The girls spend a decent amount of time w/ each other and thus friendships, if just work-ones, would be expected to develop as in many jobs - so I assume there is talking among the dancers especially the ones they are friendly with and they'll look out for each other - but there is also competition for the $$$, and some dancers hate other dancers, and some dancers rather keep to themselves - so I assume there is some level of intel-sharing but I don't think it's a universal thing in a club - but then again I really don't get into extended convos w/ dancers too-often for me to know too-much about what goes on behind the scenes.
I think in general people are still all about themselves really. They don't really spend that much time thinking or talking about other people. Well, except the gossips, which are probably legion at the strip club. But that's more for shits and giggles than genuine interest probably.
Stripperweb girls will almost certainly share info about the "creeps" to avoid, as they can probably ruin their entire day it would seem. Even extras girls want to avoid them because they want the world for $20. They would probably prefer the wide eyed and bushy tailed PL that gets his world rocked by a dirty dance and spends all his money. No dancer with half a brain will talk about the big spender, keeping him to herself. The one that does will regret it when every girl she tells goes to that guy and if the other girl is a hotter, better dancer, the blabbermouth never dances with him again. Maybe if the dancers are BFFs they'll share everything or most things. But many friendships have soured over money, smh.
I think some cutthroat girls won't even tell other girls about the non spenders as they want other dancers (who they view as competition) to waste their time and confidence why they're laughing at them inside while they get the spenders.
Dancers who are friends talk and share information between themselves and their regulars. Other dancer info has to be taken with a grain of salt like possible leads or tips to LE based on what people post online.
I know because dancers have shared info with me. I once had multiple favorites and at least a couple were friends with each other at different clubs in the same club. It's the reason they sometimes wait to ask to dance to let another dancer ask first. In one case I made a deal to get less expensive prices if I was willing to buy more dances. Another dancer told me she knew I made a deal with a dancer and date said she could match it. Of course both said not to share the info with the world. This was at the now closed platinum plus in Greenville. I was already getting two for 30. If I bought more than 2 sets and went with 3 sets of 2 for ones, the third two for one would be 2 for 20 and if I really wanted a lot of dances that night, she would keep doing two for 20. I rarely did that but I knew the dancers were talking. .
I mostly go to small dives where the dudes don't buy many dances and I'm usually the one buying/getting the most dances, and I also like variety and usually get with multiple dancers on a visit (up to a half dozen) - the dancers know my M.O. and at times after I get my dances with them they'll say something like "do you want me to get my friend for you" or "can you let my friend give you some dances" - so there are cliques as how they are referred to on here from time to time
The kind of things they have said to me about other guys, and I assume would also say to other dancers is stuff like: That guy always only gets one lousy dance, that guy asks every single dancer to go to his house, that guy offers $14 to take a naked pic, that guy was butthurt about her sitting with me, that guy comes from X faraway city, that guy is too pervy for her to want to dance for, that guy just gave her a gift card for a restaurant, etc.
Of course some new dancers offered two for 20 from the start. Some asked two for 40 or two for 50, I ignored them figuring they were dancing somewhere else before they came to Greenville. Sounds like maybe the Columbia PP club. That was one big reason I stopped visiting. They wanted too much money. Not counting music so loud I brought ear plugs to prevent my ears from ringing and no available chairs late on weekends before they closed the Greenville club. I remember one dancer at PP Columbia offered me two for 10. Apparently she didn't talk to others too much except a bouncer said not to stay in the back so long anymore. It wasn't any longer than 30 to 40 minutes. I couldn't pass up $5 dances when everyone else wanted at least 10 if they agreed to a two for one. The way I saw it, she made more money in less time from me because she wasn't walking all over the club chatting asking if someone wanted a dance etc etc.
Yes they talk about customers that piss them off. I'm in good standing with my ATF DS and she has openly exchanged problematic customer stories with other strippers at the bar with me present. Sometimes it is about a guy that was too handsy during dances. Other times it is about something disrespectful he said. But more often strippers talk about other strippers over PLs.
If you are really friendly, some dancers act like your friend and will update you on certain aspects of their personal life. I usually didn't mind. I don't want to hear about a dancers kids right before she dances for me though. I remember a dancer that told me a spider bit her pussy and she swelled all up with some kind of venomous spider bite. Very painful she said. I wanted to see a before and after picture when she told me she had pics but all I saw was a swollen pussy pic. She said it was ok to show me because I'd seen her pussy a lot already. The spider might have been a brown recluse in her bikini bottom.
"Do they talk about us?" Yes. But it depends on how much you stand out as a customer. I try to keep a low profile until I know there's a reason not to.
Having spent time in a dancer dressing room, I can unequivocally say they do talk about customers. Also about other dancers not present and all other staff.
Even with what I thought were years of experience, I made the mistake of dropping by my favorite club, in business attire, after a meetings or boring corporate banquets. I got noticed by dancers as one of the few "suits" in the club and, also, for being generous with my cash. The gossip got so bad that I had a dancer that I had never met ask me one night why I was wearing casual clothes instead of my usual suit and tie. Where did she get that information? As a brown-skinned African-American, I hear a lot of criticism from Black dancers who claim that they hear that I spend all my money on White dancers. It goes both ways. A White dancer claims to have heard that my tastes have shifted to "dark meat." I've got to see Michael Jackson's doctor and get my skin color changed and dig out my old beat up college clothes, if they still fit, and learn to dress down, blend in and travel incognito. LOL
Do girls gossip? You bet. They gossip about customers, boyfriends, and each other. In my favorite clubs I've found that dancers who I don't even talk to know about my preferences for dancers and other personal info about me.
Sometimes when drinking and partying with my CF and her friends (with me buying the drinks, of course), the girls will talk about the customers in the club and who they should approach. They are brutal in their assessments. Unlike us PLs, the dancers aren't concerned about looks or age. They are concerned about how much the PL will spend. I remember the girls talking about a man sitting at the bar, a man wore a suit and tie and appeared affluent. They put him down and called him the "$50 man" because he had been coming to the club for years and had never spent more than $50 on dances.
The most common answer I hear to "how did you start stripping" is "a friend recruited me into it". You can be sure that when friend combos are in the club, they share all kinds of intelligence!
I try to avoid talking ab MY customers bc I don’t want girls feeling friendly w them, but I’ll share friendly intel ab the ones we share, or the ones I don’t really talk to anymore. Most of the talk ab customers is to reinforce coworker relationships, and to subtley reinforce boundaries. Like if I say, “isn’t John the sweetest! I think I’ve known him almost since I started.” I’m really saying, “it’s cool you are making money, but just so you know, that guy is my customer too, so don’t get pissy if you see me talking to him.”
If you really want to know what a stripper thinks about her clients, her job, the club she works in, even the other "ho's" that work there go to twitter...........just be prepared to have a thick skin.
They are sales people. They trade info with each other constantly and within minutes of an experience. They also see everything that goes on in the club, all with an eye to making more money. They are aware of everything their regulars do in a club, and with whom, from the moment they enter.
This can both help and hurt customers. Go to VIP with an extras girl, and all the extras girls will approach you next visit, but the non-extras girls might avoid you. Say no to one black dancer and she will spread the word you don’t like blacks, even if it’s fat dancers you don’t like. Give a dancer a satisfying back rub and a half dozen dancers will approach you asking for the same.
Yes they talk about us. Video girl often tells me what the other girls are saying in the back about me. It’s what you’d expect, mostly that I’ve got money and am not afraid to spend it, but I expect to get my dick wet.
There have also been dancers who got pissed for some reason and lied about me to other strippers. This happened several times at the club where the DS worked because several girls were jealous of the money that she made from me and others.
The girls know they must be a sexual pervert if they want to be my regular. They usually get tired of being a toy after a year or two. The longest I've had one hang on to me without being too creeped out is about 5 years. I think the dancers start to resent me after a while, so they move on to bigger fish.
I've been in a situation where the friend of a dancer that I've spent plenty on, tried in a dance to do some of the exact & unique things the other dancer does to get my bread. It/she didn't work, but it was obvious that there was a "this is what he likes & he spends good money" conversation between them.
60%+ of the conversations I heard were related to money. Either what they had to pay or where to get it (customers). The rest seemed to be about 20% other dancers not there. Gossip, you know! The rest, BS..
Heh! I'm guessing it was my post in the other thread that started this OP topic.
Yes, the girls talk about us. I've been to many clubs where you can see the cliques of girls sitting together. Once you take a girl from one clique for some dances and treat her nicely, you'll probably notice that the rest of the girls in her clique are the ones to hit you up for drinks or dances shortly after versus girls from other cliques.
I visited my CF in a Connecticut club 4 times in a 7 week period this summer. During the 4th visit, we sat at the bar for 1.5 hours and she shared a ton with me, including that some of the other girls asked about me cause I always make a bee-line towards her. She told me she likes to give me dances because I always do VIP and that I am respectful. She said she services a lot of jerks, but appreciates my visits. I didn't take that as SS because the two of us are very comfortable and honest with each other.
Yes they do. ALOT. I have been in more than my share of DR's and have heard plenty. Most of it ain't good and let's just say the chatter casts us PL's in a rather dim and shady light. We are generally not beloved by your average stripper.
@goosman That's very interesting that a dancer would share such specific details to another dancer. I don't think i've ever run into that, but some shared notes could have done some dancers wonders with me. Then again, i'm not really quirky enough to have a bespoke style that a dancer could recognize and communicate to other dancers.
^ That sounds like the story of several clubs near me. Good thing for the ATF. I honestly didn't think i would be so deep in the ATF kool-aid, but i'm really digging the benefits.
@theDirkDiggler- no I've never worked in the industry but at the COI clubs the ladies room is in the DR so when nature calls I have no choice but to overhear the strippers conversations going on back there. The booze flows freely there and drunken strippers can be very entertaining to listen to, but I found myself wincing listening to them bag on the customers, tho I never heard anything about myself specifically. A few times as I exited the restroom area and the strippers saw me they'd shut up and smile weakly realizing that I overheard every word.
Went to the club this afternoon to see two specific girls. I had mentally picked one to get dances with first and timed my arrival to align with the start of her shift (2pm). After waiting 15 minutes and fending off 4-5 other women, I told one of them who was trying to drag me into the LD room who I was there to specifically see. She went into the dressing room and found out the girl was a no show for the day.
Fast forward 45 minutes. Apparently this girl showed up an hour late. I had 4 dancers come up to me at the bar while she was getting ready and tell me she had arrived and that they all told her to come find me. Two of the dancers I have never met before in my life. So yeah, the girls were sharing information.
Later on, a rather large brunette dancer I have zero interest in approached me to ask for dances. I told her I already had or promised all my dances for the day. She asked for names out of curiosity and when I told her, she realized they were all blondes. Right before I left, this same dancer and two other brunettes were sitting together across the bar from me. They waved to get my attention and then all 3 of them grabbed their brunette hair by the side, kind of shook it at me and the one yelled "when do we get our dances" in a kidding manner, but this is another example of them sharing info about us and our preferences.
You can bet they talk about us. Many times over the years a new dancer in the club would either come up to me and mention some move that she heard I like, or start out performing mostly all the moves I like.
I have also had dancers mention some of the strange customers they met.
I remember several club where if you were in the right floor seat or lap dance cubicle you could hear some of the conversations in the dressing room. I always wondered if some of the dancers didn't know this or didn't care.
You would hear all manner of things such as. You can't believe how big that guy's dick is. That guy is a cheapskate, to I just found a really good deal on shoes or outfits. Often it was complaints about bachelor parties or other large groups of people. I have also overheard dancers complain about certain ethnic groups. Until recently the clubs where I frequent, the most often complained about were Mexicans. Indian customers have seemed to move to the top of the list most hated group.
I had a girl at Follies who I had never met before walk up to me, grab my junk and say "I hear this is fun to ride in VIP" Without thinking I asked who told her that. She named two dancers I have VIP'd with multiple times.
She had been sitting with one of those two dancers. When the dancer I knew got up on stage, this new girl came over. YES they talk.
In my personal experiences being in a clubs dressing room, they ALL talk! Granted, I'm not talking about dozens of dancers, but my recollection is about 6 to a dozen or so. When you first enter a female domain as a man, they go quite. But after a short time you blend in and they start up again as you fade into the background. I saw this behavior many times in my work experiences. And I do mean they TALK about everything.
They absolutely talk about us. Good and bad. After the ATF and I got friendly enough for me to sit with the girls on their smoke break without the other girls being uncomfortable, I was privy to a *lot* of conversations about customers. I knew, by name, every asshole that came into the club on day shift, how much he’d spend and how the girls would avoid the worst of them.
Absolutely agree. On a slightly related note, even though I don’t smoke, I always carry a lighter or two when I’m clubbing. I haven’t met a stripper yet who can hold on to a lighter, so it helps with that “disappear”ing act when you can reach out and light her cigarette or blunt.
I got an earful last night about dancers and customers. The lady i was with told me a dancer she worked with years ago kept a notebook and would refresh her memory before her regulars came in or she met up with a customer otc. I would love to see what was in there
@Clubber, I'd love to write a book detailing all of my mongering. I guarantee it would be a one of a kind. I would definitely need both yours and gmd's help on the DR chapter :)
I caught 3 sister dancers talking about me the week after Christmas. All three were huddled together on bar stools across from me, then they all looked up at me at the same time. I waved both hands in their direction and all 3 of them smiled and turned their heads away giggling at the same time.
The back story was that I took one of the three sisters back for an HJ the Friday before Christmas. Despite giving her ample warning that I was going to pop, she kept her head right above my junk with her mouth agape and I popped right into her mouth to her surprise. She exclaimed, spit it out and said she was not expecting me to have "a gun" as a dick. Fast-forward 5 days to the Wednesday after Christmas, the EXACT same thing happened to sister #2; again despite ample warning from me. I got a lot in her mouth (she was hacking it out for at least 20 seconds) and some in her eye. She too said my dick was a joke. Two days later, I took sister #3 back for 4 dances to fluff me up (no release), then immediately took back sister #1 again for 4 dances to finish me off. Sister #1 immediately told me that her sister had told her of a guy had a "gun for a dick" and got some in her mouth and eye to which she said she knew who that guy was (me). Apparently, sister #2 had a bloodshot eye for over a day. Sister #1 finished me off and once again commented of my "gun", but that time did a better job of aiming for her stomach.
Shortly after that dance is when I caught all 3 of them gossiping about me.
I'm in. In my business experience where I've been in the same environment, all female, where I fade into the background, well the conversations often are not that different than a DR. :) Perhaps a less intense most of the time.
last commentStripperweb girls will almost certainly share info about the "creeps" to avoid, as they can probably ruin their entire day it would seem. Even extras girls want to avoid them because they want the world for $20. They would probably prefer the wide eyed and bushy tailed PL that gets his world rocked by a dirty dance and spends all his money. No dancer with half a brain will talk about the big spender, keeping him to herself. The one that does will regret it when every girl she tells goes to that guy and if the other girl is a hotter, better dancer, the blabbermouth never dances with him again. Maybe if the dancers are BFFs they'll share everything or most things. But many friendships have soured over money, smh.
I know because dancers have shared info with me. I once had multiple favorites and at least a couple were friends with each other at different clubs in the same club. It's the reason they sometimes wait to ask to dance to let another dancer ask first. In one case I made a deal to get less expensive prices if I was willing to buy more dances. Another dancer told me she knew I made a deal with a dancer and date said she could match it. Of course both said not to share the info with the world. This was at the now closed platinum plus in Greenville. I was already getting two for 30. If I bought more than 2 sets and went with 3 sets of 2 for ones, the third two for one would be 2 for 20 and if I really wanted a lot of dances that night, she would keep doing two for 20. I rarely did that but I knew the dancers were talking.
It's not like all the regulars at Club Desire have a coffee shop meet up where they pass notes. Or, if they do, I haven't been invited yet.
Sometimes when drinking and partying with my CF and her friends (with me buying the drinks, of course), the girls will talk about the customers in the club and who they should approach. They are brutal in their assessments. Unlike us PLs, the dancers aren't concerned about looks or age. They are concerned about how much the PL will spend. I remember the girls talking about a man sitting at the bar, a man wore a suit and tie and appeared affluent. They put him down and called him the "$50 man" because he had been coming to the club for years and had never spent more than $50 on dances.
This can both help and hurt customers. Go to VIP with an extras girl, and all the extras girls will approach you next visit, but the non-extras girls might avoid you. Say no to one black dancer and she will spread the word you don’t like blacks, even if it’s fat dancers you don’t like. Give a dancer a satisfying back rub and a half dozen dancers will approach you asking for the same.
Well, that's what they think about you guys. They think I'm cool.
money and am not afraid to spend it, but I expect to get my dick wet.
There have also been dancers who got pissed for some reason and lied about me to other strippers. This happened several times at the club where the DS worked because several girls were jealous of the money that she made from me and others.
60%+ of the conversations I heard were related to money. Either what they had to pay or where to get it (customers). The rest seemed to be about 20% other dancers not there. Gossip, you know! The rest, BS..
Yes, the girls talk about us. I've been to many clubs where you can see the cliques of girls sitting together. Once you take a girl from one clique for some dances and treat her nicely, you'll probably notice that the rest of the girls in her clique are the ones to hit you up for drinks or dances shortly after versus girls from other cliques.
I visited my CF in a Connecticut club 4 times in a 7 week period this summer. During the 4th visit, we sat at the bar for 1.5 hours and she shared a ton with me, including that some of the other girls asked about me cause I always make a bee-line towards her. She told me she likes to give me dances because I always do VIP and that I am respectful. She said she services a lot of jerks, but appreciates my visits. I didn't take that as SS because the two of us are very comfortable and honest with each other.
That's very interesting that a dancer would share such specific details to another dancer. I don't think i've ever run into that, but some shared notes could have done some dancers wonders with me. Then again, i'm not really quirky enough to have a bespoke style that a dancer could recognize and communicate to other dancers.
Fast forward 45 minutes. Apparently this girl showed up an hour late. I had 4 dancers come up to me at the bar while she was getting ready and tell me she had arrived and that they all told her to come find me. Two of the dancers I have never met before in my life. So yeah, the girls were sharing information.
Later on, a rather large brunette dancer I have zero interest in approached me to ask for dances. I told her I already had or promised all my dances for the day. She asked for names out of curiosity and when I told her, she realized they were all blondes. Right before I left, this same dancer and two other brunettes were sitting together across the bar from me. They waved to get my attention and then all 3 of them grabbed their brunette hair by the side, kind of shook it at me and the one yelled "when do we get our dances" in a kidding manner, but this is another example of them sharing info about us and our preferences.
I have also had dancers mention some of the strange customers they met.
I remember several club where if you were in the right floor seat or lap dance cubicle you could hear some of the conversations in the dressing room. I always wondered if some of the dancers didn't know this or didn't care.
You would hear all manner of things such as. You can't believe how big that guy's dick is. That guy is a cheapskate, to I just found a really good deal on shoes or outfits. Often it was complaints about bachelor parties or other large groups of people. I have also overheard dancers complain about certain ethnic groups. Until recently the clubs where I frequent, the most often complained about were Mexicans. Indian customers have seemed to move to the top of the list most hated group.
She had been sitting with one of those two dancers. When the dancer I knew got up on stage, this new girl came over. YES they talk.
In my personal experiences being in a clubs dressing room, they ALL talk! Granted, I'm not talking about dozens of dancers, but my recollection is about 6 to a dozen or so. When you first enter a female domain as a man, they go quite. But after a short time you blend in and they start up again as you fade into the background. I saw this behavior many times in my work experiences. And I do mean they TALK about everything.
I've been in that situation as well, but when you are in their domain and sort of "disappear", an entirely different experience.
Absolutely agree. On a slightly related note, even though I don’t smoke, I always carry a lighter or two when I’m clubbing. I haven’t met a stripper yet who can hold on to a lighter, so it helps with that “disappear”ing act when you can reach out and light her cigarette or blunt.
Seems you and I are the only two here that have ventured into the world of the DR. :)
It was my experience that the club conversations are much different then the DR conversations. Well, they were back in my time.
There are some stories that I can tell of conversations when I "disappeared" in a female environment. :)
Want to team up with lopaw and we three can collaborate on a SC DR tell all book? :)
The best "girl talk" I've heard was not in the SC environment, rather in the general public.
Been there done that. Take a bunch of guys shootin' the S#@^ with a female fly, reverse the sexes. There you have it!
I'd love to write a book detailing all of my mongering. I guarantee it would be a one of a kind. I would definitely need both yours and gmd's help on the DR chapter :)
The back story was that I took one of the three sisters back for an HJ the Friday before Christmas. Despite giving her ample warning that I was going to pop, she kept her head right above my junk with her mouth agape and I popped right into her mouth to her surprise. She exclaimed, spit it out and said she was not expecting me to have "a gun" as a dick. Fast-forward 5 days to the Wednesday after Christmas, the EXACT same thing happened to sister #2; again despite ample warning from me. I got a lot in her mouth (she was hacking it out for at least 20 seconds) and some in her eye. She too said my dick was a joke. Two days later, I took sister #3 back for 4 dances to fluff me up (no release), then immediately took back sister #1 again for 4 dances to finish me off. Sister #1 immediately told me that her sister had told her of a guy had a "gun for a dick" and got some in her mouth and eye to which she said she knew who that guy was (me). Apparently, sister #2 had a bloodshot eye for over a day. Sister #1 finished me off and once again commented of my "gun", but that time did a better job of aiming for her stomach.
Shortly after that dance is when I caught all 3 of them gossiping about me.
I'm in. In my business experience where I've been in the same environment, all female, where I fade into the background, well the conversations often are not that different than a DR. :) Perhaps a less intense most of the time.