
Fucking her out of your system

Are there instances where you just want to end it. Sex is great but for whatever reason, she's a cunt, too far, too many tolls, no parking around her, you gotta deal with the parents etc. where you just got get out of your system and get it over with where the desire isn't there anymore. I feel like my relationship between me and my dick is like that of dog owner and his dog. He keeps barking and scratching the door. Look I'm gonna take you for a shit but that's it for the night, stop bothering me. My dick is no different.

Strippers that live in Jersey, I got pay two tolls, I gotta get them over with. I've talked about on here a girl I see in Boston every other month or so. Too much of pain in the ass. I've also talked about a Colombian girl that lived near me for a while that moved down to South Florida. I took two trips down there in the span of less than 6 months. There are alot of reasons to go down there no doubt but was she the primary reason? Do I actually miss her? Is this love that I'm feeling? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOJk0HW_…

^^^^ See all these weak sauce thoughts up there that's what I'm trying to get rid of. Got to flush that crap out and by doing so I try to just fuck these girls alot of times in a short period of time, get sick of it and never look back. There has to be some kind of better way of dealing with these issues (such as telling yourself "no" or just not acting like an animal with no agency) What do you do when the pussy is beating your common sense despite being a massive underdog?


  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    In my experience by the seventh time I fuck a woman if it's just casual sex I start getting bored.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Thinking of putting this thread on ignore because now this song is stuck in my head...no idea why
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "What do you do when the pussy is beating your common sense despite being a massive underdog?"

    Start developing a stable of more convenient pussy? LOL. A little patience and discipline can go a long way. Every long trip just to get a little tail is taking time away from developing more convenient options. Maybe consider finding a local itch scratcher, even if she's less than ideal, to take the edge off while you cultivate better local options?
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Muddy, There are more fish in the sea.

  • rick_the_cheesestick
    4 years ago
    The only system I know of involves shiny suits
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    I dunno nicespice. About halfway through the OP this is the song that came to mind for me...


    "Do I actually miss her? Is this love that I'm feeling?"

    Lol. At least he was intentionally referring to the Whitesnake song I was about to troll him with. But I can't unsee the REO Speedwagon video, so that guy with the 80's mullet gets to be the stand in for muddy now when he posts his stories.
  • orionsmith
    4 years ago
    I once thought I was going to break things off with a dancer and ended up sleeping with her. I started wondering how long all that would last. I didn't realize sleeping with her would ramp up drama so much.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "I didn't realize sleeping with her would ramp up drama so much."

    Things with a stripper are no strings until she decides they aren't.
  • CJKent_band
    4 years ago

    You wrote and I quote:

    “See all these weak sauce thoughts up there that's what I'm trying to get rid of.”

    What you call “weak sauce thoughts” have to do with things not going the way you “think” you want them to go.

    We are raised in a society that feed us all with unrealistic expectations; irrational beliefs; crazy ideas, etc etc

    Belief often times cause the death of reason; you might believe that you are behaving in a way that is your choice, but you might discover later that that wasn’t the case, like when you learned there is no Santa or Tooth Fairy.

    As you grow older you might discover more about yourself, your real desires and not be influenced by society in both sides of the arguments; sex is good/bad; drugs are good/bad; racism is good/bad; discrimination is good/bad; we are number one/not; we are the best country in the history of mankind/not etc etc etc.

    The reason you are not “happy” with your thoughts is that you make the mistake of putting your hopes for happiness on external development alone (“getting some” pussy), many of which you have no control over.

    The key to be “happy” with your thoughts is to develop “inner peace”, to have an even-tempered state of mind that enables you to think of things happening in your life, good or bad, with calmness and serenity.

    You will know you have “inner peace” when you feel and think you are “OK” about your life no matter what’s happening.

    Life is made of pleasant and unpleasant experiences, successes and disappointments, good times and bad times.

    Inner peace let’s you think you are OK when you meet life’s unpleasant experiences, disappointments, and sad moments with even-tempered calm instead of with aversion, depression or anger.

    “You have brains in your head.
    You have feet in your shoes.
    You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
    You're on your own.
    And you know what you know.

    And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”

    Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Things with a stripper are no strings until she decides they aren't."

    Truer words were never spoken.
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