Benefits of tipping well as a regular

avatar for rickdugan
I've always believed that a little tipping goes a long way, especially if I visit a club regularly. I know the general views around here about taking care of what many think of as "non essential" staff, but I've found that it's cheap insurance in case I need anything.

Door girls/guys: I always throw them a few bucks on the way in. What that often earns me is free re-admittance later in the evening, even when I came in before the cover applied and then left for a few hours. One door guy/bouncer even told me that too many guys don't tip him and that I should tap him if I ever had a problem. When I thanked him but told him that I handle my own problems, he said "Well then I'll be on your side."

Bathroom trolls: I don't need favors from these guys that often, but building a little goodwill doesn't cost much. That goodwill paid off once when a young silly twat got glitter all over me and the guy went to great lengths to help me remove all traces of it. I also like clean bathroom stalls in case of unexpected need, so I don't begrudge throwing a buck or two each bathroom trip.

Bartenders: This should be a no-brainer for most, but it's amazing how often I hear my local club bartenders bitch about cheap guys. Padding the tip with a little extra has made my club experiences much more efficient in many places, including quick service, more generous pours and sometimes even intel about the lay of the land. My favorite club bartender even makes sure to back me up with an extra happy hour priced drink before the cutoff so that I'm still drinking an hour later at the happy hour price. And in those extremely rare instances where there is a dispute between myself and a dancer, the bartenders who I routinely take care of are always on my side, which I have benefited from a time or two over the years.

Anyway, I'm sure many tusclers have similar views, but it never ceases to amaze me how many club hounds I see who are penny conscious and pound foolish.


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avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Hey, we agree on this. Course where I live there is not such thing as bathroom trolls or door girl/guy, so that just leaves bartenders and the dancers. I don't tip extravagantly cause I don't have that much, but yeah, it's foolish to walk away from some service with a person looking at your back and thinking 'jerk'.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
I think is a long winded lesson a PL needing to through a couple bucks around to all staff members, even if it’s not a lady on the pole. People will see you’re not cheap and will pay attention to you when needed.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I hesitate to do this at a club I'm going to visit often due to the fact it might start to be expected. I don't dispute certain benefits of what you said Rick but I'm more of the school I would rather use that money on the girl with the one exception being the bartender every time I buy a drink and the bathroom troll on occasion.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
Most of the clubs I go to do not have a door guy/girl but when I do go to a club with one I tip them mainly as a basic courtesy but also because they can be a good source of info.

Bathroom trolls just get a buck or two because I have never needed a favor from one and feel like the club should cover their pay for keeping the bathroom clean.

Bartenders/waitresses are the best source of info in most clubs. My rule of thumb is I always pay for the first drink with a $20 and tell her to keep the change. From then on I tip at least $5 per drink. This is usually enough to keep the drinks and info flowing at a good pace.

Bouncers it depends on their roll in the club. If it is the type of club where they are just hanging out on the main floor making sure some drunk guy doesn't do anything stupid I generally don't tip unless I am asking them about the girls. If it is the type of place where they are watching over the dances for excessive mileage I generally ask the dancer if tipping the bouncer helps them look the other way or not.

I have only tipped a couple of DJs and that was at smaller clubs where they were in charge of overseeing the dances and then I ask the dancer just like I would for a bouncer.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
I concur with your assestment, as always rick is spot on about the benefits of being a good tipper. The only exception is if the service staff is female. Females assume that youre trying to get into their pants and it fucks up this dynamic.
avatar for NAAAASTY
5 years ago
Door girl I always tip. Having a good initial interaction puts me a good mood. And a good first start makes a great night that much simpler.

Bartenders I tip the same as any other bartender except if she's my regular bartender. Her, I'll tip more or if she's hot and cool to talk to. Not much of a drinker so my interactions are on the limited and I'll let them know if I need something side.

Bathroom trolls. Sure if I use some of their shit. I'm still friendly and small talk no problem. I've had some hook me up w/ free entry passes.

Bouncers. Invisible. I don't see them. I handle my own shit.

avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I think tipping well at any bar or restaurant is a good thing. On my first trip back to a club after they closed the first time, I tipped the bartenders as much as 100% and all dancers at least $10 on stage. I tipped servers that weren't serving me and even tipped a door guy I know well $20

This was just my way of saying I appreciated what they probably went through and was good to see them back. This is a place I go to frequently.

It actually paid dividends fairly quickly as I told a bartender about not being able to get an Uber and she offered to drive me to my hotel if I had that same issue. I didn't need to use her offer but she showed goodwill back.
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
This has been my experience as well, even at clubs I do not frequently visit. In comparison to the hundy's I'm ready to throw down to a dancer for above and beyond service, spreading 20 to 30 singles over an hour or two is small investment that yields big results when they are really needed.

And I'm also confused by guys who bitch about a $5 or $10 increase in door fees when they area already planning on spending hundreds on dances. I'd complain about a 35% increase in VIP fees before I do about a 35% or higher increase in the door fee.

Finally, I pre-tip the parking valet if there is one. I want the guy to know I'm a good custy before he slams my car around the lot, especially if the parking are is near the self-park spaces inhabited by pre-gaming alcoholic slobs.
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
If your budget for the night is $120 then it may be harder. If you are likely to spend $400+....don't be dumb. Spend another $30+ on your tipping as Dugan described. It can pay huge dividends.

Or don't - be super frugal - but don't complain when you see people getting preferential treatment.
avatar for DrStab
5 years ago
I make sure I have a few singles for whatever purposes for the staff. My rule of thumb, even in civvie restaurants and bars, is that an extra buck or two isn’t going to mean much to me, but it could mean a lot more to the help. Paying it forward, helping my karma.
avatar for bubba267
5 years ago
I can afford it and tip generously to all but bouncers, exception being when headed to VIP and they are controlling the rooms etc, then they are tipped too.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Bouncers it depends on their roll in the club. If it is the type of club where they are just hanging out on the main floor making sure some drunk guy doesn't do anything stupid I generally don't tip unless I am asking them about the girls."

I am with you on this one. Like you, my tips to bouncers/managers are reserved for times I'm heading into a booth/private room situation.
avatar for SerenitySinn
5 years ago
avatar for aham5
5 years ago
I agree with the OP. A little goodwill goes a long ways.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
I grew up in New York tip culture (tip everyone who lifts a finger to help you) so tend to tip anyway, no strategy needed. That said, at least for clubs I go to regularly, I've always maintained that there's nothing to lose -- and a LOT to be gained -- for being friendly with the staff. With bouncers and floor managers, that's typically in the form of just shooting the shit, and buying them shots when we're buying a round for ourselves.

Most people cite getting intel on the girls, but frankly, I think most of these people's intel is more based on their kickback relationship with the girls, so it's the least thing I'm after, I'm fine picking my own girls. But, my charm-by-tequila offensive scores things like: I haven't paid the cover charge in years, the bouncers are rarely in sight when I'm in the VIP (this one is actually HUGE), the DJs will skip my CF at my request, etc. I don't do it with all this in mind -- frankly, I'm perfectly happy just to have a bouncer to talk sports with when my stripper isn't around. But the side benefits can be considerable.
avatar for NAAAASTY
5 years ago
Also depends on how much of a regular are you and what the turnover rate is. Build rapport w one, but they end up leaving, you've lost your line to intel. It's not like a fave, where you'd change club to continue seeing her.

Caveat being you're reputation precedes you as the guy who tips everyone well. Whether your non-dancer contacts leave, you've built up enough of a network effect and reputation as a generous tipper.

avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
hmm, i tip everyone and i tip well, but i've never tipped a dj. in basically all of the clubs i've been, it's pretty easy to tip the staff, i.e. they do something for you and/or they are right there so you give them the money. the djs are almost always out of the way and so you'd have to purposely make a trip to his booth just to give him money, which seems a bit awkward to me.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
Another stroking managers and greasing bouncers thread 😂😂😂
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
This should be common sense. It’s easy to toss a few singles to the folks who aren’t working the pole in a club.

It can’t hurt - and most of the time it helps a lot!

The clubs I patronize are not classy - and there are only a few hands to grease.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Another stroking managers and greasing bouncers thread 😂😂😂"

Hey mack, it beats another 50 "Covid is keeping me home" and "Trump is the devil" threads, no? 😃
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I mean what kind of $$$ are we talking here a 1’s? A few 20’s? At some point we thinking how much am I spending not on the girls? By the time y’all are done paying everybody off you could’ve done an hour in VIP for the money spent!
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Does anybody else tip the bartender in a lump sum before you leave? I'm not even sure why, but that's the way I do it rather than a couple bucks every drink. I usually tip between $20 - $40, sometimes a little more, depending on how long I've been there. I like saying goodnight to the bartender and discreetly handing her a decent tip to say thanks. If I visit an unfamiliar club and it looks like a "two-beers-and-out" type situation, then I'll tip per drink so I can make a speedy exit and not have to leave money on the bar.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
If it's a bar where the bartender and I know each other, I tip at the end of the night.

Sometimes it does pay to tip as you go, especially on the first drink. I went to an all you can drink new years eve party at the Cosmopolitan in Vegas a few years ago when I happened to be working there. I tipped $10 on the first few round of drinks when it was early in the evening. When it got really busy, the bartender would see me at the back of a long line and take care of me right away. The admission fee was about $100 but I probably tipped out $100 during the night. It was a good investment for a fun night out with some colleagues when we were stuck working the holidays.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
Am I the only one who doesn’t tip the strippers?

I used to tip the stage but not anymore.
I get dances but don’t tip anything.

I figure the staff is more apprecia
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
I try to tip any waiters, bartenders, etc better these days, whether inside or outside of a strip club.

I've also found that a lot of bartenders, whether smokeshows or old and frumpy, carry on better conversations than the dancers. Being an actual human being to them helps too.

I tip the guy manning the VIP room, though I haven't quantitatively analyzed if that gets me a more generous timer.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago

I was saying that the staff doesn’t received as many tips as the strippers so they are more appreciative.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
Just to clarify, I go to the club for a particular dancer. I’m not there to watch the stage. My CF can order anything she wants from the menu and often does but I don’t tip her on stage or after dances.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
Muddy - my tips to non-dancers don't usually add up to much (usually around $50 total) because the clubs that I go to are smaller clubs so there aren't that many people to tip. Door person (most clubs I frequent have no cover so no door person) $5, bartender or waitress usually ends up getting $20-30 total depending on how long I am there. If I tip the bouncer who is watching over the vip the amount can range anywhere from $5-50 depending on the club to ensure uninterrupted privacy which is well worth it.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Door Guy at ID scan place: $5 for waiving scan. On subsequent visits there's face recognition and they wave me through and I slip $5 again. Surprisingly door guys are most grateful tip recipients, makes me think they don't get tipped much.

VIP Room Control Guy at my regular clubs:
-Tip to get room time extended (with CF, not typically with girl new to me) and almost always works.
-With guy I already know, tip around 20% of room cost, extension is economically beneficial (typically 10-15 min added to a 30 min room) and CFs either don't watch clock or if do watch clock have never said anything (perhaps because I tip CFs well enough, not sure).
-If guy I don't know, I take him aside. Most times I just hand solid tip and state expectation is extended time, and if turns out not extended he never gets tipped again. Other times there's advance conversation about tip for extended time.
-Another upside to knowing these guys is on nights CF not there, get legit intel on girls that give best dances and not BS intel pointing me to girls that in turn tip the guy.

Floor Manager/Lead Bouncer: At club I intend to be regular, I watch for who that is and be friendly and tip. After a few visits has always resulted in guy saying hey don't pay cover anymore just tell the front desk girl I said to wave you through. I haven't paid cover at my regular clubs in years, though tip each visit approximates cover anyway. And sometimes the guy sends over round of drinks.

Bartender/Cocktail Waitress: Always, can't think of reason not to. With bartender I've gotten to know, tipping well occasionally results in free drinks.

Bathroom Troll: This is the only one mildly annoying. But hell the guy is residing in the shitter all night handing out towels, that's gotta suck.
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago

For whatever reason, it seems to be common practice around here to not tip bartenders and waitresses. I've found that a dollar tip on my drink sets me above about 50% of the customers, which to me is truly amazing.
avatar for shanny72
5 years ago
Door girl $2, $5 if she waives the cover charge

Bartender, $2-$3 on regular price drinks, 100% on happy hour prices.

Security, only if they are the time keeper for VIP. 15 minutes often becomes a suggestion more than a rule with a decent tip.

Maybe I'll offer security a shot if they are cool.

Troll is $1 a piss if they have a set up. $0 if nothing but a towel.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
I agree, the non-dancer staff when tipped can be on your side and that can’t hurt. Especially in my local clubs the bartenders which often serve a number of roles. Including as timekeeper on the timed rooms.
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