
Comments by orionsmith (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do I cut this PL? (Long.. sorry)
    If that was me, a $20 tip would be like saying I really like you unless he tips everyone like that. However if he's letting one desperate dancer tie up a lot of his time, then he doesn't want confrontation in the club and doesn't want to be left alone if there are announced two for ones. I let one more desparate dancer tie up a good bit of time with me because I enjoyed her dances even though she wasn't the hottest girl. After I noticed a problem with hot girls not approaching me because of her I cut back her time with me. For me that was a satisfactory compromise because I wanted at least one set of two for ones from some of the other hot dancers. I really saw it as a waste though if a hot dancer I liked didn't ask nor do any dances on an announced two for ones or asked the wrong person who said no. One hot dancer was a bit of a spinner but looked incredible to me. I saw some guys say no to her. If the dancers don't get a yes within a minute or so, they go back in the dressing room during the announced two for ones sometimes. One hot Asian girl cut me off when she noticed I was spending less and less in the club. It didn't bother me much at the time because I didn't want to spend much. She was always trying to up sell to the VIP room so she gave up.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Will she forgive me?
    Females should turn the tide and send guys pussy and tit pics. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    OT: Would you choose a self driving car (fully automated - and safe) - or a flyi
    If the flying car cost the same but was a whole lot faster, like over 4 times faster, the flying car. My hour drive would become like a 15 minute commute. If it cost 4 times as much to buy and 15 times as much to maintain, then the self driving car. I could fall asleep in the back seat and or drink a little bit extra. If it was self driving though, I could have several drinks before it took me to the club and only pay to drink a little at the club. I know the best way to fall asleep. Watch this webinar I watched this evening on my tablet with a really monotonous voice. If it was self driving, maybe they could add some virtual reality heads up displays so I could shoot at offending cars and watch them blow up or get virtual bullet holes. Might be fun. I would want them blow up after I was past them so as not to distract me from the view ahead. The game could keep a score count of cars eliminated on the way home. Could add a virtual hunter to keep count of deer and other animals successfully shot on the side of the road. All this virtually that is. Would need line of sight or some means to verify aim was good shooting deer, cars etc. Then the conversation could be what do you do for fun on the way over here. Watch webinars learning something, study, read, sleep, or work. If the car had an option to lie down, I could go to sleep and wake up at home. Would want options for radio sleep, radio snooze alarm, etc. My current radio has no such options.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    How did the word Boob(s) come about?
    I investigated.p the origin of the word boob or booby. Looked up hot for words on YouTube. She said it likely came from the German word for tits at the end of her booby definition video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8O8rWViCixQ
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    social organizations?
    I found a potential golf buddy. I would have no idea how to hook up with her and if she would be interested in spending all day and night with me. If I succeeded in doing that, I could have fun all day and all night. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I048ppulVvk Probably would need a few million to pay for everything.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Total chump here
    Yep, she was using you. Pretty expensive bj and make out session for all your money spent. She probably thought of it as paying for her time spent with you as something she deserved as if you were ok with time for money with not much out of it. Strippers use guys like this all the time though. She probably has a boyfriend she didn't you about that she is routinely fucking and telling, yeah, I'll see if I can get Roger or whomever to pay for the hotel bill since I need to go there anyway, then give him some lame ass story about it will happen if it happens if he pushes for it. Live and learn. Next time instead of pushing for sex, do like strippers and ask sneaky questions that might generate information. Instead of asking if she has a boyfriend who doesn't want her having intercourse, ask her if her boyfriend minds if she has sex without his permission. That might get her riled up enough to blurt out, she does what she wants to and her boyfriend is none of your business or something. However you just learned she has a boyfriend that she listens to and probably doesn't want her sleeping around. However dancers don't think of bj's as sex. If she's not upset and says she doesn't have a boyfriend, she might be telling the truth.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    This is for the younger people
    Having enough money not to have to work the rest of my life and improve my lifestyle would make me happy. Alternative, find a needle in a haystack job that isn't high pressure and push push push to meet lofty goals that keep getting moved higher for a boss that only plans to stay there a year or two before they move on to the next best thing. Seems to be common to expect workers to work long hours instead of hiring extra help.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    social organizations?
    I thought somehow groups of guys would go to golf outings. They would play golf during the day as the official business and hit strip clubs at night. Myrtle Beach messed that up with their clamp down on strip clubs. This might only be good during certain times of the year and you would need other guys with similar plans. I would not want an early tee time after hitting strip clubs until 1 or 2 am.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So how is your weather?
    I'd watch the weather forecast more often if the weather girls looked like these girls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZeAtinpWiw
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So how is your weather?
    Well it's 68 here now and it's not raining. See you guys later.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Awaiting the edit button since 2011....
    Is Dilbert a PL?
    Very nice. 10000 times better than the pic shadowcat linked to. Fame has advantages. I could add stories to the dilbert comic strip because sometimes it seemed like I worked at such a place that should be written about. I wont post here or it could identify me as a possible employee.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mans best friend? A dog or a dancer?
    I don't have a dog. I would choose the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Dancers initiating the OTC conversation
    It's happened to me a few times but as far as not wanting money, more common among female customers asking me to leave the strip club rather than dancers. I suspect most dancers want money and sex even if they don't say they want money. It has surprised me when they just come right out and ask without any chit chat, no names etc. I'm still not used to females asking for sex especially from the moment you meet them. I had one girl stop me on my way to tip a dancer back a few years ago. It's unusual. I've had more dancers try to get sex or money from me though in strip clubs. Not all female customers in strip clubs are pleasant to interact with. I'm not sure why so many female customers start talking to me. It's not a lot. It's probably less than 2%. Much higher if she is sitting right next to me. I never had a female in a regular club walk up to me and ask to have sex from the start.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mileage Math: DATY > BBBJ?
    I agree with shadowcat.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    This is for the younger people
    50 million would change me and most people I believe. I could spend a million a year and not run out of money in my lifetime.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    This is for the younger people
    I think I could grow a million dollars and successfully retire about 17 years early. However 2 million would be a lot easier especially if taxes haven't been taken out of the amount. If fame comes with the million, I could lay low for a year or two and people would forget. Actually with only a million, I would have to stay on a low budget and either grow it faster than 4% a year or spend less than $40,000 a year. 4% a year or less I heard is what you want your account to grow to still have money to live on. However if I spent all of the 40000 a year and wasn't working a regular job too, I might run out of money in my retirement years. If I spent 50000 a year without growing the money, I'd run out shortly after 70. Faster if I invested poorly or made risky investments and lost. However if I live no longer than my father or his father, I will be dead in my 60's. I currently hope to live happily a lot longer than that. In case I don't, it was nice to have a strip club web site to discuss various topics that no one else cares about.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sw on "2 for 1 all night?"
    Lap dances were $15 at the two for one price. Not getting follies prices around here.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sw on "2 for 1 all night?"
    I would typically only get dances at one club during announced two for one times. I enjoyed hot dancers asking me for dances at those times. Then the club changed the rules and made lap dances a lot less enjoyable.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    dry skin or moisturized?
    I don't remember running into this issue. I know I don't care for body lotion or tan all over my clothes. I don't care for any greasy feel. I do not want to feel any lotion either. Might be different if the club had a special event where guys could get in a little swimming inflatable pool with oiled up girls and roll around in swim trunks with the girls. I'd want to wash off afterwards too. I haven't tried the rolling around with oiled up girls. I've seen oiled up girls wrestling.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    would you ever co sign a lease for a stripper
    I would never even consider it unless I was already legally married to her. Now if she was my wife, then in that case, yes. That's the only exception. Every other case seems foolish in my opinion. What could go wrong with putting yourself on the hook for probably at least 100k or more with someone with bad credit? Only a moron would see no potential problem. However if you are already a millionaire and the loan is peanuts to you, go for it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You are given 2 options (A) $100K with no fame; (B) $1M with fame. U hafta pick
    I've heard that famous rock stars get groupies or groups of girls free passes that routinely go back stage and sleep with the rock stars. I bet they were famous and had lots of different girls. Even Bill Clintin, was able to get the secret service to sneak girls into the White House while married and you can't get more famous than that. I have no desire to be a famous politician.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You are given 2 options (A) $100K with no fame; (B) $1M with fame. U hafta pick
    If the question was 100k a year with no fame or 1 million a year with fame, then it would have been more clear. In that case, I would have to think about it because I do not care for fame. However if I was already famous, might not care. I might still take the million a year because then I could buy my own strip clubs and it would be no big deal. As owner of the strip clubs, I could help audition the girls. On the other hand I could be like Hugh Hefner and run a different version of the Playboy Mansion. I could have hot girls wanting to be featured. I disagree that fame prevents someone from being with multiple girls.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You are given 2 options (A) $100K with no fame; (B) $1M with fame. U hafta pick
    I looked up Ashton Kutcher, he makes about 755000 a year. That's several million over less than 10 years. The question only said a million. I've already made a million over my lifetime but that is nothing and spent most of it on bills. I've been interviewed by a school reporter becaus I won $25 dollars in a contest. Some people said I was famous. Yep I made a million. It took all my life. Already spent almost all of it on a mortgage and daily living expenses. The question said nothing about the time frame. I took it as a one time lump sum. In my opinion, you need routine high income to be famous. Just clarifying my position.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You are given 2 options (A) $100K with no fame; (B) $1M with fame. U hafta pick
    I don't really think I would have fame with a million dollars. Maybe if I had a method to grow a million into several million but that does not guarantee fame. I've had people say well you had your 15 seconds of fame after I won some little contest and won $25 on a stage. In today's society fame doesn't last very long unless you stay in the spotlight in my opinion and won like hundreds of millions or became a famous actor or actress or a well known elected official or famous sports or rock star. A million dollars is not that successful if that's all you got out of it. These famous people make millions. Some do it every year. All the less famous people maybe make a million over years which generates questions like who? So in my opinion, this question is like a high school class debating over whether you would rather have a 100 dollars with no fame or 1000 dollars and be famous. While the high school student thinks making a 1000 dollars would make him famous in his own little circle, to everyone else with real money, it's nothing. I think a million dollars is not anywhere close enough to get to the famous level that generates lasting fame. People would be going who? After a year or two. Just my opinion of the dollar amount.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Snow in Detroit
    Here in South Carolina, if the road is covered in snow, the strip club will be pretty empty. Happens less than once in a blue moon. Supposed to reach 70 degrees here this coming week. 60's for sure it sounds like. After this winter, mid 50's has me feeling warm wearing short sleeve shirts outside. Upper 60's will feel very warm.