Where's Subraman ? I have an interesting dilemma right now. I just got an email from
Seeking.com . I have been banned for Soliciting.
But the timing of this is very unusual. About a month ago, I entered into an exclusive arrangement with a really cute Latina girl. And I really have been exclusive. I have't interacted with any girl on the website in well over a month. My Inbox was full of Unread messages. You pay for Seeking quarterly and the charge is automatically charged to my credit card. I have heard this auto charge is difficult to stop. So they may have done me a favor actually. But why did I get banned ?
I replied back to the email asking for proof of this soliciting. I did get a response back from someone at Customer Service, but all she did was repeat what was in the initial email. Does Seeking have to kick out a certain number of profiles each month so it looks like they are policing themselves? There is no way I was actually soliciting because I haven't sent any messages to do any soliciting. Even before, I never mentioned dollars in any communications and would move the conversation to text messages if I really wanted to meet someone. This really has me puzzled. Like I said. I am currently exclusive with this one girl and we may be that way for a while. So this may save me some money. And even if I want to get back on, I just have to create another profile. So it's not keeping me off the site.
Has this happened to anyone else ?
last commentAs for the question about if you got shafted because some chicks felt slighted? I don't use those sites so someone else will need to offer something on that.
Not sure how subraman is helpful. He's at a bath house
Maybe one or more of the girls that you previously saw went back and claimed that you tricked them into a one and done by misleading them? Maybe one girl accused you and then they found other things in your historical messages that made them believe her? Maybe something in your response to one of these other girls made it seem like you were a monger? Impossible to know without a complete picture of all of your communications with these girls.
Anyway just a few thoughts. The savvier dudes on the local USASG board make it very clear that it is important to avoid anything but introductory messages on the site, get the conversation to text ASAP, continue to approach with caution until you have a good sense of what she wants and cut bait (without any detailed explanations) the second it's clear that the two of you are not simpatico.
This is possible. I"ve been on the site long enough and used PPM enough times. That is possible I guess.
I think its an algorithm coz if they banned everyone soliciting there wouldn't be a site
- They ban people capriciously, and almost never explain themselves or reverse the ban. Your experience is the norm: they repeat themselves, and tell you they won't respond to your inquiries any further.
- Once you're banned they'll auto-detect any attempts to create a new account under another name. To be able to create another account, you'll want to change everything: name, email, profile text, profile photos, remove all cookies from your browser, do NOT use a VPN because they detect that. It can be difficult to sneak your new profile past them.
- They often won't offer a pro-rated refund after a capricious ban, but many people have luck challenging it with their bank or credit card.
- Typically, you get banned because someone reported you. You haven't been interacting with anyone, but perhaps someone just got around to reporting you recently. Very small things can get you banned: don't mention the term PPM, don't discuss money at all, don't even hint at wanting to have sex, don't be a smartass to scammers or escorts, etc., all of these can result in bans
Thanks Subra.
And seeking arrangements can be pathetic. I know girls getting money from guys so lonely they'll pay for good morning texts
This website shows how to appeal a banned account in Seeking.
“It can be difficult when you must deal with account bans or suspensions. Double the frustration when the platform itself does not disclose the specific reason for the ban. This is why we created the Appeal Banned Accounts product. DoNotPay wants to help by preparing a compelling demand letter, and placing legal pressure on the company that has suspended your account.”
Let us know how what happen when you get back to Seeking,
Be careful out there.
Life goes on. I will adapt. I could go back to being faithful to my wife I guess.
There it is. Again relying upon the ample reports posted on our local USASG board, which has a lot of SA guys on it, that's a red flag for Seeking. The savvier hounds on the site have learned not to do any negotiating of any type using SA messaging, instead moving direct to text/phone ASAP. They also just generally avoid popping their heads up in any other way, like reporting scammers or getting into arguments over SA messaging.
I know that it's recommended that if you find the SB for you, then you should disable (not delete) your account so that you're at least passively "off the market". Keep in mind that, at least on paper, Seeking doesn't want to be a platform for prostitution. It wants to uphold at least the pretense of being a "dating service".
I read a post somewhere on sugar reddit from a SD who would contact a SB on the site, and move the communications off the site ASAP. If they met, got along, and figured out an arrangement, then he'd tell them "Now that we've connected, I'm going to shut down my profile." What he'd actually do is block the SB's profile. Apparently, you can't report someone who has blocked you, and from the SB perspective someone who has blocked you looks exactly the same as a shut-down profile.
Predictably, this floated like a lead balloon with the SBs on reddit. His rationale was that any relationship (paid or not) can end badly, and he wanted to protect himself from revenge/spite reporting that would get his profile shut down just because he had a long-term arrangement that went sour. I understand this point of view, but I'm ambivalent about it nonetheless.
Take any feedback from me with a grain of salt. I've tried Seeking a couple of times and never quite got it sorted.
NOTE: Just noticed the "PPM" dialogue above. I've heard that Seeking looks for that specific acronym on both profiles and in private messages. If nothing else, that probably tripped the switch.
I’ve seen evidence of female complaints and guys have been arrested and jailed over accusations and the guys only went free if they had video evidence to the contrary.
100% correct. Keep your head down, don't get noticed. Someone says something obnoxious to you, block them without responding. Someone wants to discuss allowance or PPM in any way shape or form? Don't respond other than to say let's move to text. If she refuses, block her and move on. People who report others sometimes get banned themselves.
Still think I'd rather just go to the strip club and pick up a new friend there, but I get that you guys are saying the selection is better online. My current lineup is probably the best one I'm going to find, so I'm gonna ride this one out.
No soup for you !
Tbh I think this is AN answer but more time investment required, idk, my guess. ??
Secret Benefits sounds **spicy**
“You could argue that you’re a scientist and PPM is a well defined measurement ( Parts Per Million)”
I enjoyed this comment ^^ lol
And it's hilarious how some of you are upset you can't openly solicit hookers on a hooker hookup site 🤡
Psd you gonna pull a Jacksonville in Vegas? 😂😂😂😭
Don't worry, we all know you're none of these things, not a SJW, certainly no pimp, and not someone who has a girlfriend. Research on trolls is very consistent: they are miserable, lonely, terrible people right down to their bones, who is incapable of making any human connections so settles for being an object of contempt by everyone around them. The real person behind the personas is the angry "you're a little bitch" guy. Now go have a cry, put on some panic at the disco, and cut yourself
Keep repeating that fake narrative long enough til you believe it 🤡
Ruckdugan I'm not trolling just calling shit what it is. Like you I'm hated by some idiots coz they hate the truth
Then again, Icee has proved repeatedly that his goal isn't to be consistent, but rather to consistently stir the pot and pick fights. In any given thread, he'll adopt a stance that will create the most turmoil regardless of what he's posted previously. If anyone calls him on it, he's got a notepad file of empty copy-and-paste responses for every occasion.
Would a new phone work where you only use mobile data? Tracfones and the like can be had cheaply.
How do you get around your name being connected to a credit card?
Icee for you to talk about solicitation being illegal and some need to be made examples of is laughable. Youve complained about ameica being corrupt, having corrupt laws, police being corrupt, politicians being corrupt, youve stated corporations should be torn apart... etc but then draw the line at soliciting which is victimless
Now by all reports there are ample girls perfectly happy with PPM arrangements, but the amount of work involved to get there is just ridiculous. I'll now admit that I've been dipping my toes in SA recently. All I can say is that some of you must have a lot more spare time and patience than I do. I'm not saying that to be remotely condescending, just being direct.
Wading through all the fake profiles is the first sucky part. Then there's all the tapdancing to get them to text, followed by the false starts and stops, preliminary meets, etc.,etc. And of course let's not forget the girls who seem so eager to meetup right away that I get suspicious and try to find them on low rent escort sites. Lo and behold, there they are.
Seriously now, I know this works pretty well for some of you, but IMHO it's all yours. I just don't have the bandwidth to invest that kind of time and energy needed to separate the wheat from all the chaff.