
Comments by TFP (page 65)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Brit spent £116k becoming a real-life Barbie...Did Barbie have tattoos?
    @Anislee what do you mean? That there's a Barbie lookalike in HK also? I've seen that Ukrainian Barbie, who looks freakishly slim but still a lot better than this one. But I know damn well she ain't at no Hong Kong lol.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Gotta try Chicago Club now...
    @Cristobal what about when you have your own room? When I was there I always had my own room and no one opened the door up but me. No other person accompanied us to the room.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Oh shit great time
    Codemonkey they do actually. I'm not sure about the actual passport book. But if you have the passport card they most certainly can scan that.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Gotta try Chicago Club now...
    Great review! Lot of information being shared in the comments as well. I would think that the time starts as soon as they take your girl's info at the front desk. Well at least that's what they do at Hong Kong, not sure what the check in procedure for the girl is at CC. Otherwise, like Papi said, how would they know when to knock? Anyhow, as Cristobal said, some girls include the time to shower and dress as part of the 30 minutes. I had a few of those when I went and it pissed me off to no end. They would say "hurry up papi, time is almost over.". This would be after only 10 minutes of sex. Infuriating to say the least. Hard to tell when the girl is gonna be one of those and also hard to argue when they don't speak English and you don't speak Spanish. How much is the average 30 minute arriba at CC?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Met a new friend and reunited with an old one.
    @shadowcat yes the LDK point you made is true. However, I'm not the type to get a couple dances and LDK as fast as I can. I like to enjoy as much time with the dancer as possible before getting to that point. Usually I get a 30 minute or more VIP and wait till the end to do the LDK bit. The dancers that I see often know that and take good care of me. Had bombshell not read about me she probably wouldn't have even worried about that, and with good reason. I wouldn't want to LDK after just 4 dances, that's too short a club visit for me. Unless I planned on sticking around and doing it again, which I have done a few times. @Tahoe I didn't have too clear of an idea what the girls cut is. The table that bombshell laid out, I've heard before. But I thought that first $150 that goes to the club covers the dancers minimum wage check with the taxes withheld. So the way I understood it, that money isn't 100% to the club, it's money that the girl with get in a check a week later, less taxes of course. So hypothetically if I was my second dancers first customer, the first $150 of that $360 all goes toward a check and covers taxes. The next $190 she gets 40% of, so she nets $76 on that. Plus the tip I gave her which makes it a much better amount. If that first $150 goes to the club with the girls seeing none of it at all, then that's way too much cut for the club IMO. If it's like that, the girls should get 100% of their earnings after the initial $150. Maybe Bombshell can set me straight on the exact math. Speaking of @Myfavoritebombshell you are awesome! I'm sorry I'm not exactly in the tax bracket of your type of customers but I enjoyed our time together. @Papi Chulo to be honest I'm not sure of who's buying what at this club. I did notice that those 6 cubicles at one point were all totally occupied. So girls are selling dances for sure. Not sure how many are springing for the hour VIP though. Seems like the girls have their own different prices they charge. And all the clubs are different. At Centerfolds, the dance prices are kinda similar to this place. $60 nude dances, 3 for $150, half hour VIP is $450. But the trick at that club is to wait for the 2 for 1 special which doubles everything. So 2 for $60 nude dances, 6 for $150, and an hour for $450. Regulars of that club know to just wait for the two for one special to get the most value you can. Plus they offer different specials on Monday and Tuesday. Not sure if Garden of Eden has any specials on certain days. When it comes down to it, SF is just pricey all around and I wouldn't recommend any out of state club lovers to visit just for our clubs. Especially if in their normal clubs they get $10 high contact lap dances cough cough Follies.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Flight Club in the Afternoon
    Great report! We have such similar taste it's not even funny. Yes, the school grading system is all backwards. D's are much better than C's.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    North Carolina
    Splish Splash
    So is it just like a pool party where you kind of socialize with the girl? Is there any chance for dances while you're both in your swimwear? That would be amazing!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Clubbing during a national disaster
    The Loma Prieta quake in 89 was the biggest I've experienced. I was a kid and that was easily the scariest night of my life. Trust me, you do NOT wanna experience that. To worry about if the building you're in will collapse, falling structures and shattering windows. I could only imagine what the folks who were riding BART through the transbay tube felt like. And all those poor souls lost when the Cypress freeway collapsed. Which is why they got rid of nearly all the double decker freeways. Also the Oakland side of the Bay bridge collapsing, which caused them to build an entire new eastern span. https://www.history.com/topics/natural-disasters-and-environment/1989-san-francisco-earthquake Hope to never experience something like that again. We've had some smaller jolts since then but so far 'the big one' hasn't hit. I remember after the 89 quake they predicted that the big one would hit before the turn of the century. They were wrong.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Wait for the 3 for 40 lap dance special
    Actually it's not 3 for 2. It's exactly as he said 3 nude dances for $40. You pay a guy at the entrance to the booths before you start the dances. I've never done a dance outside of the 3 for $40 special so I don't know what it normally costs. But I'm quite sure it's more than $13/dance. Hence why you should just always wait for them to offer the special. Which is a lot.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Good girls, ok massage, definitely doable
    I concur, excellent review and details.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    ever fallen asleep at an SC?
    I have, a couple times. The last time was at Sapphire in Vegas, and that was because I had been awake for about 36 hours at that point. Stayed up all night after waking up at 7am the previous day. Went to Sapphire around 4pm, did an hour VIP, then sat in a chair watching the stage and fell asleep. Bouncer woke me up and booted me out, thinking I was drunk. Ubered back to my hotel and slept for about 14 hours straight lol.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    WTF -- Why Would Three TUSCLers Approve This Review??
    @Chili Palmer Nicespice summed up the differences between Juice and Icey pretty well. Particularly her #1 point. Icey comes on a strip club site and berates dudes for doing what most people do in a strip club. She continually uses the false blanket statement that everyone on the site is just trolling clubs for hookers. The fake review shit from Juice is definitely something that shouldn't fly. Like I said the last time you brought up juice, I'm a fairly newer member so I didn't see all the antics you mention. But these days I hardly see anything from Juice. He might pop up for a day and start a bunch of random threads. But after a few days he's gone again for weeks at a time. All I know is, currently, Icey is the one posting everywhere on the site daily continuously berating a lot of the posters. And approving shit reviews like the one in question.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What’s your biggest weakness as a PL/Dancer?
    My weakness is dancers that have a cute face combined with big boobs and a big ass. I get so taken by them that I sometimes throw out the checklist of stuff that's been discussed on this site many times of how to know if a dancer will give you a good time or if she's a ruthless shark. After a couple bad experiences with some of these kinds of women I've gotten a lot better at holding off until I find out if they have a cool attitude and give decent mileage or not. Still, sometimes I find myself skipping the cheaper test dances with these women and going straight to VIP. Sometimes it works out for me and sometimes it doesn't. I figure in a while I'll be able to spot the sharky dancers of my physical preference a lot faster.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    This Is What Dreams Are Made Of!
    Another classic review by the Rev! Great stuff! I love places with dancers that don't mind the splooge ending up everywhere. So far in my travels I've only experiences about 4 such places. Also, I see some haters in the approval/rejection comments. I thought we already agreed that explicit details are fine as long as the dancer remains anonymous? Also minnow he gave you prices, club layout, and a great description on the possible fun you could have here. You really rejected it just because of him not describing some other dancers? Unbelievable.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    “Denigrating” Women
    @nicespice I hope I get the same offer from Founder. I'll be in Vegas the weekend of Aug 1st - Aug5th. I'd like to meet the man behind this site. And see if his in person attitude is as casual as it is on here. Plus I haven't been to Crazy Horse III in three years so it'd be nice to see if I can have another good experience in there.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    WTF -- Why Would Three TUSCLers Approve This Review??
    Yeah I went back to look for the review and also noticed that it was gone. I wanted to look at the previous posts of the two other people who approved it besides Icey. Of course Icey was one of them and we know his stance on reviews here which is why he tries to undermine the review section by approving garbage. Nofuglies was another approver and he mentioned here in this thread his reason for approving this crap. Basically he feels some reviews get rejected that are perfectly fine and so he wants to do the opposite. Slongdong is the last approver and who knows his reasoning. Basically there are people who are openly trying to sabotage the review system. Only one guy has the power to do anything about it but right now is content to just leave everything the same. It is what it is.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Good Energy
    Im headed to Vegas in under a month and I definitely plan in checking out the pool party this time around. As well as a couple other clubs like Palomino and Chicas Bonitas. Will report on all those here of course.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    WTF -- Why Would Three TUSCLers Approve This Review??
    Wow, no foul play? So I can repeat the same two sentences over and over, both of which give no indication of prices, type of girls you'll find, layout of the club, anything useful and that's ok??? Ok now I see what Chili Palmer was talking about. Fuck it, it is what it is. The site is a certified shitshow with no sign of changing, but at least there are some cool people here.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    It’s Waffle Time
    Lol. The guys who called this out as a club ad haven't been keeping up with the happenings in the discussion board apparently. If they did, they'd know that Waffle recently moved to this part of Florida, where FishHawk is indeed a local. Can't lie though, if I hadn't known all that I'd suspect it was a club ad also. Thanks for the review. It's cool to see TUSCLers meet up with dancers who also post on the site. The only thing about reviews of those such meetings is that the details are always tame because the reviewer knows the dancer will see everything he wrote. So no details about handfuls of boobs and ass, and grinding until LDK. It's all good though lol.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    WTF -- Why Would Three TUSCLers Approve This Review??
    I think the TUSCLers who approved this should have their reviewing privileges revoked. To approve something like this is basically saying you're not trying to weed out useless spam. There is no defense of this review. It is utter garbage.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    WTF -- Why Would Three TUSCLers Approve This Review??
    Well you see Iceyloco is one of the approving members. All Icey does is troll the entire site so it's no surprise she approved it. The rest, probably trolls also.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    My take on icey
    Whoever it is, is a miserable piece of shit plain and simple.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    “Denigrating” Women
    @CMI yeah he may have gotten you mixed up with either me or SLD. It must be hard keeping up with the 98% of people on here who know she's full of shit.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I forgot my white suit!
    This place and their prices make SF look like the fucking Goodwill.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    @ataboy that was exactly my same logic. If this person was as good at getting stripper chicks as they claim to be there's be no way in the world they'd have the time that this fool has posting on this site. Icey has even outdone SJG lately for the amount of shit she posts on here. If I had a bevy of fine stripper chicks and a normal life no way would I waste as much time as they do debating a bunch of strangers on the internet.