
Comments by orionsmith (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    What happened to JuiceBox69
    Is poker legal in nc? I may be asking juice how he does it when I get time. I won't have much time for the next few months at least.
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    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you make conversation with SC employees?
    Hadn't been to a club in several months. Saw a new bouncer at entrance asked for ID. Another bouncer walks out sees me, says he's good. I know him. Walk in and see door girl. I can't remember if she is the same or not. She says just sign in. She remembers me. I don't need to take out my card. I go to the bar, dancer approaches I recognize. Says where have you been?
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Yoga Pants
    They look great to me. Thumbs up. Wouldn't mind seeing them naked in a club.
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    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Bouncer - customer interactions?
    I've seen bouncers do a lot. I could write an article. I've been confused for a bouncer if I dress in black and stand around in a club. If you never have trouble makers, might be less need for bouncers. Might be like saying we have no need for guns because nobody ever causes trouble in your area.
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    6 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Do you need to be stupid to enjoy SC?
    I believe most people take strip clubs as entertainment and a tease and a break from reality. If you believe it does a lot more than that or should, I can understand getting angry. Thinking of it as an entertaining tease stops me from getting too worked up about it. I haven't spent much at all this year on dances. $30 total this year so far. Did I expect sex or a BJ for 30? Nope. Did I get a lot of attention from good looking dancers? Yes. Did I enjoy that? Yes. I had lower expectations and left happy. I think if you expect sex 100% of the time, an escort service might work better.
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    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Stripper conversational ability? Or is it just me?
    I try not to say too much because once you get some females talking, there's no stopping them. I don't understand why someone thinks it's hard to talk to strippers unless there is a big age gap. I do remember the other night I didn't really talk much with one stripper. I was paying attention to her rubbing my legs and watching other dancers. I saw no problem. One dancer called me by name and I haven't had a dance from her in over a year or two or a few. I remember back a few years ago, one dancer called me a drinking buddy. We would sit and talk. Another dancer or a dancer called me unforgettable. I try not to fill young dancers minds with crazy stories. I tend to not talk much unless I drink a bit more than normal. I can talk a lot. So can some dancers. A bi dancer is looking at the same things as me. A lesbian dancer might be enjoying the same view as me as well. A nice set of boobs or ass is nice to look at. We don't need to talk when something like that appears right in front of us.
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    6 years ago
    Did someone at Facebook get an idea from me?
    Could Facebook get shut down for aiding meet ups? Probably not. I'm sure they will restrict the crap out of it. However instead of sexy ads or click bait I see interesting groups. I actually don't mind looking at them. On Facebook, carstuckgirls.com has interesting videoswhen you search for the group. A bikinis group looks interesting. So far Facebook hadn't suggested names and phone numbers of strippers. Facebook matching app must not work good yet.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Did someone at Facebook get an idea from me?
    So I would be revealing zero new info that Facebook doesn't already know. I don't even know where there new feature is. They might want to make it easier to find.
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    6 years ago
    Did someone at Facebook get an idea from me?
    Glad I didn't own stock in match.com. I heard it was down 22% today. Ouch.
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    6 years ago
    New York
    Anyone remember the old TUSCL app?
    Apple sucks with blocking all adult content from apps. It's a potential billion dollar market in my opinion. Porn helped create the Internet as we know it but Apple blocked all that from their app content. If Apple hadn't been first to market with certain mobile devices, I would be using other devices. Plus my last employer subsidized an apple device for work.
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Where is Follies?
    I see someone created maps by city. Great.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Where is Follies?
    Example, I would like the site to display nearby clubs by city location and put the club markers on something like a google map. Right now my choices are search nearby which defaults to my current isp location over 200 miles away or look at a list of us states strip club lists. I can't type in myrtle beach and see all clubs within 25 miles. Or is there a way to see a map with club locations if you aren't nearby?
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Where is Follies?
    Follies is near Atlanta. :) I'm disappointed with the location of strip clubs part of this site. My isp uses an address in far away North Carolina over 200 miles away so every time I want to search for strip clubs in an area for traveling, I have to look for a list instead of using any google map or the search feature. I would like to search based on a location I might be at in the future if I plan trips. If I'm planning a trip to the beach, I want to find clubs at the beach, not my local area or wherever my isp location skipped to which is often over 200 miles away.
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    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Clubs and Lucid Dreaming
    I'm good at lucid dreaming but I have so many girls giving me Bj's in my dreams that I have to work the lucid dreaming in between Bj's. Hmmm, wonder if that is why I keep waking at attention? On the other hand if dreams are journeys to a parallel dimension, some girls must be attached to me. I can actually create people etc in my lucid dreams if I want to. Some of my regular dreams are messed up. I dreamed I walked into a strip club and sat down and a hot dancer walked up and asked when I wanted a BJ. I was surprised it was ok. Then she pointed to a posted sign. I had to get some BJ's. Cheaper than lap dances too.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The silver lining to jerking off...
    I wasted money going to a club the other night but it sure is fun to waste money getting something you want. On the other hand if I enjoyed my time, maybe the money wasn't a waste. I'm not going to take it with me when I die. I kind of enjoyed one dancer rubbing my legs sitting with me for over half an hour. I did buy her a drink. I was thinking at first maybe she was cold and wanted to warm up rubbing against me. Several other dancers seemed interested but I was busy a lot. I think I possibly spent more on dancer drinks than dances but I got value out of it. I won't have time to visit clubs for a while again because I'm going to be too busy working. Going to move to. I might check out regular clubs as well. Won't be in a dinky little town anymore. However I don't care for all the extra traffic. Oh well. Fate wants me more near strip clubs and regular clubs. :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Dancer's teeth
    I haven't noticed bad teeth. I do remember one dancer a few years ago said she was a dental hygienist. Maybe more dancers take care of their overal health where I live. I initially thought this thread might be about dancers giving a bad BJ with too much teeth, lol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    How many of you give zero fucks about Stormy Daniels?
    She appeared at a local club. I did not go and see her. If you search for how much I've talked about her, it's not much. Porn stars are a dime a dozen. Her claim to fame seems to be she slept with the Presudent. I don't care if she slept with Trump and Bill Clinton but it would be a more interesting story.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you think the patron's looks can affect the mileage they'll receive by a danc
    I think some dancers are much more attracted to me than other dancers and I'm not going to try to figure that one out. I believe if you dress well and appear to have money, dancers are going to be attracted to you. Every once in a while you get a crazy dancer or female customer that wants to get your attention or more and is extremely persistent. I haven't been to a strip club since last summer. If some of the same dancers still work at a local club if I decide to return soon, I bet some will be curious and I might get attention. However it could be none of the same dancers work there. Then I would get to find out if I was considered fresh meat. The feeling you get when you aren't a regular and everyone wants a piece of you.
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    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    I asked a dancer...
    And if agents are spending 2000 a visit, they found the price point to collect evidence that only agents and foreign millionaires or billionaires would pay. Shut down a club that was no threat to the general public whom never spends 2000 a visit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Starting a new hobby...
    Good start as far as writing. I heard if you keep trying until you get everything right, you are successful. Everything else is practice. Thanks for starting the thread. I might have forgotten that link I found and didn't realize all the music tracks on the site. If you do speak and record your writings, I will listen and give an opinion if you want. Target audience is important. If I'm not part of the target, others might give a better opinion. I think I heard Edison or was it Tesla said they didn't have a 1000 failures attempting to build a light bulb, they just found 1000 ways not to build it. I think Edison wanted to use DC current which required power stations every few miles but Tesla wanted AC power. It was much cheaper and what we use now. Edison said it wasn't as safe. Everyone has disagreements.
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    6 years ago
    Starting a new hobby...
    I probably could be an app millionaire if Apple allowed content I think of and had a team to develop apps and sexy AI like I think of. However I'm probably not the only one to notice there is a lack of potentially thousands of money making apps with sexual content on mobile devices. FYI, if you speak and record your erotic writings and this site hosts content, wouldn't mind listening. I just found this site yesterday so I don't know anything about it. I was looking for an AI app that doesn't exist.
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    6 years ago
    Starting a new hobby...
    There's actually a lot of content on this site. MILF talk link. https://soundcloud.com/efd-dom/next-door-mom-begs-for-guys
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Starting a new hobby...
    If you want it to sound really erotic, make it sound more like this stuff. Found this while searching for an app last night. https://soundcloud.com/search?q=Sexy%20talk Sexy dirty talk sounds sexy. If I got the link wrong, look for the talking clip. I was looking for another app last night that doesn't exist. So many apps only seem to exist in my imagination.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Darn robo callers
    Lol, funny video clubber. Reminds me of what a dancer told me she played for a telemarketer. Hopefully this doesn't become every day. I've only given out the number for job stuff and people I don't mind calling me. Apparently too many people already.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Sharing instant pics or have a FaceTime chat sounds like an option to see her before getting stuck together somewhere.