
Comments by orionsmith (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
    Would you ever wear a strip club hat or tee shirt?
    I never wore strip club tshirts anywhere. I can just imagine though if something happened to me what someone might wonder how I got so many tshirts and nude stripper Polaroid pictures sitting on my lap. I’m thinking they might think Ihadsome fun while I was alive. 😀
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rant/ question
    I haven’t visited or posted on this site for months but if the poster or op is real and not someone faking it for their own amusement, then I’m wondering why not reach out? National Sexual Assault Hotline Hours: Available 24 hours Learn more 1-800-656-4673 Sounds like a desperate plea for help. However pleading for help to anyone who wanted to take advantage of the situation would put her in a worse spot and sounds like that may have happened already. Hopefully the op is ok. If the op reads this, your life is valuable. Don’t give up. Are there still people so bored with life that they are still posting on here with fake identities claiming to be something they are not? Probably. After not visiting for months I don’t know. I know of one guy who did and he got a big kick out of fooling everyone. I am aware some people are not so fortunate. Keep meeting homeless people in Walmart parking lot or even in the store on occasion. I usually do not give money for handouts because some homeless people may be scamming people or just asking for handouts to buy cigarettes, etc. Rarely does anyone ask for food or work. In those cases I try to help them in some way.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers wanting to marry richer older men
    I never heard of a girl marrying for money. Sounds ridiculous. Women only marry for love and want to be faithful all the rest of their lives. They love cooking dinner and dressing sexy and making love all night long and stay faithful wanting to stay by your side all the time. You offer her money she says no. You keep that. She will work nonstop trying to please you. 😊
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    EV: will you purchase one? Pros and Cons…
    I’m surprised to hear Tesla has installed hard to break glass on side windows. I heard on night line yesterday about a driver crashing a Tesla and while people tried to save him, the Tesla door knobs did not extend out, supposedly they are supposed to in the event of a crash I heard but that feature may not work without power. Then they tried to break the glass but Tesla installed a more durable glass on the side window. The driver was burned alive while others could not save him. Earlier I was thinking Tesla had misalignment issues with panels and required expensive maintenance to replace entire batteries instead of just bad cells. I saw a video I think a guy in Finland or Sweden blew up his Tesla because the battery replacement cost was more than than the value of the car. I’ve seen other videos where one tech guru was able to replace Tesla bad cells saving over 50% the cost Tesla was requiring. I believe GM May be going the route of replacing cells instead of entire batteries so their service maintenance costs will likely be lower for those who own cars longer or who need service. I’ve also seen a few videos where Tesla had door handle issues. I really would like to use a teleporter but don’t think those have been invented yet. Or maybe a flying car. That business model has not been invented yet. Elon probably working on it. Basically large towers within walking distance all around cities and you hitch a ride on flying electric taxies and don’t need a car and cities can stop spending billions on roads and instead buy more flying taxies and towers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    EV: will you purchase one? Pros and Cons…
    I heard an EV can make sense as a second or third vehicle and as costs come down, some might be economical. Convenience factor can be eliminated if you use it as a commuter vehicle and can charge at home or wherever you are. I’m hoping for big improvements in the tech with much faster charging and longer range and longer lasting batteries. Scientists are making new discoveries in sulfur batteries that will make dramatic improvements whenever it gets ready for the factory. I am waiting for the day when the only people who want a gas car is for nostalgia.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    EV: will you purchase one? Pros and Cons…
    From. A pure economic point of view, EV’s are more expensive than ICE cars in most areas when you look at total costs which include finance costs. Right now EV batteries may need to replaced after about 10 years and the total charge they maintain goes down as they age reducing time and distance between charges. Convenience is not there in most cases either. Gas cars can be refueled in a few minutes. It could take longer than that to drive to a charging station with an ev. Plus if everyone was using the station, you might have a much longer wait. Taxes, to make up for not collecting gas taxes most states charge an annual ev or hybrid fee that may be as much as you would have saved in taxes by buying the ev. Tech upgrades. There are major improvements in the works. I consider what I’ve heard is that the choice might be like buying a 386 computer versus waiting for an Apple pc to be released. Much longer driving ranges, much longer lasting batteries, faster charging all in the works. Less expensive too in terms of overall value. Of course if you are environmentally sensitive and cost is not an issue go buy an ev. It doesn’t matter if most of industry and the power grid that powers the EV’s are using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are also used to build and mine most of the parts to build the EV’s but that doesn’t matter to the environmentally conscious who can say they are using electric. I’m still driving around in 16 and 20 year old vehicles that run fine and the current administration is driving up costs as was predicted by many before they got voted into office to persuade us to go green by pushing to eliminate fossil fuels. They regulate capital and persuade oil companies not to invest in our current infrastructure and they succeeded in driving up prices. Now the other side of our government thinks the way to solve inflation is to destroy demand instead of improving supply. Idiots in my opinion. I want the economy to go green by making it less expensive and more convenient to go green not by driving up prices reducing the ability of average consumers to live.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    Probably all it takes is one upset girl on the site to complain. Men are typically guilty until proven innocent in western society and some people or sites assume guilt if a female complains. A poorly worded message or email as evidence would likely seal the deal if the site wanted evidence but as most things, men are considered guilty with any female complaint. I don’t know for sure, never used the site but wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve seen evidence of female complaints and guys have been arrested and jailed over accusations and the guys only went free if they had video evidence to the contrary.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Too old for this shit
    I remember clubs where strippers used to walk around asking for tips for no reason. Irritated me too. Last weekend was at a club where I thought why bother tipping? I tipped a dancer $3 and some millionaire was throwing $40 to $60 or more in ones up on the stage at a time on occasion. Made me feel poor. Not trying to compete. What was I supposed to do though? Leave the stage after a stripper came up because my 3 dollars or 6 or whatever I tipped was nothing compared to the millionaire? I tipped the dancer and went back to the bar. I had already tipped her over $20 in other ways so I wasn’t being cheap in my opinion. I’m just not a millionaire. A millionaire could throw their own party and hire strippers instead of going to the local strip club. Of course maybe they didn’t want to go through with the extra trouble.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I looked up the term McMansion. Generally between 3,000 to 5,000 sq ft in size. The last time I moved which was only a couple years ago I moved from a tiny 1200 starter home to a larger one but it is next to the smallest size in my neighborhood. I dislike the hoa except they keep others from trashing the neighborhood. I still live in a house below the size of the national average. I see bigger houses as costing more in annual power bills and maintenance costs both in terms of price and time. I saw a story on the news the other day about side hustles. Think I’m going to hire myself to clean and organize all the clutter in my new house. Of course no money involved but whatever works in your head. I’m probably going to donate a lot of stuff. Going through my house full of too much stuff is like a second job. A bigger house would have given me even more things to take care of and a higher mortgage. No thanks. I miss my small 1200 ranch style house. It had everything I needed and no stairs and no overbearing HOA sending me violation letters for a weed or something stupid. I was drafted as President of the old HOA for a year but all I had to do was go to 2 meetings and listen to some information. The new one wants approval before you even do any significant work in your yard. There is even a paragraph in the 26 page of covenant rules that you can not mine, drill on your property and absolutely no fracking allowed. Gosh darn it, if I see black gold in my back yard, I wanted to set up an oil well. Against HOA rules where I live now. Just kidding.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers say a recession is guaranteed
    Thanks for the topic. Went to 2 clubs last week and both pretty dead before 10 pm. Might be busier with Nascar race nearby.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Is A Crash Coming?
    Ive been listening to one youtuber or tech analyst since before christmas that forecasted a drop to 4000to 4100then new all time highs later this year then a 40 percent dump. So far forecasts seem amazingly accurate. I keep thinking no one is that good.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times have you been married?
    0 but some strippers in my past made me feel like I was in a forever relationship. Seems kind of amusing in hindsite one stripper was so upset with me for no valid reason that she quit working one club just because she knew I would be there but one of her dancer friends couldn't resist giving me updates on her. I think my days of getting into unexpected relationships with strippers are over.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    In this day and age, how well well the young guy alone be treated?
    Dancers are busy or lazy if they see you looking and don't approach soon. I have seen much better looking girls workingTwin Peaks than strip clubs and strip clubs seem almost dead in comparison. Maybe strip clubs are busy late.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    In this day and age, how well well the young guy alone be treated?
    I don't mind getting approached by dozens of hot dancers but I don't want just one way contact expensive dances nor do I like expensive drinks .
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    In this day and age, how well well the young guy alone be treated?
    Seems like years since I have been in a strip club that was not almost dead or just had a small handful of dancers that are avg looks with only light contact almost air dances with high beer prices. Killed all the fun I remember a few years ago.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Walmart Meat
    I hadl bad expleriences buying walmart ground beef years ago and don't plan to shop for fresh meat from Walmart ever again. I have bought frozen and canned meat with mixed feelings. Best local fresh ground beef cheaper price better quality everywhere else but Walmart. Probably like thinking a good fine meal can be bought in regular strip clubs. Some strip clubs have decent food but finding great food and decent price good luck. Easier to find strippers in strip clubs and good food in grocery stores.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT fun and/or romantic meals to make with a partner.
    I just found her channel by accident last week and saw a lot of cooking videos. I do not know if she cooks good. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HOj1_-b0hhw
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Decent Girls, Overpriced Dances
    I was there at 930 pm last Saturday and only remember seeing 2 or 3 dancers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT fun and/or romantic meals to make with a partner.
    I am notsure. I don't cook much. Just had an idea to suggest making your question into a youtube post on Sasha Gray youtube channel . She has a bunch of cooking stuff and appears to not have that much attention doing ordinary stuff. More attention than I would want but I am not a famous youtuber. If you do please post link back here. Might be interesting.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Attendance Way Way Down
    Club prices much more expensive where I live now and almost dead in the clubs early evening. I wait around the house and start watching football or a movie and often stay home because clubs are boring and drinks especially drinks a dancer wants are expensive and I get very little enjoyment out of visiting clubs lately. If my tv turns on again by itself when I get home I might unplug it and visit a strip club again where I met a crazy but hot dancer last weekend .
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    The 60 most crime-ridden cities in the U.S.
    I moved from a small city in sc last year when the violent crime stat gave a 1 in 12 chance of being a victim but due to the small town status rarely shows up on national lists. I felt lucky to avoid all the shootings. No one got shot on my street. A popular vacation city some local shooters like to visit is very aware of the city i moved from making their city appear in national lists one year. Too many gangs think it's ok to go around shooting up homes etc. I don't know what's wrong with some people. Over in Charlotte area 3 people shot 150 rounds into one home killing a 3 year old in bed. These shooters must not believe in hell and eternal lake of fire . I do believe they will discover the truth soon. People talk about the wild west but I believe we live in more violent times.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The Death of Restaurants
    I have been trying to visit the local Twin Peaks restaurant when the bar wasn’t crowded. It’s crowded no matter when I visit it seems, Every bar seat was taken when I left tonight. I actually thought maybe the bar would be slower on a Wednesday rather than Saturday. Meanwhile closer restaurants like Wendy’s I haven’t visited since they shut down indoor dining possibly due to lack of staff. I just stopped visiting after they shut that down, Got fed up with it,
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Onlyfans and other online platforms
    I’ve only spent money in strip clubs. Never online watching girls. There are often some hot girls I occasionally see online but I don’t get that excited seeing pictures versus real in person. If everyone was like me, no girl would be making money online so I guess I’m not like everyone else. Even one girl I occasionally see online I call a 9.5 I never spent a dime. I can see pictures for free so I don’t know why some guys get into it that much.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Disturbing New Fashion Trends
    I don't miss the 80s no internet. No pc or cell phones. Felt lucky when my parents bougth tv with remote control because our Tv Channels went from like from 6 to 13. Nothing R Rated Allowed. Our Local Kids Playground was The Swamp At Edge of neighborhood. Parents did buy my brother and I waterproof boots for our playground. Mosquitos were awful. No bug spray. Some parts of the swamp were Ok .
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Abortion has been banned
    I have to watch youtube nowadays to keep up with the flip flopping far left . Apparently not everyone is keeping up. I heard the old you are a man so you have no right to talk about abortion but then heard not pc anymore because men can have babies . Had to look that up. Then I hear some women still chanting My Body My Choice. I heard that was no longer PC with Far Left when it concerns Masks And Vaccines. It's enough to confuse a lot of people. I was of the opinion authorities long held rights to impose restrictions on our rights 1St With Restrictions Alcohol At 21 Not 18 . 2Nd. Have To Wear Seat Belt Or Face Fines Now Have To Wear Masks By Government Decree No Matter If We Are Perfectly Healthy Or Not. It's No Longer Iam Not Sick You Have No Right To Force Me To Do Things. I Do Not Care For All These Decrees . Makes Me Feel Like A Peasant Taking Orders From Kings Queens .