Abortion has been banned
If you listen to Biden, pelosi, AOC and fake news sites like Cnn, Msnbc, Ap, Guardian, Wapo, Nyt and on and on you will hear all about how a woman's Constitutional right to kill her unborn child has been overturned. Lets get rid of the filibuster, pack the Court, blah blah, blah, because this important right to kill another living being is in jeopardy.
Of course the left wing fake news machine and the frauds, traitors and liars called democrats assume no one will read the actual decision, which specifically states: THIS IS NOT A RULING ON THE MERITS OR CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE LAW. Unfortunately for the cheats called democrats you cannot just sue someone because you don't like what they did, you need to have suffered an injury. I cannot sue the driver of the car that hit my friend, because it is his right, not mine. In this case the abortionists sued to "protect the rights of women" and couldn't allege that their rights have been affected and like my example they cannot sue because its not their right and as such they has NO STANDING TO SUE.
Might be time, assuming Democrats have brains, to maybe look for other news sources and other people to believe. Just another lie and another reason for democrats to cheat. Of course all the illiterates flocking illegally across the border will do their research .....
Of course the left wing fake news machine and the frauds, traitors and liars called democrats assume no one will read the actual decision, which specifically states: THIS IS NOT A RULING ON THE MERITS OR CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE LAW. Unfortunately for the cheats called democrats you cannot just sue someone because you don't like what they did, you need to have suffered an injury. I cannot sue the driver of the car that hit my friend, because it is his right, not mine. In this case the abortionists sued to "protect the rights of women" and couldn't allege that their rights have been affected and like my example they cannot sue because its not their right and as such they has NO STANDING TO SUE.
Might be time, assuming Democrats have brains, to maybe look for other news sources and other people to believe. Just another lie and another reason for democrats to cheat. Of course all the illiterates flocking illegally across the border will do their research .....
Republicans in Texas made a bill stating anyone at all can sue anyone who performs or aids in an abortion.
And it's unconstitutional
Tetradon.... granting rights is good. Taking people's rights away isn't.
As a Texan, however, I am going to harp more about Texas tho…
Idk what’s up with Texas’s huge surge in laws related to anything about sex. A bunch of areas outside the large metros had their “sanctuary for the unborn”, have the 21+ requirement to waitress or strip, “porn shooting” is a felony…
If it was just abortion, I don’t really approve, but okay fine. But it’s just off the rails and out of touch with current Texas needs. But nope, just go ahead and neglect much more pressuring issues related to the health of Texas itself.
I’m just waiting for the return of the purity balls. Where fathers and daughters exchange rings, the father pledges to protect his daughters virginity until she is married, and they do a father daughter dance. 🤮 I lived through that time period and of all the things to try to revive ew ew ew.
I have more respect for DeSantis…even if I don’t quite agree with all his specific actions. But at least he is making his pet projects about *current* issues like what he feels is appropriate (or inappropriate) covid response measures. And a little bit on diversity inclusion instruction in schools…also in response to current events.
If Texas ends up flipping blue, it would have been the incumbent incompetence. And at this point I’d be all for it, because at least the democrats will legalize marijuana to make it easier to digest whatever nonsense they have.
I don't think you know the definition of the term.
14th amendment IS privacy, and it's wisely acknowledged as flimsy.
In your sick mind women should be allowed to sell pussy to losers like you but not have access to a medical procedure.
I've never offered $5,000 for a woman to tell me she doesn't love me. Or hangs out on a message board with people he has no respect for, and have even less respect for him. Who's the loser, again? I think you were saying something funny...
2Nd. Have To Wear Seat Belt Or Face Fines
Now Have To Wear Masks By Government Decree No Matter If We Are Perfectly Healthy Or Not. It's No Longer Iam Not Sick You Have No Right To Force Me To Do Things. I Do Not Care For All These Decrees . Makes Me Feel Like A Peasant Taking Orders From Kings Queens .
Let folks live there damn lives and mind your own dick or vag
That said, abortion may be constitutional but its absolutely unconstitutional that the taxpayers have to fund abortions.
I didn't know taxpayers fund abortions.
I support abortion because most of the people having children in America are exactly who you do not want reproducing ever.
Anyway, this law is complete bullshit. Along with the recent law that one must be 21+ to work at a strip club in tx, it's pretty clear how they feel about women and women's rights over there.
I support choice because I can't tell someone else what to do with their own uterus.
Personally I think abortion is wrong but I am not against abortion for a couple reasons including the one Blah cited.
I actually agree with this 100%.
Planned parenthood.
Nothing good comes out of making people paid snitches.
This is going to disproportionately impact those who can't afford to go out of state or can't afford a clandestine abortion.
Will that mean more babies found in dumpsters. Women losing their lives with self induced abortion methods. Etc. Then when we have cases of rape or incest. Very young girls unable to face the challenges of motherhood. Prostitutes ending up pregnant. Most abortions are not just a birth control method. Women have real reasons. The women who do use them as birth control tend to be wealthier and it won't impact their access ie going out of state.
What I dislike most about this law is that it circumvents (or at least muddies) Roe v. Wade as precedent by putting regular citizens in charge of enforcing the law, largely motivated by their strong moral and/or religious positions. Of course, it's not going to be private citizens paying the legal fees for these lawsuits. It's going to be John B. Smith suing with legal services provided by a Texas Right-to-Life organization. But, it will still be the job of private citizens with a moral bias, and not the state government, to enforce the law.
Again, given the proclivities of they guys who post here, this is a site populated primarily by people who should be extremely wary about laws being enforced by morally-motivated citizens. Should this abortion law stay standing through all the legal challenges that are in place at the Texas state level, then there's nothing stopping the passage of a law where private citizens can enforce new and overly-restrictive vice laws targeting strip clubs. Texas has already shown an enthusiastic willingness to go after strip clubs and sex workers, and I'm sure there's a significant population within Texas who would love to see all the strip clubs shut down.
And strip clubs would change a lot if dancers have to worry about every single customer possibly being a proxy for law enforcement...
Anyway, I hope that this law gets struck down. I think it skirts precedent dishonestly. Also, while I hate abortion, I believe that women should have safe access to the procedure. Without it, I believe that we'll see a sizable increase in teen and other forms of unwanted pregnancies, and all of the problems that follow along after that trend.
In the meantime, I'll be curious to see the sales numbers for the morning-after pill.
I have pro-life sympathies, as in I believe reducing the number of abortions performed is itself a good thing and would favor spending (sex ed, birth control, Plan B, improved adoption) that gets there. And I don't buy the "my body" argument (kid has a body too)...kid is pretty damn dependent on the mother after birth, as well.
But I have pro-choice views, in that I would favor legal abortion for any reason in the first trimester, or for the health of the mother throughout pregnancy. I don't favor 2nd/3rd trimester elective abortions, but they're rare anyways. And more than that, women have been ending pregnancies with the helps of strange herbs, self-inflicted abdominal trauma, or "wise women" since the dawn of time. As long as there's shame around unwed motherhood, or bodily changes with pregnancy, it will continue to be so.
And that doesn't even get into deputizing private citizens to enforce the law. Rewards for turning in accomplices to any crime scare me, it's dictatorship kind of shit.
Either way, Roe v. Wade is a sloppy precedent. Legislatures need to do their fucking jobs, here.
Amendment 10 grants powers not specifically given by or prohibited by the Constitution to the individual states.
It was, and should be, up to the individual states to decide.
The then "Liberal" Supreme Court was looking for a way to make abortion legal.
They based their decision on the 4th Amendment.
They didn't decide that you had a right to an abortion.
They decided that no one had the right to ask!
That doesn't mean you have to like those verdicts, and you can certainly advocate to change them, but they remain a part of Constitutional law.
If someone is in a coma, and they lack the brain waves that indicate higher brain function, they are considered legally dead. Their organs can be removed for transplantation, and/or life support equipment can be turned off. The best scientific information is that, in the first two trimesters, fetuses do not have these brain waves, so they are not yet alive legally. So the only grounds for calling abortion an act of homicide are religious. The 1st Amendment prohibits establishment of religion in law.
Many things become clear and simple, when you decide to stop being a dumbass who listens to Tucker Carlson type bullshit.
As technology improves, the support for totally unrestricted abortion rights declines.
It is not a clump of cells.
It is a unique set of DNA and a unique,individual human being.
Watch one
You don't need to be pro life to acknowledge that it's a flimsy decision. In Justice Blackmun's words, "penumbras and emanations." You can find a dozen liberal professors' opinions saying it's much.
Settled law? So is every other decision, until it isn't. There are 5.5 conservatives on the court.
And yeah, Abbot and DeSantis stand for an enact ideas I think are misguided and foolish. And I'm not afraid to be called a "Leftist" or whatever some folk want to yell. But I'm more of a person who thinks with common sense and is a fan of humanity rather than anger and useless hate.
These folks are the so called party of small government yet they enact new laws to regulate voting, abortion, etal
Wonder if anyone here realizes that the majority opinion in the case Roe v Wade was written by a lifelong Republican
When i wipe MY ass the DNA is MINE not a uniquely different human beings.
The 2nd Amendment says "arms" so it protects "arms". Today's ARMS. (Different argument)
What is being decided is if the FEDERAL government has the right to declare abortion legal or illegal or if, based on the 10th Amendment, it is something that should be decided by the states. (As are voting laws which are Constitutionally given to State Legislatures)
Blackmun was one of many SCOTUS Justices appointed by Republican Presidents so they could get through the Senate that were more moderate or even liberal than anticipated (like John Roberts is now)
I believe each individual should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else and they are willing to live with the consequences of their decisions.
That is why I was in favor of marriage equality before Joe or Barack or Hilliary.
That is why I am against completely unrestricted abortion. I'm not sure exactly when but, at some point in time, that is a unique human life that deserves our protection.
See that's an opinion that is typical of Libertarian thinking, I don't know that I disagree with you personally, but I'm willing to allow another person to have a different opinion, that my friend, is the point of this, you're absolutism makes other opinions invalid, and that is where we keep disagreeing.
What if I had the opinion that I could take anything I want without paying for it?
What if I had the opinion that I could kill my 6 month old child because it has become inconvenient?
At some point in time, in order to maintain a civilized society, government needs to step in to create and enforce laws. (As few as possible)
I can’t be bothered with this discussion you sound just like the Taliban.
They aren't wild hypotheticals.
This has nothing to do with religion.
Abortion has to do with determining, scientifically, when life begins.
The other stuff is about whether or not the government has a right to make and enforce laws.
I haven't had a religion in 45 years.
Your belief about life’s beginnings, is your own many reasonable people disagree,, with the what if’s you posted no reasonable people disagree
Texas in particular has a proud history of women acting to defend this right. And that is why SCOTUS has found such a right in our Constitution.
Ocasio-Cortez reacts to Abbott's comments on rape victims
AOC is great. We just need about 200 more like her on the national stage.
It is awesome, the ultimate poison pill in the church state debate. And it always sides with the little guy.
(i guess this means things like RU-486)
Their 4 minute video.
Lucien Greaves, "The Satanic Temple and the Law"
Got a link to explain this your way?
Not a fraud, a thinker! You can disagree with me. Doesn't change the facts or how I arrrived at them through my personal prism of experience.
You cannot tell what I've seen up close for years isn't real.
Department of Justice sues state of Texas over new state abortion law
Erik Satie
As Supreme Court Takes Key Texas Abortion Case, Barbara Lee Defends Access for Low-Income Women
AOC Brutally Mocks Sarah Palin Telling Her To Call ‘1-800-CRY-NOW’
Robin Trower " Wish You Were Mine"
Fat and Ugly Chicas in the Hong Kong
DOJ Asks Judge To Block Enforcement Of Texas Abortion Law
Gov. Hochul directs state agencies to launch information campaign on abortion rights
Texas abortion law: How it works and what it means for other states | Just the FAQs
Will Texas Abortion Law Hold Up In Court? | The View
Power Pop Collection
House passes Women's Health Protection Act. We have never had anything like this before, just only Roe v Wade.
STORYOCTOBER 04, 2021Watch Full Show
Bans Off Our Bodies: Planned Parenthood Pres. on Abortion Bans, Bills in Congress & the Supreme Court
TJ Street
Lap Dance Parties in Los Angeles
Ask Prof Wolff: Why Texas Bans Abortion
In 1967 California Governor Ronald Reagan signed into law an act which pretty much gave us everythign Roe v Wade did.
And mostly it was just giving physicians what they wanted, a little clearer legal protection for what was already common practice.
Economic Update: Germany Shifts Left
3 hours 20 min
If Roe is gutted, Democrats are unlikely to make it law. But they'll run on it.
If Roe is gutted, Democrats are unlikely to make it law. But they'll run on it.
Sahil Kapur and Ali Vitali
Thu, December 2, 2021, 1:30 AM·5 min read
In this article:
Joe Manchin
United States Senator from West Virginia
Explore the topics mentioned in this article
WASHINGTON — If the Supreme Court overturns or guts abortion rights in a major case that was argued Wednesday, the Democratic-led Congress is unlikely to have the votes to counteract it legislatively.
The fallback plan, Democrats say, is to take the issue to voters in the 2022 elections and argue that Republican victories in Congress and states could fuel restrictions on or even outlaw abortions.
“I think the country hasn't seen the rage of women speaking out,” said Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., arguing that laws like Mississippi’s ban on abortions after 15 week are “intended to be misogynistic” and say nothing about the “responsibility of the impregnator.”
Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., who has spoken about her harrowing decision in the past to end a pregnancy, said: “It's insulting, it's dangerous, and it's outrageous. And so I think it's going to mobilize people to go to the polls. You will see an outcry like you've never seen before.”
The House passed the Women’s Health Protection Act in September to codify abortion rights nationally. But the bill is likely to face a dead end in the Senate, where Democrats have a 50-50 majority and need 60 votes to defeat a probable Republican filibuster. The bill has only 48 Senate co-sponsors, with two Democratic exceptions, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania.
Waging War on America
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Periods for Pence
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The same late Victorian doctors who were campaigning to criminalize abortion were the ones who were developing new surgical procedures for abortion and writing books about it.
The real issue is who decides when it is appropriate, and this is what most of the legal wrangling has been about.
Going into the late 70's even the Southern Baptists were not totally opposed to abortion in all cases.
Things got more extreme as abortion became part of our political landscape.
One of the things which made the First Civil War inevitable, was the fact that the Abolitionist Movement went extra legal. Its not that the loss of some slaves really made that much difference, it was a matter of honor.
Today as we move to the brink of a Second Civil War, I feel that its territorial dimension will be created if SCOTUS guts 1973 Roe v. Wade. Republicans in Red States are poised to try and advance their party by passing extreme abortion restrictions like we see now in MS and TX, and giving money to vigilantes. Prior to Roe v. Wade Reproductive Choice was already being protected by extra legal means, and especially in TX, where the Roe v. Wade case came from.
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Eventually, we’ll have laws on a state-by-state basis that set limits on abortions that are acceptable to most. Maybe 12 weeks in Texas and 24 weeks in California.
Taylor Swift - Shake It Off
Katy Perry
Will Abortion Law End Marriage Equality & LGBT Rights? (w/ Michelangelo Signorile)
Just like the Abolitionist Movement, the Pro-Choice Movement has had to go extra legal. Before Roe v. Wade, and looks like now again!
“The Janes”: Meet the Women Who Formed a Collective to Provide Safe Abortions Before Roe v. Wade
PBS Newshour
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Only Rock 'n' Roll
Tumblin' Dice
The Rolling Stones - Tumbling Dice - Oakland 1994 w/ early Lisa Fischer
I like Ron DeSantis on COVID, but on anything else he is a Right Wing Idiot!
And Biden affirms the importance of Roe v Wade, women's health care, and the rights of LGBTQs.
Just what we expect from a psychotic creep!
Melissa Lucio Faces Texas Execution Despite Innocence Claims & Bipartisan Calls to Save Her Life
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26 states seem likely to ban abortion very quickly.
The leaked draft opinion seems to have been written in February. Confirmation of the Trump justices guaranteed this.
The opinion seems to open the door to bans on contraception and same sex marriages.
Policing the Womb: Invisible Women and the Criminalization of Motherhood
by Michele Goodwin
So, please stop saying this will make abortion legal. Regulated, yes. Illegal, no.
You can’t have a society where everyone has a right to free stuff but no one has the responsibility to work for it.
Icee, you really hate random people on the internet? For abortion views?
You want to force women to have kids buy oppose a social safety net for them.
"For Conservative Legal Movement, a Long-Sought Triumph Appears at Hand"
newshour yesterday was all about this:
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
I've listened to Michele Goodwin and read some of her stuff before, she is really good! She is at UC Irvine.
Pence always has been known as a wacko politician
'How dare you?’: Pence goes after Harris for Roe comments
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
more discussion
87% of Americans support legal abortion when the life of the mother is in danger. (and I don't know what the other 13% are thinking, since if the mother dies, the fetus dies with her)
Rape and incest account for 2% of abortions. 84% support legal abortion in this case.
74% support legal abortion if the child would be born with a life threatening illness.
61% support legal elective abortion in the 1st trimester.
34% in the 2nd.
19% in the 3rd.
12% of elective abortions are performed in the 2nd trimester.
It is estimated that state-level abortion restrictions will decrease the number of abortions performed by about 15%.
No matter what, abortions will still exist, its just that our culture will come to see women as sub persons again.
Overturning Roe v. Wade, which even RBG acknowledged was horribly constructed, moves abortion law back to the states. It properly lies within the legislative branch. Somehow, the left is fine with rule by judicial fiat when that rule does what they want. I think they're blowing this up to say gay marriage and interracial marriage are at risk. That's fundraising hysteria.
I don't believe elective abortion is moral. The fetus is a genetically distinct life form; that's science, not religion. But I'm pro-choice because legal and moral don't always align. I never bought the "my body, my choice" argument, because it's two bodies, or we wouldn't have laws like fetal homicide laws. I never bought the "dependence" argument either, that kid is pretty damn helpless for a long ass time after birth too. I support BTC (behind-the-counter) birth control, available without a doctor's prescription, and view reducing the number of abortions as a good thing.
But as long as pregnancy carries physical, social, and financial consequences, women (and family members, SOs, etc) will seek it out. So unless we become angels, it's going to happen, safely or not, in blue states or back alleys. And with telemedicine and Mifeprex available through the mail, it's going to all but impossible to prohibit anyways.
Inherently, we "risk-adjust" the fetus' life. I don't see any pro-lifers who want to conduct research into aneuploidy, which ends something like a million pregnancies a year. That's more than heart disease or cancer. But as the fetus grows normally, we view it as more deserving of protection. Hence the decline in support throughout pregnancy. By the third trimester, we can be pretty damn sure it's a viable kid.
In the end, I'd support legal elective abortion up to certain fetal developmental milestones (I don't know embryology enough to give a hard number but probably early 2nd trimester), and abortion to save the mother's life or in case of a non-viable fetus at any point. Which like I said above, is well over 90% of abortions, making me functionally pro-choice.
As in many other issues, my stance manages to piss off both sides. So if it pisses anyone here off, cope.
Roe v Wade ruled that abortion was one of those essential rights specified by the constitution. I think most scholars now agree that interpretation was bullshit. While the constitution is very specific on rights like freedom of speech and freedom of religion, it says nothing about abortion.
It’s up to the people, through the legislative process, to decide how abortion is treated under the law. Once Roe is overturned, each state will make that determination.
That’s a perfectly appropriate way to determine this and a manner that is consistent with the constitution.
PBS Newshour
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
Pleaser 10 inch
Linda Ronstadt - You're No Good - 2016 School of Rock AllStars Team 6
REP. LUCY McBATH: Like so many women in America, for years, I struggled to get pregnant. My husband and I, we tried everything that we could do to start a family of our own. And finally, we were successful. I had never been so happy. And I prayed for this moment for so many years. I wanted to tell everyone. I just wanted to shout it from all of the mountaintops. For weeks I began to dream about our life and our future together. And then, one day, I woke up covered in blood.
And it’s hard to describe the agony of a miscarriage. It’s heartbreak, it’s helplessness, it’s pain, and it’s profound sadness. Millions of women suffer from them. And I’ve heard from many who felt guilty like I did, who felt as though that we weren’t worthy of having a child. Those are the same feelings that crept through my mind. And every time I’ve had these difficult discussions with other women, I remind them that they are strong and that they are powerful beyond measure, and that their worth is far more than their ability to procreate. However, it seems those in support of this ruling disagree.
After my second miscarriage, I wondered, in my grief again, if God had decided I was never meant to be a mother. So, when I finally got pregnant again, I was overjoyed. It was as if I believed that God was giving me and my husband — finally, he had a plan for us to be parents. But after four months, while feeling terror and trauma in my heart, I was rushed to the emergency room. There, with my doctor and my husband, I learned that I had suffered a fetal demise, or a stillbirth. There again, I was filled with anguish and sorrow and guilt. And I tried so hard, and still I felt like I failed trying to be a mother.
My doctor thought it would be better to — and safer to end the pregnancy naturally, without the medicines so commonly used. So, for two weeks, I carried my dead fetus and waited for me to go into labor. For two weeks, people passed me on the street, telling me how beautiful I looked, asking how far along I was, and saying that they were so excited for me and my future with my child. For two weeks, I carried a lost pregnancy and the torment that comes with it. I never went into labor on my own. When my doctor finally induced me, I faced the pain of labor without hope for a living child.
This is my story. It’s uniquely my story — and yet it’s not so unique. Millions of women in America — women in this room, women at your homes, and women you love and cherish — have suffered a miscarriage. And so I ask, on behalf of these women: After which failed pregnancy should I have been imprisoned? Would it have been after the first miscarriage, after doctors used what would be an illegal drug to abort the lost fetus? Would you have put me in jail after the second miscarriage? Perhaps that would have been the time, forced to reflect in confinement at the guilt I felt, the guilt that so many women feel after losing their pregnancies. Or would you have put me behind bars after my stillbirth, after I was forced to carry a dead fetus for weeks, after asking God if I was ever going to be able to raise a child?
And I ask because the same medicine used to treat my failed pregnancies is the same medicine states like Texas would make illegal. I ask because if Alabama makes abortion murder, does it make miscarriage manslaughter? I ask because I want to know if the next woman who has a miscarriage at three months, if she will be forced to carry her dead fetus to term.
So, for the women in your life whose stories you do not know, for the women across the country whose lives you may not understand, and for the women in America who have gone through things you simply cannot comprehend, I say to you this: Women’s rights are human rights, reproductive healthcare is healthcare, and medical decisions should be made by women and those that they trust, not politicians and officials.
We have a choice: We can be the nation that rolls back the clock, that rolls back the rights of women and that strips them of their very liberty, or we can be the nation of choice, the nation where every woman can make her own choice. Freedom is our right to choose.
Can Overturning Roe V Wade be Stopped? LIVE NOW
Can Overturning Roe v Wade Be Stopped?
states trying to track women and enforce their own laws beyond their own borders.
Sammy Hagar
So how was your junteenth holiday? I didn't see you online, did you have a good day?
LIVE: Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Allows Bans On Abortions | NBC News w/ Biden and Harris
Radical Supreme Court Guts State Gun Laws & Right to Remain Silent Under Arrest
States With Abortion Bans Will Have ‘Government Mandates On Steroids’: McCaskill
Like you were locked down and you had to get it or else you were going to be executed?
I wanted also to know if anyone here has been affected by all the women who you have never in your life met, but were able to go on with their lives and get an education and make a life for themselves because they were able to get an abortion? Did that affect anyone here—those people who you don’t know, getting an abortion?
I also wanted to ask if you can remember anything that happened to you at the age of 2? What about 3? I have a great memory and my first memory is at age 5. I see women saying they need to do something elaborate for their kid turning 2 or 3 years old, and I am like WHY, the kid has no idea and will not remember that. So do you think that an aborted fetus has any consciousness of what is going on?
Idc what your argument is about these things. I don’t care. Having a baby affects a man zero, there is no reason women should not have access to an abortion. It affects YOU zero for all of the women who have been able to have an abortion so they can continue with their lives.
This is completely false.
"but were able to go on with their lives and get an education and make a life for themselves because they were able to get an abortion? Did that affect anyone here—those people who you don’t know, getting an abortion?"
You don't comprehend that abortion is trading one life for another?
I once got a haircut from a girl whose mother was encouraged to get an abortion because a prenatal test had indicated her baby would have a birth defect. She was nice.
Have you ever enjoyed a Jack Nicholson movie?
Did you know that some people survive abortion attempts?
The woman who brought down Roe vs. Wade wants to take abortion battle to California
LIVE: Protests at the Supreme Court after Roe. v. Wade ruling
Republicans are going to get eaten alive in November.
Cream - White Room - Chicago School of Rock Live Aid show
In a number of states it is possible that state courts could find something like Roe in their state constitutions. So they could strike down their own anti-abortion laws.
I'll take the other side of that bet. More women care about feeding their baby than aborting it.
SCOTUS trampled on something which a majority of Americans strongly support, and which has been accepted law for almost 50 years.
It is never about people who can vote either way. There aren't that many such persons. It is about who votes and who stays home.
Cream - White Room - Chicago School of Rock Live Aid show
Inflation > abortion
Inflation and economic fears now will also tend to pull down the birth rare.
But what is more important for November is the rage unleashed in women, seeing a hard won and long established basic right taken from them.
Cream - White Room - Chicago School of Rock Live Aid show
At the 2000 Democratic Convention California Governor Gray stood up and addressed the hall. Davis said, "Candidates like W. (meaning G. Bush) don't win state wide". Now this was a reference to Davis's prior opponent Dan Lundgren. And it was true, because Lundgren and Bush were against reproductive choice, so they never carried CA.
While not everyone agrees with this, the majority believe strongly in reproductive choice and SCOTUS has made this the number 1 issue for the November ballot. SCOTUS has enraged huge number of women who otherwise might not have wanted to bother voting.
It is a long like how Trump enraged a lot of people and caused a bigger Democratic win in 2018 than there otherwise would have been.
Cream - White Room - Chicago School of Rock Live Aid show
We'll see if recent polls differ, but after the leak, inflation was far and away the #1 issue among all groups except Democrats. Abortion was way down the list, and it'll split both ways. Republicans will be emboldened to turn out and preserve this decision. They've voted based on the courts for the last 40 years. They would have been pissed if this court didn't overturn Roe v Wade.
This is going to be a Republican year anyways because no one with WH/House/Senate wins seats except for horrible anomalies (like post 9/11 when the country was super unified). Now POTUS is 18 points underwater, the generic ballot is +3 GOP, and people believe the country is on the wrong track by a 47 point margin.
Not to mention, we're still 4 months out. This isn't going to be so front of mind by election day. The economy will be.
The Democrats got a big boost in 2018 from outrage over Trump. Now in 2022 they will get an even bigger boost from outrage over this attack against women.
Cream - White Room - Chicago School of Rock Live Aid show
More women care about feeding their kids than aborting them.
I believe that baby formula shortage is getting handled before it became a serious problem.
Meet the Dutch Doctor Helping Expand Abortion Access by Mailing Safe & Legal Pills Worldwide
Newshour, talking about Roe and Jan 6.
This is a real average of polls.
This is a reliable source, gives the GOP an 87% chance at the House and 54% for the Senate. And this is with the GOP trying to run freak shows in swing states.
Kelly-Ann Madox
PBS News Weekend live episode, July 2, 2022, Abortion and Guns
Biden signs and executive order to protect abortion and contraception access via federal properties. And Biden asks people to elect law makers who will codify abortion rights. (House Democrats have already passed such an act.)
"Long Way To The Top" - School of Rock Reunion Concert LIVE
School of Rock 10 year reunion
School of Rock Musical - Teachers Pet Combination
Keep Me Hanging On
Jefferson Starship - Jane - 2018 School of Rock AllStars Team 6, awesom lead singer
Strange Kind of Women - Perfect Strangers - live at La Grande Ourse Concert Hall
VANILLA FUDGE_You Keep Me Hanging On_BB Kings_6-22-13
Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today - Cleveland School of Rock
Linda Ronstadt - You're No Good - 2016 School of Rock AllStars Team 6
School of Rock Reunion Concert - Jack Black - BEST QUALITY
Electric Light Orchestra - Telephone Line - Chicago School of Rock
Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way - Team 1 2014 School of Rock AllStars
Janis Joplin - Down On Me - School of Rock All-Stars Team 2
Aquarius - Hair - Team 5 2019 School of Rock AllStars
Joe Cocker - With a Little Help From My Friends - Team 4 2019 School of Rock AllStars
Dio - Holy Diver - 2015 School of Rock AllStars Team 4 - Wicker Park Fest
The Flamin' Groovies - Shake Some Action - Cleveland School of Rock
Jane - School of Rock
I blame Christianity and the whole “life is sacred” movement. In pre-Christian times. In Roman times you could throw an unwanted baby into the dump, kill your wife if she cheated on you or otherwise dishonored you. That was real freedom. These ugly bitches marching around protesting the Supreme Court know those were good times.
Non-Hispanic White women had the lowest abortion rate (6.6 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (117 abortions per 1,000 live births), and non-Hispanic Black women had the highest abortion rate (23.8 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (386 abortions per 1,000 live births).
Crime rate started to drop drastically about 17 years after Roe v Wade decision. A lot of criminals were never born.
Aquarius - Hair - Team 5 2019 School of Rock AllStars
Anyway Tetra, you got a link to your version of the story?
Officially came out of the closet on TUSCL on July 15, 2022!
** during library hours **
The sjcreep is #LOUD AND PROUD!!!
I don't have a version of the story. Just a lot of incongruent facts and a suspicion that someone (or multiple someones) isn't telling the truth.
What kind of mother sides with an abuser who knocked up her ten year old child? Why could she not get an abortion in a clear case of danger to health in any state? Why did the doctors not report this immediately when any pregnancy of a girl under 14 has to be reported? Why did this go to the press before the authorities?
Many more questions than answers, SJG.
Historically anytime they have talked about parental notification laws, it becomes clear that such laws would often place the life of the minor in danger, and such situations are often cases of incest.
Aquarius - Hair - Team 5 2019 School of Rock AllStars
And I'm pretty pro choice so don't think I'm trying to make some point otherwise.
I usually don't try to follow these cases, but let me see what I can find.
This seems to be it, Ohio
The conservative effort to cast a story about a pregnant 10-year-old Ohio rape victim as a hoax has now fallen apart, with confirmation of the case arriving Wednesday. While some merely noted the initial report hadn’t been confirmed, several conservative media figures and Republican politicians went significantly further in casting it as a dirty trick meant to make the GOP’s post-Roe v. Wade laws look bad; high on that list was Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost (R).
He continued: “Ohio’s heartbeat law has a medical emergency exception broader than just the life of the mother. This young girl, if she exists, and if this horrible thing actually happened to her — breaks my heart to think about it — she did not have to leave Ohio to find treatment.”
Warning, Washington Examiner is owned by the Unification Church, and it is a Right Wing agitant.
Some wagered that a pregnant 10-year-old would trigger that exception. An opinion piece at the conservative Washington Examiner puts it like this:
Even if a girl gets her first period at 10 or younger, she likely has not developed a pelvis capable of safely carrying a pregnancy to term, let alone delivering a live baby. Although most conservatives may disagree with Ohio’s six-week abortion ban failing to include a rape and incest exception, just about nobody of note in the pro-life movement would ever favor denying an abortion when a pregnancy seriously imperils the life and physical health of the mother.
Here is says arrest for rape was made in Columbus:
Arrest made in rape of Ohio girl that led to Indiana abortion drawing international attention
Maybe we just get one free view per day
Indiana Dr. Caitlin Bernard reported 10-year-old Ohio girl's abortion, records show
Do have to report cases of rape and abuse.
School of Rock Students Perform "Middle of the Road" by The Pretenders
SOR - The Knack - My Sharona (they don't a good job of making keyboard substitute for some of the guitar work)
SOR - Freebird
^ this is good, refutes the stuff that was coming from the Right about this case!
Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
I still maintain something stinks here. Why the fuck would any mother defend a rapist over her pregnant 10-year-old. Even when the rapist confessed. There's still more than meets the eye.
This will be talked about more. But the Ohio AG side is not credible. People were trying to make trouble for the girl and the doctor, and so journalists need to operate at much higher level of security so that identities can never be determined.
Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
AOC right out in front!
Remind me, were they're any Republicans on the 2022 ballot?
Progressive Caucus Chair Rep. Jayapal on Her Own Abortion & Why Biden Must Protect Right to Choose
SJG, thought ya said this was going to cause a blue wave. Sorry, man. Thanks for playing.
But they have to decide who to vote for in Nov, so that will be the poll which matters. Women have never been attacked in this way before, so they will be coming out to the polls then.
Khatia Buniatishvili plays Piano Concerto No. 2 by S. Rachmaninov
This piece must be really pushing the limit for how fast notes can be resounded.
I think this is in Turin. Interesting place.
Roe was "settled law."
Lots of people saw no reason to fear republicans winning elections.
Well this has changed and the polls still don't measure it.
Remember that originally most people and the polls wrote off Donald Trump as a candidate. He was getting to people who otherwise did not care about politics.
I applaud AOC and the other house Dems for what they did.
Gimme Shelter - School of Rock
The House already passed something like Roe, and it already passed AOC's Green New Deal.
They are showing voters that the greatest threat to this country is allowing Republicans to stay in office.
Down on Me
That's like saying an NFL football offense could score on every play, if it wasn't for that pesky defense.
If Twitter followers were results, the pissant "squad" would really be something. As is, they're theatre.
This is how Dems won the house in 2018, and how Trump was retired in 2020
School of Rock - Move Over (I think these School of Rock summer camps and shows would be extremely difficult to organize and pull off )
The Dems have WH/House/Senate, Biden is >20 points underwater, and the country is pissed.
Abortion is fading from the public eye.
Dems win when they talk kitchen table issues. Instead all they can do is assign blame.
More women care about feeding their babies than aborting them.
Republicans have voted based on the courts for 50 years. Democrats are Johnny-come-latelies to it.
This is gonna be a rough year. Brace yourself.
There is no food shortage. What infant formula shortage there was is being fixed before it becomes serious.
Republicans, that is the Anti-Reproductive Choice Flavor, have targeted the courts for overturning Roe V Wade for 50 years. But the wife of Barry Goldwater was the leader of Planed Parenthood AZ, and the Goldwater name is on the AZ Republican's building. And Ronald Reagan signed into law CA legislation which already gave us something like Roe V Wade. And Reagan appointed Sandra Day O'Conner, anti-choice at heart, but leading the group to declare Roe as "Settled Law". It is only a subset of the Republican Party which is anti-choice. Others are horrified by what some have done to their party.
Right Wing Nonsense News and Trump absurdity have already made times tough.
Thick As Thieves Sirius/Jane(Alan Parsons Project and Jefferson Starship Cover)
LOL. Did you say that with a straight face? And this is before they got to implement their batshit spending. Dems own inflation.
Obviously you don't know there's no such thing as "settled law" in a common law system. Dred Scott and Plessy were precedent. What made Roe so much more deserving of deference than any other SCOTUS decision? That you happened to agree with it?
The parties have polarized on abortion (https://news.gallup.com/poll/246278/abor… ), so your "pro-choice" Republican majority, though I happen to belong to it, is not great...23% to 70% pro-life. And abortion is a mid-tier issue for me. Don't think I don't find the Democrats' abortion up until the moment of birth repulsive either.
Independents 54% pro-choice, 39% pro-life. Democrats 88% pro-choice, 10% pro-life. FYI
Dobbs didn't outlaw abortion, it returned it to the states. It undid an act of judicial activism. I don't see the left complaining about judicial activism when it implements their preferred policies.
I read a ton of news from both left- and right-wing sources. Let each argue their side and let the best arguments win. Don't play the "brainwashed by right-wing media" canard, not when the left has the three broadcast networks, CNN, and the biggest newspapers.
But Biden's Build Back Better is jobs. And it includes upper income tax hikes, rather like Bill Clinton's extra 2%. It is two Democrats and 50 Republicans who have stopped it from passing.
7 SCOTUS Justices, including O'Connor, said that Roe was Settled Law, using the same language that had been applied to Brown v Board. Now no, that is not legally binding. Another group of Justices could change it. But it is rhetorical. More than anything they were saying that the next time some moron like Clarence Thomas gets nominated and says that he has not considered Roe, reject him. As it is with Brown v Board, nominated Justices need to say they support it.
Huge numbers of women who have not been voting or who have been voting Republican will be out at the polls in November voting for Democrats, and some more men too.
Yes, Dobbs returned it to the states. But as we have a Constitution it is the role of SCOTUS to make sure there are not unconstitutional laws.
Right-Wing Media is brainwashing. It started with Cable TV, and now it is the Internet. It was when we got to unlimited sources of info, instead of just a few channels of broadcast TV. RIght Wing Media stimulates the Lizard Brain.
Jefferson Starship - Jane - 2018 School of Rock AllStars Team 6
Whatever on "settled law." If it's not legally binding, it doesn't exist. Plessy and Dred Scott had similar majorities and were on the books longer than Roe. You're explaining a wishful thinking scenario binding no one. Roe was judicial activism. Like I keep saying, where were the Dems when they had Congress?
Abortion is well down the priority list after: the economy, inflation, voting rights, guns, education. Climate change is a few notches yet below that.
For _Democrats_, abortion is 6th, below economy, inflation (32%), guns (23%), voting rights/election integrity (15%), climate change (11%).
Republicans are more enthusiastic about voting, by a 7 point margin
There is no evidence of your abortion wave.
Dems only hope is that the war in Ukraine ends, gas prices plummet, supply chains get resolved, and inflation grinds to a halt. Without that, all the wedge issues in the world won't amount to a tinker's damn.
True! Deductions are supposed to be because some expenses are not really income, they are business expenses. A lot of progress has been made in reforming the tax code.
"Settled Law" was just SOCTUS Justices trying to exert political influence by telling people what they should expect from the court and about who should be considered qualified. They did it first with Brown v Board, and again with Roe. But no, it is not legally binding on anyone.
Abortion rights is a very very high priority issue for many many women and for many others. The economy and inflation are really only a problem because of 2 Democrats and 50 Republicans. Pretty much the same with education, voting rights, guns and climate. Vote those 2 Democrats and 50 Republicans out, and things will get good. Republicans always have higher voter turnout. It seems to correlate to wealth and income. But this is the first election that has given women and others who care about Reproductive Choice a reason to vote.
And it was Richard Nixon who pioneered using social wedge issues, like abortion and racism.
School of Rock Concert
Dems need an economic turnaround, not an excuse.
Pretenders-My City Was Gone (1984) HD
They're making money from both the bullets being sold and medical procedures being done.
Plus the massive profits from the mortuary industry.
This girl little bit older and heavier, looks a little more garish. She has an appeal because she gets out there and shows her stuff. Full height stripper shows and lots of makeup, but not much else.
'They Voted Hell No': Sebelius Notes Kansas Abortion Vote Crossed Party Lines
I sure would not want to be Republican on the November ballot.
Kansas was admitted as a Free State, and that was after defending themselves against pro-slavery guerrillas being sent in from Missouri.
miggs : "Let The Games Begin" starring LINDSAY LOHAN (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Full press conference: Florida Gov. DeSantis announces suspension of Hillsborough State Attorney
many states report a surge in the number of women registering to vote"
Biden in Maryland, campaigning against the "MAGA Republicans".
Trigger Laws Make Abortion Off Limits for Millions; Patients Face “Intolerable” Risk & Uncertainty
w/ Lindsey Graham press conference video
The White House and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists say a Republican-led proposal to ban abortion nationwide after 15 weeks would endanger the health of women and have severe consequences for physicians.
“If passed and enacted, this bill would create a nationwide health crisis, imperiling the health and lives of women in all 50 states,” according to a preliminary analysis of the bill by Jennifer Klein, the White House Gender Policy Council chairwoman, that was obtained by The Associated Press. “It would transform the practice of medicine, opening the door to doctors being thrown in jail if they fulfill their duty of care to patients according to their best medical judgment.”
School of Rock AllStars perform "Highway Star" by Deep Purple
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed more than a dozen new abortion laws Tuesday, including some that deliberately clash with restrictions in other states — a sign of the coming conflicts that must be sorted out as lawmakers rush to set their own rules now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned.
Most abortions are now illegal in 13 states, and others — including Texas, Oklahoma and Idaho — allow people to sue anyone who performs or aids in an abortion. Meanwhile, Democratic-led states like California, New York and Connecticut have been writing and passing laws to make it easier to get an abortion, with California promoting its abortion services on a state-funded website designed in part to reach women who live in other states.
Conflicts seem inevitable as more people travel for abortions in the coming years, especially with California and Oregon prepared to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to help pay for things like travel, lodging and child care. On Tuesday, Newsom signed a number of laws meant to thwart investigations from other states seeking to prosecute or penalize abortion providers and volunteers in California.