
Comments by TFP (page 67)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Great night of fun
    Thanks for the review! In your fifteen minute $100 VIP are you sure the drinks were just $30? Usually it's $50 for the two drinks in the VIP. Just checking. The Asian chicks sound amazing and exactly my type with the fake ass fake tits bodies. I hope I find some similar when I visit in about a month and a half. With better attitudes though. I've noticed lately that the more work a girl has had done to her body, the more stuck up and snobbish she seems. Which sucks because those are the body types which catch my eye first and foremost.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Business trip last month
    Great review! Took your photo?! That's new, they've never done that to me before. It's bad enough they scan your ID. Maybe it's because you had an out of state ID? Still, I wouldn't be thrilled with that either. In regards to the pricy nude dances, make sure to wait for the two for one special. They offer them frequently enough and it gives you more time to test out a dancer at a better rate. If she asks for a dance outside of the 2 for 1 special tell her to come find you once they announce it. All girls I've done that with were fine with it. Wondering who your petite chick was? Sounds like a great time was had.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Saturday afternoon vibe
    Declinetostate now my next mission is to get a photo of this sign. If I go on a Saturday night I'm sure it'll be easy, since there's so many people the bouncers have a lot to keep track of. Maybe I'll get some photos of other helpful stuff too. Like the sign you need to look out for when you make the left into the parking lot. My first time I drove right past it because it looks like any old store sign.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    A formula for converting civie women
    I agree 100% with Ataboy's comments. The OP makes it sound like every woman desperate for money will eventually be game for P4P. That's simply not true. Approaching a broke civie woman with that angle probably more than half the time will get you slapped or worse. Approaching desperate, non extras strippers on the other hand I can see why that might be more successful.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Tijuana Dream
    I'm quite sure this isn't a club ad. However I disagree with 623 that HK management doesn't know about TUSCL. Whoever controls HK's Twitter page used to retweet TUSCL's tweets of Hong Kong reviews. I'll never forget seeing Galziabob's review listed right there on the Hong Kong Twitter page. They've stopped linking them but it was fascinating for a while there.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Saturday afternoon vibe
    Cool review. What's your ATF's stage name? Huge tits and a great attitude describes a lot of girls here. Unless you're trying to keep her a secret. Which I never understand why guys do that, since there is no doubt you are not the only one she's friendly for money with. The 3 for $100 deal, I said the same exact thing when I first went here, even mentioned it in my first review of this place. Not sure why girls offer this like it's a deal.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer rant
    What Shadowcat posted wasn't what this latest dancer ranted. Since certain people like myself missed the rant, Shadowcat posted another classic rant by another dancer. I've seen that one before though, either on Reddit or some other site awhile back. I'm sure the rant by this recent dancer wasn't as epic.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer rant
    Damn I missed it!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Extra Mile
    LOL, didn’t know there was actually a limit for club review being too long
    There IS a limit on review limit. TUSCL member Pizza wrote an epic review of Hong Kong. We noticed it cut off at the end and asked him why. Apparently it cut off the rest, and there was plenty of review left. He had to break it up into three parts. Part 1 of Pizza's HK review is here: https://www.tuscl.net/review.php?id=344257
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Sr in the afternoon
    Free Fly Zone North (breasts) and S (kitty) with Stick Shift through Pants.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    That's quite a workout
    @Warrior looking through Papi's photos you can see that he likes a random slim thick chocolate thrown in with the masses of supa thick chocolates every now and then.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Pretty-funny SNL skit
    LMAO man that was hilarious!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Great value for a sensual lap dance
    ^^^^^^^He meant $25 each.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Hottest girls in SF, but VIP rooms not very private
    $520 for thirty minutes holy shitballs! And here I thought $400 for thirty minutes was a rip off. At least it sounds like your mileage was good. If you buy those 3 for $120 dances it's still low mileage and the dancer's top stays on.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Worthy of a review ?
    @justintolook how I interpreted it was he was at a table for four, she took one of the other chairs at his same table and turned it around so her back was to him and facing the girls at the adjacent table talking to them. I guess he got upset that she was used a chair from his table to talk instead of a chair from another nearby unoccupied table? Wouldn't have bothered me but hey, we're all different. Still, IMO this is not a review.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Worthy of a review ?
    Chili Palmer we get it, you don't like the site. You don't like the direction Founder has taken it, fine. Kick rocks then. No need to take any harsh ass tones over why we care. Because we do, simple as that. The review still got voted in and since you say it was passible you should be happy that the review process worked. It's too bad because I liked your input and your stories in the past. But it seems these days all you do is come and berate the site and users who still give a damn. You don't care to share your wisdom anymore with us, that's your choice. As for this review I agree with Papi. It's a story about a minor little spat and that's it. And it speaks for the attitude of ONE dancer, not all of them. Even if there were only 5, the other four could have been much nicer but we wouldn't know from this guy. All it tells us is that this particular daytime at Rhino was pretty dead, there's a bar and a bunch of tables. What the fuck good is that?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    "The town" is a nickname for Oakland. When black folks in the Bay Area ask you if you "from the town?" they're asking you if you're from Oakland.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    Lol Flag that was great. James Harden would feel right at home on TUSCL then. https://youtu.be/KMKavKEKX2Q https://youtu.be/n_HxVuFJZeI
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    when did you get your first cell phone?
    I got mine in 2000. They were still relatively new but not brand new. Couple of friends in 1998 had the big brick Motorola phones with a chip in it to get unlimited minutes (illegal). They were starting to catch on but it wasn't until around 2002-2003 that there were about 5 different kiosks in mall walkways with some chick asking if you wanted a cell phone. In 2000 I was in community college and pay phones were still a thing. I still remember the long lines in the cafeteria to use the pay phones after classes let out around 2pm. Folks would see me on my cellphone and ask if they could use it real quick. If it was a cute girl, sure! If it was a dude I told him I didn't have much daytime minutes (which was true). Unlimited minutes didn't start until after 7pm. Daytime minutes were scarce on my plan, I was a broke ass college student. Still remember my first phone, a GTE Wireless flip phone. https://images.app.goo.gl/YYQ3P5YtQWcvbxnW6
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    anymore late-late night strip clubs exist?
    Only place I've experienced late night/24 hr a day strip clubs even on weekdays is Vegas. All the other spots I've been close at 2am. Except Hustler club in SF and Gold Club Centerfolds in Rancho Cordova, which both close at 4am on weekends.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Doesn't seem like it's coming back. We told Founder about this almost immediately after the change and he hasn't even mentioned it. Too bad, it was another feature of the site that was well liked that is apparently going the way of the dodo bird. Add it to the list along with the top 40 lists and other missed features. You gain some, you lose some I guess 🤷‍♂️
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    +1 to everything Nina said. Anyone who thinks the injury hurts his chances for signing a max contract somewhere else is delusional. 4 teams have already come out and said they would gladly pay max money to have him rehab for a year and have him back next year at full strength. I don't blame them, I mean......he's Kevin Durant. No one can question that guy's heart now. He basically sacrificed his body to try to help us pull this series out. His 1st quarter contribution won us the game IMO. We barely hung on to win by 1 after we built an 11 point lead with his service on the floor.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Finally Sin
    Not sure how some readers felt this was too explicit. All he said was she gave a great grind and a combination of GFE and PSE. To be honest I'm sure he left out the juicier details of what I'm almost positive they did during that 30 minute VIP. OP next time to satisfy the readers, include a few prices. You mentioned the $155 thirty minute VIP but list the other options as well. Mention the cover price and some other boring stuff that folks who've never visited this club would need to know. Still, good review of a time that most can expect to have provided they like the women here. From looking at the clubs Instagram, Sin and Seven were two dancers that I absolutely wanted to try out. But of course with my luck they're never there when I go.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    A Better Litmus Test for Determining How Much a Woman Likes You
    Yeah I think I disagree with this sentiment, Rev. It think it just depends on the woman. Like someone above stated, there are women who weaponize pregnancy. To try to lock a guy down. Or in the case of younger women married to an older, wealthier man, to secure her alimony/child support payments when she divorces him later down the line. Then there are some women who aren't even trying to get pregnant, they just have spontaneous unprotected sex not thinking of the consequences. That applies mostly to teens and younger women. Then there are the older, childless women whose biological clocks are not just ticking, but pounding in their ears, making them desperate to conceive a child with not as much consideration to who the father will be.