
Comments by TFP (page 74)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    How do you put hyperlinks in reviews?
    Let's try it again. One of my favorite <a href="https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5bd1e541b2dbd">titfuck<a/> finishes ever.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Movies and TV shows with great soundtracks
    Which scene, Neo and Trinity in the building? Or the Chateau scene?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    How do you put hyperlinks in reviews?
    I just tried the HTML way to post a hyperlink but it didn't work the way I wanted. I wanted one word to be the link. Instead, it turned the entire rest of my post blue as though the whole thing was a link. I was just following directions from the web on how to post a link using words so maybe I did something wrong.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Guilty. I'm too lazy to use their name sometimes. But usually from my comment you can see who the comment was directed towards so no big deal.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Movies and TV shows with great soundtracks
    This thread is showing the differences in the ages of posters. I agree with CC's choice of the Matrix. I especially love the music from the scene where Neo and Trinity take on all the employees in the building trying to rescue Morpheus. Also the music during Neo's fight with Agent Smith in the subway. Then from the Matrix 2, the <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mPyLF7NxZyY">chateau<a/> music is my favorite in the entire series. I also like the Beverly Hills Cop music (Harold Faltermeyer is a genius).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discuss this email I received
    Desertscrub seems to be getting more and more paranoid. When I first joined and started reading reviews is when I first started noticing his 'club ad' comments. I agreed on a lot of them, to the point where I also started pointing out club ads myself. But as the months have gone on I notice that he calls out a lot of reviews that club ads that myself and others wondered why right in the comments. A review from a first time poster that speaks too highly of a club he's quick to call a club ad, even if it describes the club quite accurately and even has a few negative accounts. Also, any review by a dancer and he's quick to tell her to not waste space posting here. I've seen a couple well done reviews from dancers where he's done this. Not cool, especially if Founder is trying to entice more dancers to use this site. Reviews done about couples visits, same kind of berating from him. Overall he seems like a good contributor, just needs to calm down with the club ad accusations and harassing dancers and couples who make reviews.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Any tips for a newbie? (Tijuana)
    Flagooner must be thrilled with this thread.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York City
    To LDK or not to LDK?
    For me it depends on the club and the girls. If the club is an extras club then I don't even bother with an LDK since you don't have to deal with any cleanup. If it's a club with high contact lap dances and very expensive extras then I usually go for LDK instead. I used to be like you OP and get dance after dance being highly stimulated but always stop myself from going past the point. Till one day having dances with a sexy ass asian at Treasures in Vegas and just couldn't hold out any longer. That first time LDK felt so good! And two of my fears about LDKing before then luckily went my way. 1) The dancer didn't totally berate me in disgust like I always thought would happen. Instead, she acted as though she expected that result, even knew when to stop dancing. I guess I got lucky because there are plenty of dancers out there who I'm sure would have the reaction I feared. 2) There was no big, visible, wet spot in my crotch. When I went to the bathroom after the dance I found that my cotton boxers had soaked up most of the mess and prevented it from reaching my slacks for the most part. I didn't mind the mess in my shorts because I had a nice buzz going from my drinks. I decided from that point on I'd LDK every time. At first it wasn't all that fun because after an LDK you feel so satisfied that you want to leave the club. Sometimes that could mean a short visit and I usually like to spend a lot of time in the club. So nowadays my MO is to have that first inevitable LDK early on. Then try out dances with some other girls my preference to let them get me worked up again. Then finally end with the best of those girls for LDK #2.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Extra Mile
    Why would mileage be better on dayshift?
    I agree with every single (visible to me) post in this thread. Even my last review has a title regarding this topic : https://www.tuscl.net/app/rev.php?id=349653
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    For the Strippers here. What is your method of targeting a customer?
    card in a club*
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    For the Strippers here. What is your method of targeting a customer?
    The guy that used that black club in a card sounds like an idiot IMO. Or just very inexperienced in clubs. Rule number one. Don't use a damn credit card in a club. Hasn't that dummy heard the stories about strippers drugging dudes and running up their credit cards?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    For the Strippers here. What is your method of targeting a customer?
    ^^^^^totally agree with Nidan. Unfortunately being black doesn't help with that as I've experienced. Also, a dancer could peg you as a mark, it doesn't mean you are one. If she thinks she's gonna con 1000 dollars out of me for nothing she's got another thing coming.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    How Did You React When You Were First Told About Sex?
    Wow, what a trip. Icey always tells folks to work on their reading comprehension but clearly had a breakdown in his. Reverend said "you can't help but respect a girl like that". Meaning simply, respect to that girl. And I have to agree. My earlier sex experiences were with girls who had also 'been around the block" a few times. So while it wasn't a train, you could call it a drive thru lane instead. Those girls to me were just as curious about sex as us boys were and weren't afraid (or taught) to be shy about it. I still respect girls like that, they're much more fun than prudes. As long as they protect themselves as necessary so as to not have 5 different baby daddies and 6 STDs.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Will Somebody Please Comment on Icey ‘s Posts?
    Have both Icey and Trapbaby on ignore. So I guess ignore worked like Bose QC35 headphones, as the sound of the crickets were muted out completely. If that person did as much shit as they claim there's not way in the world they'd be on this site so much. Probably spends more time at home than even SJG.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    High School Sex Worker Featured in School Paper Debuts as Stripper in S.F.
    Hey it's Dejavu Centerfolds. I wonder what shift she works on? And I wonder if any folks who've gotten dances with her was like "hey I saw you on the news". She says she doesn't plan to go to college. Which is fine as long as she has a plan for earning income once her looks start to fade and she can't rely on the sex work stuff as much. One part that sounded sketchy was that she got her start selling erotic photos of herself online. If she's only 18, was she selling photos of herself online when she was a minor, or did she just recently started doing it after she turned 18? Hope she does well though. I've seen a lot of girls come and go at the place lately. I figure they either weren't making enough money, didn't like the job, or found somewhere else to dance.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Power & Division Among Mongers
    Reverend you are a terrific writer and I'm positive I'm not the only one who looks forward to anything you write. Reviewing the same clubs is fine by me, since they're not club ads they're your genuine experience. I'd also be interested in any articles you write, even though we'd have to wait for awhile for it to be published.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Blocking iceberg cookoo
    @twentyfive yeah you're right about Iceyloco never ever showing up. But still I think Founder's invite was genuine. Hell I've never met anyone from this site but plan to take a Vegas trip at the beginning of August. If Founder's around Vegas I'd be willing to meet him, Liwet, or anyone else at the club of their choosing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Blocking iceberg cookoo
    @twentyfive if founder thought he was a target I don't think he'd invite him to CHIII to hang out.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    ^^^^Exactly. Durant is the best player in the league right now. Yeah Flagooner I said it, even better than LeBron. When he gets in the zone he is unstoppable. All around game is just impeccable. His pull up jumper is deadly, he can drive to the hole like an assassin, the three pointer is there, he opens up opportunities for teammates. He does it all. Once he leaves, this team will not win like this again. I'm a Warrior fan thru and thru but that's just reality.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    There's = threes. And I called this loss. But didn't know it was gonna be that close. Warriors win the next game. Take that shit to the bank.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    Curry blew two wide open lay ups. The loss belongs to the team, but he's gonna catch a lot of heat. Iguadala kept us in the game with some big there's and Durant steadily carries us. But Curry picked a hell of a time to have bad execution.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    Yeah folks say Warriors is Curry's team. Durant begs to differ. Durant has carried this team since he got here and that's a fact.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    I'm just mad that in that jump ball he kept jumping early trying to anticipate the toss and there's no penalty for that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    Hell of a game! Let's go OT!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    I'm predicting a win by the Rockets tonight. Because if they lose this game the series is over as no team has ever come back from a 0-3 deficit. It's all about game 4's outcome whether this becomes a real series or not.