Have you actually ever talked to a stripper on the phone?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
I have 4 times in the last 20 years. With the first one I didn't yet have a cell phone. She actually bought me an answering machine to leave me messages.

The second one got into an auto accident on her way to my house.

The 3rd had to cancel out OTC date at the last minute due to baby sitter no show.

The 4th was a talker. She would call just to chat. Once she was driving by herself from Columbia SC to Myrtle Beach and we talked for 30 minutes.


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Nope. Not once (so far).
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
A few times. They were all just calls to finalize an OTC link up. Could have been done via text. Don’t know why they called instead.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
A very long time ago, when I was essentially a newbie monger trying to civvie date a rookie dancer. This was before cell phones were in every pocket, even. It never really went anywhere.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I have found that most of the time when you get a phone number from a girl, it's not their phone number. It's a texting app number. Then they give their real cell number to you after they feel comfortable.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Yes two that I had a relationship with, we used to talk a lot. One was an engaging conversationalist, intelligent girl, the other would just ramble forever about mundane events in her daily life. I gladly would listen because she had one of the sexiest voices I have ever heard coming from a stripper.
avatar for clubdude
4 years ago
Only with one stripper, all the rest were just texting.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Is there a story here? I was thinking we'd all chatted about this recently. It wasn't that recent (December 2020) but the mysterious shadowcat started the thread both times. Considering a new phone friend? https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=7470…

avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
twice. both times were very very brief.

makes sense. a strictly customer/dancer business relationship is fully maintained by only responding through texts only. calls to these girls is considered crossing a line, unless customer and girl have a way stronger personal connection. helps enable the girl to separate between personal and life inside the club.
avatar for K
4 years ago
Often... i had no other choice for much of my life.
Even now, it is often than texting
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Wow, I actually forgot a fairly recent one that was pretty bizarre. She was gorgeous, one of the hottest and most popular girls in the club, Cheetahs Sarasota. She was getting kinda stalked by a possessive regular, which you can read about in my review, which kind of set me up as the good guy by giving her someone to stick with to avoid him. I always tell strippers that I'm single, I'm not sure why I do, but I told her the same and we exchanged numbers. I figured it was to see if she was working the next time I was travelling through.

Surprisingly, she called a few days later, and we had a brief conversation. She called me a few times, but the problem was she always wanted me to call her before I went to bed. That is not possible when you keep your hobby and home life separate. I never figured out what she was after. Maybe she had made a bet with another stripper who got my number that night that I was married, but I doubtbthis world class unicorn
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
world class unicorn hottie was actually interest in dating a customer. It fizzled, since I could not call her at night like she asked. I'm still puzzled by it.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
You can talk to strippers?
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
All talk and no action makes this guy a bored PL. I refrain from exchanging my #.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
I have a Google Voice number just in case. Given it to exactly one girl, who dropped off the map during COVID.
avatar for docsavage
4 years ago
I have talked to a stripper on the phone. I'm very old, 65, so I never got used to texting people since for most of my life texting didn't exist. I called her a couple times to arrange to go out to dinner with her. I didn't pay her to go out to dinner with me. I just bought the meal for her. She called me one time when she got fired from her club and let me know that she moved over to another club and what it was. I was glad she had my phone number so she could tell me where she moved to. I knew her for six years, longer than any other girl I ever met in a strip club. She looked like the actress Gabrielle Anwar from the tv series "Burn Notice" and I consider her the prettiest stripper I ever saw.
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
4 years ago
Normally text, but of course have had phone calls. The few I remember off the top of my head: one girl I was just kinda hanging out with from time to time, weren't hooking up or anything (no, she wasn't getting my money); another would call as she was driving home after work, drunk as hell (tsk, tsk); and another I'd exchanged a few innocent-enough texts with one afternoon when she told me to just call her. I obliged, and after about three minutes she says, "I'm horny, I wanna come over before I go in tonight - how far do you live from the club?" --- On that weekday afternoon, I was pretty stoked to live about five minutes away from it, and to have taken that day off from work -- saw her in the club a couple weeks later, I was w/another girl and I thought oh shit here comes a problem...but nope, she was totally cool about it, even suggested other girls that might be fun. Damn, I miss her now!
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
I have talked to strippers on the phone many times. These were girls I had long term OTC relationships with. For other dancers, texting is the norm.
avatar for busta_nut
4 years ago
quite a bit actually..
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago

avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Wallanon - Your memory is better than mine.:). If I had waited until now to start the thread, I might have been able to add a 5th call. I just checked my cell phone and I had missed call from a dancer that I just recently swapped numbers with. she backed it up with a text message. We had talked about OTC so I think she might be ready.
avatar for boomer79
4 years ago
A few times. There was one who liked to do FaceTime calls if that counts. I was on a trip 2 years ago and she FaceTimed me a lot. I think she was interested in where I was.
avatar for dr_lee
4 years ago
Most definitely! Lol They’ve actually called me to see if I was going to show up at the club on a night, so they could be there to give me dances.
avatar for bubba267
4 years ago
avatar for bubba267
4 years ago
Oh, and viagra... not sure which order.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Not into faves so it's rare I contact a stripper outside the club; in the rare times I've done it it's just text.

Only time I've talked on the phone w/ a stripper was in the mid-2000s b/f joining TUSCL where I naively tried to be a Capt-Save-A-Ho and was trying to help a dancer deal w/ her messy life which turned-out to be a fiasco and many of the calls were about one problem in her life after another.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
DovSavage, 65 is not "very old". You barely qualify for medicare. Very old is, I dunno... 72 feels too young, 78 feels too late. Split the difference and call it 76. Who here is over 76 amd getting OTC with strippers? Shadowcat is all of our life goals, and who else?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
The phone is just if you need something right away or something. But lots of FaceTime.
avatar for DenimChicken
4 years ago
What is the goal of this thread?

Is there some status for talking to a dancer on the phone? Outside of OTC? Only OTC chat?

This is incredibly pathetic.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Hey DenimChickenshit with no reviews - The goal is to share experiences. If you don't like it. Fuck off!
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Many years ago - I spoke with a stripper on the phone. I was an idiot and I gave my cell number to a stripper - and she hit me up on a few very slow nights.

I haven’t done any speaking recently - as I’ve used texting for years now.
avatar for dirtyburt
4 years ago
Only talk to current ATF...... sometimes texting just isn’t the “ Best Way” to communicate on important issues. FaceTime also works great when necessary.......
avatar for magicrat
4 years ago
I haven't in a while but in the past fairly often, mostly to set up meeting in or out of the club. At one point my ATF didn't have a cell phone so I would call her at home to set up the "date".
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Usually the only women who have a real interest in online or the telephone are those who lack in looks.

Now here on TUSCL of course it is not like that. But I am just saying, most of the time hotties only want f2f communications, as that is where they have real strength.

avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Sure but it was almost always related to last minute OTC logistics. I have zero interest in casual phone chats with a temporary "friend.". I'm just too busy and, besides, my cup already overfloweth with female drama, which that amount of open communication inevitably invites.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Never intentionally but I’ve been on the receiving end of some butt dials. Usually not an issue but one came in when I was on a family road trip and lit up on the dashboard screen. I use TextNow and it allows voice calls. I declined the call. I declined the second call and made up something about why I wasn’t taking the calls.
avatar for orionsmith
4 years ago
Several times in years past. I think the first time was before cell phones and I was still living in my parents house so imagine your mother yelling upstairs saying you have a phone call from Bambi....Just kidding she used her real name so it sounded normal except I didn't get that many phone calls and with landlines there was always the risk someone would pick up another phone and listen.
avatar for orionsmith
4 years ago
Most phone calls were quick especially compared to an aunt of mine whom no one wants to talk to because it's always a 1or 1.5 Hour call.
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
All da time! I still got da flipper phones
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
When I was leaving my favorite club yesterday, the old favorite I had done VIP with that day, told me to call her. Did she really mean for me to call or did she mean text? She has been quite flirty with me lately and I think she many be trying to cultivate me as a regular.
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
Only texting
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