
OT: Walmart Meat

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Thursday, January 27, 2022 6:02 PM
Normally I would never dream of buying meat from Walmart. I dipped my toes in a couple of times historically but always got burned. Then the other day I noticed a new line of Angus beef in my local Walmart Supercenter, from a place called McClarren Farms, and gave it a try. I have to admit that they were the best store bought ribeyes I've had in a long time. Better than anything I've ever sourced from Publix, WinnDixie or even Sam's Club. Right now they are only available in stores in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and South Carolina. Apparently Walmart made a financial investment in this beef producer, so hopefully they will eventually have enough supply to roll it out nationally to other Supercenter locations. Anyway I just thought I'd share that. Now this was only one experience, but if the beef continues to be that good it may completely change some of my weekly shopping patterns.


  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I've been having bad luck with meat. Sprouts salmon and grass fed beef is the best I've found now a days.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Walmart's Meat has to meet the same standards that everyone else does. SJG Slut Uni's [view link] [view link]
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Stores around here sell old meat. I think it all starts out the same but transportation and storage affects it
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    There are still standards. I have never seen anything to suggest that Walmarts is sub par. SJG
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I don't have a Walmart nearby. But I've seen very bad meat at Albertsons
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    If you cannot provide some evidence against Walmarts, then you are slandering their name. At one they had an open freezer set to low. It wasted energy and it was making lots of ice in the bottled orange juice. So I told them and get it backed off some. But this was not hurting the orange juice. If it were lettuce it would have ruined it. But it wasn't. SJG
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I thought for sure getting the Walmart greeter drunk was going to be part of this story.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Walmart is a necessary evil for me. Where else can I get milk, a power tool and a pair of socks all at the same place. I buy my "prime rib burgers" there and they're awesome.
  • orionsmith
    2 years ago
    I hadl bad expleriences buying walmart ground beef years ago and don't plan to shop for fresh meat from Walmart ever again. I have bought frozen and canned meat with mixed feelings. Best local fresh ground beef cheaper price better quality everywhere else but Walmart. Probably like thinking a good fine meal can be bought in regular strip clubs. Some strip clubs have decent food but finding great food and decent price good luck. Easier to find strippers in strip clubs and good food in grocery stores.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Walmart is a necessary evil for me. Where else can I get milk, a power tool and a pair of socks all at the same place." Exactly. But I've always avoid their meat after a few bad experiences. For years they were offering chicken and pork with a saline solution added (presumably to extend transportation and shelf life) and their beef was never very good. Their deli meat sucks ass too. But obviously they're trying to improve a few things. The McClaren Farms beef is one, though they have a long way to go to roll it out nationally. They also added Perdue roaster chickens and pieces in their meat department. But I still don't trust their pork, ground beef and most of their other meat options.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    The Walmart in my small town in ghetto. If I really need something from Walmart I'll drive to the next one 10 miles away. I have 3 grocery stores 5 minutes from the house that are literally right across the street from each other. I do most of my shopping at the Kroger because of their own brands, pharmacy and gas stations. They get 95% of my shopping business. Publix has better variety and quality of meat and that is most of my reason for shopping there. Ingles is over priced on everything. Only been there twice in 6 1/2 years. I found myself using Amazon for most non food items that I would have bought at Walmart in the past. I'm expecting a delivery this morning from them. A new pair of blue jeans.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    It’s good that Walmart has upped the quality of their beef. I’m too close to NYC to have one nearby. I’ve been getting decent meat from a local grocery chain - Kings. But they tend to be pricey. I expected to see NiceSpice comment about sausage stuffing in this thread. I’d be curious where Jim Gas gets his bacon - as he seems to be a big fan.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I don't eat meat very often any more, I buy most of my meat in Costco, I shop Walmart very infrequently, it's generally more of a hassle, between them phasing out cashiers, which is a bad trend in my opinion, and the two Walmart supercenters by me are so packed and the parking lots are full of pot holes, or shoppers just shoving the shopping carts into parking spaces. For my daily shopping I prefer Publix or Whole Foods, and Amazon makes it easy to get anything I can't find locally, with next day shipping, but that's just me, I know the whole world shops at Walmart. Good on them.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    @Cash: Most of the Walmarts in the northeast are very different than those down south. South of the Mason-Dixon line almost every Walmart is a huge Supercenter, complete with a full size grocery store on one side of the building. Up north they tend to be much smaller and focus mostly on non-food items. When I lived in the NYC metro area I had to hike out to Poughkeepsie to visit a Supercenter.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Down here in South Florida, Walmart has been opening neighborhood markets which are similar to supermarket and the same size as most local supermarkets, with the focus on groceries, I don't shop them, they suck as far as quality, and they never have cashiers its all self checkout, which is annoying by itself.
  • DoctorPhil.
    2 years ago
    Yes indeed Mr. Cash. When Mr. Dugan lived with his fictional NYC family he would routinely travel to Poughkeepsie to expose his meat in the Walmart.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Good point Rickdugan. The Walmarts in Florida are about the size of an arena - with many different offerings. The ones that I’ve seen in northwest NJ don’t offer as much. I agree with Twentyfive about Costco, as I’ve found good meat there.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    @25 and shadow: Like you, my strong preference is to shop at Publix. But about once a month I'll hit Walmart with a big list that includes non-food needs like paper products and toiletries that are much cheaper at Walmart and other household goods. But of course while I'm there I'll also stock up on grocery items, cooking oils, spices and other stuff. I have to feed a large family 3 meals per day, so what I save by hitting Wallie World once a month and filling up a cart or two with non-perishables and household goods is real money.
  • DoctorPhil.
    2 years ago
    I’m sure Mr. Dugan exposes his itsy bitsy meat in all the Walmarts he visits, wherever they may be.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Also 25 I know you are a fan of Costco, but I've never been able to make the warehouse clubs work for us. I end up throwing too much food away because I had to buy quantities that were more than we could finish before they went bad. I also have no interest in buying a year's worth of mustard or ketchup, by way of a couple of examples. This time around I don't think that I'm going to renew.
  • DoctorPhil.
    2 years ago
    RickiBoi sez => “ I've never been able to make the warehouse clubs work for us. I end up throwing too much food away because I had to buy quantities that were more than we could finish before they went bad.” That’s because fictional family members don’t eat. If you cook a meal for the wife and two dugan rug rats but none of them exist that food is going to go to waste. I hope you found this explanation helpful. You’re welcome!
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ^ Someone is obviously exceptionally bored today.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I never buy condiments like ketchup or mustard nor do I buy many of the very large packages of most foods but, with meat I break the packages up into portion sized servings, along with a vacuum sealer which I bought many years ago, I freeze the steaks, and poultry, and I never cook fish at home, it stink's up the place, so I have seafood only when I dine out As far as paper plates, napkins, toilet paper, etc; and many other sundries I find Costco pricing to be great compared to Publix, and it doesn't pay for me to shop Walmart, as I'm generally not shopping for more than two any more, my children are grown and when I know they're coming I just double up on any supplies I might need, as far as entertaining, I have a large wine cooler fully stocked, and most of my friends don't drink beer, more Scotch and Bourbon, so if I buy a suitcase of beer it tends to last nearly forever.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ I mean't to add for the smaller sizes I buy ketchup and mustard along with spices in Publix.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I use Costco for the paper products, soap, detergent, cleaners, and other non perishable items. Possibly a similar way Rick uses Walmart. Most food items I generally get from my nearby grocery store. Unless I’m having a larger gathering, I know the Costco quantities are too much. I have cut up a few Costco steaks into smaller portions, and froze the rest, and that works well.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Did rickdugan's wife and kids vote for Biden, so if they're fake that proves Trump really won? Just trying to connect the dots as they say, I'm Q newb.
  • DoctorPhil.
    2 years ago
    ^ I’m sure Mr. Dugan’s fictional wife voted for Trump. Well, Mr. Dugan tried to show up to vote a second time wearing a dress. They told him to go away and he flashed his teeny tiny meat at them. His fictional kids are too young to vote. Plus, his wife and kids are all fictional so none are actually able to vote. But that ain’t gonna stop Mr. Dugan from showing up at the polls in Cousinlover county wearing short pants and a beanie with a propellor on top. He’ll claim to be lil’ Dicky Dugan, son of Mr. Richard Dugan.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I like Gelsons for most of my shopping. Vallarta markets are really good. But kinda far
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Thanks for your troll contributions ilb and Phil. As always you've elevated the conversation. At least you chose a Walmart meat thread to troll rather than something topical. That's something I suppose. 😏
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @rd you forgot to say I was a girly troll.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Thank God this was off topic...
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "@rd you forgot to say I was a girly troll." Re-stating the obvious would be redundant.
  • SanchoRG
    2 years ago
    I like Walmart meat
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Warning: "walmart meet" is actually rick slang for getting assfucked by the greeter in a bathroom stall.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ ilbbaicnl +25 SJG Weather Report - Weather Report (1971) [FULL ALBUM] [view link]
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    @rick: I've only been disappointed by Walmart's meat offerings a few times, and now that they've stopped soaking the chicken and pork in saline solution, I even get those from time to time. But if I'm looking for truly good meat, there are a number of local farmers who raise all sorts livestock for consumption, and they go through reputable slaughterhouses and packers to get it to market, so while that's more expensive, I like pointing at a cow and saying "kill that one for me". That's a joke; none of them actually offer that service.
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