
Comments by TFP (page 66)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Oh shit great time
    I'm curious of the details that desertscrub thinks you missed.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    “Denigrating” Women
    Which is why I ignore the asstard. Which is almost impossible to do thanks to the amount of people who respond to the idiot as if she's a normal contributor over and over.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Oh shit great time
    Excellent review! You described the layout much better than I did. I agree that the Monday 30 minute $150 deal is easily the best deal they have. Especially when compared with some of the other SF clubs, even ones where way less contact is allowed. Did your girl hit you up for a tip before the VIP session began? That's one of the changes I noticed brought about by the classification changes in CA clubs. They will bargain for that tip almost immediately. Whereas before the change, not so much. Glad you had a good time here! It's one of my favorite clubs in the city as well. Which girl did you pick if you don't mind telling? Trying to get a sense for your type.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Did I make a faux pas?
    With the age thing, it's supposed to be etiquette that you don't ask women how old they are. Of course how they respond varies from woman to woman, but it's one of those unwritten rules. I would actually think that dancers would mind less. As a matter of fact I've asked quite a few dancers their age with no problems. Although the way I ask is "I know I'm not supposed to ask a woman how old she is but I am genuinely curious.......how old are you?" As for the second part, I find the dancers logic totally ridiculous on that. YOU are the customer, YOU determine who you send money on and why you wanna spend money on her. If it's based solely off her looks it's your God given right as a customer to base it off of that. As a matter of fact I'd imagine that over 90% of men make the decision of who to talk to based on looks alone. Sounds like that dancer was just pissed she wasn't gonna make any money off you.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    G’old time
    Cool review! Should have told me you were in my area. I might have met up with you, even to go to this shitty no touch club. I can't stand this club but the talent IS nice. Unless you're one of those folks who don't like to meet up with strangers and prefer anonymity. Nothing wrong with that. Looking forward to your review of Deja Vu Centerfolds.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Diamonds in the Rough
    @markydesade that makes sense. Thanks!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Her tits are too BIG!
    ^^^^^wow, another guy who proclaims his type is the right type and anyone who likes something different is suffering from something. Sounds like you're suffering from the same shit that 'Mr. Front room make out session or bust' SJG has.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fake Tits
    Seems like Bharlem took offense to SLD's comment about civie women who get augmentations feeling like they 'had to do it' for whatever reason. Yeah the comment sounded a bit harsh. It kinda reminded me of another thread where the OP asked for suggestions on how to nicely suggest to a civie woman that she would look better if she got her boobs done. https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=61626 Folks jumped on him, saying that wasn't his place to recommend a girl to do that, which I agreed with. He was just saying that because HE thought she would look better with him. Much like I suspect that SLD shakes his head at civie women getting boob jobs because he prefers natural to enhanced. Like Bharlem said, it's all about how the woman feels. Personally I wish more civie women did get implants. Of course because I like big boobs. All the civie woman I ever got with had natural boobs. Doubt I would have ever met a girl who had a boob job. If it wasn't for strip clubs I probably wouldn't have experienced the feeling of an enhanced pair to this day.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Her tits are too BIG!
    @shadowcat I glorify what I like. So fuck yeah I glorify big tits. I don't glorify skinny spinners with little boobs, some of you guys do. It's all good, to each their own.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Her tits are too BIG!
    Sounds like my kind of girl! Too big? Shiiieeettt! I'd be all gropey Smurf on that chick.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fake Tits
    +1 dumbluck. What I see in the club and what I hear from the majority here is two different things.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    I hope it was not one of us
    Can't stand wanna be flashy pieces of shit like that. No one gives a shit if you're some hotshot business man in the club. UNLESS he's a regular known to drop at least a G every time in the club. Maybe he does and that's why he was not asked to leave by club staff.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Fast Becoming My Favorite
    Great review and very nice storytelling. Man hearing about those giant tits made me pop wood just off reading your words. Can't wait till my trip!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fake Tits
    I wonder how many times this topic has been covered on TUSCL? My stance won't change, no matter how alone I am on it. I fucking love them! Well, as long as they're well done. I don't like those rock hard fakes. But the ones that have that perfect balance of firmness and movement.....yes please!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Countryman showing he's quite the hypocrite. Threatens physical violence when people talk bad about his "Latina Goddesses" yet turns around and talks shit about a Nubian Princess like it's nothing. I mean seriously, was that really necessary?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Bay Area, California
    An updated more fair look at an average club
    Good review. The 30 minute for $100 deal is great, but most girls want a substantial tip along with it for decent or higher mileage. It's never just $100 for a good dance. At least in my experience. I always had the talent problem with this club. It's why I stopped bothering to come here. Gold club is more expensive and no private rooms but the girls are hot and the mileage is decent despite less privacy. I'll take that over good value with a subpar dancer anyway.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Video Games
    Whodey you are speaking my language when you mention Super Mario Kart on SNES and Streets of Rage 2 on Sega Genesis. Two of my all time favorite games. I'm all about that 150cc special cup on Super Mario Kart and Streets of Rage 2 on Mania difficulty.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    There is nothing with exploiting the financial desperation of women for sexual g
    Yeah I think Nina just ended the thread with her comment. Both parties are getting "exploited" and therefore it's just business.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Back to the Top of My SC List
    Sounds like a great time but sheesh that's a lot of money. $500 is the cost for a half an hour private room??!! At Rhino you get an hour with drinks for that price. It sounds like the private rooms for the half hour are better here than Rhino or Sapphire but that price is up there. I was under the impression that both Palomino and Chicas Bonitas were less pricey than the behemoth Vegas clubs. Sounds like the only items that's true for is the cover charge and drink prices. The half hour room sounds much more expensive. Yet you did two of those, plus another two 3 for $100s? If you got money like that hey, more power to you.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Diamonds in the Rough
    Good review. If the thin brunette was so good in the VIP, why didn't you tip her voluntarily? I mean it's great that she didn't ask for a tip, that's what I wish most girls did. But the fact that she was a great time AND the fact that she didn't ask for a tip should have earned a good tip from you. When girls give good dances and don't ask for a tip and get nothing, that's when they start giving shittier dances and demanding a tip. Reward good attitudes so the later PLs can have the same good experience you did. Also, I keep hearing varying prices for the mandatory drinks in VIP. The previous review before this one said the drinks were only $30 for the fifteen minute VIP. Yours says $45 for both the fifteen and thirty minute VIP. Meanwhile I always get charged $50 for the thirty minute VIP. I mean $5 is nothing but I wonder why the difference? Again, thanks for the review.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Be quick, or lose out.
    MikeyM is trying to take the title from Desertscrub of most paranoid about club ads.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Business trip last month
    Desertscrub and Mikey you two are the most overly paranoid MFs I see on this review section. As a person who's been to this club plenty of times this review was right on the money. From the beaded curtain you enter through, to the prices of a nude dance/VIP special on Monday, down to the VIP with the bed that almost takes up the entire room. So this guy happens to have two DejaVu reviews and all of a sudden he's a shill review writer??!! Lay off the weed you two, your paranoia is off the fucking charts.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Great night of fun
    I never do the team dance/VIP thing so I guess I'd just be skipping those two if they're not willing to be separated. If there were a bunch of tandems then that sounds like the club was on ROB mode that night. Hoping that's NOT the case when I visit in a little bit.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    does race and/or popularity/whispered popularity amongst any other thing play a
    Muddy I give props to you that you even read that whole incoherent shit. I tried for about a paragraph, then started skimming, then went to a full on scroll. OP is like a male Nicole on steroids. He said he's Latino, I'm guessing English isn't his first language and I need to give him a break.