
Can I get a drink? What do you want? Water.

Get the fuck out of here. Go to the bartender and get tab water.

Whats the dumbest thing a stripper has said to you?

Real conversation two days ago!


  • Cookiesandcream
    3 years ago
  • loper
    3 years ago
    What's your problem? Why can't a girl ask for water?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Are you sure you're not asking about the dumbest things customers get work up over?
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    geneious comment mr ishmael

    the op could have carped some dime and just said this: how about we go replenish ur bodily fluids with some of my bodily fluids?

    your welcome
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    So buying a stripper a $5 bottle of water is a bad thing? But buying her a $15 mixed drink that takes a degree in chemistry - and likely has no alcohol - is better?

    That makes sense....
  • dirtyburt
    3 years ago
    Could you image the outrage if she ordered a $20 drink, then just walked away, after she realized how much of a dick he was???
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Once a man offers a woman a drink, his role ends, except for paying.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Dancers are physical. They sweat and need water ....I don't see a problem getting her a bottle
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    A dancer getting water isn't weird.

    The OP's expectations on the other hand...
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    That attractive dancer is approx 60% water. Just a few % less, and she'd be a shriveled stripper prune.

    You wouldn't want that would you?
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    I would just take it as a sign she is a responsible stripper instead of just another alcoholic or drug addicted stripper. That is a good sign because they are usually better at carrying on a decent conversation and they are often better at the type of sensual seduction that I prefer instead of the drunk party girl act.

    It is also a sign that she enjoys her job and doesn't need to get drunk to get through her shift.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    The two individuals who would have made this thread extra entertaining, are absent at the moment. Pity.

    I remember seeing it somewhere (Twitter? Tumblr?) I don’t remember, about an experiment a woman started doing in bars. This wasn’t a dancer, just a regular woman. When men would start offering a drink, she would instead counter with a food item that was the same price or less than a regular mixed drink. Many dudes would get PISSED. Pushing to drink, most likely for not-too-nice purposes, is something that can’t be ignored.
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    Everyone is piling on the OP, so I'll take a contrary view. I agree with Skibum: "Once a man offers a woman a drink, his role ends, except for paying." However, that's not what the OP said, or at least that's not how I read it. According to the OP, the dancer asked "Can I get a drink?" When that question is asked in a club, the usual interpretation is that she is asking for an alcoholic drink, and will keep you company while she drinks it. If she wanted water, she should have asked if he would buy her a water, which obviously means an expensive bottled water because she could probably get a cup of water for free. I've never had a dancer ask me to buy her a drink and then say she wanted water. I have, on several occasions, offered to buy a dancer a drink and gotten a response along the lines of "I'm not drinking today, or I' at my cutoff time, do you mind if I have a water?" And of course, along the lines of what Skibum said, I'm happy to buy her a bottle of water because I offered a drink and I'm not going to dictate what that drink is.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    "I've never had a dancer ask me to buy her a drink and then say she wanted water."

    I have. And perhaps that's because I hit more day shifts than night shifts, but it has happened on occasion during night shifts as well. I'll be honest, I'm fine with it as opposed to the dancer putting away expensive mixed drinks. Partly because it saves me money, and partly because drunk dancers are often problematic. Tipsy or buzzed ... no problem. Drunk dancers are a minefield.

    For me, asking me to buy water still doesn't register on the radar of dumb things said by a dancer.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Maybe I'm missing something on this but it seems to me the OP is a dancer that was sharing the response she got for ordering a water. At least I think the red symbol indicates a woman? I've known a lot of dancers that don't drink so, like others have said, if you offer a drink, you should get her whatever she wants.

    As far as a food item, it's not the price but it's the social meaning of a "drink". If a dancer I liked wanted food because she wanted to take an edge off her prior drinking, I say no problem. Also, if I am ordering food and she wants some then I have no problem either. It just seems like someone is pushing the limits of hospitality to go outside what is offered.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    If you're bitching about the price of water at a club you shouldn't be going
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Mike ... you're not wrong. The pink flower does (usually) indicate a dancer, but if you look at the OP's posting history it appears to be a male customer. It also looks like the OP tends to post and ghost. Not sure.
  • Musterd21
    3 years ago
    I will let a lady buy me a drink anytime!
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    If she orders a water then she orders a water. Now sure I enjoy drinking with strippers, but her decision to order water tells me what I need to know about her and ultimately saves me a lot of wasted time with a girl who I'm not going to enjoy. $5-6 is a small price to pay for valuable intel. So I graciously pay for her water, chat with her for a minute or so and then move her along. Easy peasy.
  • rickthelion
    3 years ago
    As usual my brother rick hits the nail on his head.

    Indeed, my brother rick is right about almost everything. Only thing he gets wrong is the glory that is the Tesla Model S Performance configuration. What he doesn’t get is the full potential of the autopilot. Reprogram that bad boy to have rick mode and you can drive drunk without touching the wheel.

    Activate rick mode and you can have a gin rickey in one hand and a gimlet in the other and just watch the hairless apes bounce off your hood when you hit ‘em. It’s a wild ride. ROAR!!!
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    "her decision to order water tells me what I need to know about her and ultimately saves me a lot of wasted time with a girl who I'm not going to enjoy."

    I guess this makes sense since no woman would have sex with any of the Ricks on here if she is sober.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "I guess this makes sense since no woman would have sex with any of the Ricks on here if she is sober."

    Says the fat bastard paying girls $200 - I wonder what that must be like for them? 😉

    Or it could tell me that they are too uptight to even try to fake it, no doubt trying to look "professional." IME that is almost always a telltale sign of no fun of any kind, even just barside entertainment.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    On the flip side. Some dancers know guys think like that and order hard alcohol....usually watered down. At a higher price than customer drinks. Letting the guy think she'll get drunk lower her guard and he'll get his way. Vegas hookers use that tactic a lot too
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    "Says the fat bastard paying girls $200 - I wonder what that must be like for them?"

    Honestly, I'd assume it's not ideal for them, that's why I pay them instead of them fucking me for free. Isn't that the reason anyone pays strippers or other sex workers for sex?
  • Cookiesandcream
    3 years ago
    I'm going to update. It's been a while but once I started receiving replies I understood one thing. I was being kind of a dick... Not extremely but somewhat.

    I am a male. No idea who gave me that flower, not my issue.

    I posted this discussion the day it happened. And I was not at the right state of mind. But I do remember the conversation. She sat down, said, hi and immediately asked for a drink, I said of course what would you like, she said water. I said 'can't you get it at the bar' . She said, ' I like it paid for' .... I just met her and it seemed rude and not a great introduction. I was not happy with her and posted this.

    I received a lot of great view points from this post. Some I did not expect. But will take into consideration next time a woman asks me for water. It really was just the Hello and quickly asking for an expensive item she could get for free and saying I should pay for that. But generally yes. I was being an ass. I was not rude to her, or demanding. I said no..
    I'm not forced to pay for her drink. Just like she's not forced to stay with at the table. All is fair I think. This was just an annoyed post.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    @Cookies another thing to consider is that some people prefer bottled water over tap. Not just because it's paid for either. They might think it tastes better or have some psychological issue with tap water.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    I have a girl, that I guess has become a "friend" (just based on strip club activities). The last time I saw her she came up and asked if she could use me as an excuse to get rid of a customer. I have never seen her drink.

    She came up and sat with me and we talked. Eventually, she ordered a tap water. This wasn't the first time we sat together just to talk, hence the "friend" moniker. I had asked if she wanted something to drink every time and she always refused. When she asked for tap water this time I just asked her if she drank tap water at home. She said no. I told the bartender to cancel her tap water and let me buy her a bottle of water.

    This was a no pressure to get a dance sitdown but we go get dances together that are a lot of fun. She goes out of her way to not be the girl that takes advantage even though I ask her if she wants antything knowing she doesn't drink. So, I guess I have to show appreciation for her going out of her way not to take advantage.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I had a favorite dancer back around 2000-2004. She kept a bottle of her favorite booze in her locker and if she wanted a drink, she would go back there and make one. She explained "I won't pay these ridiculous prices for a drink and I wouldn't expect you to but one for me. I still have a bottle of "Vino Viagro" from the Philippines that she gave me back then.
  • bang69
    3 years ago
    What is wrong with people drinking water at a club
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Cookies you came to the wrong place with this complaint brother. You thought you were posting on a board with other guys like you, who club at night (like most do) and for whom the socializing, including having a couple of drinks with a stripper, is part of the fun.

    What you found instead was an odd collection of responses from mostly dayshift teetotalers and an assortment of other types who are not the typical night time club hound. You are understandably confused and now trying to re-establish your footing.

    I posted my response above and from it you can glean that I am similarly uninterested when a girl leads me to believe that she would like to socialize over a cocktail and then orders a bottled water - though it's more often Redbull now where I club. I'm a night time socializer myself so I understand where you're coming from, even if I don't get as worked up about it as you did. Throwing away a few bucks on failed attempts to enjoy time with a lady is just part of the process.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "I have a girl, that I guess has become a "friend" (just based on strip club activities)."

    You set the bar low for using that moniker. I don't apply a term like that to a girl until she has seen me OTC a couple of times. Just sayin.
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    OP’s further explanation makes me feel even more strongly he was completely justified in his reaction. He didn’t initiate the interaction by offering a drink. She asked for one. Context matters. When a dancer in a strip club asks for a “drink,” the expectation is she is going to have an alcoholic drink with you. Sharing “drinks”’ implies a convivial chat. Drinking water just means she’s dehydrated.

    I’ve offered to buy drinks many, many times. 90% of the time they want an alcoholic drink. The other 10% of the time they might say something like “I’m past my cut off, do you mind if I have a water” or Red Bull, etc., to make sure I am ok with buying her a nonalcoholic drink, because, again, a drink in a bar means an alcoholic drink. Of course, if I make the offer, I will buy whatever they ask for, and appreciate the clarification.

    Personally, I don’t care what they drink or whether it’s alcoholic or not, but I would have found the interaction described by the OP very off putting as well.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    The other day I said I don't care if a dancer asks for a drink without alcohol. That hasn't changed.

    If a dancer wants water and asks for bottled water, I'll pay for water. The reality is you have no idea what the bartender is putting in the glass anyway for an "alcoholic" drink. The club is getting paid, the dancer is getting something she asked for, and you're getting whatever time a drink buys you. If she asks for tap water, I don't insist on upgrading because in my experience that doesn't do anything but give the club more money.

    By my experience, I mean that in years past I'd spend money on little things in club situations (like upgrading a water) that I thought was being nice, but it was really me imposing my ideas on someone else. My main goal when interacting with a dancer I don't know is for her to get the information she needs about spending time with me and for me to do the same. Some dancers will think it's nice, others will think something negative, and for some it won't even register. Why add that to the mix?

    I suppose a dancer could be testing a customer to see if they're going to volunteer to pay whatever amount to get her a bottled water over tap. I'll fail that test every time lol. My experiences in the clubs has gotten better over time because I've learned how to be a better customer, not by throwing around a bunch of money I didn't need to spend.
  • magicrat
    3 years ago
    In my local club the dancers are not allowed to drink alcohol so when you buy them a drink it's just a virgin whatever. And they charge you $10 for the privilege.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    $10 for a "virgin" drink? Lol. Sounds like the worst club ever. But I'm guessing you've found a way to beat the system by now.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Don't be so cheap at a strip club....if you want to spend time with her buy her a drink. What she orders is her choice.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    I don't really treat people in strip clubs differently than I treat people in any other aspect in my life. I travel a lot and spend time alone in bars of all sorts having dinner, traveling or just hanging out. It's boring to sit by yourself all the time so I will strike up conversations and make bar "friends" Are these friends as considered by normal standards? No. But I've found that sometimes being nice goes a long way.

    For instance, I was flying through Chicago on the 4th of July and stopped at a spot where I like to get a beer and a Chicago dog. I don't travel through Chicago often, maybe twice a year, but I am always recognized by a few of the bar staff and we catch up. The two I saw, I hadn't seen in 2 years and we were both happy to see each other. Being an airport bar, a domestic draft is about $12. Every time I see these two at this bar we talk and I am given a free beer. I guess I've tipped well in the past but I do that in general.

    The girl I bought a water for is a very hot girl and she usually books up for the day when I am in there. However, when we get a chance to go in back, I get things that would be considered "extra" that I don't get charged extra for. For me to make a friendly gesture toward her is a no brainer. She doesn't get jealous or angry if we don't get a chance to go in back and she will sit with me between "clients". It's fun to hang with a super hot chick that conversation comes easily with.

    I have "friends" in my regular watering hole at home that I don't hang out with outside of that bar but enjoy hanging with inside the bar and we will buy each other drinks on occasion. For me, I make a decent living and enjoy hanging out with "friends" rather than sitting at home sad or angry at the world. I am pretty quiet but can make casual conversation with just about anyone. It makes for a happier life and I'm fortunate to be a fairly happy guy. What's not to be happy about? I can walk into a strip club pretty much anytime I want and not even think about what I'm spending. Who wouldn't be happy with a life like that.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    I agree that "I like it paid for...." isn't the best first impression. It's a bit bratty/rude. That said, on the scale of "dancer bad behavior", it barely moves the needle compared to other things a dancer might do to piss me off. I mean, the baseline is that we're going to spend potentially a lot of money on them, and the price of a water is a tiny fraction of the expenditure.

    Then again, I'd probably never ask about her getting water at the bar. If I offer to buy a drink, then I'll buy what she wants. It's her choice.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "I can walk into a strip club pretty much anytime I want and not even think about what I'm spending. Who wouldn't be happy with a life like that."

    Tough to argue with that. Maybe this should be a pm, but somehow I just realized mike710 and mikeym are not the same person. I was thinking "this guy makes sense, why do people keep ragging on him"? lol
  • yankeez4lif
    3 years ago
    Your follow up post on this was helpful. Sounds like the conversation involved a dick and a dickette. The issue here is that you did accept the offer to purchase the lady a drink so you're on the hook to pay for whatever is asked. Not a good move on her part to lead in with asking for a drink so I am glad that you refused the offer. Sounds like you just needed to vent and get this issue out of your system.
  • rogertex
    3 years ago
    Couldn't read this long ass thread to the end ...
    but loper and CMI - thanks for the laugh !
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Generally speaking, it's been many years since I"ve had a surprise or unpleasant experience around drinks. I find it takes VERY little to guide the discussion towards a reasonable conclusion. Basically, I just guide the conversation to WHAT I WANT out of the experience, rather than leaving it up to her and possibly ending up disappointed. For example:

    After she sits down, as soon as I know I like her and want her to stay, I say: "We're doing shots today! Vodka or tequila, you pick!"

    IF SHE SAYS either vodka or tequila, I ASK HER what she wants for a back. Then I order for both of us from the waitress.

    IF SHE SAYS she isn't drinking alcohol for (reason), I TELL HER we're not a match today and send her on

    IF SHE SAYS she wants a mixed drink, or any other alcoholic drink besides shots, I DECIDE WHETHER I'm okay with that. If not, I send her on. If I am okay, I ask her what she wants, and order for both of us when the waitress comes.

    IF SHE SAYS I don't drink vodka or tequila you pussy, let's do whiskey then SHE IS MY NEW CF

    In short, tell her what you want to get her. Ask her exactly what she wants so you know her order. If you want to drink her and she doesn't drink, send her on. If she wants a $30 dancer drink and you don't want to buy that, send her on. Otherwise, order for you both.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    To each their own, but I've had some brilliant fun with dancers who weren't drinking booze.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "To each their own, but I've had some brilliant fun with dancers who weren't drinking booze."

    He's got a point. I just had a little of that myself.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "To each their own, but I've had some brilliant fun with dancers who weren't drinking booze."

    No doubt. But for me it's simply a matter or probabilities. There are only so many girls I can meaningfully interact with in a given noght. On the whole I have found dancers who drink with me, or at least pretend to do so, to be much more fun than those who don't. So now I don't bother with those who can't even be bothered to fake it.
  • orionsmith
    3 years ago
    the stupid question i heard tonight was How many fights have you been in?
    I made the mistake of telling a dancer where I was from and apparently it has a worse reputation than I thought for being violent. I said no fights but there was a shooting at Applebees not far from me. She looked like she didn’t believe me when I said I hadn’t been in any fights. I didn’t realize I looked that rough tonight. Just because I used to live in a small town ranked as a very violent place doesn’t mean it was violent for everyone. Except for all the shootings it was somewhat peaceful.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I think OP might be taking a jab at me cuz I'm that bitch asking for a bottled water 😁
  • crazyjoe
    3 years ago
    water is good
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    First off, while "I like it paid for" sounds rather "entitled" to me, from her standpoint, I suppose she could be testing the waters with regard to whether or not you're willing to spend money on her. It's somewhat more direct than I would expect from most experienced strippers, though.

    On the issue of water versus alcohol, if I ever start giving a shit what a dancer is drinking when I offer to buy, just shoot me. If I automatically excluded dancers based on what they drink, I'd not have had nearly as much fun over the years. A surprising number of them have been non-drinkers, and in clubs where the under 21 restrictions are strictly enforced, and even for those over 21, some of you might be surprised at exactly how much alcohol is in a dancer's drink, no matter how much you paid for it.

    I can't even count the number of dancers who've been happy that they didn't have to pretend they were drinking booze when they "drink" with me.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Nothing wrong with water, dancer was sort of an entitled twat, but I personally would find this a situation to laugh about, not get worked up on.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    If I liked her I'd get her a bottle of water. I honestly don't see the big deal here. It's her choice what she wants to drink
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    "On the issue of water versus alcohol, if I ever start giving a shit what a dancer is drinking when I offer to buy, just shoot me. If I automatically excluded dancers based on what they drink, I'd not have had nearly as much fun over the years."

    I think this is a "you have fun your way, I'll have fun my way" statement. I'm the reverse -- I started off in non-alcohol clubs, and over time came to realize I have the most fun drinking with strippers. In fact, it's the reverse: having fun drinking with a gorgeous stripper is part of the reason I love going to the club. Yes, I can have fun with a stripper who isn't drinking, and still occasionally go to all-nude, no-alchohol clubs. So I suss it out quickly ("we're doing shots today"), send her on her way if we're not match -- it's not a big deal, there's plenty of other girls at the club who drink and can show me the time I'm looking for.
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    Having several experiences in Thailand with "takeout" stopping to puke....

    I really don't mind buying her an overpriced (dancer drink taxed) water.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    'I think this is a "you have fun your way, I'll have fun my way" statement.'

    That's how I read your comments because I've seen your thoughts on this before. In this particular thread it did come off a little differently, though. Over time I've gotten less particular on which dancers I'll sit and talk with as long as there's something I like about them on first glance, because I get bored with routine.

    But I'm a big fan of not wasting time, so get why experienced hounds want to filter. Plus a guy like Subra's in a pricier market than most of us. If I was paying San Fran prices on drinks I'd probably pay more attention.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Right. And don't get me wrong, I'll break my own rules if the stripper is amazing enough. I haven't had a CF in a long time, but my last CF didn't drink, she only did edibles. I brought her gummies each trip. I missed the "drinking with a stripper" experience, but hey, I know when someone is spectacular enough to break my rules. Usually, though, I like a table full of my buddies and strippers, all doing shots together, etc. So I filter fast, and to avoid getting surprised with a $50 prosecco order, just make all orders myself until she understands the pattern.

    No shade to those who don't care either way. You have fun your way. I'll take my money and have fun my way with it -- I've done this long enough to have a good idea of what I'm looking for at the SC
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    I absolutely agree with the "you have fun your way, I'll have fun my way" attitude. I suspect that being a non-drinker in clubs myself for the last as long as I can remember years probably affects my ability to have fun *this* way. Imbibing in depressants just doesn't work for me when I'm trying to have fun.

    Now, sharing a couple of Purple Haze brownies? Different story. 🤣
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Ha, I definitely prefer shots over 420, but like I said, spectacular enough that I dropped all my own standards for her lol
  • Musterd21
    3 years ago
    Love buying a lady a drink!
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Who drinks tap water in a strip club? That seems like a bad idea.

    I’d love to see that request. Bottled water? No! Pour me a glass! I’m not paying for it!

    Maybe this tab water is cleaner?
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    @CAshman1234: "Who drinks tap water in a strip club? That seems like a bad idea."

    Have you *seen* how they "wash" glasses in a bar? At least including alcohol has some chance of killing leftovers...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Cashman said "Who drinks tap water in a strip club? That seems like a bad idea."

    Having read the stories you've posted about your strip club hi-jinks, I find it amusing that tap water quality is something you'd worry about even a little bit.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Ishmael - I am quite adept at compartmentalizing my emotions. I might enjoy very filthy strippers, but I prefer my water to be clean.

    If I want to savor a warm yellow shower, I’ll pay extra for that experience…
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Ha, that is ironic that's what Cashman is skeeved about lol... but I agree, if she wants water, I buy her a bottle of water. Not just that bottom shelf Costco water either. We're going straight up bougie with that fancy Fiji stuff
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ That Fiji water is straight up tap water go for the good stuff Poland Spring.
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