Discussions not visible until you log in: anti-trolling measure? Will it be effe

In a brilliant place!
I wonder why founder has made it so you can only see discussions after logging in. Is it an anti-trolling measure?
If so, I’m not sure it will discourage various forms of trolling and pot-stirring. I also worry that not being able to see discussions will discourage new voices that might be brilliant contributors. Some of those new posters might even (gasp!) want to discuss strip clubs!
last commentHe wrote that it's only temporary
Thanks flagooner! Didn’t see that.
Someone started a thread about the same topic a few days ago. You CAN access the discussions while logged out in a few ways. The easiest one seems to be clicking on the articles link first, then access the menu at the top left of the screen for the drop down bar where "discussions" will be selectable.