her boobs or grab her boobs, you can always ask what are her rules during lap dances. The best answer is I have no rules but some dancers will say you can't do all kinds of stuff. If it's sounds way too restrictive, just say you'll pass on dances for now. Another dancer will likely come along in seconds if it's a busy club. Repeat, try again, If you are striking out with everyone, you might want to ask if club rules are enforced and what those rules are. It's not a bad idea to know club rules because you could be thrown out for violating them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The annoyance of staying with one guy
    I noticed some dancers can be finicky if you don't want to always be locked into at least 2 or 3 hours with a dancer or longer. The hot dancer in the example above didn't like when I hinted I wanted to get dances from other dancers and not necessarily have her sit with me for too long. She got used to it and only sat with me for 2 or 3 hours after I said something. I didn't want her to stay away but wanted dances from others before I left the club. I have seen some guys post that they are worried about upsetting a dancer. I will say don't worry about it. They understand if you want time to get dances from others. Too much of anything can seem like overkill. Plus some very hot dancers don't always give the best dances. If other guys like me, want dances from others, the last hour or two might be the chance to strike if whatever guy is still there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The annoyance of staying with one guy
    Like above, the dancer often chooses that she wants to spend a lot of time sitting with me if she does that. I might be buying her drinks and buying dances every hour in that case. I think in some cases, the dancers just liked me or liked talking to me. I wasn't spending a whole lot. I've been the guy sitting with one girl and sometimes thought, oh, wouldn't mind if she sat with me instead, or her, or her. One year, it seemed like the hottest girl in the club or second hottest and the hottest girl, her friend, would both sit at my table for hours. That was a weird situation. Sometimes other dancers would ask both of us if it was ok to dance for me when the other dancer left for a song or two. Not wanting to upset either one of us. The hotter dancers didn't usually sit with one customer for hours at a time I thought at one time because they weren't making much money doing that. At least not with me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Resume featuring ten-year stint as a STRIPPER
    I did meet a dancer who was running a side job cleaning homes topless. She knew me from years prior. She offered to clean my house. I was thinking I'd go broke. She might have to move in. Plus she lived about 2 hours away. She wanted something like $100 to $150 an hour. If I had money to burn, I could hire topless dancers to clean my house. It would take a lot longer than just an hour or two to clean my house. I was wondering if I passed up an opportunity for something else.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Resume featuring ten-year stint as a STRIPPER
    The people I talked to would want more numbers in her resume. Increased on the floor sales 23% interacting with customers 80% of the time increasing revenue 30%. Improved club revenue 10% by supplementing regular income with an additional 5% in drink sales by persuading customers to increase consumption dollars of drinks 10%. Persuaded an additional 20% of customers to spend an additional 56% in sales buying extended services increasing personal revenue 50%, added an extra 5% club revenue.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The annoyance of staying with one guy
    Not really. I'm used to a dancer sitting with me for hours at a time if I don't do anything to move her along. Now if she's sitting on your lap, I do have her shift positions on occasion. Dancers can get heavy when they sit on your lap in the same spot for over an hour. I've heard more frustrated comments from other dancers though. I've heard dancers say, there is always a girl with you or something like that. That's not true though. I've had several occasions where I'm sitting alone. Some nights though, some dancers do like to sit with one customer a lot.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Sugar baby just dont understand
    Was that your Ford car or Ford stock that broke down? https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=F&ty=c&ta=1&p=d
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Sugar baby just dont understand
    you need an Airbnb version of SA so that you can rent the girls according to a schedule instead of every week or every day of the month. That way when your car breaks down, she can see that you have a girl called Mercedes on a schedule for a week or two. lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The most inappropriate place you've ever run into a dancer?
    I'm not sure on this one. Maybe the men's room in a strip club. We were just talking. I was already in there when a dancer walked in. She was a good joker. Walked in and said I can see all your weiners. She was too far away near the door to see anything. I talked to her more before I left. The other guy hurried on out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    A New Kind of Club
    I don't need a whole club, just one girl already in bed with me is enough. Several girls would be overkill.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Incidents when dancers get mad
    I'm actually one of the nicest people around. I remember it's not a great feeling to have people fear you.
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    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Incidents when dancers get mad
    I've never gotten into a physical fight with a dancer. With dancers I don't know, we've had minor arguments on occasion. With dancers I did know and they knew me outside the club, on occasion more heated arguments popped up. Never a fist fight. It's a really bad idea to get into a physical fight with me. I've caused people to visit the hospital when they have. That was a long time ago. I try very hard to avoid going into that kind of defensive berserk rage I remember as a kid. It felt as if I was possessed and merely watching a powerful swift demon take over my body and swiftly destroy everyone attacking. It could take a few minutes to regain control of my body. Time seems to slow down when it seems like you are merely watching something else control your body. So far the demon inside me hasn't been set free since I was a little kid. I'm worried I could go to jail or kill someone if I let it out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The movies vs the strip clubs
    I've watched a movie with about 5 people. It felt like a private screen almost. The 5 included me and a relative. The others sat far away.
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    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The movies vs the strip clubs
    lol, shadowcat. I hate crowded movies too. When I have someone to go with and we both like a movie, we wait until a movie shouldn't be crowded. 2 or 3 weeks after release during a weekday if possible when others are at work. Prefer stadium seating. We've been one of less than 12 people seeing a new release several times. I also like grocery shopping when stores are less crowded, usually Tuesday or Wednesday evenings unless I'm off from work and don't want to wait. All it takes for some is one bad experience at the movies to make someone angry or feel like you wasted your time. I remember one movie an old couple came in, sat nearby making lots of noise eating popcorn and talking. Apoarently one already saw the movie and had to keep talking to the other about it. Very rude. I was surprised an old couple were the rude ones instead of sone big fat stinky slob munching loudly and kicking seats. I stopped seeing movies too early because of the latter.
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    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The movies vs the strip clubs
    I've had similar thoughts. I have used a 50 cent coupon or dollar off coupon for groceries. Meanwhile in a strip club, didn't think twice about tipping a girl on stage two dollars and keep doing that with others. If it bothers you, reevaluate your budget and splurge in other areas of your life if it doesn't hurt. If clipping coupons really irks you and doesn't matter to your finances, forget it. If you rarely go to movies and would have really enjoyed popcorn, splurge. No one lives forever. Alternative, plan ahead. Eat popcorn before the movie or if legal, sneak a snack in to eat, drink a drink or two before hitting the clubs or movies if you are still legal and it's safe. Popcorn makes me thirsty. When I drink soda in a movie, next thing I know I need to use the restroom. Therefore I don't bother with popcorn or drinks in a movie because I don't want to miss it nor feel a need to use the restroom. I do eat before I go though so I'm not hungry or thirsty. There can be bad side effects from splurging. Splurge too much eating out and I can gain weight. If you want to be cheap, wait for the DVD and eat popcorn at home while drinking beer. I can do that now since I've missed all movies for 2017. I'm still too busy though. Need to get some stuff done and stop signing up for additional training.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Loving a stripper
    FYI, I am not a professional so my advise may or may not be good.. I am not a psychologist either. I am a guy who has had relationships with strippers though. It can be tough to give up sex and let her stay rent free. I have relatives that would require rent even if you were a relative. I have relatives or in laws that charged their own kids rent after high school to stay in the house. I think that is a bit extreme charging rent to your own kids but it made them get a job and pay something.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Loving a stripper
    Good luck to both of you.