What denomination bills do you bring to the club?

avatar for Cashman1234
I’m wondering what is the highest denomination bills you bring to a strip club?

I keep it to $20’s and lower. I don’t want larger bills, as I don’t want to accidentally tip a dancer with a $100.

I’m guessing some clubbers bring $100’s. It might attract more attention? I’m not sure.


last comment
avatar for ATACdawg
7 years ago
Generally 50s and/or 100s. I will also have some 20s and a stack of 1s for initial stage tipping.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
bens take up less pocket space.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Never bigger than $20s - and since I hit $5 and $10 per dance small black clubs, I either hoard $5s and $10s and/or go by the bank and get about $100 worth of $5s & $10s combined (in addition to $20s)
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Do you use the $100’s for dances primarily?
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
at synn coi you prepay for any dance. so getting change is no problem.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
that is you prepay club staff.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
^ ok. That makes good sense. No worries about encountering a ROB.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I never carry anything larger than a $20 anywhere. Whenever I go to a strip club I carry plenty of $20's for dances and VIP trips but I also carry $80-100 in $1's, $5's & $10's. I never have to get change for anything. I keep them in 3 different pockets so that I never get mixed up in the dark.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
I primarily bring 20s since that's what the local ATMs give out. However, I only do $100 VIP dances at most clubs, so when I can get 50s or 100s, I'll take them instead, along with a few 20s to buy drinks and to break into singles for stage tips.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Whatever is in the pocketbooks I was able to snatch earlier in the day. ;)
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
I rarely carry cash. the only places I can think of that require cash are my barber and the strip club. and technically, you can use a card in the club, but I don’t do that.

I carry 20’s because that’s what the ATM spits out. Although I noticed recently that you can actually request different denominations from the ATM nowadays
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
VM goes to the locksmith to get a wallet pocket lock before clubbing with him again. :)
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
^^^ twentyfive
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
I mainly bring 20's and 1's. I used to pay dancers for "services" with 50's, but they told me they prefer 20's, because 50's are hard to break at the 7-11.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
I normally tap into my poker bankroll which is in c notes. I get those changed up in the club when required.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Sometimes I fill my wallet up with bitcoins and just hand those out. But some of the girls don't like coins, and prefer bills.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
20s only. i learned my lesson of trying to carry 50s or 100s
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’ve used $100’s only once to pay a dancer. It was a Russian dancer - and she seemed very impressed with getting such big bills for her services. The club was a filthy dive - and I wasn’t sure if the dancers would readily accept that size bill.
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
All I get from my cash station is 20's, even if I'm getting $500.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Blue hundreds only
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I bring a couple hundreds, a couple 50s and a bunch of 20s. At times, I don’t mind the stripper seeing that there is more to be had. As far as accidentally tipping with a bigger bill, I turn them backwards in my wallet because the denominations are printed larger on the back.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
I was in Vegas Cabaret located in Lauderhill, Florida to see my ATF, She had yet to arrive so was at the bar. I was getting ready to go get a table and paid my tab which I figured less than $10. I gave the barmaid a "$20" note. She came back and gave me a bunch of $20s and singles. I told her she'd made a mistake and that I'd given her a $20. I questioned her and she went and got the $100 note out and should it to me. Sure enough I could see the folds from my tri-fold wallet. Her complete honesty got her the change I had coming from my "$20", plus a $20! I wonder how many in clubs are that honest?

BTW, I only bring in $20s max since then.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
What Justme62 says makes perfect sense to me, prepay. I've always done it that way. Open tab is too dangerous in strip clubs.


Ticket To Ride
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
And also, buying dances is for chumps. Front room makeout session, then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room, and give her whatever money is customary.


Ticket To Ride

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Gould w/ Leonard Bernstein, US Television Debut

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avatar for JohnTitor
7 years ago
I pack Ben Franklins along with quite a few 20s, couple 10s, couple 5s, liberal amount of 1s. I pay for dances with 100s all the time.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
I only bring $100 bills if I have a long VIP already negotiated in advance. Saves some space in my pocket.

Fives and tens are good to bring to VIP too, because she needs some stuff smaller than twenties to pay the couch fees to the club.
avatar for orangepicture
7 years ago
A couple $100 if I am planning VIP or extended dance sessions. Besides that, mostly $20's, a few $10s (if the club does dances for $30 a pop instead of $20) and lots of $1. No need for $5's.
avatar for lapdance1400
7 years ago
The lap dances are 20 a song at all of the strip clubs I go to, so I use 20s for the lap dances. I use smaller bills for the coat check and required drinks, so that would be 1s for the coat check and 10s with 5s for the drinks. The dancers get 20s from me, even if I have to pay hundreds all of the money I give is in 20s. I always have a credit card with me but I have not ever used a credit card in more than 5 years of going to strip clubs. I'm using only cash money basically all in 20s.
avatar for marktrinidad
7 years ago
Always 100 singles no more no less Girls love the singles makes them think your rich which im not .....after all it is a fantasy

avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I prefer 3-dollar bills.
avatar for whodey
7 years ago
Since I don't club in my hometown anymore, I usually stop by the bank on my way out of town and get enough cash to hit a few clubs.

$50 in singles and & $100 in fives kept in separate front pockets for stage tips.

$200-300 in twenties in my wallet for lapdances.

$300-500 in hundreds (kept out of sight behind my driver's license) for vip.

This is usually enough to hit 3-4 clubs over a few days in the cities I visit.
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
If I am going to VIP I get 4-5 50's and the rest 20's at my bank ATM
avatar for goosman
7 years ago
If I'm going to an unknown place, a variety of 10s & 20s.if I'm going to a place with some known commodities I'll bring a couple solid 100s in addition. If fave 1 or fave 2 are in the building they're at least going to get a hundred, so I favor saving the wallet space.
avatar for Bavarian
7 years ago
Two $20 bills

It’s enough for cover, ice for the beer, and buffalo wings when I get hungry. I even have a few bucks left for tipping. BYOBs are the best.
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
I've taken $100 bills to the club before, which go to dancers who I will spend $100 on, but as a rule, I only try to take $20's and $1's.
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
I take a ton of shit bricks
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

Did you hear the story where the idiot counterfeiter made $12 notes instead of $10s?

Seems he decided to take them to where he figured there were a bunch of other idiots to pass them off. So he gets there and asks this store clerk if they had change for a $12. The clerk replies, sure, do want $3s or $4s?
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
Like Jackslash it’s mainly 20’s and 1’s for me.
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