
Will she forgive me?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 4:28 PM
So, I head to the strip club last week. I tend to see a few different girls, but there's the one girl I really like. She plays coy but, you know she wants the Chubster. Anyhoo.... I see her sitting in the Sad Dancer area, she's looking cute, so I walk over and sit down. THEN, this other beyoch comes walking over to me and starts getting all possessive! The girl I really wanted was obviously incredibly uncomfortable and walked off. But I am a totally pussy, so I just let it all happen. Just to show this new beyoch how irritated I was, I took her in the back to punish her by getting dances; as I'm going, I see the girl I really wanted approach a table full of dudes. So, later on that night, I see the hottie I really wanted up on stage, shakin' it like a white girl, and I run over and apologize and slip her a twenny. Then, when I got home, I sent her like 4 dick pics, so she'd know I was serious; semi-hard, out of respect. Question: do you think she'll take me back? What advice would you give her?


  • Lurker_X
    6 years ago
    You should have tipped $100 and then joined SJG's fraternity.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    You should fuck her in the pussy next time she’s on stage fuck that shit give her a twenty SMH ;)
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    I will dump a load on your ass. That was the love of my life. You should have given her a hundo
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    I love you BJ
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    ^^^i love BJs too. i think your done, some strippers catch feelz and apply the " do not get high off your own supply rule." she loves you man, and does not want to get caught up in your web of love since youre very popular with the ladies.
  • Randle_McMurphy
    6 years ago
    It's a simple solution. You and Bj99 need to share your feelings at group. SJG is always there, and I think he'll have the perfect solution. An in front of the group make out session is the only true way to get your feelings out there in the open. If that doesn't work, then listen Lurker_X, and try tipping $100 next time. I swear, ChubbyPL, I've been reading your posts ever since you joined TUSCL and sometimes it's as if you don't even know the way to a girl's heart. Make full eye contact, treat her like a civilian, and slide $100 into her moist panties. That's all you gotta do.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    ^^^ good work boy! I don't have to rain down the fury of the toilet gods on your head
  • shanny72
    6 years ago
    Lol fuckn great
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Dam this is shitty
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I agree w those who say try tipping $100 next time. You have to give her more money than you gave the other girl. ;)
  • ChubbyPL
    6 years ago
    So what I hear you guys saying is, send more dick pics. Check. So, full list of remediations: 1. Lots more dick pics 2. Front room makeout session 3. $100 stage tip 4. Dick pics Done and done!
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I think you're under-playing it on the dick pics. You can never send too many. I'm seeing a threesome in your future
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Very nice. I’m looking forward to my front room makeout session and my $100 stage tips!
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I'm down for the front room makeout session and the $100 tips....I already do that and its worked well.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Fuck you jackie.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    Females should turn the tide and send guys pussy and tit pics. :)
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    If you dont cry in front of her and tell her you love her you are missing a golden opportunity for the highly coveted 2018 PL of the year award.
  • warhawks
    6 years ago
    Definately apologize. Profusely. Then offer to pay all her bills. Forget the $100. Give her $500. Just because. And oh yeah, then, like suggested, cry and tell her you love her and that you can’t go on without her.
  • JackScott
    6 years ago
    I thought I had a good response until I saw the part where you said, "when I got home, I sent her like 4 dick pics, so she'd know I was serious; semi-hard, out of respect." LOL!! That was classic!
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