
Comments by TFP (page 130)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    ^^^^°°I don't know the history like some of you do as I am still relatively new. But he has mentioned his ex-wife, as well as started many threads against the idea of marriage and long rants about it. So it's kind of believable. Dr. Phil how do you know the other stuff?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    Yeah Sir, I tried to block him. And probably should have left him blocked so I can read some actual cool threads on this site. But this guy SJG here......I mean you can't make this stuff up. And then add to it the other threads started but him and 95% of the posts there are by him. And there are over 100 posts! A lot of them long winded rants. I am really curious to see this dude and how he acts in a strip club. Like, is he for real with all this front room shit? Or is he a turbo catfish type dude who has never set foot in a club like some folks on this site suggest? And just spends A LOT of time writing up all these unibomber manifestos on here. Shit's mind boggling!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    So they're getting real with you in the minivan out back, but not in the booth in the club? I see....... SJG, dude, just stop.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    My previous post was responding to Sir, who IMO correctly diagnosed SJG with believing SS and believing the GFE experiences were real.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    ^^^^^ha, I just now went back and saw that you wrote that a while ago. I didn't have time to read through the entire thread the last couple of days because work was kicking my ass. So you basically came to the same conclusion I just did. Only you did it a while back lol. Yeah I think it's apparent now from looking at his posts. Its kind of fascinating, actually. Like having a brainwashed zombie in our midst for examination. An example of what you could potentially become if you actually believe too much stripper shit.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    Ok SJG I think I see your mindset now. And it's pretty surprising because you fall for something I thought every guy on this site is well versed in. And that is, you actually believe stripper shit! It's written all over your posts! Girls opening up to you? Them giving you a GFE? It's not because of you treating them like a civilian. It's because of money, plain and simple! I thought everyone on this site knew this. You apparently don't. Rule number 1: (I can't believe I have to recite this) All these girls care about is money! They don't give a flying fuck about you, what you look like, what you act like, what you care about, etc. They only time they will PRETEND to care about any of the above, is if they see that their act might earn them more of your money. That is the definition of stripper shit. And you apparently have fallen hook, line, and sinker for it. Say there is a fine looking young stud in the club with not a lot of money but he's looking to treat a dancer like a civilian. And then there's an old, fat geezer in the club at the rail tipping all the dancers. Who's gonna be getting the play? Who do you think??!! The geezer with the money! SJG it seems you fallen for the idea that these girls actually care about you and that is why they give you a GFE. When in actuality it is just because they see that you will feed them money in the front room by just kissing you. I'm sure that the money is not worth kissing you to some dancers. But for the ones that do, you become enamored with them and think they care about you. Sadly I think you are beyond saving. Diagnosis: totally brainwashed by stripper shit.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    The Danger of being a Japanese Porn camera man.
    Fucking amazing! What aim! I can only remember blasting off far a few times. Not that damn far though, that had to be about 5 feet away! How I wish I were able to do that on command. I love watching porn flicks where the man blasts long distance money shots. Those Asian dudes seem to be pretty good at it. I've seen plenty of Japanese assjob videos where the dude shoots an absolutely insane distance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    Cashman, what IS his point of view then? The only thing I get is that he enjoys front room make out sessions and the chance to get the girls home. What I don't get is why exactly is he worried about another customer LDKing in the club? And why does it seem that he tries to tell everyone on the site that a front room make out session is mandatory? That's what I truly don't get. The whole point I've been trying to make is that we all have our own ways of enjoying the club. Why does he attempt to force his way of having fun on everyone else? If I don't want to kiss a stripper it's a problem for him. Lol why? Anyway I know there's no changing anyone's mind so it is what it is. Larryfisherman the point of the thread wasn't to try to insult SJG or show any hate. He used my first stripperweb link regarding LDKs as evidence that all dancers hate it. So I simply wanted to show him a thread showing how they feel about DFKing, which contradicted what he claimed dancers want. It was my last attempt at trying to have an adult conversation with him. And also try to understand his mindset.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer that aren't making any money
    I read of some of these types of girls stories on stripperweb. They start threads asking for advice on how to make more money, etc etc. From their own claims it seems that they don't really make much money. But there's always that good or great one night that raises their confidence. They figure they can somehow replicate what worked for them that night and eventually become a top earner.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    BIG TITS...
    Big for me means they can fill my hands. I have big hands so it takes some serious size to fill them. Which is why I love strip clubs, because there is always a woman or ten in there that can keep my hands full. Usually takes a D cup or bigger. This topic reminds me of the time I went to Sapphire in Vegas on a Friday night with the intention of finding the girl with the biggest boobs in the place. Took me a lot of searching since there were easily over 200 girls in there. Obviously the things were as fake as can be but luckily they were the gummy bear implants which I love. F size, they were massive!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    I have no problem with however he gets off. He wants to spend his time trying to kiss strippers in the front room, more power to him. My problem is with him attempting to police everyone else's activities in the club. He literally jumps from thread to thread screaming front room make out session like a retard. It would be easier to leave him blocked but I always get curious to what you guys are responding to. The easy part of blocking someone like Txtittyfag is that no one responds to him so it's like he's not even there. With SJG someone always responds because he's such an idiot with what he posts that it's hard not to ridicule him.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    Yeah I know there's some kind of mental illness at work with him. I don't think I'll find a single person that agrees with him. I'll give it a day and then give up.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    Same story with SJG. He presents his opinions as facts over and over with nothing to validate his arguments except more opinions. At this point I'm done even bothering to try with him. Is there any person here who agrees with SJG's views? If so I'd like to try to understand why from them. Maybe this person is actually able to have a real conversation, unlike SJG. Cashman I see you trying to understand him, but in true SJG fashion he doesn't respond to clear questions. Upright Citizen I see you trying also but it's a weird process when SJG just doesn't know how to do 2 way communication.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When doing ITC do you ....
    ^^^^^if I lived in that area I would never go to the club locally. Much like here in the Bay Area I never go to clubs. You can certainly get more than an air dance but they still just suck to me. The talent isn't there and when you do find a 7 or 8 her dances suck because she makes money just off her hotness. That's why I haven't been to an SF club in over 4 years. My first visit to an extras club was just last month and the only knowledge I had was from postings by you fine gentlemen. Still, I was kind of in shock by how straight forward the girls are. There was no *hinting* of extras. It was a Paradise handshake followed by "you can fuck me in the back room for $200". From EVERY girl. I didn't try negotiating any lower price I was just excited to even get such an offer. Like Anonymous Jim said, if I lived in those areas with extras clubs and paid frequent visits maybe then I'd try to negotiate.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    What criteria do you have for a good club outing?
    of all those dancers of which one I'm gonna take to VIP. In that VIP it depends on the club. If it's an extras club a perfect finish is either cumming on her tits or on her ass. If it's non extras then an LDK with about 4 minutes left on the VIP time is a perfect finish. Sorry for the multiple posts. I kept trying to move the cursor and hitting post comment on accident.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    What criteria do you have for a good club outing?
    Crap.... accidentally hit post. I love to see a lot of beautiful women and making a mental note of all the strippers I'd like to get dances from. High contact dances with most of these dancers, where I get to grab ass and boobs a lot, and feeding from most. Then finally making a choice out
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    What criteria do you have for a good club outing?
    A good visit for me entails a club with a good number of hot looking women. I like to spend a couple hours in the club minimum and I'm not gonna be getting dancers for 2 hours straight. So while I'm just chilling having a drink or whatever I love to see
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    I love seeing these old threads. Seems like there were a couple of Stripperweb girls posting in here. LOL at the rfcookie girl being shocked about hands on boobs. But she did say she worked at an Atlanta club that does mainly air table dances. Sounds like a crappy place though, I'd never spend my money there. In the end I have to agree with the folks that said different areas have different definitions. And for me ditto what mmdv26 was saying.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Tattoos - Out of Control
    Wow, I agree with every single thing that BHF said. Including the neon sign thing. I don't mind the tats at all. I have none and probably won't get any but still doesn't bother me. The ONLY thing that's a deal breaker is when she has a tattoo right smack on her ass. I don't wanna see that shit. Ruins it to me. I can even deal with tattoos on her tits. But leave the ass clean.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Have you ever masturbated before going out to the club?
    Gotta agree with Meat here. If you haven't cum in a long time and you hit the club looking to LDK that load size is gonna be dangerous. I found that out the hard way in Vegas lol. I was looking so forward to flying out to Vegas and clubbing that I didn't watch any porn or jerk off for about a week. So when that beautiful big ass big tit 5'2 freak put it on me (and she knew what my goal was) I unleashed a massive amount of cum. And my dick was positioned up and to the right to where it was out of my boxers so I sprayed the inside of my dress shirt with blast after blast. The LDK was so good I didn't care at that point. The dancer looked back and inspected me and I laughingly told her what happened. She looked around at the side of my shirt and we both busted out laughing. From then on, if I know I'm gonna LDK I make sure to fire off at least 24 hours prior. My next project is to hit an extras club where the girl lets you unload on her. I'm gonna make sure I have a fucking reservoir built up for that lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Anti LDK stripperweb thread
    Haha this thread is great! I blocked SJG so I wasn't seeing the comments you were responding to, Sir. But after coming back I was logged out and now I see. Funny stuff. That reply of your is gold and pretty damn true to be honest. Worrying about how other PLs have a fun in the club seems to be all he cares about actually. And Sir you seem to have brought out a side of SJG that I've never seen. It used to be that he didn't respond back with plain insults. Also the whole 'I care about the girls you're trying to LDK with' statement looks just plain pathetic coming from him. Like he somehow knows every dancer we LDK with and he's deeply hurt because he cares about her, unlike us evil LDKers. It's like he thinks that his imaginary DFK sessions in the front room is gonna win a stripper over into a relationship or something. Lastly, Chessmaster I agree with your assessment about buying dances in the Bay Area. Just not worth it. Once again it's a good thing they suck so bad. It makes the strip club a much rarer and special visit for me. I save plenty of money to go nuts when I do go. I got three trips planned next year, the highlight of that being SoCal for both COI and TJ. I can't fucking wait!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Rookie move = being ripped-off
    At Synn COI you also have to prepay for the 3 for $40 nude dances in the VIP. You pay the bouncer and I had no issues with it. I got about 4 of them and always started on a song or two after having the chick sitting on my lap chatting me up. In case of an extension you simply pay the bouncer afterwards. I noticed at the Vegas clubs some girls ask you to pay before the dance starts. Not sure why but it's definitely a turn off for me. Are you that worried about not being paid your precious $20?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Do you use your real name when you club?
    I have a super common first name so I just use that. I do lie about my occupation though. I make ok money but the occupation doesn't sound impressive so I say I'm an electrical engineer. Funny experience with a dancer at Rhino in Vegas one time. So we finish the VIP and she offers OTC. She gets my number and then calls me so I'll have hers. I was doing a trial of that caller ID app that lists the name or business name of every number calling. So when her call came through on my phone it had her full real name on the display and she was shocked like, how the fuck does it show all that??!! I told her it's time to get that burner phone, so the name us PLs will see is 'Butterfly Princess' or whatever you want it to be lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Sweaty Strippers
    Now that I think if it, I've never encountered that. Usually these dancers skin is always super soft and smooth to the touch. Never sweaty. It makes sense that if she doing her stage set that she worked up a sweat under the lights and didn't hit the dressing room immediately after to wipe down. I'd also give her another shot, either before or well after she goes on stage. Only other secenario I can think of is she does coke. I hope not. I had a supervisor that had a nasty coke habit at my first job about 20 years ago. 30 seconds of work and his entire dress shirt would be drenched. It was so obvious and I felt bad for him.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Partially Clothed Lap Dances
    Love to see the different preferences and viewpoints in this thread. I guess that's why it's important for a club to have some variety in everything I guess. I love that Shadowcat story of the dancer who was leaving and still did a dance in her clothes. That indeed sounds like a regular civilian showing off her skills. Like seeing hot women at the mall it something. It doesn't take her to be showing hella skin to get my attention. If shes wearing a nice set of leggings showing off a bubble butt and a tight fitting tank top showing off her arms and some cleavage that's hot to me. I've said that I prefer when they leave their bottoms on, but like Papi Chulo said, it can't be some boy shorts or some full panty type shit. String bottoms, g strings, tiny thongs only. If it's some regular panties I usually don't even bother getting a dance.