avatar for rattdog
noticed a couple of threads regarding ankle monitors. can't say i've met any girls that wore them in my lifetime. interesting how law enforcement finds it ok that a girl is allowed to work at a club under her criminal situation. if i met one of those girls i would ask how does that conversation go.

however, i have met 2 girls that were on the run from the law. i didn't ask what they were wanted for, as with each girl i was more interested in enjoying their wonderful bodies. one was at a club somewhere in quebec, the other girl was working at a club in tampa.

any of you guys ever met a dancer that was considered a fugitive?


last comment
avatar for AbbieNormal
4 years ago
No, but I did get dances from one with the ankle bracelet. I didn't ask.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Well for the ankle monitor... I’ve know adults with normal jobs who were on home confinement but were allowed to leave to go to work, grocery store and church.

For a stripper, I’m guessing her going to “work” would be any different than not going to Home Depot or being a bar tender. I’m guessing they probably aren’t allowed to drink while “working” I could see that being hard to be able to do. Just think if you went to work everyday for years and had a drink or two and then all of a sudden could not, and it’s still pushed in your face... yikes.
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
church? i wonder if regularly attending church is a way of shaving time off a sentence.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
I had a girl tell me she had been fired from another club and went to jail for "cutting" a customer in VIP. I DID NOT take her up on her offer for VIP.

For some dancers, appearing like a "normal" person is an act. Go to their social media and they are hood thugs who would kill you for what's in your wallet if they could get away with it.
avatar for Sgtsnowman
4 years ago
Seems highly unlikely that a person running from the law would tell random strangers in a club about that. Sounds more like they thought sounding "edgy" would sell more dances.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
“Church” unfortunately I know what people can and cannot do under house arrest - at least in my state. No, not from my experience but from others around me.

I know people that were on house arrest for a year+ that started to go to church just because it was one of the few events they were allowed to leave their home for.

I like what goldmonger said, I was thinking the opposite. I know strippers that will fuck and suck anything or anyone in a club, and then when they leave there they live rather normal lives and some even have families with a working husband.
avatar for NinaBambina
4 years ago
There are plenty of strippers "running from the law" ie having warrants out for their arrest. In fact I was one of them when I first started dancing and had no problem getting my dance license renewed because they only ran felony background checks and my warrant was for unpaid civil infraction tickets. Dancers with warrants are actually pretty common. My sister hid inside of a locker during a raid because she had warrants and no dance license.

As far as ankle monitors go, they're typically for one of two reasons: either monitoring your GPS location, or routinely checking your BAC. I knew a at least one dancer who had the BAC kind. She hid it with furry leg warmers and just didn't drink.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I might be encouraged to do a VIP with a girl with a bracelet on. She's more likely to have "bad judgment". :-)
Nina, that comment was not directed at you.
avatar for NinaBambina
4 years ago
Lol no worries. I had my gps monitor before I started stripping. ;)
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
4 years ago
I heard a story from one dancer that another dancer had a warrant. Baltimore City’s finest walked into the club one night and took her into custody while she was nude on stage. They didn’t even allow her to put her g-string back on. Threw her straight into the van.
avatar for elmer
4 years ago
^ going to guess one of the better days to be a cop
avatar for Dtuscl
4 years ago
So, could sequined ankle bracelets become the new but plug?? Preference??
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
This is gonna sound gay - so I will begin with a no homo.

I’m thinking a dancer with an ankle monitor should wear platforms with black leather straps that wrap around her calves. That look could be hot - and incorporate the black strap of the ankle monitor in her look.

Due to this comment discussing female footwear - I’m gonna end my post with a no homo too.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
There are still plenty of places that don't have any licensing or background check requirements whatsoever. Most of the northeast states do not. In places like FL, TX and NV, it varies county by county. Shit in some places the criminal justice system is a great friend to the strip club industry because many of these girls become unemployable elsewhere.

I've never dealt with a girl wearing an ankle bracelet, but I've certainly dealt with girls with outstanding warrants, including felony warrants. Shit some of my best OTC hookups were hot mess girls with outstanding warrants.
avatar for RTP
4 years ago
I get the visible ankle bracelet, I have actually gotten dances from dancers wearing those, but how else do you find out a dancer is a fugitive? My conversations are usually much more basic and never get to "do you have outstanding warrents?" are you a convicted felon?
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
^ You sit and drink with a girl long enough and things comes out. In one case I learned when she was in my car while we passed a cop, getting nervous because she had both the warrants and shit in illegal shit in her purse.
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
I have found out a few had outstanding warrants after the fact. The most extreme was one my semi-favorite dancers at the now defunct Harem in Dayton, got arrested for shooting her ex-boyfriend with a shotgun at point blank range, which had happened a quite a while before I first got dances from her.

Other than her, most of the ones I knew of had outstanding warrants for drug possession, hit and run and escorting.
avatar for orionsmith
4 years ago
I don't remember a dancer telling me about being a fugitive. I did have a dancer tell me she routinely drove 95mph to the club. One night she said the cops caught her and some drugs. I only saw her a few more times after that. She lived in another state pretty far away. She was a bit crazy. I was surprised I saw her a few more times.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"Seems highly unlikely that a person running from the law would tell random strangers in a club about that."

There's a lot of times I wish I'd stayed a casual fan going to the higher end clubs instead of whatever joint was closest.
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