Does anyone know how to make exciting connections in the industry?
I'm not a dancer, but I'd like to be. Or rather, I'd like to live the exciting life of an industry insider. Have friends in the industry, get invited to parties, have impressive pictures to put on my Instagram, stuff like that.
Someone somewhere said that you should make friends with strippers because strippers know where the best parties are and have access to them. I wanna be that stripper. And best I can figure the way to do that is to make industry connections. Friends of strippers get into cool parties because strippers are themselves friends of industry players.
Someone somewhere said that you should make friends with strippers because strippers know where the best parties are and have access to them. I wanna be that stripper. And best I can figure the way to do that is to make industry connections. Friends of strippers get into cool parties because strippers are themselves friends of industry players.
1. Be a stripper or otherwise work at a strip club.
2. Date a stripper and be a positive thing in her life.
3. Data a traumatized stripper and trauma-bond with her.
4. Buy lots of dances, don't be judgmental or clingy, listen as much as you talk.
If you go to the parties only traumatized strippers go to, you won't like them unless you're traumatized or a traumatizer.
We call them Trolls
All the dancers i know get don’t get home til 4 am. They work most weekends. They go home and take care of their kids. And if they do ever find the time to go out it’s usually with a few other dancers (their only friends) for a birthday celebration.
So how do I get connected? That's what I want.
How many of the parties that you want to go to happen after 6pm or on Fridays and Saturdays? You can pretty much eliminate going to those parties since as a successful stripper you will be working those hours.
Now if you just want to be able to post hot pics of you and your hot friends while barely dressed while holding lots of money becoming a stripper is a decent path to that. It is also a good way to get a lot of followers on social media from the guys at the club.
If you want to be in with the big party crowd you need to find a job that keeps your nights and weekends free. Then spend all of your free nights and weekends going to a bunch of high end clubs and party your ass off drinking with the hottest girls you can find and flirting with the hottest guys. If you do this often enough you will eventually become friends with enough of them to get invited to the parties you want.
One dancer told me she got invited to an in-club orgy with Tiger Woods, but she declined. The dancers who participated were compensated in four figures, but it didn't sound like they became Tiger's valued contacts.
They get invited in exchange for gucking or stripping. Like at yacht or mansion parties with a few guys. They don't post the parts where they do coke or Molly and get fucked for $$$
As for clubs. Wannabe models get more invites to sit at tables and keep simps who get bottles company.
Its nothing glamorous.
Music industry, movie industry, porn industry are all things. Stripper industry, to my knowledge is not a thing as far as industry parties, award shows, networking, etc.
OTOH, TUSCL members are as connected as you can get in the fast pace exciting stripper industry. We have semi regular meet and greets. Post some revealing photos and post why we should let you attend and you might just get lucky. Desertscrub is our party planner. Feel free to DM him.
Like motorhead and whodey, from knowing strippers, I've never heard about anything like what you're looking for. If it exists, the best odds of finding it are in Vegas, or maybe Miami.
You want to get into the lives of dancers? Ill give you a shortlist
Substance abuse
poor money management
Children from men that are jobless
"partying" with similar women
unstable home lives
Sounds exotic and so exclusive, doesn't it?
Of course this isnt the case for everybody but in my experience at least one or two hit rather consistently....often all of them.
Anyhoo, assuming you aren’t a troll, I’ll give you some insights. Some ricksights if you will:
If you’re actually hot enough we could have a council of ricks meetup and mentor you. Now you’ll be doing some pretty unspeakable things if you accept our help. For example, you might have to be gangbanged by a lion, a vulture, and a dugan. Are you prepared for that?
And if you’re a troll I’ve got one word for you: wildebeest. ROAR!!!
If you are talking about invites to private parties, then those strippers are hired to “dance” for a group of horny guys in an expensive hotel suite. If you believe they are just dancing, then you are naive.
If you want to get into cool parties, you should become a celebrity or one of those Internet celebs - as you will find more red carpet stuff there. If you can leech off of a big celebrity as part of an entourage you will likely get into many cool parties too.
I mean many lions wear stylin’ suits like me? Not bloody many. Back in tha NC when one of my chums would eat a tourist and take his suit it just wouldn’t hang right. I’m a rick so I got S-T-Y-L-E style.
Even sans suit we ricks are S-M-O-O-T-H smooth. Check out the video my bud ricktheorangutan sent:
Is that smooth or is that smooth? Trust be smooth.
But generally strippers and wannabe models are hired. Sometimes paid as little as bottle of alcohol. To be eye candy at a function or club night.
Mansion and airbnb parties are sausage fests where broke niggas pool their money to rent the place and hire some hoes.
If you want to be friends with industry bottom feeders like promoters and djs hang around them and be a sycophant.
Or just pay a cover charge and go.
And the whole illusion of pretending nightlife is glamorous
Just find a promoter and ask how much the cover charge is. Its that simple
Don’t need to be an insider
"Industry days", after sunset.
Try to imagine a particularly famous/important porn star. What do you think she does for fun at night? Probably not what we commoners do. She's probably doing something more fun, that we wish we could do. I want to be able to do that, and help others do that.
So I guess maybe you should apply to be a janitor at Abercrombies or whatever the "it" store is now.
And for similar reasons—the whole concept of being “exclusionary” and “cool” is part of a former era that I consider more early mid 2000s.
High end men don’t want to throw as many ostentatious parties thanks to a pandemic, post #metoo, and a public who (whether correctly or incorrectly) has increased resentment against excess wealth and a shrunk middle class—and risk drawing negative attention from media and government agencies who want munniez…
In short: people got tired of Abercrombie starting around 2008. In 2014, the CEO who had focused on only “cool good looking kids” left. Which good riddance Then Abercrombie rebranded, turned down the volume inside their stores, increased both racial and body type diversity, and turned sales back around. It’s not an “it” store by any means but it’s something considering retail isn’t what it used to be.
If there is an “it” store, it’s clothing brands that generally don’t have brick-and-mortar space and have a focus on environmental sustainability. And that is after years of H&M, Zara, Forever21, and similar making people burned out on fashion and also feel guilty about the environment. And before anyone might pull out their political pitch forks at me, I’m just stating facts, not making moral judgments. And I usually shop at thrift stores.
It’s an exciting changed world out there 🙂
Leucippat, Donald Trump seems to be in need of new revenue streams. For $20, he might let you spank him with a rolled up magazine, reenacting his glamorous relationship with Stormy Daniels.
Nothing really weird or bad about what you want. Fine as a daydream, perhaps OK as a life "stretch goal". But most definitely not something to set your heart on.