What is the age of dancer you prefer

I have been in clubs that have had 18 yo High School girls dancing all the way up to 50+ yo's.
Being somewhere north of 59 I prefer 25-40 year olds. Old enough to be mature but not sag hags like women my age.
I seldom meet up with a girl younger that I can relate to even enough get a dance. Many think that the young "gansta" boys have enough money to get dances from them (where as usually they barely have enough for the cover and the first round of the cheapest beers) so they hang around partying with them thinking they will pay them NOT.
One of my favorite things a dancer said was if a guy comes in with his hat on sideways or his pants around his knees she will not bother to get up to walk over to him. If he accosts her when she walks by she tells him to come back and talk to her when he is potty trained and learns how put on his pants like a big boy.


  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    21 or 22 to 30.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    I guess I don’t have an age preference. I’ve known my CF for a little over 2 years now and I don’t even know her age
  • eyeofodin
    7 years ago
    25-40 is right for me...... but I'm old and have no tolerance for what concerns a 20 yo now days.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Probably 25 to 35 or so.

    I don’t relate to the 18-20 year olds very well, and if they get over 35 or so and closer to my age, they all seem to want a relationship with me, (which is what I went to the clubs to get away from).
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I don’t have a specific age range. I’d say the 25-45 range would work - but that’s a very wide range. The only ones that don’t interest me are the young strippers (or baby strippers - as they’ve been called).
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Sorry if this is an elementary question, but how do you guys know the age of the strippers you encounter?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Just like with a horse open her mouth and count her teeth. ;)
  • eyeofodin
    7 years ago
    goVikings ---- some will tell you right up front or you can guess based on what they reference as formative experiences / events. "You look too young for me. Her -I'm XX yo is that too young?"
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    I’m young. Hottest dance was with an 18 year old blonde with a perfect body. I get the point about differences in experience, though. This girl said she likes going to raves, and her Facebook is littered with that stuff. Meanwhile I’m a working professional a few years out of graduate school... only thing we had in common was exchanging money for lap dances. And we both like girls.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    @GoVikings - that’s a very good point. I’ve not asked. I’ve only made my own assessment based on a dancers body and face.

    @twentyfive - lol! That’s very funny!
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    twentyfive, that's mean. LOL
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I don't think I have a specific range. I tend to end up with younger dancers, meaning under 25, but its not a hard rule. Its mostly for physical reasons, I prefer slim & tight and more often than not the young girls fit that description. I'm well under 60, so maybe the relation to younger girls is a bit less of an issue for me.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    As far as knowing ages, I ask. It's not something I ask right away, but if its a dancer I'm seeing for the second time or we're having an extended conversation on our first encounter, I'll just ask.

    Often they'll ask me, so its natural to return the question.
  • wildbourbon
    7 years ago
    I just rolled into my late 30s and I have a hard time relating to girls younger than 22 or so. I find that after that age they have a little more life experience, usually away from home; they're better to talk to and in many cases they're more sensual.

    That being said, I choose my dancers based on their looks more than their age. I prefer fit girls.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    GV posted: "Sorry if this is an elementary question, but how do you guys know the age of the strippers you encounter?"

    Obviously we are taking their word for it, but there are usually tell tale signs that will put you in the ballpark. The most obvious for me is always the skin around the eyes - most women over 30 start getting the crinkling on the outside of each eye. Sometimes the skin on the hands and/or the neck will give it away as well.

    I generally like them in the 25-30 range, though lately I've been spending a lot more time with girls north of 30. I normally don't relate with girls under 25, though I had a lot of fun with a 24 year old recently so exceptions do happen.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    me being 68... i can't relate to any of them.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    25 to 35 is my preference. I can't find much to talk about with younger dancers. Dancers older than 35 are beginning to lose their looks.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Usually 19 to 30 unless she has hot body where I can't recognize her age.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    And it's not just the age they are but the age they act. I had a CF that I tried seeing OTC and thought her being 30+ meant she would be better about keeping appts, but she acted 20-, completely without responsibility or care for others.

    I'm "courting" an early 20s stripper now for OTC, and she is the exact opposite. Punctual, responsible, shows concern for others.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Just, I guess experiences differ. I find that, over a certain age, the gulf in life comprehension between dancers and older customers narrows considerably. Most girls in their late 20s and up are dealing with a lot of the same challenges as a guy who is decades older, especially if they have kids. Now maybe they don't understand some of the elder issues that you deal with, but there should still be some common ground.
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    about 22 - 30
    won't go over 30
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I don't have an age. I really don't care how old they are, it's all about how they look and how they act.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    as to age preference... i've range from 18 to 52. depends on looks, sexiness, attitude.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    "I don't have an age. I really don't care how old they are, it's all about how they LOOK and how they act."

    this is exactly how i feel
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    No age preference. Sometimes very young ones are rule-breakers in the club. Sometimes older ones really know what they are doing. I could dance with a 50 year old if she is well maintained. But lose interest quickly in pudgy-bellied strippers, and you see more of that after they have children.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I generally prefer older dancers. I tend to stay away from young dancers.

    My ex-ATF and CF are/were late 30's. I was with my ex ATF long enough for her to move into her 40's. But I also have gotten dances with a 20 year old who did not look or act that young.

    I'd say the sweet spot is 25-40.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago

    As far as knowing how old they are, I ask them....
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Scared to think of what @vincemichaels real answer to this would be.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    My "practical" preference -- that is, the age of the girls I actually end up CFing, despite any theories I might have otherwise -- is 21-30.

    21: Because drinking with the girls is part of the experience I enjoy. I have no problem "relating" with 18-20 year olds, my stripper conversation topics (drinking, partying, sex, gossip about strip clubs) works just as well for any age :) I sometimes end up with 18-20 year olds, when they can get away with drinking with me (some girls evidently just have the right arrangements with the manager and bartender).

    30: Because 30-year-olds still have that full bloom of feminine beauty, while being more mature and relatable (but be careful -- more wily, too). In real life, I am still incredibly attracted to women into the mid-40s, but older strippers seem to often age worse than civilians, and if they don't age physically, they became more hardened and jaded as time goes on. So again, while I definitely could see myself with a 35-year-old stripper in theory, it just hasn't happened.

    To GoVikings question, you don't really know, and I don't really ask their age, so I'm mostly going on what they tell me, and/or whether or not they can drink. With my CFs/ATFs, I tend to know an awful lot about them so I know how old they are, other than that, there's no real assurance
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    I like over 18. My atf is 32, but my first experience with her was when she was 19. If its an itc extras club I like 23- 35, if its the local topless joint with no extras 18 - 24.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Twetyfive - I was going to so just be sure that she doesn't have any baby teeth but I have met a legal teenager that still had some baby teeth. :)

    I'll be 76 on the 13th. Do I really care if they have anything in common to talk to me about?
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    I am in line with @rh48hr that it is experience that makes the difference for me. Sometimes a young 20 year old is fun to verbally spar with to see their reactions, but give me a mid-30 gal with real life experiences any day.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    18 is a magical age. And based upon my clubbing experience, quite a few guys feel the same way.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    I like 18-25. I'm in my 30s.
  • lapdance1400
    7 years ago
    For me, it is not really about the age but about getting good lap dances from beautiful women. I will say here that the worst lap dances I ever got was from someone who was 18 years old. She really could not do lap dances, she did not know how to do lap dances. When I told another dancer about how bad the experience was, she said the person should still be in school. The thing is she was in a strip club, not in school, so she had to be able to do lap dances. Anyway, I have gotten so many great lap dances from other women and basically always I don't know how old they are. It is really just that time since she was only 18 that she told me her age. It's not about her age, it's about being able to do good lap dances. Finally, I will just say I am 34 and will be 35 later this year.
  • EmielRegis1
    7 years ago
    19-25 my preference. Life hasn't crushed their dreams too much yet. However, some dancers can get away with late twenties and look younger. I just avoid the 30 something dancers, they're just too bitter.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    He, this impersonation troll, 'vincemichels' is actually promoting pedophilia, getting people to think about it. Not cool at all.

  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Ideally about 23-early 30s in the club. I think it takes about five years after high school for just about anyone to transform into relating to people outside the lunchroom. Outside the club, late 20s to mid 40s or however long they can stay attractive. In the club it’s easier to walk away if they turn out to be too flaky. Age never correlates perfectly with maturity and reliability so the above range is a rough estimate. I don’t feel the need to make a “connection” with a stripper but I don’t want it to be a strain for either her or I to talk to one another.
  • RTP
    7 years ago
    I like slightly more mature dancers, 28 - 38 or so. I am not looking for perfect. I do like to have someone that I can talk to. I have a 23 year old daughter. I like the strippers to be older than my daughter.
    Also, a dancer at one of my favorite local clubs told me that they have a dancer who is still in high school. She apparently turned 18, and showed up to work. I just really have my own issue with that.
  • Warrior15
    7 years ago
    25-30. Still young enough to look good. But mature enough to appreciate what I am doing for her. Also, I just can't stand to speak to someone too young. Plus, all 18 years are fit and trim. If she is fit & trim at 25, then she works at it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I'm in the 25 - 40 camp.

    Even as a kid, I was attracted to older women (30s and 40s) b/c I like women that look and act like women, vs looking and acting like girls - I also prefer voluptuous curvy women and often these are the older ones - the slim-fit ones don't really move the needle that much for me - not saying they look unattractive but just don't really get my juices going.

    Being into black dancers many of them tend to have good-bods which they often keep looking "good" as they get older (by "good" I mean curvy in the right places) - I knew an ebony dancer whom I met when she was 40 and got dances w/ her till she was 43 (she quit dancing) - she'd work-out several times per week and was in excellent shape and had harder biceps than most-guys I know - she had natural D-cups which would not move from place w/o a bra (which I've noticed w/ many an ebony; I assume is them having more/better muscle-mass and/or their tauter skin).

    The best fucks i've had has been by women in their late-30s - for one they're often more experienced of course - but also they often seem more comfortable w/ their sexuality (have gotten past ingrained hangups they may have been taught growing-up about being a "lady" and not being sexual/a-freak/enjoying-sex) - IME younger women let me fuck them but older women tend to fuck *me* and I love me a sexually-proactive woman that is into it as much if not more than me, and for me this has occurred w/ older 30+ women.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    My faves tend to be in their 30s. I can have a conversation with them. It’s more a relationship than just a dance.

    However, I also enjoy 18-25 YO dancers. Especially the free spirited libertines.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    I met my favorite when she was 25, and I consider that my sweet spot.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I have had CFs/ATFs between 21 and 48. As long as she has a hot all natural body, smooth skin, exudes feminine sexuality, and gives a good private dance, I'm good with any age < 50.

  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    well put taxi driver.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Age isn't as important as the "connection". I've been happy being with the younger set and I would bet, some that have been older than me over time. Also had a CF that was not the youngest dancer around then some years later, I had a CF that turned out to be her her daughter. Even in the same location, but a differently named club.

    Just check women in general, there are a lot of older women that I would enjoy were they dancers.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    25-42 is my range, but it is all based on the look of the girl. I have gotten ITC from several women in the 43-52 range though, but they aren't my first choice; more of a notch in my bed-post thing.

    18-24 look phenomenal, but are too immature for me. I have no desire to have a conversation with them. Fun to look at at a topless bar though. I don't think I have done OTC with anyone in that age range. 27 might be the youngest.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    25 is generally my lower limit, although in a very few cases, I have gone lower. One of my current fav is 27. My real sweet spot seems to be 35+. My ATF, who has just returned to dancing, is approaching 47. A Harrisburg dancer (one that I just reviewed) was 42. Others were 42, 46 and 29. All of them are effortlessly sexy. Two are GILFs. All of the older ones could pass inspection as being younger.
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