OT: Worst Vacation

avatar for sinclair
Where is the worst place you have ever gone on vacation?

For me it was Cancún. It was the "place to go" when I was a youngin, so I gave it a try. I ended up hating every day of being there. I am not much of a beach guy and prefer to wander versus being stuck at a resort for an entire week. Many of the "Americans" down there seemed to be first/second generation Eastern European types that were very rude to the hotel and restaurant staff. You could drink as much beer as you wanted for free, but to keep costs down, there were only like four brands of beer served. The only American one was Coors Light. The resort would not let you bring girls you met at the night clubs back to your room because of the all-inclusive thing. The Mexican police had a thing for arresting gringos late at night who appeared drunk, were caught urinating, or were drinking beer on the street, which is illegal there. I would buy a 40 ouncer of Sol at 7/11 each night and chug it as I walked to the night clubs with my head on a swivel looking for the policia to roll up on me. You also have taxis constantly rolling up on you and asking you if you want "company". They then take out a portfolio of pictures of naked women to show you, which are all local prostitutes. I assume they get a referral cut if they take you to one of the hooker's pads. The women in the Yucatan are more indigenous looking than northern Mexico. The only good-looking women were the güera types from Cuidad de Mexico and a small fraction of American women on vacation. On the beach, I constantly had to shoo away Mexicans trying to sell me everything from blankets, pinatas, and sombreros to cocaine, ecstasy, and marijuana. When you reject the drugs, they then think they can at least get you to buy some Cuban cigars. Also, the weather was miserably hot and humid. I would never go back.

I have asked this question to several people at work, and they all said the same place: Jamaica. One was robbed in Jamaica. Others complained how Jamaica is so ghetto and everyone wants to sell you marijuana. Another person told me how a woman at her hotel got raped by a Jamaican guy who climbed over the fence into their resort. Ya Mon!

Bonus question: Have you ever gone on vacation somewhere that you thought would suck, but ended up having a great time?


last comment
avatar for inmonger
5 years ago
I didn't particularly care for Cancun either. However, I went to Puerto Rico for a week several years ago and found the people to be warm and caring. When I was walking around the marketplace in Cancun, a shop vendor wanted to discuss politics and Donald Trump with me. No way I was going to engage in that discussion, but in Puerto Rico, everyone strongly identified themselves with the USA. Try San Juan, I bet you will like it.

avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
My worst vacation was a few days into my vacation september 2002 when I found out I had no more job because the company went bankrupt. And they didn’t even pay my vacation pay of four weeks.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
oh yeah. i was in tuscon with the wife and one of my kids who was a student at University of Arizona.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
the next day i got hired by a competitor of the company i was with seventeen years.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
Jamaica is a place I would not go back to. It's an ugly land with angry people.

I visited Cancun several times and always had good experiences.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I haven't taken many vacations and never been overseas - growing up in Miami I had plenty to do here when I was younger and at times would go to Orlando or Tampa to hit the theme parks - I'm not a big party-guy and over the last 2-decades I enjoyed being an SCer and most of my disposable-income would go to that b/c I did enjoy it and it gave me a rush vs sitting at a beach in another country drinking and seeing mostly boring (for me) sites; SCs gave me more of rush.

From what I've heard from others, Cancun is similar to a non-stop Spring Break, so one would probably have to be in their 20s and enjoy that kinda scene - w.r.t. Jamaica, seems like the kinda place where one can only spend their vacation mostly in the resort b/c it's either not safe to be freely out-and-about or maybe not much worthwhile to do outside the resort? I guess if I lived in a cold-climate w/ no/limited access to the beach, then a week in a resort might appeal to me.

In the end, a lot of these places have high rates of poverty and desperation where corruption is often rampant and people often get-by by doing things on the down-lo, thus tourists and their dollars are often gonna attract a lot of unwanted attention.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I agree with you that strip clubs are better than vacations.
nothing compares to a sexy woman.
avatar for shailynn
5 years ago
Somehow I wound up a St. Augustine for a few days. I've been all over Florida and that was easily the worst place I have ever been to in Florida, with the exception of maybe Tallahassee.

Every restaurant I went to sucked, I went to the beach one day and got eaten alive by bugs, the next day I went I couldn't go in the water because there were 2 shark sightings and out of the 4 days I was there it rained 3 of them, all day.

Runner up would be the Bahamas. Unless you're staying at Atlantis or Baha Mar, don't bother going.


One of the places I went that I thought would suck but was great was Grenada. Locals were friendly food was decent beaches were great.
avatar for shailynn
5 years ago
"weren't that bad to be honest "

yeah, I've been to a million restaurants in Florida that were to die for, but even you couldn't find a "good" there either!!! I have family in Florida and have spent a lot of time it Ft Laud, Naples, Macro, Keys, even some time in Jacksonville, but didn't like Augustine. Yeah I took the carriage ride, went to the fort, the distillery and all that shit but not really my thing.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
Worst vacation was a trip to Vegas when I was 18. A group of us took the cash we had been saving from our measly fast food jobs plus what we had gotten from our families for graduation and flew to Vegas for what we planned on being a wild 5 days. We couldn't figure out why my Dad kept laughing anytime we started talking about if we should play blackjack, craps or poker first as he was driving us to the airport. Needless to say as soon as we got to the casino and found out you had to be 21 to gamble our hearts sank to the pits of our stomachs. Turns out Vegas isn't really any fun if you aren't 21.

Second worst vacation was when I went back to Vegas when I was 21 and lost almost $5k of student loan money. On the bright side the other 20-25 trips I have taken to Vegas since then have been fun and I have a trip booked for December unless 2020 finds more ways to shit on our lives before then.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i’ll agree Vegas can be fun but it was a very expensive learning experience for me.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Vancouver, BC. Flew from LA to Vancourver on a Saturday morning just to check out the night life. Totally boring. Women weren't even allowed into the bars unless they were accompanied by a man. Left Sunday Morning and flew to San Francisco where I spent the night on North Beach and had a good time.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
@whodey. Just make sure to get refundable reservations if you plan to go to Vegas. As of now, the bars are still closed.

I've been twice since June and it is pretty much a graveyard now. I teased a buddy that works for the state that the latest outbreaks were because of him. He was tasked, as part of his group, to make the rules for opening in June. A lot of cases started in Casinos in Vegas.

The word is bars will open under stricter rules in a couple of weeks. What that means? I don't know. I just know the two times I've been there I was glad work was paying.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I really haven't been outside North America. I want to bad though especially europe with the history stuff. I wouldn't be into a resort type vacation, that's not my thing. But overall I can't say I've hated anywhere, it's all just different stuff to me and better than staying back home. If I felt like I did everything, I just move on to somewhere else. I have yet to do the I'm booking a hotel for a week at certain spot, I like to keep things fluid. Probably sounds like a non answer but that is the truth for me.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The Bahamas is to date the only vacation I disliked. I watched dealers openly cheat in one casino; it looks like a low rent version of South Florida; and the natives obviously fucking hate american tourists. To make it worse I was on a cruise, which I actually disliked more than I figured I would.
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
> In the end, a lot of these places have high rates of poverty and desperation where corruption is often rampant and people often get-by by doing things on the down-lo, thus tourists and their dollars are often gonna attract a lot of unwanted attention.

I'm with Papi on this one. After travelling to some countries, behind the scenes its a lot of very poor people working for tourism. Their living conditions are horrible and it feels weird to go be a 'rich foreigner' in hotels along the beach. Sure this gives them jobs etc, so I'm not trying to go into the economics of it...just not interested in participating anymore.

I'm speaking mostly of the APAC region.
avatar for Studme53
5 years ago
Yeah Jamaica. Got my sandals, sunglasses and hat stolen while I was in the pool maybe 30 feet away and according what another guest told me - it was a native.
My son said he got robbed his first day he was in Nassau and I had to wire him money, but he was young and wild, so who knows.
Place I thought I’d hate but loved was Disneyworld. Never went as a kid, but went for the first time with a gf when I was 23 and was very impressed and had a great time.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
I’m comfortable making the best of any situation so most bad experiences (of which there have been many) are like water off a duck. So my “worst” vacation story wasn’t so bad for me but rather for my companion. I had warned her beforehand that she wasn’t going to like it but though she is exceptionally well traveled this was her first experience in the Arabic speaking world. We hired a car and driver and toured Morocco (Rabat, Casablanca, Agadir, Marakesh, Fez, and the Atlas Mts., etc). The aggressive greedy, lying, cheating locals and the non-stop begging were just too much. Her summation of the place was that it was the only place in the world she had ever been to that she wanted to leave before her time was up.

I won’t relate any of my personal bad experiences but will share the winner of the absolute “worst” place IMO. The entire country of India is nothing but an open sewer. Horrible place with horrible people living on top of eachother. That they could live like that along with thinking the caste system is natural and maybe it’s just me but bathing in raw sewage, regardless of caste, is just fucking wrong. Even Bangladesh which is a poorer version of India has the advantage of annual monsoons flushing the shit out to sea. Not India. Unless you want to open a call center, book your trip to anywhere else.


I’ve been going to Spain for close to 40 years and was there in early 2019 when I decided to go north to Galicia where I had never before ventured. Not that I thought it would suck by any means but I liked it so much that instead of a few days I ended up staying for about six weeks hiking through most of it. Beautiful country, green, fresh air, simple honest hardworking friendly people living a largely rural agriculture based life. It was kind of like the land that time forgot. So for me it was weeks of no phone, no TV, no internet. Before anyone books a trip you should know that there are also no strip clubs though in one city my cab driver did offer to take me to where the prostitutes were working the streets. Not my thing so I passed and can’t comment on the quality on offer one way or the other.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
Family vacation during Christmas and New Years to Culebra. Culebra is lovely; my vacation was bad only because my ex-wife pulled me aside one night and said she wanted a divorce :P
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I went to Bermuda with my fiancé and another couple when I got engaged. It literally rained heavy every day - all day!

Every person told us - it never rains for more than a day here. The second day it was - it never rains for more than two days here. By the fifth day - I was ready to strangle anyone who told me that!

I enjoy the irreverent British humor - and I loved Benny Hill as a kid - but I had enough of their jokes while sitting in the hotel bar and restaurant as I watched it pour outside!

Every time we left the hotel - holding an umbrella - I would step off the curb directly into traffic - as I couldn’t get the idea of looking in the other direction first!
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Honestly I don't vacation by myself so it's always been about who I travel with. Lying by the pool getting tipsy and fucking all day is fantastic with the wife right company.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Either the Bahamas or Galveston Texas. It was nothing but rain and wind in galveston in mid April so I stayed indoors for 4 days. Thankfully I didn’t pay for any of it. Bahamas was humid and full of bugs and stayed indoors for 5 days. My best vacations are staying at home, watching what I want and eating what I want, then after taking a nap going to the local strip Club for some drinks and lap dances.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Hmm, I view things similar to heaving and BabyDoc. I find value with places anywhere I’ve been, and the negatives don’t stay negative for too long. I guess the worst experience was when I went to NYC as a teenager—but that was because of “family” members and not the city itself.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Great thread.

I enjoyed the trip and culture, but the last place I'd want to go back to is India. The merciless heat and humidity, the sprawling crowds, the garbage, and human and animal waste everywhere. On the train from Delhi to Agra, I saw dozens of men shitting right by the tracks. Mumbai had disgusting poverty next to incredible wealth. "Home" is an 8 x 8 PVC shack with no protection from the elements. Oh, and getting horrible out-both-ends food poisoning on my last day didn't help either.

Best unexpected places were South Africa and Scotland. Former had amazing natural beauty, and if you have a soul you can't not be touched by the apartheid museum and Mandela story. Latter, gorgeous countryside, loved the distilleries, and Edinburgh is an underrated city and home to a couple of my best lap dances ever.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago

You need to go back to Edinburgh for Hogmanay (New Years Eve) sometime if you haven’t already been. It’s a real medieval festival and just fucking awesome.

And though I shouldn’t say it here but one of the traditions is kissing strangers in the streets with abandon.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
@BabyDoc, duly noted. I was there for a friend's wedding, but the Fringe festival was at the same time and it was awesome.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago

What part of South Africa did you visit - did it seem/feel safe? Are you white and if so did you feel treated differently bc of it?
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
@Papi, I'm white and Hispanic 50/50. We still looked like tourists and did tourist things, but we were there with Africans and local guides (both white and black).

We were in Jo'Burg and Cape Town, and kept to well-off areas.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
Seattle. Never want to go back. Hippie haven. Everyone is on loser leaf. Having a good connection to qualudes, coke, molly is more important than being fit. Imagine hanging out with Dave Matthews incoherent rambling 24/7 and the rain never stops. Strip clubs suck too. I don’t get the appeal.
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
Some of you guys that went to Jamaica should have listened to "Dreadlock Holiday" by 10cc first.
For me, few things can spoil a vacation worse than crappy weather. I'd had several good prior vacations/getaways to Phoenix, but was not to be so this year. Only 2 days of this 6 day trip got above 70 degrees, other days rainy, or barely broke 60 with windy conditions. To add insult to injury, I caught a cold, and took 45 minutes (with heater/defrost running) to break/scrape ice from my car when I got back. Ironically, I was considering going to FL, but I said, nah, I haven't been to Phoenix in a while. Temperatures in FL were mostly 80ish that week.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
We rented a beach house in St. Augustine and loved it -weather, food, people, and so much to do. The only complaint I have isnthe beach consisted entirely of crushed shells and not sand. Very painful to walk on, created two blisters, and even ruined a pair of sandals.

Cancun was "meh". One day shore excursion for a cruise.

Worst would have been Orlando. Worst to drive in, worst to stay in, worst fellow tourists. You can find a couple of decent restaurants, but they are jam packed and overpriced.

Best is Hawai'i. Expensive, but you can snow covered peaks and snorkel coral reefs in the same day. Local Hawaiians are cool, but the expat community sucks.
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
Went to Northern Kentucky across the river from Cincinnati for a family wedding. The wedding was cheap and crappy and there was very little do in the area otherwise. Can't see why I would ever want to go back.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Local Hawaiians are cool, but the expat community sucks ..."

The expats suck in comparison to the natives, or even in comparison to stateside Americans? If it's the latter, can you elaborate?
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Worst place I ever spent 3 days was in Quebec city, what a bunch of rude people if you think Miami is rude to non Spanish speakers, you haven't been to Quebec.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
The expats were rude to mainland Americans. We stayed in two BnB's, one hosted by a formerly mainland American couple, the other by a Canadian. Not truly expats, but that's how they referred to themselves. They just wanted be know it alls about everything political, environmental, geographical. They were dismissive of you it they did not think you could be of use to them, etc. Some of the locals were great, though, so warm, generous, and genuine. Others not so much. It's a different world out there (Big Island, Moloka'i, and Lana'i). We skipped the more commecialized islands like Maui and Oahu.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
^^^lol there's south park episode just on those "expats" it's fucking hilarious
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Worst vacations?
--2 weeks in a rented motor home. Wouldn't have mattered if I'd gone someplace different than I did. That trip resulted in lifetime aversion to RV ownership. Might consider a sprinter van or something small like that later in life but that rented RV was too long and a pain in the ass to park.
--Not a vacation per se, but had to stop in Dallas, TX in August for a wedding on return trip from a vacation. That was miserable. 95*+ after 9PM. Jumped in the pool thinking to cool off and the pool was high 80s (median ambient temperature). Even if Texas had negative state income tax (instead of zero) and gave me a rebate for simply residing in Dallas I never would even if had lifetime free admission to Baby Dolls. Plus I hate the Cowboys.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Connecticut. Years ago to visit the wife's family. Stayed in the house with my in-laws. 2 bedroom house. Too small for 6 people. It had no A/C. Only fans. Newsflash people, it gets hot in the summer even in Connecticut. And I never have been able to stand my mother in law. After that, each time my wife wanted to go visit her family, I suddenly had an important business meeting come up.
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