
Ignore my previous post.it came put wrong. My question is why do so many ppl in

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
- my question pertains to issue of unwanted pregnancies..not about being unable to. financially afford shitt, which is just a consequence of the issue about unplanned pregnancies that I meant to ask

-was typing fast on my way to class..so.previous post came out wrong

So....why do ppl in low income communities particularly have more frequent unprotected sex while still being teenagers or not fully financially independent ?


  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I don't buy your prejudice on this.

    I'd say most pregnancies aren't planned regardless of socio-economic class.

    I also don't buy the idea of vilifying sex and its consequences when poor people have it. Are middle class teenagers able to take care of kids on their own?

    How do you define being financially independent enough to have kids?

    I think more kids being born to poor teens has more to do with the willingness of middle and upper class teens to have more abortions. Thus mommy and daddy stepping in to avoid any consequences for their behavior.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I think it just comes down to feeling that one has no future in the world, and coming to live fatalistically.

    The vast majority of CA lottery tickets are sold to low income people.

  • I also don't buy the idea of vilifying sex and its consequences when poor people have it

    I don't either that's why I said earlier that it out wrong...and its also why I said that my question doesn't pertain to the relevancy of financial status to having kids but rather why do low-income communities have higher teen pregnancy rates.
  • Said earlier that it came out wrong **
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Nicole, you listen to the right wingers on this board, nothing infuriates them more than the idea of poor people having sex.

    This is why they are anti-reproductive choice, and anti-taxation and anti-government.

    The moralisms about economics and the moralisms about sex are two sides of the same coin.

    Say like in France with its pyramidal educational system and its history with aristocracy, the economic moralisms have a harder bite.

    But in the US, with our myth of classlessness and with our history with Puritanism, it is the sexual moralisms which have the harder bite.

    In the old Social Darwinist literature from the 1880's, these are all right there. Ask someone to explain their economic moralisms, they talk about sex. As someone to explain their sexual moralisms, they talk about economics.

    I want Universal Basic Income, and with a strong Public Housing Offering. And up in those towers I want people to be fucking like hairless bonobos, because nothing would make Libertarians and Christians more angry.

    I am glad that you Nicole are smart enough to see through the moralisms of the Right.

    Another great book:



  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Someone commented in your other thread about bad decision making due to inadequate parenting and guidance and I agree with that, sadly.

    I grew up quite poor and had friends whose parents allowed them to basically run free. A lot of those friends ended up being teenage mothers and fathers. Meanwhile I didn't see that happening with the well off white and asian kids in high school.

    Now that we are older those same friends have become grandparents in their early thirties. It's a vicious cycle that doesn't seem like it'll end anytime soon. And this is despite all the social living classes we had in both 8th and 10th grade. Where they showed the pictures of genitalia belonging to people with STDs and the effects. Those pictures were so gross folks in the class swore they were never gonna have unprotected sex. Well turns out it didn't scare a lot of my friends.

    I think it's a basic human function to be highly curious about sex in your teenage years. Unfortunately some act on that curiosity without thinking about the long term effects.

    I'm not saying it's not possible to raise a successful child as a teenager. It's just REALLY hard to do that if you barely have the means to take care of yourself, let alone another human. I think it takes a LOT of support from family and close friends to help raise and guide that child to be successful and not another statistic.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ This what I said, it’s a simple thing to understand this isn’t right or left wing,nor is it vilifying sex, if young teenagers are left to their own devices they WILL make bad decisions, teenagers barely out of childhood need adult supervision to grow up to be successful adults. Leaving them unsupervised and unsupported for a long period of time WILL definitely have negative consequences for them, this isn’t rocket science, all of the bullshit surrounding this is just that, bullshit.
  • Hmm I have some agreements and disagreents that i would like to voice because the subject of poverty is extremely importsnt to me, given that I have used my own low middle class status to be propel me to get into colleges and succeed enough to be able to get the kind of grades that are above average the GPA requirement for some top 50 law schools.

    Hopefully I will get bored or feel less jittery to respond but I cant cuz I'm too excited that I finished my class class of the semester today and feel like I murdered my last exam

  • Hmm I have some agreements and disagreents that i would like to voice because the subject of poverty is extremely importsnt to me, given that I have used my own low middle class status to be propel me to get into colleges and succeed enough to be able to get the kind of grades that are above average the GPA requirement for some top 50 law schools.

    Hopefully I will get bored or feel less jittery to respond but I cant cuz I'm too excited that I finished my class class of the semester today and feel like I murdered my last exam

  • I also find poverty and social welfare policy very interesting ..I just wanted opinions from how you guys view the kind of population that some of the women u associate come from lol
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    it simply feels better.
  • College students should not be having unprotected sex on the regular, let alone teenagers^
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    speaking only for myself...np bueno sensitivity of having a condom on.
  • Nicole, you listen to the right wingers on this board, nothing infuriates them more than the idea of poor people having sex.

    @SJG I agree its kind of sad
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I fucking thought I had Siri turned off. i’ve been having to spell out words completely with no fucking help from Siri. Siri can’t even seem to get my word that I spoke clearly. that word being the word ‘no‘
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    But Misterwonderful you're also snipped, right? And plus I'm sure you have the means to support a child if you brought one into the world now. Now as far as STDs I guess that's a risk you're willing to take for the sex feeling better.

    But teenagers that couldn't even afford to pay their mom rent money? Not even finished with high school? They have no business having unprotected sex.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    good point sir.
  • Guys I dont even think college students should be having unprocted sex. Like not until you are on track to get the job or grades that u want lol. Then you can

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I prefer women from lower socio-economic classes. I think having to struggle for something in life builds character. Women who have had everything handed to them in life are boring, sheltered, entitled.

    As far as unprotected sex goes, I don't really use condoms. I don't think many people do now a days. Most everything can be cured...
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "In adequate parenting", no I don't go along with that. Just another way of saying that poor people deserve to be poor.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Exactly, I cringe at any of these statements trying to equate economic class with perceived deviant behaviors. Notice no one is making threads saying the wealthy are more prone to commit trade and securities fraud.

    Its all an anti poor bias... the poor pregnant teen is undeserving and engaged in bad behavior, the wealthier one made a mistake. The poor drug user is an evil person, the wealthier one a victim of addiction, etc
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ I agree.

    People are just trying to survive in a world which has been extremely unfair.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Its unfair by design, its how the status quo maintains itself
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So much of popular social doctrine is designed to denigrate the poor, make it sound like the poor deserve to be poor and the rich deserve to be rich.

  • Going to visit faraway apartments in Austin

    Google ot if u want..like the reviews lol
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    It all comes down to the Protestant Work Ethic.... the rich are believed to work hard and be more godly... so the poor must be the opposite.
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