Is Dilbert a PL?

avatar for WillMunny
Remember Dilbert? The on-the-nose comic strip that parodied the travails of a nerdy office drone, and captured the zeitgeist of the white collar working world in the late 90s/early 00s? You may be surprised to hear the comic strip is still in daily production. You may be even more surprised to learn that its creator Scott Adams - now 60, who bore more than a passing resemblance to his creation in younger days - is dating Kristina Basham:…

Not only is she half his age, and about as easy on the eyes as a woman can get, she's also got a post-graduate degree and plays 2 instruments (the piano and violin, not the left and right, ya pervs). She makes no secret of the fact they aren't real, but they're still spectacular:…


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avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
Very nice. 10000 times better than the pic shadowcat linked to.

Fame has advantages.

I could add stories to the dilbert comic strip because sometimes it seemed like I worked at such a place that should be written about. I wont post here or it could identify me as a possible employee.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
When the strip first gained widespread popularity, I recall talking to a friend that worked at a major telecom. He and his co-workers were convinced the comic was based on their management (this was before the modern interwebs made confirming such things a few keystrokes away).

A year or so later Adams gave an interview that confirmed he had worked for Pacific Bell. So not the same company, but a related industry. I think the "universal" truths of the corporate culture - and particularly some of its frustrations - are why the comic gained such widespread popularity. The movie Office Space covers much of the same ground.
avatar for PeterEaster
7 years ago
Interesting side note - Adams has a blog where he was one of the first people to predict that Trump would win the GOP nomination, and then be elected President. Not because he was a Trump supporter (his own political leanings are unclear), but because of Trump's superior powers of "persuasion". So props to him for that too.
avatar for ATACdawg
7 years ago
Nerds rule, baby!!!!!
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Good for Scott Adams. I don't know if he's gotten any cooler but he has gotten richer. That might explain his girlfriend.
avatar for crazyjoe
7 years ago
She is sooo hawt! I think she is a 10.

Shadowcat Quit trolling and posting your ugly fantasies
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
That’s pretty awesome.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
@PeterEaster. Actually Scott Adam is a very staunch libertarian and is very vocal about it. Personally I think people who follow Ayn Rand are dopes. Too many fallacies in her philosophy to count.

I definitely respect Republicans way more than I respect Libertarians. And I'm not too keen on Republicans.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
That said, his girlfriend is hot as fuck. I might need to reconsider philosophies :)
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Yet to see Dilbert in a strip club.
Would like to see him make it rain.
I bet he'll have perfect logic behind it.
avatar for PeterEaster
7 years ago
@GACA - That makes sense, I can see him being a libertarian. His blog is really focused on the tools of persuasion, and when he discussed politics it was in the context of Trump's persuasion techniques.

I thought a lot of his thoughts on persuasion were hokey, PUA type stuff (he's also a trained hypnotist), but seeing his girlfriend, I also need to reconsider!
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I don't know if Dilbert is a PL, but he is a nerd.

Scott Adams is the kind of politically conservative IRA fund stock market white male who predominates on this forum.

avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

1) You can be a libertarian and a Republican at the same time. Libertarianism is just a philosophy (unless you count the tiny Libertarian Party). You don't have to be a member of the Libertarian party to be a libertarian, but you do have to be a member of the Republican party to be a Republican. See the difference?

2) Ayn Rand doesn't speak for all libertarians. Not by a long shot.

3) Scott Adams is not a libertarian.

Here he is endorsing Michael Bloomberg for president, along with all of Bloomberg's nanny-state bullshit:…

Here he is saying that, if he were president, he would do whatever Bill Clinton advises him to do:…

And here he is saying that he is to the left of Bernie Sanders:…

Admittedly he did once say that he is a libertarian "on social issues, minus the crazy stuff," as he put it:…
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
Winning! Dilbert guy is a true badass
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
if he still worked at Pacific Bell today, I doubt he would have been able to bag that chick.
avatar for sinclair
7 years ago
Damn, she is insanely hot. I love those D cups.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
In his comics and in his books, Scott Adams describes a work place which is completely crazy. But what he does not seem to understand is that it is like this because of the kinds of attitudes people like he bring in the front door.

Specifically it is just people working their to keep up appearances, people who have allowed themselves to become alienated labor. It is not people who have any particular vision or who are investing much of themselves in it. And likely with some employers, many employers, it will always be that way.

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