In this day and age, how well well the young guy alone be treated?
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
As the title says, how well is a young guy more likely to have dancers approach him or be seen as a more viable option for money versus the old guy in the club? Are dancers still on the age-old old man equals better money and young single guy means wasted time? Or have views started changing in this day and age
And when I mean young and single, I mean like the young guy comes alone or with one buddy and not a group?
And when I mean young and single, I mean like the young guy comes alone or with one buddy and not a group?
Some dancers will gravitate towards younger guys, as they find them more attractive. They might know, younger guys don’t generally have the money, that older guys have, but they might enjoy chatting more.
Some dancers will focus on guys who are older, as they find that will maximize their earnings.
I remember once, I was starting my shift and there were barely any guys in there. There was a guy, middle aged, but did not look my type. He had on an oversized t shirt and baggy jeans, both were stained and splattered with paint. Be looked low class tbh. But I was bored and I immediately asked for dances and we hungout all night - he gave me almost a grand and went on to spend great money on me the entire time he was in Detroit working on a project. He even showed up to the club in pajama pants once but they let him in anyway because they knew.
So, I've learned over the years that almost anyone is approachable as long as you can't smell their BO. I hate that.
In general I think experienced dancers that are “all in” into dancing as a career, at least for the near-term, and it’s their main/sole income, seem more serious about their $$$ and it seems to me often go for the older guys b/c:
+ they assume the older guys are in a better financial position than younger guys
+ assume older guys will be easier to please and/or more respectful and thus easier to deal with
+ a lot of vet dancers complain about young guys seeing them (dancers) as potential hookups or someone they can date and will thus focus on trying to pick-up the dancer vs spending $$$ for the dancer’s company
Of course these are all generalities and assumptions; but seems there may be something to it to some level.
Then you have the young kinda party-girls that seem to treat the club as their hangout vs a place of business and can often put partying over making $$$ and they may gravitate towards guys their own age.
As I’ve posted in the past, I started SCing semi-regularly at age-30 and was always clean-cut and looked young for my age and I def experienced dancers walking past me as if I was not even there and throw themselves at the silver-fox in the table next to me; especially at the more upscale clubs – the older I got I felt this happened much less and if anything the older I got the more I felt dancers would often approach me first b/f younger-guys.
In any case – hard to know exactly how each dancer thinks – as is often the case, being a bit proactive in clubs usually pays dividends – i.e. if one is not being approached for w/e reason then being proactive about tipping and inviting dancers to your table for a drink can often get the ball rolling; etc.
And I agree with Nina, it's a lot individual dancer preference. I think it's also highly variable from club to club. In the more party clubs, where throwing singles on stage or in your bottle service area is the primary income source, old guys are gonna probably take a back seat to the younger ones. In other clubs, where girls make money from dances and big tips on those dances, the older guys are more likely to demand more attention. In any case, not getting sufficient attention based on prejudice is usually curable quickly by tipping a couple girls on stage or smiling at a girl milling around. If those things don't work, deeper introspection might be in order.
In most of the US, dancers pay to work, they are not paid even minimum wage. So management may not feel like they have much reason to clear out the "dead wood". There will be the low-hustle losers, where it's super rando who they do or don't roll up on. It's not you it's them.
Also, don't wait for dancers to approach you. Go talk to them. Tip them while they're on stage. Strip clubs are pretty much the only buildings on Earth where women who are exponentially out of your league are motivated to talk to you. I mean, if you're genuinely willing to spend money, then this is a "shooting fish in a barrel" scenario.
The point is that hot women are incentivized to associate (and more) with guys that they would otherwise ignore in other settings. So, why not take advantage of that, slide off the bar stool, and talk to a dancer rather than waiting for her to hear the PL trying to call out to her psychically.
If that were true, then you'd understand it just fine.
I'm assuming that you're one of the 120+ people who have him on 'Ignore'.
The one thing that blows my mind, I once got some lapdances from a dancer and we talked for awhile afterwards (nothing significant). I walk in the club 2 YEARS LATER and she immediately remembered me. This actually happens more often than you’d think to me. A lot of dancers have good memories when it comes to who is coming in and out of their clubs, I feel like if they’ve never seen you before sometimes they may be a little apprehensive to approach you.