
Target, CVS, Starbucks and other retailers ease mask mandates for fully vaccinat

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Target, CVS, Starbucks and other retailers ease mask mandates for fully vaccinated customers



  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Eased? Try done away with. Now yes, they do ostensibly require continued masking for unvaccinated people - *wink* *wink* - but since there of course is no actual verification done, it's really a complete abandonment. Walmarts in my area have already completely removed their mask signs.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Maybe the beginning of the end. Thank God.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    The same states that have been behind the curve forever (like mine, NJ) will be the last to adopt a sensible return to normalcy. Just so the liberal politicians can save face and not admit the shit storm they unleashed was completely unwarranted.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    I love the decisions to get rid of the masks. But I for one wish there was some kind of verification . I got my second shot 10 days ago. I want more people to get the shots. Not to make me safe because I never felt unsafe. I want this stupid virus to go totally away. So if there were incentives to get the shots ( i.e. you dont' have to wear a mask ) then more people would get the vaccine. Then the quicker we can get rid of the thing. If there is no verification and everyone is walking around without the masks, will that tell people they dont' need to get the vaccine ?
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Warrior15 I agree completely. Requiring verification of vaccination to go without a mask would incentive people to get the vaccine and help put an end to this thing for good.

    Honestly I'm happier about states getting rid of occupancy capacity limits than I am about not being required to wear a mask. Getting back to full capacity is what is desperately needed to help many small businesses like restaurants and bars to recover and for new ones to open. Many restaurants simply can't turn a decent profit when they are limited to less than full capacity.
  • orionsmith
    3 years ago
    I’m glad I decided to get vaccinated about 3 weeks ago. Second dose this week. I thought eventually we will have a bunch of people running around unvaccinated with no masks and eventually authorities will say the crisis is over. Our hospitals have plenty of space if you didn’t get vaccinated and get sick.
    Supposedly the vaccine lowers your risk of death to zero and chances of a serious illness over 90% less.

    I might have had immunity last year from catching a mild strain but never knew if it was just a cold with a cough that everyone around me caught or Covid. Testing wasn’t available at the time.
    Unfortunately I didn’t hear the side effects can be worse if you already had Covid until after my first dose. The first one wasn’t that bad.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    I'm still waiting for Kroger/Fry's to stop the mask mandate.
  • orionsmith
    3 years ago
    My first visit to a strip club this year and a dancer told me you can take your mask off at the bar. She then shook my hand. Then she wore a face mask the whole time she danced for me.
  • SanchoRG
    3 years ago
    Wonder how long until masks are frowned on again since they can help conceal features and identity? Big gov panopticon getting hungry
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    Add Winn-Dixie to the list. (WD was originally founded in Jacksonville FL, rick.) Many people following "honor system" in still wearing masks, but I suspect there's some un-vaccinated knuckleheads that just said "screw it", and took their masks off.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Many people following "honor system" in still wearing masks, but I suspect there's some un-vaccinated knuckleheads that just said "screw it", and took their masks off."

    I suspect that far fewer are following the "honor system" than you may believe, at least around here. In fact, oddly enough, it seems that the folks most likely to still be wearing masks are senior citizens who have doubtlessly already been vaccinated.

    But even for those who are following the "honor system" for now, how long do we reasonably expect that to last? At some point, fatigue will set in even for the most hyper-vigilant.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "I love the decisions to get rid of the masks. But I for one wish there was some kind of verification."

    That's just not realistic for businesses to do, both from a logistics and customer relationship standpoint. I won't even get into the implications of allowing the government to use our healthcare information in that manner.

    I know that NY has run a vaccine passport pilot at a couple of stadiums, but I don't expect that to last. Neither the federal government nor any other state is following NY's lead. A couple of other states previously made some noise about looking into it, but I suspect that they will quietly let those stories die. Even in NY, there will be a tipping point where frustrated people don't want to deal with this shit anymore.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ most people don’t care that strongly and will do what they normally would, if you’re a cheater than this is something else for you to cheat about, if you care about others then I suspect you’ll continue to follow the rules to the best of your ability
    I personally don’t see anything onerous about keeping the masks on as long as there are vulnerable people that need our support.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ I'm not so sure that I'd call people "cheaters" for not wanting to live in siege conditions forever. If we adopt that strained mentality then we might as well start using the same term for everyone who forgoes both the flu vaccine and masks because the flu kills people too. At some point, we have to abandon the notion that we can protect unvaccinated people from themselves.

    For example, I will never put this vaccine in my kids even when it is approved for them (it is now for one of them), but neither will I make them wear masks for much longer. The world is not risk-free and never will be. The goal is to reasonably manage risks, not to live in a state of perpetual anxiety.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    We can always count on you to draw up a straw man and to dramatize the completely un dramatic.
    How about just speaking for yourself and stop trying to create a dramatic argument over every fucking thing.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    25, you labeled them as "cheaters" and I disagreed - very reasonably I might add. Why you get so cranky when someone disagrees with you is a mystery to me, but some grown men are more delicate than others I suppose.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I've got mixed feelings about the easing of the mask mandates. I'm not a fan of "trust and don't verify." There are too many dishonest, selfish assholes who will not be vaccinated, not wear a mask, and go about maskless; thus risking spreading the virus, increasing the risk of variant mutations, and risking breakthrough infections in those wo are vaccinated.

    If you are unwilling to make the sacrifice of being vaccinated or wearing a mask, then you should also sacrifice the convenience of shopping in particular stores, going to live music and sports events, and enjoying public entertainment venues (movie theaters, arcades, bars).

    That is the only way this shit is ever going to end. We did not eradicate polio and smallpox by listening to a bunch of Karens and man-bitches whining about theirnown, personal misinterpretation of personal rights and individual liberties. That bears repeating: WE DID NOT ERADICATE SMALLPOX AND POLIO WITHOUT VACCINATION!
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I could ask you the same question why do you feel a need to try to defend the indefensible
    If the rules state that you can remove your mask if you are fully vaccinated how would you characterize those not vaccinated and advocating for people to not get vaccinated folks that are removing their masks against the published rules. If they are protesters let them clearly state that but when they’re trying to blend in they are liars and cheating.
    Couldn’t be clearer.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago

    When you post hyperventilating nonsense that ends with comparing COVID to Smallpox and Polio, your credibility becomes strained to say the least.

    The reason why people were so willing to vaccinate against Smallpox and Polio is because these viruses were very dangerous to children. COVID, OTOH, is dangerous primarily to a small subset of the population.

    To the broader "cheating" points made by both you and 25, expecting people to continue to willingly wear masks now that a vaccine is widely available is unrealistic. Eradicating COVID is also not realistic for the reason discussed above - not enough people are afraid of it to go along with a complete mass vaccination effort. So at some point, you're going to have to put on your big boy pants, understand that COVID is going to be an ongoing reality much like the flu, and protect yourselves as you see fit.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ So you’re going to use the everyone does it defense, man up RickiBoi if it’s not cheating what is it ?
    You just can’t stand looking in the mirror!
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    No cranky old man, I said that it's not a realistic expectation. Put on your bifocals if you missed that the first time. 😉
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I've said what needed to be said. I'll let the man children continue their flame war.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ As usual no defense just an attempt to attack anyone who doesn’t buy the shit you’re peddling
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Anyone else notice how this was mostly a pleasant, civil thread, until tweedledumb and tweedledumber jumped in?
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ Right gam, because your all caps yelling was very pleasant and restrained. 😉
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    And I always start civil, but sadly I let cranky grandpa 25 suck me into these exchanges far more than I should. :)
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Anyone that cares to read through knows you’re a liar but so fuckn what, liar and cheat go together like a horse and carriage
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