
Comments by DeclineToState (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Getting Stood Up.
    Context is everything. With you having clarified you have history with the 9 and a lot of fun, me personally I'd give it another shot but walk for good if that happened again. It's so easy for her to have shot you a cancel text in advance of you arriving at restaurant. -@CJKent: "I don’t wait for doctors, lawyers, teachers, priest etc or even family members more than 15 minutes, without communication or explanation." Totally agree but am guessing you've walked out of a lot of doctor's offices then - doctors are notorious for keeping you waiting.
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    4 years ago
    PSD Q&A
    Great job PSD, thank you for taking the time, and a good read. And great job too Muddy, please keep em coming.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What is a tip walk?
    Only place I've experienced tip walk was at The American Bush in Salt Lake City. Understandable I suppose because sitting at rail is worthless there. Girls weren't aggressive, and just gave each one $2, no big deal, but it was mildly annoying though perhaps just because it was unique to me. Tip walk in San Diego clubs? Haven't experienced that at the San Diego TL clubs Pure Platinum (the one by the airport, now closed) or Pacer's. Maybe it just happens at San Diego's FN clubs, haven't been because no alcohol and FN is not a requirement for me.
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    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    SJG and a backdoor
    Him being off this board for 6 months has been best thing about 2020
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    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    ->skibum: "I was 192 - 148 winner" That's a big score. Must be a PPR league, unless of course your week 2 roster included Aaron Jones, Calvin Ridley, and one of the QBs that went off this week
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What Social Media Do You Use ?
    FB, but haven't posted in years, occasionally view to see what's up with friends IG, but have never posted, same as FB just look to see what's up with people I know or see posts from users I follow LinkedIn - created a profile years ago, but have found its primary use is me being targeted with connection requests from users I have no intent on doing business with, and have never received any legit business lead from it, but perhaps that's because haven't tried to use a marketing tool. Why such little use? Privacy concerns
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Ginsberg's Dying Wish . . .
    ->Whodey: "I think most of us are aware we are going to Hell for this hobby. We just think fucking hot young women is worth the cost." Lines from Unforgiven: Little Bill Daggett (Gene Hackman): I'll see you in hell, William Munny. William Munny (Clint Eastwood): Yeah.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Ginsberg's Dying Wish . . .
    ->Tetradon: "Neither side acting on principle." ->Papi: "w.r.t. Ginsberg's dying wish - a Justice doesn't get to pick who their successor is" ^This. Well, both of these.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strangest songs you have ever heard in a strip club
    One time was at a club shortly before Christmas and club was doing a fundraiser for local firefighters, allegedly donating a % of sales. Took a girl to VIP room and music piped into room (as compared to the regular music played on floor) was all upbeat Christmas songs (such as Jingle Bell Rock and Rockin Around the Christmas Tree). It was awful. Afterward went up to the manager (who I was acquainted with) and said dude don't do that anymore it's a total boner killer
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Your Taste In Girls As A Kid vs Now.
    Through middle school, was a prefer blondes guy. From high school forward have been a prefer brunettes guy, and from college forward have eyes for sexy AA. Always naturals, will never be a bolton guy.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Overhyped places IYO
    Overrated: Hollywood Beverly Hills San Diego north county, north of Del Mar -beaches and activities are meh compared to mid county from Point Loma on southern end to Del Mar on northern end Dallas - not that it's highly rated, but it's hot, flat (no good biking), with soulless suburbs Yellowstone National Park - alright, it is worth a visit, and has cool stuff you won't see elsewhere (geyser basins and wildlife), but if you're in Montana and want to experience a more spectacular national park, hit Glacier Nat Park Maldives Islands Not Overrated: SF - great city IMO, get out of Market Street corridor and Union Square area, and good lord don't bother with Pier 39 and Chinatown tourist traps NOLA - as per JustinTolook, get away from French Quarter (other than a brief stroll if you insist on seeing it)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    First day at work
    ^You think IceyMoron is a clackport alias? Don't know him personally but clackport is a solid contributor and would surprise me if he wasted his time being Icey
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    average stripper retirement age
    ^please stay. And hit Calif
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    4 years ago
    average stripper retirement age
    Weather beaten face and acne scars
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    1st time here?
    I perceive the "You been here before" question is lazy or uninspired marketing gab to break the ice, but I don't get uptight about it. When I was still a little bitch (Subraman term, from his advice article - https://tuscl.net/article/49689/), I probably lied but that was a long while ago so don't really remember. Like most of you, I just respond with truth. Seems though that when the honest answer is something like "Ya, and I like this place" or "Ya, and I've had a lot of fun here" it results in less SS and sometimes increased mileage
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    4 years ago
    average stripper retirement age
    ^*8.5 down to 6
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    4 years ago
    average stripper retirement age
    ^Amazing the positive effect club lighting can have on looks. I clubbed shortly pre-Covid and this late-30s gal looked hot on stage then we went and sat away from stage in better lit area, and she correspondingly dropped from 8.6 down to 6
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    4 years ago
    average stripper retirement age
    ^It appears you have covered all the sociological factors in typical Papi detail
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    average stripper retirement age
    ^I would too if I were dancer and had to be dealing with PLs while in my late-30s+. Must be mentally and emotionally exhausting, balanced against the cash $$ flow
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    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Trump will be “re-elected” by the “Electoral College”; the “deliberative body” o
    ^Probably true
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Trump will be “re-elected” by the “Electoral College”; the “deliberative body” o
    The electoral college works fine. Yes, it causes some states to be over-represented or under-represented disproportionate to population, and there is the theoretical problem of unfaithful electors that has not had any practical impact on outcome though it could. But the system causes the candidates to campaign more nationally than would be the case if presidential election were based on simple majority and thus disenfranchise regions whose voices should be heard through election process but wouldn't be via simple majority - I'd rather have a parliamentary system than that. The 1% contention is inaccurate. Yes the actual electors sent may be mostly in the 1% as a donor spiff, but ballots cast by the electors are consistent with the election results under the electoral system. Yay electoral college, hope it never changes.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Summing up Joey B
    You left out: 1987: Withdrew from 1988 President race due to revelations of his falsification of law school record and scholarship, falsification of participation in Civil Rights Movement marches, and speech plagiarism
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT - chinese coronavirus vaccine
    With discussion title's wording, not sure if question relates to any vaccine for the Chinese Coronarivus (as in, what Trump calls it) or a Chinese-developed/produced vaccine for Covid-19. If it's a vaccine developed in China or Russia, not sure what I'd do. I'm cynical of Covid-related information filtered through those governments and thus cynical of any Covid vaccine developed there regardless of quality of scientists and procedures. If vaccine were developed in countries where I trust process more (USA, Canada, Germany etc.), I'd try to be first in line if it facilitates immediate international travel - had 2 trips canceled on me this year and want to reschedule. Too bad FKK not on itinerary
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Favorite/Least favorite euphemisms for female anatomy
    ->@Cashman: "I’m still undecided if - wang dang sweet poon tang - is too wordy?" Ted Nugent and fans would say no
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Favorite/Least favorite euphemisms for female anatomy
    C Word = Bad, low class Remember that tv show Inside the Actor's Studio where the host would at end of interview ask the actor what are the actor's favorite word and least favorite word and why. Jude Law said his fave word is the C Word. What a dbag. Robin Williams on the other hand said it was his least fave word.