I figured I'd share with you mongers the type of customer that I'm talking about that I seem to run into at least once every couple club stops I make - some more or less worse than others. I went out last night to a club and hung out there for a couple of hours, and one of these guys finds his way over to me and my friend's table while there's a dancer already sitting with us, and from that point on just . . . W T F.
These types of custies are usually pinpointed by three things: They have little to no money to spend (do they ever tip or talk to the dancers? nope), they're more interested in what the other custies are doing (especially females, but I see them join up other circles or solo guy custies too), they're just there to try and make friends because they know they literally have nothing to offer to the working strippers. These guys are the most prevalent on night shift, so I don't know if any of you day time mongers ever had a run-in with these types or seen them around.
Their opening greeting is usually something simple like "Do you have a cigarette I can buy off you/ Can you tell me what time it is / Do you know where the bathrooms are?" But some don't bother using a line and they just stand by you or sit at your table all "Hope I'm not interrupting."
Usually, these guys don't take too long for me to shoo off because once they realize I'm a PL and am not there to party with complete strangers, they go mind their business. But this guy was on us like a goddamn stray kitten after feeding it just one time - and we didn't even feed him. AND he had his own group of friends he came in with (or maybe he approached them randomly too. Who knows?).
He followed me as I was tipping a few favorites on stage. I hoped the dancer may be a distraction, so I encouraged him to tip her and mingle with her instead. Then he came up to talk to me and my friend at the bar when we ordered another round of drinks. Things got very weird in the middle of walking to the private dance room when he came over and had the nerve to ask how much were dances for two people and if he could join in. Dancer just said "$40 per person", and he pouted saying he didn't have that much and walked off. Continuing towards the private dance room, my dancer said "I really don't charge double, I just said that to bug him off." I would have said no anyway.
I finally had enough by the time he tried to rejoin our table shortly after we did our dances because the dancer and I were in the middle of a very personal conversation. As soon as I saw him roll his chair up in the corner of my eye, I hold my hand up, looked over and told him "Now is not good." I might have sounded a bit sharp cause I already had a lot to drink, but my stripper said the same thing and he sauntered off grumbling like he just lost a big bet and he didn't come back. Now I think I know how custies feel when an off-radar stripper sits with them forever and won't take the hint that they're not interested.
If a social butterfly wants to meet other social butterflies at the club, good for them, but I'm not one of them. The only socializing I want to do is with the person I came in with and the dancers.
last commentHmmmm, I have never had an experience like what you described happen in my life. I am guessing that it happens to you because of the novelty of being a woman customer in a strip club.
As far as dancers joining me, this may be rude, but if I have no interest in a particular dancer, or if I am there to meet someone else, I let them know pretty quickly. It may not be polite, but I think that sucking up a dancer time when I have no interest in her is even more rude.
One of the reasons I go to a strip is to completely avoid cockblockers. Just me, my money and the girl. If I was a hot girl monger (aka a unicorn 🦄 let’s be honest) I could see that being an issue with these guys who can’t a take hint. That’s sounds like it would be annoying. Many of us are too ugly to have stalkers if I may speak for all, I think we’re ok with that.
And I completely forgot about a not so good looking stripper that might not bug off, but I move around a lot so they usually don’t follow me, maybe it could happen in the future though, let’s see
@winex "but if I have no interest in a particular dancer, or if I am there to meet someone else, I let them know pretty quickly."
That's not rude at all. There's nothing in the world that strippers want more (besides money). We wish custies would tell us they're not interested pretty soon so that neither person will waste each other's time.
LOL, @Muddy, we briefly had a run-in with one of them waiting in line to go in Wackos, but he was nowhere near as annoying as the guy last night.
That's really fucking weird. I've never had another dude want to stick that close to me in a club so I can't really relate. It's even worse than a cockblocking dancer because at least that girl is working there trying to make a living. Ugh.
You really should have told him that you'd rather just hand with your friends. If that didn't work, then you should have told him to get the fuck lost. There is no world where that is ok, strip club or not.
€Eve - that’s exactly what I think. In the Phoenix market, “wanna dance” isn’t a winning approach. Dancers that do well here have to spend at least a few minutes socializing. And I think stealing two or three dances worth of time from someone I am not interested (at least at that particular moment) is inconsiderate.
Yeah, I’m not much of a socialized with the dancers I’m buying dances from, either. I want them to dance, not know my personal Life. I usually deflect any PLs that want to chat with me right away, cause I don’t need a friend at the strip club, other than the ones I bring with me.
I have no troubles talking to strangers that are well adjusted and sober. Don't mind the chit chat. I also have no troubles cutting him off(politely) if I see a dancer I want to spend time with. Same goes with a hang-around-dancer.
Set boundaries. Some can't take the hint. For those, be direct.
Only happened to me once, when I went to a club with two dancers I knew from a different club. A guy thought he'd help us out by sitting down with us so we could be boy-girl-boy-girl. A quick glace at the dancers faces let me know they wouldn't want his dick even to feed it to a stray dog. He was the type whose mouth just seems to run on autopilot. Fortunately, all we had to do was give him the hairy eyeball while I repeated "thanks, we're good by ourselves". He fucked off within a minute or so. But he actually didn't look that broke. Fairly well dress and groomed, albeit in a Guido-y way.
In general, these types are easy to shoo away. Don't really interact with them for more than a minute cause most of them like to wait till my friend leaves his seat/table to approach and just want to directly ask if I have 'plans' after I leave or if I know someone they can buy drugs off of.
This guy just thought we were an open-doors party. My friend was bothered by him too, but he's too nice and wouldn't have said anything anyway even if I hadn't. That is the only time I've had another customer come and act that way.
The asking to join in my dance was just fucking weird. I half suspected he did that to try and get a free dance off of my money, assuming that he knew it was $40 for one person and was just hoping it was the same for a 'couple' (which it usually is, which is why I'm glad the dancer lied about it to deter him. LOL).
@Eve I haven't been to a club in quite some time now but I was mostly a dayshift club goer, on days you usually know the bartenders the dancers and quite a few of the other PLs,, what you are describing doesn't really happen that often in my experience, and the rare occasion where some pushy jerk tries to weasel his way in to my party all I really need to do usually is just give the bartender or floor host a nod and the offender is quickly hustled away and my problem is gone.
If one clubs enough, they run into many different scenarios - I can recall 3 somewhat out-of-line PLs:
circa 2014 at Thee Crazy Horse in Tampa (I think it's been closed/renamed for a while) - I had this 20-something AA-guy following me around wanting to talk to me as if he wanted me to be his new best-friend - it was a bit uncomfortable b/c I was not there to engage a stranger in convo - he seemed he was not playing w/ a full-deck which was kinda obvious and why although it annoyed me it didn't piss me off b/c he didn't seen to be all there - eventually another 20-something AA-guy walked over to us and told the other AA-guy to leave me alone and they walked off together
circa 2016 in ATL at the old Babe's (now goes by a different name) - I was getting floor-dances at a high-top table - a 20-something AA-guy on the other side of the high-top kept engaging my dancer in senseless convo while she was dancing for me - this went on for like two-songs (songs weren't that long) - I could tell this guy also wasn't playing w/ a full-deck; my dancer didn't even know him and I guess she didn't wanna be rude by ignoring him but he would not stop; the more she responded the more he tried to engage her completely oblivious that she was engaged w/ a paying customer (me) - I felt my dancer should have been the one to cut him off since she was dancing for me - after this had gone on for two songs I turned her around and told her I was the one that was paying for her time - she immediately knew she had fucked-up and apologized and stopped acknowledging him and he then finally stopped - I guess she felt bad for him b/c again he didn't seem like he was playing w/ a full-deck
Follies also circa 2016 - nightshift - a light-skin-ebony is sitting on me FCG on a low-chair waiting for the next song to start to dance for me - she was already topless waiting for the next song - all of a sudden this skinny hood-looking broke-looking young AA-guy decided to walk over to where we were and start feeling up on her bare-tit while she's sitting w/ me on me like he didn't give a fuck - I just looked at him like "really?" - I don't recall what made him stop and walk away; it's been a while; perhaps one of his buddies so the shit he was doing and pulled him away but I don't remember; he kinda stayed for about 5-seconds feeling on her tit while she's sitting on me and she didn't even know him
Bottom line SCs are places of vice and one is gonna be with all kinds of people from a Sunday-school teacher to a professional-hitman (usually unbeknownst to most PLs) - some people are assholes; some people are clueless; some are not playing w/ a full-deck - strip-clubs are kinda safe-havens for people with zero (if not negative) social-skills since paying for social-interactivity is kinda the business-model of strip-clubs so these people are tolerated and can subsist in this type of "social setting" where they probably would not in pretty-much any other - most of the dancers probably already know these guys, or can detect them fairly quickly, and/or the word gets around about these types of characters, and pretty-soon these broke-Romeos don't get any slack from the dancers so they may move on to unsuspecting custies.
If a dancer I'm into doesn't ask me for a dance withing 30 seconds, I'll ask her. I don't go to strip clubs seeking good conversation. I go to make out with women who wouldn't otherwise touch me with a 10 foot pool. That said, when I do converse with dancers, I find them very interesting to talk to. Because it's an actual conversation, not a sales pitch.
That's annoyingly weird, all of it. Never had anything like that happen to me, prob cuz I'm not a sexy female like you Eve.
Plenty times I've had female PLs interact with me at rail when we're all tipping and having fun, typically alcohol induced on their end, and that's great fun especially if they're hot. When dudes interact at bar, rail, or table it's annoying more often than not (like being a bartender hosting a lonely drunk customer) but sometimes it's alright if the dude is chill.
"... There's nothing in the world that strippers want more (besides money). We wish custies would tell us they're not interested pretty soon so that neither person will waste each other's time ..."
That may apply to maybe half, maybe even 3/4 of the dancers (or w/e #), but there is always a group of girls that will not take no for an answer either b/c they are desperate for $$$ for multiple-reasons, and in some cases they get pissed you don't want them and will then try to get back at you by wasting your (the custy's) time.
In Miami, many of the pushy-Cubans force themselves unto custies' laps - I think it' should be a universal-sign of dancer/PL interest for dancers to ask if the custy would like company; if the custy wants to spend $$$ on her he'll oblige, if not him saying "no thanks" or "I'm good" should convey the message of no-intere$t by the custy - in some clubs most dancers do ask to sit w/ custies, but in many (IME) that is not the case (in some cases they may force themselves on you/your-lap, or usually try to engage the custy in a convo uninvited where he may not o/w not be interested); thus the "would you like some company" universal-rule-of-engagement would avoid most of the mutual-time-wasting.
Chulo, Latinas forcing themselves on your lap isn’t necessarily a bad thing 😄
@Papi - that’s when it is most awkward - when a dancer just comes up and sits on my lap without asking.
A lot of times that I have gone to clubs was to meet a specific woman. She is expecting me. I am there to see her. And suddenly an aggressive dancer inserts herself into the situation.
But like I said, I get it over quickly. Normally I will say something like “I don’t want to sound rude, but I am here to see someone else.”
Outside of meeting up with a fellow TUSCL forum member, or while I'm sitting at the bar, I generally don't want to be bothered by anyone while I'm sitting at my own table or talking to a dancer. It's also disrespectful if I'm having a conversation with someone sitting at my table and you invite yourself to sit with us. Strip club or not, just certain etiquette and personal space that should be observed (especially during COVID).
I am absolutely surprised how tolerant you were with this guy. I wouldn't have been so kind (and I'm a nice guy), but inviting yourself to my table, then following me around, and finally trying to share a private dance? Wtf!
Lots of giys like that. They just treat the club like a bar.
I've had the opposite happen to me. I was sitting and talking with a dancer that I was attracted to and planned on getting dances from. Another dancer that I knew fairly well came up to us and immediately started playing with my dick. She said to the other dancer "Don't mind me. I'm just playing".
On another occasion, another dancer that I knew fairly well came up to us and told the other dancer "He's my husband". The one I was sitting with then asked "Why would she say that?" I stammered that she just likes to think I am her regular.
Damn its hard enough as a girl to get in the club. Then to get harassed by an ultra pl just trying to "make a connection" with a pretty girl because the dancers ignore his broke ass. Next time that happens just tell him he needs to start buying drinks or something, otherwise...bye
@heaving, don’t take this the wrong way, but you are far too nice of a guy.
In case you don’t know what I am talking about, the catalyst was the second situation you described. In particular, you saying that you would have been alright with the stranger barging in if he had asked.
Though asking if it was alright would have been SLIGHTLY.less rude than what he did, it would still be pretty damn rude.
You are a decent human being. You don’t deserve to be treated like that, and you should never accept it.
stripclubs are a unusual environment. just be polite to the intruder if she/he is not welcome.
yeah you're going to see one of these guys from time to time. usually alone and looking desperate and frustrated all at once. there would be absolutely no beneficial reason at all to welcome someone like that into space.
saw this happened in the dayshift years back. it was at an urban club. there was a room for smokers. cigs, pot, whatever. at certain times 65% pot in that big ass room.
in walks 2 white guys. i've shot the shit with them several times at the bar so we're cool. one of them was a big fucking guy. same exact kinda guy you'd see at a black label society concert.
anyway the big guy was really sauced. even though we wee cool among each other my inner radar detected some bad vibes. he just rambling on about some shit like he was some kinda eminem wannabe.
on the other section of this room was another group of people. 2-3 black guys and a latin chick. the chick shows off her crew her left jab. gotta say-nice form-looks like it could snaps heads back.
big guy goes to that group and says some jibberish like ay nice jab, form, whatever. then one of those guys is holding a pitcher of beer and then BOOM!!! a fastball right to the big guy's nose. fight goes on for like a minute, bouncers come in and throw out the 2-3 black guys. big guy is allowed to stay and someone at the club stitches him up.
an hour later i'm alone at the smoke room. big guy and pal walk in. i go to him, "you what the fuck was that?" just to see what he would have to say. the dude was clueless. i'm not sure if he ever learned his lesson from all of that.
Like Papi the time or two I’ve had it happen, the guy didn’t seem to be playing with a full deck. The first time was early in my clubbing, at the old Cheetah 3. I saw him approaching other tables but didn’t know what was going on. He sat down at my table and began to rub my dancer’s leg under the table. She didn’t say anything but just nodded towards the bouncer who was already watching him. The bouncer came over, put his hand on his shoulder and led him out.
The next time was at Follies. He tried to join me at the table in the corner next to the DJ booth even though there were open seats everywhere. The dancer who was dancing for me said that he wasn’t all there and followed her around some times.
Weirdest situation I had with cock blocker was at a club that was BYOB and it is a big rectangle shaped bar with no tables or anything and the lap dance rooms off to the side. There was a lady sitting next to me probably mid to late 20's if I had to guess her age. Very average looking, attractive but nothing to make you turn your head. We chit chatted a little like you do at this club which really feels like more of a neighborhood bar. I have been to this club a few times and know some of the dancers but don't go enough to be a regular.
So one of the dancers I had gotten to know sees me smiles and comes walking over. When she gets about 10 feet away she kind of stops and silently mouths be back in a minute and walks away. No big deal, I drink a beer and am hanging out. Girl next to me starts talking about the dancer walking over and goes she is really hot, I wish she came over. I agree, and then get up to go to the bathroom. The dancer was stopped talking to someone else and kind of scurries over to me trying not to be seen which I notice and kind of look at her like what the hell is going on. She goes do you know that girl sitting next to you. I said no never met her before. She was like you two are drinking the same beer and I saw you chatting I thought you were friends. I said no I was only going to be there for a couple hours and wasn't going to drink all the beers I brought and they weren't typical beers since I am kind of a beer nerd so it made sense she thought we were friends, since I gave the girl some of my beers because she asked about it.
She then tells me that the girl is kind of stalking her. Apparently the girl is an EMS and had responded to something that the dancer was at and asked her about where she worked and was showing up all the time, and it was freaking her out. She had danced for her before but she said the girl was kind of freaking her out with stuff she was saying and she was creeped out and now tries to avoid her. I told her we would definitely do dances just come by when you are ready maybe she will leave soon. This dancer was an extras girl and is a lot of fun and I was in no rush and place wasn't that busy so I would hang out and we would do dances when she was ready, she says ok, she would give it like 20 minutes see if the girl leaves.
So I use the bathroom go sit back down. Girl says I saw you talking to her, blah blah blah she thinks she is so hot etc. I agree. She asks what were you talking about I say just general chat, I had gotten dances from her before etc so saying hello. She goes she does real good dances but she doesn't know if she will do dances with her anymore for some weird reason that I forgot. She then asks if you do dances with her can I come and watch the dances and I will pay extra so I can be there as well. I said I don't know if they allow it and try to be nice. A few minutes later she gets up and goes to the womens room, the dancer comes out of the back and starts walking across the room, the girl was gone so she must think she left and is heading over. Right as the girl is coming out of the bathroom she almost walks into the dancer who just happened to be walking past the womens room door. I know am watching and think this could get interesting. The girl starts talking to dancer and goes to hug her, the dancer gave her the most awkward trying not to touch her return hug. they talk for a minute and I kind of stop paying attention and turn to watch football some college game that was on.
A couple minutes later girl comes back and says she knows the dancer is coming over to see me and she told dancer her plan she wants dancer to dance for me and just let her watch, but now she adds she told dancer she wants to watch the dancer give me a blowjob because it would turn her on to watch. Now I have no problem with this idea at all sounds like fun to me, but could tell the dancer really did not want that girl close to her. A few minutes later dancer reappears I kind of give her a nod and walk over to her and we go to VIP.
Dancer as we are waiting for room starts going into detail like I think that girl has followed me home etc. I say damn that is scary, and then said that the girl told me she wanted to watch her dance with me. She goes oh she told me what she wanted to watch and it was more than dances, I kind of played dumb about knowing what the girl told her. She goes we are gonna do that and more but it's just us and she ain't watching. I laugh and we go have fun. We finish I and I go to head back to my seat and think if she is there this is gonna be probably be weird now. Luckily the girl was gone by the time I came back.
Not sure if that counts as cock blocking but it definitely made the situation awkward.
As far as guys I haven't had many issues with guys cock blocking. If a guy is bringing himself into my group or interfering with a dancer when we are talking I will diplomatically and nicely tell him he has to leave, and I am big enough and can be intimidating enough to get them to take the hint if they don't get the point right away, or press it. I avoid the latter whenever possible because it only hurts the vibe. But 90% of the time it's usually a someone who is already socially awkward, drunk, or both.
No - can’t recall another customer trying to make friends. Most I’ve talked to another customer at the bar is banter like “Goddamn she’s hot” or “What’s the bartender’s name?”. I’m definitely not there to make friends with other dudes.
i can't ever recall having a customer try to make friends either. i've had some small talk with them before, but never had them come over to my table uninvited or follow me around or anything along those lines.
Follies has an odd table etiquette. If you sit at a low top, that table is yours and people should not try to join your table. For those not familiar, the hi-tops are set along the wall chair-table-chair-chair-table-chair etc. They other seat at your table is down the wall 4 feet. The guy right next to you is actually at the next table. Any of those seats along the wall are fair game. You do not hold the table.
There are extra chairs away from the wall that get moved around on demand. Girls sit here or two guys that are together can sit at one table. What is not cool is a random guy taking one of those seats and joining the table you are already sharing with a stranger. Lone PL's should only take the seats against the wall. I have had a couple of guy try to do that and it is awkward to get them to leave. Besides being rude they are cutting off your dance space.
I really like your move, it should be the TUSCL standard practice to get rid of “undesirables”.
“I hold my hand up, looked over and told him "Now is not good." ”
I had a strange incident at a downtown ATL club decades ago. I think it was called the Cheetah Elite. The seating was low tops. It was crowded, but not much dancing going on. I got a girl to table dance for me. She was dancing anywhere from in my crotch to backing off 4-5 feet.
Suddenly some guy from across the room runs over, grabs an empty chair and moves between me and the girl and starts just saying nasty shit to her. His classiest line was "I wanna see you smoke my cigar with your pussy." I told him he was out of line and this was my dance and my dancer. He jumps up and tries to start a fight. His buddies come over and start pushing me. The dancer disappears.
Two bouncers come over and get them away from me. bottom line is I am asked to leave, but apologetically. They explain that they were part of a group of like 20 guys from a convention. They don't know exactly who is who. If they throw the three guys that hassled me out, it will just incite the others. If I stay, they are just going to continue to make trouble for me. He asked how much I has spent so far. When I told him the manager stepped forward and handed me $100. Really sorry, I know you did nothing wrong. Let me walk you to your car.
@GoldmongerATL - did you ever go back to that club? I wouldn't.
That might have been the one and only time.
What went unsaid was these conventioneers are our lifeblood. They are spending big money and you are one guy. Word gets out that we are throwing them out and it could be bad for business. Let me pay you double what you already spent to leave. That way I only have one unhappy guy, not dozens.
Manager should have sent that dancer home with you :-)
Best to keep your cool in these situations. Not worth the trouble of getting into fights with people you don’t know over pride. As Marcellus Wallace said “fuck pride.”
I went into a regular club of mine and an extras girl I’d known for a while came to say hello after she came out of the back with a guy. He and his buddy were looking like they were leaving but when he saw her talking to me he came over and started telling me how awesome she was, I should be nice to her, blah blah. I could tell he was hammered and a bit lovesick/jealous so I just nodded and agreed with everything he said without giving him any openings to add to the conversation. He kept rambling until his buddy pulled him away. Then he came back a couple times. I continued to nod and relax my body language. He finally ran out of steam and left.
Because the girl and I knew neither of us were possessive the only cost was a waste of time but it could’ve been worse if I’d reacted. She was apologetic and played to my ego, telling me the guy (who was young and prematurely bald) was jealous of my hair, etc. I just laughed and let it roll off my back.
Now, if some dude or girl interrupted my dances and I didn’t have time to wait I’d have to get a bouncer involved or something. Still wouldn’t fight. I want to be as unnoticed as possible in a club (by other customers).
"I wanna see you smoke my cigar with your pussy."
Ah, another to add to Top 10 Strip Club Pick-Up Lines.
I've had brief annoyances and guys who seemed to want to hover nearby because they wanted to watch my dances when I was intentionally sitting out of the way. However that doesn't usually happen. I've had far more trouble with unwanted dancers cutting in or not wanting to go away than customers. Of course this causes friction between the dancers.
being either cock blocked or clam jammed can suck.. I do not tolerate either behavior.. not at the club to hang out with custies or dancers that i not want to spend time with.. I try to be nicer with the ladies but have on several occasions told them that their company was not wanted..lol Have actually had Mgr. remove one from my table who just plopped her ass down and would not leave..
Actually happens to me a lot. Probably because I laugh a lot and the dancers begin congregating around me. I then buy them drinks. The dudes with no money always seem to try and leach their way in. Many of them, for some reason, are always “professionally trained cage fighters” .... not sure why other than perhaps they think it impresses the girls. Hmmm, now that I think about it, that may be why they leach onto my area. Damn! Perhaps it is because I initially engage them in conversation regarding the “cage fighting”. That’s it! I’m not talking that shit anymore in a strip club. TUSCL just solved my problem.
I am annoyed by a guy watching my dance, but it is easy to tolerate. He is really just watching a girl grind on me. Scouting my dance to see if she is worthy. Who cares.
In the incident I mentioned, this guy basically moved his chair right in front of me so my dance became his dance. The dancer had no way to get around him to reach me. It was like the guy had no concept that somebody buys a table dance and it is not a random floor show.
Oh, and the "cigar" line was not a euphemism. He was smoking a big cigar and sort of offering it up to her crotch.
@GoldmongerAtl - if there is enough room between you and a dancer for a guy to come up and sit between you and her, you need to find a different dancer!
Back in the 2000s when I SCed in Dallas I was at a small black dive called Peep-N-Toms in Arlington, TX just west of Dallas - it was a slow weekday afternoon and the club was about 90% empty - I go to the small square LD room with an early-20s ebony - the room was maybe 6 x 8 with high-back chairs and small benches lining the walls of the small-room on 3-sides - the ebony and I were the only ones there waiting for the next song to start - then a young (early-20s) slim AA-guy decides to plop himself down by himself across from us - I didn't think much of it b/c I was talking w/ my dancer - she started dancing for me and I was focused on her and and her body mostly blocked my view of the AA-guy sitting across from us so I was pretty-much oblivious to him - after we were done he left and she turns to me and says "wow - I can't believe it - that guy that sat there the whole time looking at our dance is my half-brother"
@winex - she would grind some (letting me grab some tit and ass) then back off a few feet and dance, bend over, etc. It was a good dance for the late 80's. She had backed up to put her hand on someone's chair and bend over when this asshole slid in between us. I thought the guy was just cutting through the space moving a chair but then he sat down. His face was just about touching her ass. She was startled when she turned around and had no choice but to back away even further.
This isn't a clock blocking story but a couple of the stories above reminded of it.
I was at Fantasies in Providence (years ago). I was upstairs in the nude room. I had sat at the stage for awhile, but I was then sitting in one of the soft chairs near the stage. Some older dude who didn't work there, I had not talked with, and had never met for whatever reason took it upon himself to approach one of the dancers and send her to talk to me.
Interestingly enough I ended up going to the 15 minute room with her and was glad I did, but I still don't understand why some rando would tell a girl to go sit with someone he never met.
Some guys get off sending girls to others. Once or twice I have had a girl tell me a regular had bought a dance for me. One of them said I could have as many as I wanted. Think I had 3 to be polite. She said he liked watching her dance for other guys, then takes her to VIP to "punish" her for being such a slut.
I once had an old white guy offer to pay for me to fuck a hoe so long as I gave him the used condom afterwards
I didn't do it. It was kinda creepy. But I've had 4 guys watch me fuck their wives at swingers clubs