
Bouncer - customer interactions?

Off again on again PL
In all of the trips to the SC I have never seen a bouncer do anything. In fact I have never really ever seen someone that I could identify as a bouncer at all. Being that I live in the wild west, high mileage, no rules state of Texas there isn't much for a bouncer to do here, as dancers are pretty much left to fend for themselves. In most clubs here there are male managers but never a burly looking bouncer.

I feel like I am missing out on part of the SC experience by never seeing a burly man patrolling the room and occasionally yelling "no touching".

How common is it in other areas to see a bouncer doing something?


  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    I thought they made em bigger in Texas? We got some barrell chested brutes here in Michigan but I have never seen a throwdown.

    Maybe the open carry state of texas evens the odds a bit and you guys just need someone witha quick draw!
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    I have been to a few clubs that have them, but I have also been to some that don't. There's really only one club I ever went to that makes a big deal about it.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Upright, Michigan is an open carry state. I don't open carry, but I (legally) carry a concealed pistol.

    Most strip clubs have a bouncer. Be sure to grease them.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    RickiBoi greases bouncers, isn't that interaction ?
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    A bouncers job is to look the other way while a beautiful young woman sucks your dick to completion. You must grease them to get them to perform this valuable service.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Some clubs I attend have bouncers at certain times. It’s a very simple interaction. When I see them - I say hello. Sometimes I’ll even go out on a limb and ask how he’s doing!

    For those completely unaware - and with limited human understanding - the bouncer is predominantly (I’ve never seen a female bouncer) a large burly male - who is supposed to keep things from getting out of hand in the club. In Northern NJ - a full hello is not always required - a simple nod and grunt approach works too!
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    In Jersey I would think anything beyond a grunt would require a dictionary for the bouncer to understand.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    As per the previous thread, I'll have a conversation with the bouncer here and there. But that's not the type of interaction you mean...

    As far as actual bouncing, I've seen bouncers tell guys to stop taking pics with their phone, tell someone to move their hands during lap dances. I've also seen them kick out guys from time to time. They do their thing, but I imagine the hope of management is the bouncer's mere presence stops most unwanted behavior before it starts
  • K
    6 years ago
    The bouncers ive known could not use a dictionary
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I've seen bouncers do a lot. I could write an article. I've been confused for a bouncer if I dress in black and stand around in a club. If you never have trouble makers, might be less need for bouncers. Might be like saying we have no need for guns because nobody ever causes trouble in your area.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I've had a waitress get topless and dance for me behind a door in a side room.
    I've had a bouncer thank me for buying a drink for his girlfriend, a dancer who told me she wanted to do some probably illegal things with me if I would agree to get private dances.
    I've had a bartender flash me her tits to help me remember her. Lots of happy faces in the club that night. She had very nice tits.
    I've had a bouncer hold my phone for me after I forgot it in the lap dance area.
    I've also had bouncers move parking lot cones for me when I wanted to park up closer to the building.
    Plus they wave me in already knowing me.
    Waitresses on occasion have brought my drink or had it ready before I even asked. One time with change ready before I even stepped up to the bar.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    It's their very presence that stops guys from making poor decisions (mostly).

    That said, I have seen bouncers remove guys from the premises at high velocity.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    Texas is a big place. Taking what you've seen in a few DFW clubs and saying that 's representative of the entire state might be a stretch.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "Bouncers" can be a generic term - the doorguy, lap-dance counter, guys walking the floor, I assume are all part of "security" and thus can somewhat be called "bouncers".

    Some clubs, often dives, will hire muscle-heads - more upscale clubs hire normal-looking guys that walk around in tuxedos but I assume are part of security.


    You've been to Baby Dolls Dallas - those guys walking the floor in tuxedos *are* security and thus "bouncers" - if something goes down those guys are the ones that will escort/kick-out a custy out of the club; I saw it once that a group of about 5 Baby Dolls staff in tuxedos were walking 2-dudes to the door and the 2-dudes did not look very-happy.

    Most clubs, particularly at night, will have security/bouncers - and for small-clubs the doorman is dooorman/bouncer.

    i.e. most likely the clubs you've been to have "bouncers" it just seems you have a different understanding/perception of what a bouncers is.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Warrenboy - that’s true. Their use of language is minimal. A grunt - or a flex - is about all their steroid filled brains can handle.
  • goosman
    6 years ago
    You're going to the wrong clubs. I've seen dudes drag people out to side doors. Or maybe I'm going to the wrong clubs. One of the two.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    One of our local clubs, Sporty's Bar ( formerly Candid Club ) has a long history of hiring stupid meat heads as bouncers.

    But Brass Rail, much bigger, really does not. Hip Hugger, now defunct, did not either.

    We read about shootings at strip clubs, and of course customers are wrong to do that. But having said that, I also believe that some of these bouncers are provoking it, and that they do it because they are carrying concealed weapons.

    So you've got to assume, that if the bouncer is really a total asshole, then at least 1 out of 1000 times someone will respond violently.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Mr. LDK, the guy put you in a headlock? Unless there was compelling cause and you were refusing his directive to leave, that is not acceptable. If common, it needs to be dealt with.

  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    It really depends on the SC but in general, I just see bouncers watching the stage. They also have other duties that the general PL won't really notice.

    They're just there as a way for the PL to know that they're there. They're doing an adequate job if no altercations occur during their shift. I do think there is a lot more to being a "good" bouncer but that's their main priority
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^ The way you say is how it should be. In some clubs it is that way. But some bouncers are just thugs. Some are promoting themselves into pimps by expecting money for letting the girls go over the limits.

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