
Comments by orangepicture (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rate these twins
    9.5 face / 7 body (hard to tell, butter asses look huge)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Are strip clubs making us premature ejaculate ?
    Yeah, clubbing has given me stamina. Don't want to bust 5 minutes into a 30 minute VIP session!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Have you ever experienced QUEEFING
    ^^ It's a pussy fart
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Have you ever experienced QUEEFING
    Did you have to pay extra for the queefs?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone stay home so they aren't worried about catching the flu in strip clubs?
    I didn't go today because I am on day 7 of having the flu. I was sure to take it with me to work every day this week though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Relayed Business Idea
    The giant cloth they drape over you to catch the cut hair can double to hide my boner!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    titfuck her : yes or no?
    yes, I'd allow it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Does washing my ass even matter with strippers
    [Anyone else notice that half of Juice's 15,500+ comments are just "LMFAO" :) ] Clean yourself! I always go to the club either freshly showered or I use baby wipes after every dump on days prior to going to a club after work.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    What denomination bills do you bring to the club?
    A couple $100 if I am planning VIP or extended dance sessions. Besides that, mostly $20's, a few $10s (if the club does dances for $30 a pop instead of $20) and lots of $1. No need for $5's.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    titfucking strippers
    For it, but being someone who needs a lot of friction to stay hard, soft titty fucking sometimes ends up getting me to wilt.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Yo bitch....yes or no ?
    Hard pass for me. Just....no.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pu**y hair vs. No hair? Labia vs "no labia"
    Bald or just the tiniest amount of landing strip or a patch above. The smaller the labias, the better, but I'm not picky.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Most Dances?
    Twice I've done 11 dances in a row to get a second release to occur. At a clean club, I once took a single dancer back 5 times for 2 dances at a time during a 5 hour stay at a club during a bachelor party.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    1 x week
    I went 6 times over an 11 day period last year, so no, 1x a week is nothing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    ever do so poorly during sex you feel bad?
    It usually takes me about 1.5 to 2 hours to recharge after the first pop and the amount of stroking for that second pop is 2x to 3x the time it took the first time. During the second round, I also need continuous friction to maintain an erection too; the use of lube or titty fucking is too smooth and I start to go soft quickly. Only once have I orgasmed without a pop; about 2 months ago. That was on a 3rd attempt in the same afternoon.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Top or bottom - Bouncer Edition
    Most bouncers are so huge that their guts overhang their crotch. If you choose bottomless, their junk could very well be screened, which is a win-win.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Top or bottom
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Do they talk about us?
    I caught 3 sister dancers talking about me the week after Christmas. All three were huddled together on bar stools across from me, then they all looked up at me at the same time. I waved both hands in their direction and all 3 of them smiled and turned their heads away giggling at the same time. The back story was that I took one of the three sisters back for an HJ the Friday before Christmas. Despite giving her ample warning that I was going to pop, she kept her head right above my junk with her mouth agape and I popped right into her mouth to her surprise. She exclaimed, spit it out and said she was not expecting me to have "a gun" as a dick. Fast-forward 5 days to the Wednesday after Christmas, the EXACT same thing happened to sister #2; again despite ample warning from me. I got a lot in her mouth (she was hacking it out for at least 20 seconds) and some in her eye. She too said my dick was a gun...no joke. Two days later, I took sister #3 back for 4 dances to fluff me up (no release), then immediately took back sister #1 again for 4 dances to finish me off. Sister #1 immediately told me that her sister had told her of a guy had a "gun for a dick" and got some in her mouth and eye to which she said she knew who that guy was (me). Apparently, sister #2 had a bloodshot eye for over a day. Sister #1 finished me off and once again commented of my "gun", but that time did a better job of aiming for her stomach. Shortly after that dance is when I caught all 3 of them gossiping about me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is the age of dancer you prefer
    25-42 is my range, but it is all based on the look of the girl. I have gotten ITC from several women in the 43-52 range though, but they aren't my first choice; more of a notch in my bed-post thing. 18-24 look phenomenal, but are too immature for me. I have no desire to have a conversation with them. Fun to look at at a topless bar though. I don't think I have done OTC with anyone in that age range. 27 might be the youngest.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    She will do anything but will not suck your dick
    @Rick999 "I never met a girl who told me she preferred anal over doing a BJ". I have; the girl I got extras from twice at the Carnival Bookstore in NJ. She was begging me to perform anal on her but was ultra resistant to doing BJs. Only resorted to a CBJ on both visits when she wants to get me to finish and with extra money thrown in.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Breaking in a new dancer
    ^^ "a couple hundred thousand dollars later" ??
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rate this stripper
    6. I would not get a dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic: Fried pickle.
    Love them!