Refusal of service due to inebriation.

avatar for shadowcat
Ever been refused in a strip club or other place? Ever seen it?

I don't drink anymore but when I used to, I never drank too much at a club. I have only seen it a few times but I have seen a lot of customers and dancers that should have been refused.

I do remember once seeing a guy so drunk that he kept falling asleep in his chair. The bouncers woke him up and kicked him out of the club. Did they guy then get in his car and leave? I don't know because I didn't follow them outside.

I have seen house moms pull drunk dancers off stage and take them to the dressing room to sleep? But that is rare.

Alcohol is where the money is!


last comment
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I have been refused service but not for being falling down drunk on that particular night. I think the bartender was blaming a bad hangover he currently had from drinking with me and some friends the night before? Wasn't a big deal, I just ordered from another bartender.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
I was at a casino once and after quite a number of shots and starting to use f bombs at the blackjack table I got kicked off and stopped being served. Of course I was winning and up so there’s that. The funny thing is I left to go to a strip club, came back three hours later, and sat down at a blackjack table. In all of about 5 seconds while the dealer was cutting the chips for the cash aid laid down, security tapped me on the shoulder and tell me to try again tomorrow. This has happened a few times, always when I was winning though...
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Heavenly Bodies in Chicago, I saw the doorman refuse entry to someone. All that I recall of the observation is the doorman asking "How much have you had to drink tonight, Jose?" You need to be really fucked up for that to happen.

I was cut off at All Stars in Chicago some time later. I've already related that story, it was bullshit with a bitch waitress, and she had me bounced when I got a beer from someone else.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Can’t say I’ve ever been refused service or asked to leave , I’m sure when I was younger there were some times when I should have been
I no longer drink to that point very seldom do I ever have more than two or three beers and never drink scotch or bourbon in a stripclub

avatar for pistola
5 years ago
That’s one thing 25 and I can agree on, I love me some JW Black or Blue on the rocks with a splash or water but brown liquor and strip clubs is a dangerous combo these days lol.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Twice, Blush in Pittsburgh and Ruby's in Bridgeport CT. Both were many years ago.

Why I was cut off at Blush I'll never know as I as nowhere close to my tolerance level and was behaving fine - she just didn't like how quickly I put down my first couple of drinks.

At Ruby's it was because the bartender at the time told me I was behaving like "an animal" simply because I loudly thanked and tipped girls who actually took their clothes off on stage (it is byob nude optional) and quietly ignored those who didn't. The same chick now owns the place and is running it into the ground with old dancers who are her buddies.

But otherwise never. Here in NE FL they'll serve you until you fall off the barstool as the local Dram Shop laws are very permissive or "enlightened" as I like to call them.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
^^^^ ohhhh yeah! Way to go Rickyboiiiiiiii!!
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
A bartender I've known for probably a decade cut me off once. It was an act of kindness because I was really too far gone. She let me know the owner was planning to close early because business was slow. She said no more drinks for me and I didn't argue. I'm a happy drunk, I never get mean or argumentative. When I've had too much I just tend to get groggy and slur my words, still smiling. Lol. So instead, she made me some kind of elixir she claimed was an old Brazilian remedy for drunkenness. I think it had lemon juice, salt and club soda, among other things, I don't know what. It was the most awful shit I ever tasted. Spent the next hour drinking two of these horrific concoctions while wincing and burping. When the lights came on, I walked to my car and drove home without incident. I'm not gonna say I was sober, but I was a lot better than before. Alert, no blurred vision, totally focused on driving carefully while aware that my condition was not ideal. That was a few years ago and was the last time I got that fucked up away from home.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Thanks for that insightful and thought provoking contribution to the thread Meat.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Touché, or is that douche?
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I got cut off one time that I remember in a club. I was at Lace in Wayne NJ. I started with beer - then decided to switch to Gray Goose and tonic. After about 5 Gray Goose and tonics - I think I ordered a Gray Goose and vodka. I got a glass of vodka and yelled at the bartender for fucking up my order. I was politely informed I had just ordered a Gray Goose and vodka - and I told her only an idiot would order that drink! I had a cup of coffee and pissed on my car tires on my way out to drive home.

I was a fucking drunk idiot.

In a non club - a regular bar in Orange NJ - I saw a guy walk who was a known local drunk. He was already very drunk as he stumbled in the door. The bartender immediately spoke to him - told him he wasn’t going to serve him unless he knew what day it was. The drunk took a guess - and said Tuesday - which was wrong. The bartender told him he was wrong and refused service. The drunk said ok and left.

There is a bar on every block in that area - so I’m sure he walked a few doors down and asked again.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
1998 - My buddy and I ski 26" new at Jay Peak and decide for reasons I still cannot figure out to drive 140 miles to another country and strip club in Montreal. We get fucking hammered and about 15 - 18 beers in decide to leave Super Sexe and smoke some weed in the car. They won't let us back in due to obvious inebriation. Outside we make a plan: wait 15 minutes, switch coats and try again. We ignore the 7" height and 50 pound weight difference and walk in. Bouncer: What the fuck are you two doing we just threw you out. Me: We haven't been here tonight. Bouncer: Look stupid, switching coats works better when the coats are different, not the same ugly CB parka. He's right, we had bought coats on sale, unbeknownst to each other and looked like some faggy ski team.
Went to another club and they served us. Drive home was the worst experience of my friends life, or so he thought until I woke back up at customs ........
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
At a hockey tournament in Toronto a group of us went to the Brass Rail and the bouncers pointed at one of the guys in the group and said the rest of us could come in, but no way was he letting him in due to him being obviously shitfaced.

Being the selfish assholes that we were at the time, instead of leaving with him and trying to go someplace else, someone walked him across the street to Pizza Pizza and left him there by himself for an hour or two while the rest of got lapdances.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
^Could have at least found a Chucky Cheese to leave him in.
avatar for RockAllNight
5 years ago
I don’t drink any more, but used to drink heavily in strip clubs. Was never cut off, I wish they would have. Finding several extra ATM receipts in my wallet in the morning was not pleasant. One night in Austria, the bank called my wife back in the US to verify charges. That was definitely not good.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Haven't been denied service inside club or been kicked out, but have been denied entry.
I was in one club til 2AM closing, was drunk but not shitfaced, and strolled a block to another club open til 4AM (I don't club a ton but when I do I can't get enough). The 4AM club was an ID scan place, and I hate that, so tried to buy my way through with a cash tip for no scan. I remember swaying in my inebriated state while offering a tip for no scan and flashing cash with intent to spend, he said nope we scan because this club has "integrity" - I shit you not, he said club "integrity," which was the funniest thing I'd heard all night, and I said hey I just came from your sister club down the block and they waived the scan, but still nope from door guy. So I strolled unevenly back to my hotel and crashed. Missed out on some fun, but saved some money. He woulda let me in though if I'd consented to scan but I interpreted my level of inebriation as influencing non-waiver of ID scan.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Never by a club. But I had a dancer that I would see regularly. She knew that if I had more than two drinks, then I would "last" a long time. So she would cut me off so I wouldn't wear her out ! :-)
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Ive seen it. Ive seen staff beat a high up for falling asleep and not getting up. Guys physically thrown out for being drunk. Robbed by dancers
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
Never was refused service, but once I refused to serve any more drinks to a customer at our school's booth at a Steelers game. The guy was unable to stand up straight and slurred pretty much every word; he wanted to talk to "my boss" - closest person to that would have been the roving Aramark guy who made sure we were well stocked and running things in a professional manner. One thing that he HAD told us was to avoid serving obviously drunk patrons. There were just too many legal implications for both Aramark and for our high school band parents organization for us to risk serving inebriated customers.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Usually one dumps a ton of money to get three sheets to the wind in a SC. I would think one should be celebrated.
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