
Comments by TFP (page 73)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Discussions not visible until you log in: anti-trolling measure? Will it be effe
    Someone started a thread about the same topic a few days ago. You CAN access the discussions while logged out in a few ways. The easiest one seems to be clicking on the articles link first, then access the menu at the top left of the screen for the drop down bar where "discussions" will be selectable.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    $3k for OTC night with hot chick? Is this insane? Worth it?
    3K??!!! What the ever living fuck?! Is this in pesos? Well damn man, if you're considering it that means you have $3000 to spend with no problem so if it's worth it to you, what's stopping you? Clearly the advice you got in the other thread doesn't mean much. Hearing she quoted you that much probably only confirms the suspicions of her playing you. Usually an absurd number like that is thrown out to discourage a custie from anymore OTC talk, especially if she's not willing to negotiate. Just know that if you go throw with it you'll be paying way more than what other girls normally charge for an overnighter. Or so I hear. I've never had an OTC or a P4P all nighter in this country. But being on this forum for a few years I've heard the rates that others say they are quoted. Nothing was that high. Unless they weren't honest and you are. I think you'll go through it no matter what we say. This girl seems to have you in a trance, wrapped around her finger. All I know is, for $3K it better be a GFE for real.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Arnold Schwarzenegger drop kicked! To arms!
    LOL! I still don't have the skills, I'm trying to only have one word be the link. Yet every word after the actual link is highlighted blue as well. I just simply googled "Arnold dropkick second angle" after I posted and it came up.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Arnold Schwarzenegger drop kicked! To arms!
    Nevermind, <a href="https://mobile.twitter.com/adam22/status/1129786968001327104">here<a/> it is.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Arnold Schwarzenegger drop kicked! To arms!
    Anyone have the link to the other angle? I hear in the other angle you can clearly see that the kick barely phased him.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Life is good, play HARD!
    @Nidan well that's cool, but why start a thread about there being pent up frustration and anger then if you don't want to talk about it? If that's the case, just make a thread plainly saying you wanna see tatas, nipples, and ass. That's something we can all get behind with no discussion of anything else.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Life is good, play HARD!
    @Nidan care to cite some specific instances of what you're talking about?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Pl university
    I agree with Warrior. Broaden your horizons. And even if you don't, don't shame the people who do. Your recent threads basically scream "HK and TJ is great and everything else sucks". In University terms, you'd say your major is the best and every other major is worthless. No one can stop you from thinking like that but then don't be surprised when the only person who sides with you is SJG.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Review vs telling a story
    I totally agree with this. If I can't find one bit of info in the review that is specific about the place then I reject it. There are too many reviews that tell a story that could frankly take place in 95% of strip clubs around the country. I suspect a lot of those are people who just want the month of VIP so they can read reviews of clubs they're planning to visit. Let's not make it easy on these clowns. You want the VIP access, then put in some effort. My own reviews are basically stories, but I make sure to include prices, descriptions of girls, and other things about the club while telling that story.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Ignore my previous post.it came put wrong. My question is why do so many ppl in
    But Misterwonderful you're also snipped, right? And plus I'm sure you have the means to support a child if you brought one into the world now. Now as far as STDs I guess that's a risk you're willing to take for the sex feeling better. But teenagers that couldn't even afford to pay their mom rent money? Not even finished with high school? They have no business having unprotected sex.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Ignore my previous post.it came put wrong. My question is why do so many ppl in
    Someone commented in your other thread about bad decision making due to inadequate parenting and guidance and I agree with that, sadly. I grew up quite poor and had friends whose parents allowed them to basically run free. A lot of those friends ended up being teenage mothers and fathers. Meanwhile I didn't see that happening with the well off white and asian kids in high school. Now that we are older those same friends have become grandparents in their early thirties. It's a vicious cycle that doesn't seem like it'll end anytime soon. And this is despite all the social living classes we had in both 8th and 10th grade. Where they showed the pictures of genitalia belonging to people with STDs and the effects. Those pictures were so gross folks in the class swore they were never gonna have unprotected sex. Well turns out it didn't scare a lot of my friends. I think it's a basic human function to be highly curious about sex in your teenage years. Unfortunately some act on that curiosity without thinking about the long term effects. I'm not saying it's not possible to raise a successful child as a teenager. It's just REALLY hard to do that if you barely have the means to take care of yourself, let alone another human. I think it takes a LOT of support from family and close friends to help raise and guide that child to be successful and not another statistic.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trolling or not...
    Seems the enforcement is deletion, as evidenced by the location of the nisespice account and threads.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Looks like you have to login to access discussions now.
    gsteph you're right. If that option is removed later then that means the switch was intentional.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Looks like you have to login to access discussions now.
    Holy shit you're right! That IS a game changer. No more simply logging out to read all the comments. Now instead, everyone who uses ignore and still wants to read all the comments will be forced to make an alternate account. I think I already have an idea for a name.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    [UPDATE] Valet parking an expensive car at the club... [UPDATE]
    I'm curious of the type of car we're talking here.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Rate this hottie
    Sexy, I'll give her a 9. Liked this chick ever since she first went viral on that picture of her as a weather woman. For a while she was the girlfriend of that video game streamer on YouTube, Faze Censor. Which gave hope to little nerdy gamers all over the world that one day they too could be with a model hottie. Then everyone blasted him when he dumped her because he wanted to focus on his gaming career. Turns out he wasn't telling the full <a href="https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/yanet-garcia-hits-back-at-ex-boyfriend-censors-breakup-explanation-video-195642">story.<a/>
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    TUSCLers and their CF's
    I certainly approve of mine! The first clip was excellent, absolutely sprayed her back. Although if you wanna get really specific I enjoy the scene 39 seconds into the video the most. The way he grips those cheeks to surround his dick. That why Manuel Ferrera is my idol. Legendary cumshots from assjobs. That video is pretty damn nice. To quote GMD......I'll be in my bunk.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Movies and TV shows with great soundtracks
    Fuck yeah Disney movies count, I almost forgot! "The Ciiiiiircle of Liiiiifeee!". Lion King, LOVE that soundtrack. For older cartoons, I loved the Thundercats theme song and Panthro's theme in particular on the show. Chip N Dale's rescue rangers and DuckTales had amazing intro songs. Whoever did Disney theme songs back and the day was a genius. Also, I know I might get shit for this but Muppet Babies theme was catchy also. Also I forgot about some of those TV sitcoms with great themes. Agree with IceyLoco on Perfect Strangers theme, love that to this day. Also liked Growing Pains and Who's the Boss. LA Law back in the day, loved that damn theme song. The more recent law show, Law and Order, love that theme song. Shit I have a YouTube playlist full of this stuff.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    dancer tried a new move on me
    What Mr. Wonderful said. A true assjob is when junior gets to come out for some skin to skin action. But since I can't always get that in the club I gotta take what I can get. And since I have that thong fetish it certainly helps my excitement level despite having a couple layers of clothing over junior. As long as you wear the right type of pants and underwear you won't have to worry about any rug burn feeling. The chick that the OP described must have had a big ass for her to be able to clamp on him like that. I love dancers who have a big ass and know how to use it in a lap dance. For me that's a guaranteed LDK, a nice tip, and possibly a recharge and a second set of dances 45 minutes later if she was cool with it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    That first thread by Phatboi/Iceyloco is exactly why I like the fact that threads and posts never get erased. You can see her transformation from wanna be pimp to SJW. Basically you can see just how full of shit she is. And she can't do anything about it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    First trip to COI . Need advice
    Cristobal you should write an article about clubbing in COI. We get the COI question here every couple weeks it seems and you have the best info on the place. We could just direct folks to your article everytime the question comes up.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    That last shot with the high bounce into the slow roll on for the win! Epic! Poor Embiid looked crushed.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    Which podcast? I was rooting for the Blazers and Lillard, I think he's amazing. He had a rough game today but luckily CJ was red hot today. And now we get to see Curry vs Curry. Warrior15 my friend, your Rockets are like Stockton and Malone's Jazz back in the day. Excellent team, probably could win a title if my Warriors weren't always in the way. Much like Jordan and the Bulls always stopped the Jazz from reaching the promise land.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    How do you put hyperlinks in reviews?
    Same problem. Not sure how to make only the link word highlight in blue.