
Do you need to be stupid to enjoy SC?

avatar for Salty.Nutz
Deez Nutz

In the civvie and sc world, womens default modus operandi toward men is to lie, swindle, fleece, by doing less and obtaining all his resources. They accomplish their goal by making you think theres a possibility of sex. SC magnify this behavior, because in my opionion do you enjoy the company of women or strippers if theres no sex involved? I will keep my focus on strippers now, have you ever felt that she was smarter than you? i have Never, felt a stripper is really smart. Have you ever felt that they are bitchy and talking down to you like if youre stupid? majority of them act this way GPS. if they were smart this would not be a smart business model, but a sucker is born every minute. How many air dances do you continue to get in hopes she does more? do you feel like a sucker after handing her that benji for air dances? I do feel fleeced and out witted by the stripper the majority of the time. Some of you might say well i go to the strip clubs and the stripper listens to all my problems....bro you need a therapist, how stupid does that sound? --> going the the sc for a "therapy" session..lol.

my point is, if strippers arent doing shit, they have outsmarted you because they havent done their basic function-->fucking. What do you guys think?


last comment
avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

sounds pretty much right. but there is more than that involved.

avatar for ATACdawg
6 yrs ago

No, you don't have to be stupid.

You just have to enjoy playing a chump's game!

Note to all: The previous sentence was meant to be sarcastic. ;-D

avatar for K
6 yrs ago

I would fix my spelling, punctuation and paragraphs before i ragged on others for thinking they are smarter than i am. But that's just me.

Is it stupid to pay for a service and get it? No. Some guys want an air dance. Some guys want a beautiful woman to listen. That doesn't mean they need a therapist.

Do i ever think a dancer is smart? Yes. I prefer smart ones that can have an interesting conversation. But that is my choice.

Some questions for you. Your post comes off as angry. Why are you angry? Why do you care what othrr adults do with their money?

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

@Salty what @K wrote makes sense you seem to be a bit grouchy maybe your hungry have a Snickers maybe you’ll feel better.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 yrs ago

Ogg like sexy cave girl. Ogg want snake in sexy girl. Ogg hunt and bring deer to impress sexy girl. Sexy girl eat deer and not give Ogg oh oh. Ogg use hunting club to SJG sexy girl to sleep. Ogg get oh oh and hear she like it from SJG. Ogg no need smart.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

@K and @25, im not grouchy or angry i was talking about how I feel and if you guys ever felt bamboozed. i dont use spell check because your most spelled pops up and wife uses phone.

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

You don't need to be stupid to enjoy SCing ... but it sure helps :) :)

avatar for orionsmith
6 yrs ago

I believe most people take strip clubs as entertainment and a tease and a break from reality. If you believe it does a lot more than that or should, I can understand getting angry. Thinking of it as an entertaining tease stops me from getting too worked up about it. I haven't spent much at all this year on dances. $30 total this year so far. Did I expect sex or a BJ for 30? Nope. Did I get a lot of attention from good looking dancers? Yes. Did I enjoy that? Yes. I had lower expectations and left happy. I think if you expect sex 100% of the time, an escort service might work better.

avatar for K
6 yrs ago

Ok. You arent angry and cant use paragraphs or punctuation because your wife uses the phone.

Let's deal with this lone sentence.

"I do feel fleeced and out witted by the stripper the majority of the time."

Why do you go if this is true? You can't be enjoying your time at the club.

avatar for Conundrum
6 yrs ago

No, just be "in love" with a stripper!

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

@Salty if that’s how you feel I get where you’re coming from, you need t take a break, no sarcasm intended, I’ll never allow anyone stripper to make me that angry, you are giving them too much control. Maybe you shouldn’t be going clubbing as often, maybe you are spending more than you want to, whatever it is, I think you need to take control of how you do things in a more positive manner.

avatar for jackslash
6 yrs ago

Have you ever felt a stripper was smarter than you? Come on. How could a stripper be smarter than us guys?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

I suspect that there's no shortage of strippers that are legitimately dumb. I don't think they ask for SAT scores during the audition.But, there are also strippers who are smart enough to hide that they're brighter than the average customer, because there are a lot of fragile egos sitting around the stage.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

I like Charleston and Myrtle Beach. Does that make me stupid?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

Also, keep in mind that guys who post here are in a tiny minority of customers who like strip clubbing so much that we debate theory, post reviews, compare notes, and even plan vacations around strip clubs.

I'm guessing that maybe 3% of strip club customers get as deep in the weeds as we do.

Most guys go into a club, get a drink, look at some boobies, get a few low mileage dances, and they're perfectly happy. This is true even if they know they could get more if they spent more.

You don't have to be stupid to enjoy strip clubs. You just need to have realistic expectations walking through the door, which is arguably the opposite of stupid.

avatar for orionsmith
6 yrs ago

So far I have only met one stripper who claimed she graduated from college. I have met many strippers who are making good money but that's all temporary if you have nothing to show for it after a few years. Looks fade with time.

I have met one or two strippers majoring in some type of law degree curriculum. That takes some ability to do well. Many dancers have skills in different areas. More females than males have more developed social skills. That's what makes it easy for some strippers to easily con some men out of their money. They just flash a smile, show their tits, and act dumb and some guts are ready to hand over tons of cash.

avatar for skibum609
6 yrs ago

Do I enjoy chatting with a beautiful young woman with some caressing and fondling thrown in? Why yes. Yes I do. Was sitting with a dancer one day and we overheard a bizarre conversation between two dancers and a drunk guy with money. When the guy said something borderline insane the dancer I was with looked at me and said: "Kafka would be proud." She's smarter than I am.

avatar for wallanon
6 yrs ago

"my point is, if strippers arent doing shit, they have outsmarted you because they havent done their basic function-->fucking. What do you guys think?"

I think that a stripper's basic function is stripping. If someone gets more then great, but none of that is guaranteed.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

I think that a stripper's basic function is stripping.

It's hard to argue with that, it's right there in the name. If you need some fucking for a low, low price, there are operators standing by to take your Fleshlight order today!

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

Soundtrack: www.youtube.com

Women lie, men lie. I have heard from scientists that women tend to have better memories, though, so they can probably pull it off better.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

i was comparing the strippers level of inteligence compared to you. im pretty sure they are smart enough to get a high school diploma or even a bachelors. Overall none, have been at my intelegience level.

@K, i know what you are trying to say. my lack of grammatical, punctuaction makes me dumb. i base inteligence based off ideas and thoughts an individual can produce. if you can remember facts and regergitate them, good for you.

the underline theme of my post:

for women/strippers its ok for them to lie, swindle, fleece me out of my resources (money/time). But if i point it out that im dumb for paying and not getting pussy, i comeout as angry.

im trying to see it both ways, im pretty average, and the only benefit a hot 25 and under stripper has by associating with me is my money. the only benefit i get from them is between their legs, but somehow i always wind up giving them money and not getting what i want. that makes ME dumb and stupid.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

Overall none, have been at my intelegience level.

Not sure which clubs you went to, but you might want to get yourself checked for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

i also know the name stripper is in the name and thats what they are expected to do, just strip. so when strippers strips on stage it cost 1 dollar. when you get a private dance from this stripper so she can strip for you it cost about 20. so i guess its smarter to pay 20 for something shes does for 1 dollar.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

"... guys who post here are in a tiny minority of customers who like strip clubbing so much that we debate theory, post reviews, compare notes, and even plan vacations around strip clubs ..."

That's pretty-pathetic

But damn it fits me to a tee

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Seems to me many/most dancers think we are the stupid-ones for being so easily manipulated and often spending hundreds of dollars for what they give their BF for free

avatar for FTS
6 yrs ago

It's like this: We all need to eat. Some men go out into the woods with their rifle, and find a really big, healthy deer. They shoot it, haul it home, and eat it. Other men go to a restaurant they really like, find something on their menu they want to enjoy, eat it, and then pay for what they just enjoyed.

Who is stupider? The man who paid money for something that, with only a rifle and a stove, he could have acquired with extra effort? Or the man who, day in and day out, goes into the woods to hunt for his food, all the while there are corporate farms that are basically meat factories which reduces the cost to the community to eat some meat.

Perhaps we should ask Adam Smith. Should a pimp write his own computer operating system, or just buy Windows 8?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

As others have said; it's a service - some people think it's stupid to pay someone to cut your yard, clean your pool, change your car-oil, eating out, etc - all things one can do for themselves w/o having to pay someone.

Males, even in the animal-kingdom, pretty-much constantly want sex and will jump thru w/e hoops they have-to to-get their biological needs met.

For the most-part, sex for females is often somewhat conditional/tied-to-something - the avg guy will have sex anytime/anywhere given the right circumstances, not so much w/ most-females - w/ females there's often asome price to pay to get the puss - strip-clubs short-circuit "the formalities" to getting the puss and why one has to pay "for that convenience" just like one pays for most conveniences.

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

I've met some very street smart strippers. That said most seem to fail in emotional smarts.

I've only gotten bfleeced when I was looking for more that what was in the job description.

Maybe you are also failing in the EQ department. Getting extra shouldn't be an expectation (entitlement issues abound) so when some random stippers starts selling you beach front property in AZ then call her bluff.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

I get frustrated when I SC too-much - at some point it starts to feel like diminishing-returns and harder to get a thrill from it.

The more one SCs the higher the expectations and often the harder it is to be satisfied - and sometimes one's local scene goes a bit downhill but one still has the higher-standard in their head/mind and one does not realize they may need to adjust to the new reality which may include SCing less-often if it's just not there - no use beating a dead-horse

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

Honestly, Salty, it seems like you don't like women very much in general, aside from the sex. This is just a broad impression that I get from your posts.

I'm not sure that most of us go into the club quite as angry and annoyed as you.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

so when strippers strips on stage it cost 1 dollar. when you get a private dance from this stripper so she can strip for you it cost about 20. so i guess its smarter to pay 20 for something shes does for 1 dollar.

No, you should pay $500 for that, and her friend also would like to join the two of you. There is an ATM but you can probably use your credit card and fingerprint for the rest of it, but the credit card option costs a little more.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

Should a pimp write his own computer operating system, or just buy Windows 8?

This is an interesting riddle.

A pimp wouldn't sell his own ass unless it really came down to that. Neither would he buy shit he doesn't have to.

Windows 8.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

The women who work in strip clubs are just fine. The con is in this selling of dances.


avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

@Salty as others have pointed out you know that you are coming across as angry.

I think you have ethics confused with intelligence, your own ethics are just as questionable, someone said if you are being offered waterfront property in Arizona, and you fall for it you aren’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier room your greed is making you reckless.

You need to match your expectations to what is available not try to force your desires in such a way that it is impossible for you to get what you want.

I think you might be better served being a little more generous spiritually, and a little less judgemental.

Remember if she wont meet your needs you have the option to walk and find another.

avatar for goosman
6 yrs ago

Aside from the possibilities of getting, as PC referred to it as "the puss", clubs provide a space for sampling. Some of us here are, lets say, engaged permanently with a woman. And might really love that woman, and think of that woman as the one you do want to devote & spend the rest of your life with. Lets say she's a thin Asian brunette, the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with.

That doesn't mean you still don't like blondes, or black women, or latinas. Or girls with big booties, or thicker women. Now you can destroy your marriage cheating on your wife with a thick bootied latina. Or for an afternoon, when your wfe is out of town, you can have a thick bootied Cuban women bounce her fat ass in your face like Jordan on a break away, and you can get that out of your system. One may not want to destroy their lives, they just want a little booty in their face. nothing more

avatar for HungryGiraffe
6 yrs ago

Couldn’t help but think that the poster’s comments are the very definition of misogyny.

So interesting that many here forget that strip clubs are a form of ENTERTAINMENT. For the vast majority of strippers the WORK is just a JOB. A stripper’s basic function isn’t fucking, as the OP claims. It’s WORKING as an ENTERTAINER.

avatar for K
6 yrs ago

I am not trying to call you stupid. I was just trying to point out how you present yourself. As near as I can tell, you haven't answered the question, why do you go if you feel this way?

I know many smart strippers. I would introduce you to some if you lived here. None of them talk done to customers. They find something to praise about the guy.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

@HungryGiraffe... 'Misogyny' was the word that came to mind for me, as well. I feel odd accusing someone of misogyny on this forum, though. It's sort of like poking holes in Swiss cheese. As a baseline here, we're surrounded by it.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

thanks for yalls input. some guys see it, some dont. i know that i come across as strippers oweing me sexual favors if i go to the SC and spend money. but say if i go to the club and sit next to the stage, dont tip and just enjoy the entertainment. Im a rock, next to the stage. some of you will feel that i should be tipping because theres a unwritten rule that one should tip next to the stage. If not, youre wasting space and get your broke ass home. why is it okay for strippers to demand my money, and if i expect extras im a mygonist, angry, narcisitic? theres nothing wrong with a stripper wanting to dip into my wallet, so why is it wrong if i want to dip into her pants? These are some of the current situations that we enounter at the club, and if you start over analyzing the dynamics, youll end up like me. i will continue to dumb myself down.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

why is it okay for strippers to demand my money, and if i expect extras im a mygonist, angry, narcisitic?

Because they just went into work that day. You went to a strip club instead of wherever else you could go.

but say if i go to the club and sit next to the stage, dont tip and just enjoy the entertainment. Im a rock,

That's the world we live in, and it's up to us to be good to one another under the circumstances. Way back when, it used to be that tipping wasn't a thing. Then the economy tanked and restaurants couldn't afford servers. The customers wanted to keep them, though, because part of the reason they were at a restaurant and not at home was that they wanted to get out and interact.

The flip side is that you can leave a penny face up and she'll know you appreciated her and your straits were just that dire. That's not the card you wanna play, but if that's your last one...

avatar for lolruned
6 yrs ago

I think there are indeed a lot of unintelligent people who go to SCs, regardless of education status. I do think, in general, that the more you know, the less you can enjoy a hobby such as SCing

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

I don't care how you do or don't spend your money.

You know what I expect from a stripper?... nudity. That's it. That's all I'm really owed after I pay my cover charge. Anything beyond that is a negotiation. If you're spending money and not getting what you want, then the problem is with your negotiating skills.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

I do think, in general, that the more you know, the less you can enjoy a hobby such as SCing

I disagree. Level 1 is going to a strip club to get to see beautiful women. Level 2 is that first interaction. Level 3 is getting her phone number. Level 4 is when she didn't call back. Level 5 is when she does call back. Level 6 is thinking of her as a real girl instead of some girl who works at a strip club, etc.

There's a thing about figuring out your own level of competence as being the first level to developing actual competence.

avatar for lolruned
6 yrs ago

"I disagree. Level 1 is going to a strip club to get to see beautiful women. Level 2 is that first interaction. Level 3 is getting her phone number. Level 4 is when she didn't call back. Level 5 is when she does call back. Level 6 is thinking of her as a real girl instead of some girl who works at a strip club, etc."

I don't get any satisfaction with this way of SCing so perhaps I'm missing out. I know what my "competence level" (or whatever that is) is at. I don't need to grab a dancer's number and/or take her home to be SCing "properly"

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

I don't get any satisfaction with this way of SCing so perhaps I'm missing out. I know what my "competence level" (or whatever that is) is at. I don't need to grab a dancer's number and/or take her home to be SCing "properly"

When it's time for your own pants to come down, I have greased the bathroom troll so we can have a threesome. :-)

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

Dear God ... it's a titty bar, not fucking Skyrim.

For those not in the know...


avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

Skyrim does look pretty hot, though. I'm just saying...

I invoke E/N which was the clique precursor to blogging. Everything/Nothing. It's about everything and it's about nothing. Anything can be a focal point for discussion.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

ppwh said: "I invoke E/N which was the clique precursor to blogging."

Right. This is a prime example of why we pay to see boobies.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

Right. This is a prime example of why we pay to see boobies.

I'm not talking about paying to see boobies, I'm talking about discussion on the internet. There are clubs without cover charges and clubs with kind door girls where you can see boobies for free.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago


avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

HungryGiraffe said quite truthfully “So interesting that many here forget that strip clubs are a form of ENTERTAINMENT. For the vast majority of strippers the WORK is just a JOB. A stripper’s basic function isn’t fucking, as the OP claims. It’s WORKING as an ENTERTAINER.”

excellent point girl. but some girls may like more... for one reason or another.

i like this opportunity and sometimes enjoy the option.

and as an aside of that angle GACA said “I've only gotten fleeced when I was looking for more that what was in the job description.” (entertainer) very true.

avatar for jaredlucas
6 yrs ago

Strip pets who are able to sell air dances night after night are all smarter than you give them credit for. In fact they probably think we are the dumb ones for paying them to do a half ass job

Many of them are astute enough to not act smarter than they are for fear of intimidating a weak minded PL. However If a girl is obviously missing too many IQ points I'll quickly pass in favor of one who is more intelligent even if she is less attractive.

The key to enjoying a DC visit and not get hosed almost every time you go clubbing is to hone your game, stay focused on what you want and make sure you treat her well enough to leave her wanting more. - assuming you want that. I'm an OTC fan so open expression of expectations is important in setting the foundation for damn good fun. Ive been at this pretty hard core the past few years and have had lots and lots of OTC fun owing to TUSCL members articles and discussion posts. If a Girl is mentally sharp I'll Match wits with her. If she is not too sharp I'm not going to talk world politics with her.

If she has GPS or is bitchy in any way I'll send her packing. The point is that for all the SS we have experienced the girls keep us cumming and back for more. So they are not as dumb as you might think.

I only wish I had found TUSCL 20 years ago.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 yrs ago

Not sure I follow the overall context of your topic OP but my input would be as follows. It is nice to have sc's full of sexy, scantily clad women that I can visit anytime I want. The vibe in the club is usually positive and the ladies usually do a good job acting interested and fun.

If I sometimes have to pay for air dances to keep that sc culture thriving than so be it. I love sexy beautiful women and a sc is my conduit to spend time with them at their sexiest. I'm willing to pay a premium for that.

avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

i even pay for a dance.

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

“I do feel fleeced and out witted by the stripper the majority of the time.”

“Overall none, have been at my intelegience level.”

avatar for Player11
6 yrs ago

I like srtrippers and gals off SD sites. It’s just a matter of money w them. Main thing is knowing magic number for your area make offer.

Early on in my SC career vulnerable to ROB. Then after some bad experiences (tuition) simply only pay $ only for services rendered.

This seems to have struck a nerve. There's more responses here than I can bother to read on a Sunday afternoon. To answer the question that wasn't really asked:

Yes, we're being ripped off.

Think of it this way: would you set foot in a strip club ever again if you knew for a fact that you could never have sex or sexual contact with any of the women inside? Some of us would; but most of us wouldn't. That's because, although you may enjoy the company of an attractive woman, at the end of the day you want to get laid. You probably wouldn't visit a place that called itself the "Sit and Talk With a Naked Woman Who Will Never Ever Have Sex With You Club."

avatar for Mate27
6 yrs ago

I know I’m dumber than I give myself credit for.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

Think of it this way: would you set foot in a strip club ever again if you knew for a fact that you could never have sex or sexual contact with any of the women inside?

Please send a photo of the bathroom troll

Also there was that one guy who wanted to do fist bumps and the other one who gave me some money to tip a dancer... I wasn't swift enough to react in the moment, but...

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

An extras club experienced dancer told me long ago, "Don't use strip clubs for sexual gratification, that is perverted."

She was one of the girls who had worked for a large nationwide chain and was doing dry humping all day long. And her statement says what she thinks of her custies.

On the other hand, with our core group of underground club Latina's, they do all the FS, and home sessions they can get. They take care of guys real well. And everyone from a home session gets sent off with some intense outdoor DFKing, just like with a civilian date. They look right into your eyes, always.

I know that they don't look down on their clients. They crossed over a line where for them it's, "Use it or lose it." They want to fuck as many guys as possible.

So if strip clubs are not for sexual gratification, then what are they good for?

  1. To imbibe a sexual aesthetic, the dolled up hotties parading around in high heels, and the emotional and physical openness with strangers. The club shows you this. In some cases I've been completely blown away, especially where there have been front room makeout sessions. But you don't depend on the club for this, you find ways to replicate this in your ordinary life.

  2. For those who actually want to have some sort of outside relationship with strippers.

And notice that in neither case do you need to visit a strip club very often, or do you need to have a big annual budget for such.




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