Disturbing New Fashion Trends
They never tell you what you need to know.
I know I've officially become "old" when I'm looking at Zoomers and saying "why the fucking fuck are you doing that?"
What may I be complaining about you ask?
1. Girls getting facial tattoos, not little ones, BIG ones that are covering up the entire side of their face, from their cheekbone to their earlobe. These aren't meth-heads either, many are college students.
2. Girls splicing stripes in their eyebrows like rappers and douche teenagers did in the early 90s. I'll stand by my assertion, back when I was a teenager in the 90s every single kid (mostly males a few females) I knew (of all races) that were splicing their eyebrows, were douches. A lot of those people are still douches to this day.
Not to say when I was their age we had some shitty fashion trends too, how may people got tribal arm band tattoos, body piercings... but most of that shit could be covered up or reversed. Nobody's hiding a face tattoo.
What may I be complaining about you ask?
1. Girls getting facial tattoos, not little ones, BIG ones that are covering up the entire side of their face, from their cheekbone to their earlobe. These aren't meth-heads either, many are college students.
2. Girls splicing stripes in their eyebrows like rappers and douche teenagers did in the early 90s. I'll stand by my assertion, back when I was a teenager in the 90s every single kid (mostly males a few females) I knew (of all races) that were splicing their eyebrows, were douches. A lot of those people are still douches to this day.
Not to say when I was their age we had some shitty fashion trends too, how may people got tribal arm band tattoos, body piercings... but most of that shit could be covered up or reversed. Nobody's hiding a face tattoo.
Why can't they they just stick to proper stuff like we did in my day, biting the heads of live bats and such.
I've seen YT videos of young women covered in tats (chest, face, fingers etc..) and not one person in the comments section says it's a train wreck. Only accolades.
The reason why you're seeing more facial tattoos is because having them anyplace else is not really considered counterculture anymore. I know people who work in very professional and even executive settings who have full sleeves and don't feel the need to wear long sleeves (men and women).
Another factor is that tattoo removal is becoming more effective and affordable. So, it's not really the one-way street that it used to be.
For me, face tattoos are case-by-case. Depends on the tattoo and it depends on the face. But even if I don't like a person's face tattoo, I don't have a problem with face tattoos in general.
But these face and neck tats just scream trash to me. Sorry. Occasionally I see face/neck tats tastefully done but those are a minority imo
Obviously, there’s going to be a lot of ridiculous looking middle aged and old people in 30, 40, 50 years with tattoos on wrinkled old faces. No one will think it’s “hot” or “art”.
Many people with tattoos take a great deal of pride in their personal appearance, but from an aesthetic perspective that is different than yours. Not better or worse, but just different. And the reality is that the goal posts on acceptable appearance (however you want to define 'acceptable'...) shift constantly, as they always have.
Go back in time with regard to full beards on guys. There have been periods where a full beard was the norm for wealthy men, but other periods where a full beard made you a hobo. For most of the first half of the 20th century, obesity made you the object of merciless ridicule and shame. But, now 'fat' is a 'dad bod' on guys or 'thick', "full-figured", or 'BBW' on women.
I mean, I get it. This is one of those threads where everyone yells at clouds, so I'm probably not going to change any minds here.
But, you know, if you spend any time at all wishing that people didn't make knee-jerk judgements about you because you spend or make money in a strip club, then maybe you can afford to be a little less judgemental regarding folks with tattoos.
I have super high regards for that cohort. I am not too much older than them, since I was born in the early 90s and most demographers consider their start late 90s. But hands down idk what that small years of difference was, but imo they are a sweeter more genuine group of people than who I remember being around at like age. 🥺
As far as fashion, nothing I noticed with them really stood out. Haven’t seen a huge amount of face tattoo or the eyebrow thing myself. Maybe I just encounter a different group of zoomers? I just notice a lot of them like to color their hair bright colors, but that’s about it.
The only thing I roll my eyes at is that apparently the early 2000s is the fashion thing now. The millennials born in the 80s, made the 80s worship a thing for a while. We millennials from the 90s made love of the 90s a thing for a while. And now apparently people from the 2000s are into the early 2000s.
So far, gen z is keeping up with us millennials of being obsessed with a time period they can insert their own visions of a “better time in”…maybe specifically because it happened when they were alive but the memories are fuzzy enough it’s easy to glamorize? Um no, in the mid 2000s homophobia and fat phobia and other forms of exclusionary attitudes were a lot more common. Oh yeah, and we invented cyber bullying. Which is probably a big reason social media is as highly censored as it is today. (Well that…and our boomer parents getting nasty with the political talk on there 😅)
Not saying the mid 2000s is bad by any means, but if gen Z plopped back into that time period, I think a lot of them would be wanting to cancel it.
So my only hope, is that the later batch of gen z will bring pop culture back into something that has more newness instead of nostalgia. Which I’m sure they will have to, since the whole decade thing of nostalgia started I think in 2010 and there isn’t much left to copy anymore…unless we transport back to the 70s and make disco a thing 🤓
About the only thing I truly miss about the 1980s is not being old...
Remember those fringed outfits of the 1970s? And the absence of shaving? The 1970s was a time of fucking Wookiees wearing fucking fringes. That shit will warp your brain. Why do you think Mr. Skibum is fucking INSANE? Simple, he was wearing a fringed jacket while he had sex with a female Wookiee. Then his brain short circuited an the rest is history.
And then there’s RickiBoi. You know that guy was wearing Michael Jackson hair during his teen years. A well-known side effect of growing up as a white boy with Jheri curls is advanced douchebaggery as an adult. Yep...I blame the whole Dugan “personality” (I use scare quotes because he doesn’t have a personality as much as he has a collection of douchebag behaviors) can be traced to shoulder pads and Jheri curls.
Zoomed fashion ain’t gonna scar people emotionally. It’s all on the outside.
Now that I’ve explained things you can provide Phil with a hearty “you’re welcome!”
As much as people talk about tattoos being worse because of permanence, I've never met anyone who came to feel their tattoos looked bad. They only regretted all the hostile reactions they had to deal with. To me, the real problem there is the hostile reactions.
There's lots of stories about people tattooed with the name of somebody they've broken up with. But anyway, failed romances leave marks on us that cut more than skin deep. Most name tattoos I've seen, it's a kid or a sibling.
Does seem like younger people are generally less hateful. Mostly old white guys who say George Floyd brought it on himself.
Perhaps not often a college student, but there are college students who have the money and are at or above the age to get tattooed.
Now, are there herds of face-tattooed coeds roaming campuses to graze on patchouli and cold-brew coffee?... no. But in certain higher-education settings or majors, there's a growing amount of body modification and not-hideable tattooing going on.
Providence, RI, is home to the Rhode Island School of Design, which is entirely art and design students. Over there, it's considered weird to *not* have any tattoos or piercings. And, yes, I've seen and met RISD students and recent alums who have face/skull tattoos. Providence also has Johnson & Wales, which is a culinary and hospitality school. For some reason, tattooing, etc., has become a really standard thing in the culinary world.
And though I'm a guy with a bunch of tattoos, I'm not always 100% on board with this. I think that most people should wait until later in life to get tattooed, if at all. But my opinion doesn't change reality.
Also why do you think people should wait until later in life to get tattooed?
I already said that I don't see herds of students with face tattoos, but I've seen more than I did 10 or even 5 years ago. And I don't have to park myself on the RISD campus to make this observation. I'm pretty deeply involved in the Providence/Rhode Island art scene. So, I don't have to Jane Goodall myself at RISD, J&J, or Brown to have an informed opinion. I'm in that world.
Anyway, I'm fine with agreeing to disagree on this.
Leave the library and go look for yourself.
Most girls I know who got face tattoos got them coz they're always drunk or high....poor decision making skills. Same with guys. Some think it makes them hard.
On girls I dislike the wrestling outfits. Lol
The girl I saw with a hug facial tattoo is not and likely woll neber be a college student. She is a hair stylist and nail technician.
I was staring I HAVE seen female college students with small facial tattoos. My point is if I’m seeing this in my relatively sheltered small town university I can only imagine how males and females are doing it on the campuses of ASU (Arizona) or maybe FSU (Florida). Both those schools have their fair share of skanky females.
In the bottom 50% I agree. But these are the same people who have the vast majority of kids out of wedlock (often with multiple baby daddies per girl), are less likely to get married and more prone to divorce when they DO get married, are more likely to be collecting government benefits, etc., etc.
IMHO a girl who feels the need to cover herself in ink is trying to transform herself because she is a self-hater, likely due to a variety of mental health issues.
To this day I don't see many tats on working professionals in intact families. They generally have too much self respect to do that to themselves. Ever seen a 25 year old tat on a woman who has gone through a lot of body changes over the years? I have and it ain't pretty. They are also extremely difficult to remove and the process is very expensive, likely too much so for many of the people in the demographic most prone to getting them in the first place.
The fashion "trend" for women is Y2K aesthetic. If it was trendy in the late 90s / early 00s, it's very possible that it is back in style now in some way, or at least is in LA and will all over soon.
Q: Does it mean a woman is a whore if she has a tattoo?
A: Only if the tattoo says "you must be this call to get on this ride".
So, if you're a slut and the tattoo is on your face, I guess that at least means you're not pedo.