
Dancers initiating the OTC conversation

layin low but staying high
How common is it that dancers initiate the OTC conversation with you?

For me, this is pretty rare, especially from an attractive dancer that I’m potentially interested in. But I had a kinda cute blond girl an a non-extras club take the initiative the other day. It was weird because it was like she was running my system on me. I passed for several reasons, but it was at least a little bit of a turn on to have the girl being the one pursuing sex.


  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    She was pursuing money. You're pursuing sex.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Very rare in my experience.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I stopped being surprised about after the first time it happened ( https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=… ) It's how they make money. Usually 1 or 2 in a trip, 1/4, 2/7, something like that.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Never happened to me
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Depends where you are, in some clubs very rare, in known extras places pretty commonplace.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Not common, but it happens.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Pretty uncommon for me, too. And when it does happen, most (not all) of the time, it's from a girl who pretty much offers it to everyone... this is just a standard part of her business model, with any customer who meets the minimum standards of 1. not creeping her out, 2. having enough $ to pay for it. The girls who are more selective about which of their customers they do this with, have only rarely offered first.
  • DeclineToState
    7 years ago
    ^What Mr. Bigglesworth's owner said.

    Has happened to me a few times with girls in non extras clubs, and each time it happened after I'd gotten dances from them on successive club visits (and perceived to be a regular or becoming one). With one of them (young and super hot), I suspect her pot smoking video game playing BF was pimping her out - that, or she just wanted to make more money, I couldn't tell which.
  • DeclineToState
    7 years ago
    ^And what Subra said.

    And with girls who it's not offered to everyone, yes as to the criteria being not creeping her out and having the corn to pay for it. Has nothing to do with how incredibly sexy I am (not).
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Maybe 20% of the time and it is usually either (1) a higher volume girl; or (2) one who knows, through gossip or observations, that I've taken another dancer working at the same club out in the past.
  • Cowboy12
    7 years ago
    It's happened to me 3 times in the last 4 years, so pretty rare.
    But, I usually only spend time with my CF, and she won't do OTC, except for meals.
  • Warrior15
    7 years ago
    Has happened to me numerous times. And of course its a turn on. Young pretty girls pursuing me no matter the reason is going to get me excited. Right up until she says how much !
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    In all honesty, I feel nothing at all if I sense it's a high volume girl. I"m not interested in high volume girls (I realize some guys here don't believe there's any such distinction, and that all strippers OTC with everyone or no one), so it's just a shrug and whatevs.

    It is nice to be OTC propositioned by a lower-volume girl.

    I will note that when I discuss SA with strippers, the rate at which strippers directly or indirectly suggest OTC is very high. As I've said repeatedly, nearly every stripper is on SA (even if she just created the account on autopilot and hasn't been pursuing it), and if she thinks you're seriously looking for a sugarbaby, she'll engage on that... it's like an OTC proposition without ever mentioning OTC. "Oh, I'm on SA too! Do you have a sugarbaby right now? You should hit me up!".
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    It's somewhat common, but not as much as it used to be, as others have mentioned. Used to be on a regular basis no problem.
  • PeterEaster
    7 years ago
    When a dancer initiates the OTC conversation, I lose interest. I prefer to pine away at dancers I consider unattainable ;)
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    A few years ago, i've had dancers ask me or hint about potentially seeing my outside the club. I was too dense or too skeptical to think that they wanted to have sex with me (paid or free) as they were not extras girls although a couple worked at extras clubs. It did get the gears turning in my head (as i wasn't sure what they were asking), but i never did take it any further. Most of those girls were very attractive and definitely worth pay4play..
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    It's only happened to me once and might have been a sale's tactic. She said she sees customers outside the club but only the ones who spend at least $100 on her. But I distrusted her because she didn't have a business card or a website which escorts usually have.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I think it depends on the club. I usually go to extras club, and in that case it’s rarely offered. One time at one of Detroit’s fine establishments I brought up OTC to a dancer. She acted like that was the stupidest thing ever since I could already get full service inside the club and she assumed she wouldn’t make anymore money than she did doing a VIP with me inside the club. She just didn’t want to put up with the hassle of traveling somewhere or findin someone to watch her kid as well.

    Sorry to get sidetracked. If I went to more non extras I would expect to get it offered more but to answer your question “no.” It’s very rare to get offered that in my experience.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    What doctorevil said
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I would think the % of girls willing to do OTC is not that big, so this IMO minimizes the chances w.r.t. OTC propositions.

    I've had some proposals in the past but non recently in part b/c I don't get too chummy with the girls
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    JohnSmith, obviously if dancers are not trying to line you up for OTC, then you have not purchased the training course and use license for The System (tm). Considering what it gives back, the cost is most reasonable.

    For me, dancers have often advertised to me about OTC. Some have even said, "We should make an appointment". Others talk about how they do Bachelor Parties. While that may be true, the reason they are saying it to everyone is to let them know that they do OTC. And then at our underground Mexican Bar circuit, most all the girls do OTC. So they are nuzzling, and quite kissable. And some just push their sternum into a guys face and announce, "I'm looking for gigs", and then they might lower down a bit and press forehead to forehead. And some, after some talk, will say, "Well, we're full service here too." They say all sorts of stuff, thinly veiled. At San Jose T's, now gone, some were passing out business cards with their 1-800 number. Nominally the card is for party services. While they probably do like that kind of business, more often than not what they will be getting is 1:1 OTC's.

    I think it has come down to a couple of things:

    1. Sometimes being a known regular, and someone lots of dancers have talked with, so seen as safe and not LE.

    2. Times I have been wearing a suit, which is not my norm, and coming in there close to closing. You see girls working very hard to line up OTC. More night shift girls do it than day shift. Dayshift girls are more likely to have kids or an SO. Nightshift girls are crazy.

    3. Being someone who prefers dives and shitholes, as he likes the sorts of women he meets there. Even though our clubs are low mileage, that is all we have, so the girls work there.

    And some do not believe it, on night shifts, some girls initiate DFKing with anyone who gives them $1, seemingly because they want OTC. And they are very good.

  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Rare for me too but the length of time, multiple visits, and trust built, until it is brought up is proportional to the attractiveness of the dancer. I, like others wouldn't consider it if brought up by the girl on the first encounter.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I love our SJG makes all these theories and hasn’t even been out of his basement for the last 2 months let alone in a strip club.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Did you see that picture in the news, 14yo Shailynn there in his mom's attic, holding is pellet gun guarding the old PC-AT which was the sole host for all the BitCoin Mints?

  • whodey
    7 years ago
    I can only remember it happening twice. The first time was with a friend of a girl that I had done otc with a few times. I ended up at her club after she flaked out on an otc arrangement when I was in town on business. She mentioned that she had seen me in the club with Cxxxx before. She then followed that statement up by asking if I was the guy that Cxxxx did private shows for every couple of weeks? When I said yes she asked if I was interested in getting a private show from her while I was in town.

    The other was a girl that was dancing for another guy when she heard me get turned down when I asked my dancer to meet up otc.
  • orionsmith
    7 years ago
    It's happened to me a few times but as far as not wanting money, more common among female customers asking me to leave the strip club rather than dancers. I suspect most dancers want money and sex even if they don't say they want money. It has surprised me when they just come right out and ask without any chit chat, no names etc. I'm still not used to females asking for sex especially from the moment you meet them. I had one girl stop me on my way to tip a dancer back a few years ago. It's unusual. I've had more dancers try to get sex or money from me though in strip clubs. Not all female customers in strip clubs are pleasant to interact with. I'm not sure why so many female customers start talking to me. It's not a lot. It's probably less than 2%. Much higher if she is sitting right next to me.

    I never had a female in a regular club walk up to me and ask to have sex from the start.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Usually not offered, but my ATF did offer and I was glad she did.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    I’ve found it to be not the norm but not uncommon either. I’m pretty much in no-extras clubs and I’m pretty blunt about what I usually want so it doesn’t surprise me when the stripper brings it up.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    Only once.
    From an attractive dancer.
    And I fumbled.
    I was new to strip club scene.

    Months later - that fumble lead to spectacular recovery and touchdown!
    So much so I wrote and article to re-live it.

    Title: I got laid by a Perfect 10
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