
Comments by TFP (page 127)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do some UHM clubs never get busted?
    No strip clubs in Oakland is why International Blvd is so full of hookers. I mean a ridiculous amount. Like a 2 mile stretch of every corner having at least 4 scantily dressed pros, even in the winter. If they allowed some clubs maybe they could clean up those corners.
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    7 years ago
    Klay Thompson of the Warriors has a hot ass chick!!!
    This is old. I don't think she is his GF. I think he just enjoyed her company that weekend. Still, he is one lucky mofo. She's so fine I would suck a fart out of her ass. No wonder she has 8 million + followers. And yes, Klay is the man. No need to have a wifey like Steph. He gets to enjoy all the benefits of being a pro athlete. Including running through all the fine ass groupies out there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Who's watching MNF at a SC?
    Yeah that's definitely not worth it. Enjoy the game. Seahawks getting worked so far. But they are driving once again.
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    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Condoms for LD?
    Sounds ok but I worry about two things with a condom. 1. If the dancer is one of those feely types and puts her hand down your pants. Now I know if she's willing to do that chances are she's not gonna mind that you're already wearing a condom. But if it IS weird to her then that's just plain awkward after that. 2. What happens if during the grinding you can hear the rubber swishing around? Would also make for an awkward situation.
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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Who's watching MNF at a SC?
    I thought Tootsies had good contact lap dances like a Vegas club?
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Thank you TUSCL
    I used to go straight to Facebook and Instagram on lunchtime and breaks. Now I come straight to this site instead. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that. I love the discussion, the unabashed nature of the posts, and the brutal honesty. I love to see people not afraid to post about what they like and for the most part not being ridiculed for it (FUCK you SJG). And I LOVE the review section. My favorite reading material these days are reviews of known extras club. I have the ones I know of on my hotlist. Anytime I hear of another it gets added to the list and thus more reading material. Hong Kong reviews are the best as it's basically like reading porn.
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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Five-Star Center Bol Bol, Son of Manute, Commits to Oregon
    I'm just surprised Manute Bol has a son this young. And I didn't even realize he passed away until I just looked it up. Crazy! Good luck to his son. I wonder if he'll find his way into the NBA?
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    7 years ago
    Offtopic, if you like reading about poor customer service and terrible reviews
    Haha that site is gold. Thing about review sites is that for the most part you're gonna see negative reviews mostly. Most folks are only motivated to post a review when they're pissed off enough at the service/product. That said, if review after review complains about the same thing, chances are it's a legit complaint. Example for me was when a GF and I got duped into a timeshare presentation. Offered us free trips, prizes, and all kinds of stuff. Didn't know it was a timeshare presentation till we got there. Salesmen were pretty good and convinced us to buy a 2 week a year package. Then I got home that night and did some research. Found this same consumer affairs site and found complaint after complaint about various aspects of the whole program. And also found out about the 7 day rescission period which the timeshare folks NEVER TOLD US ABOUT! Thank God for that site as we were able to send in our rescission letter and cancel the purchase of that scammy ass timeshare. This saving us from joining the scores of unsatisfied, highly in debt folks who fell victim to the scam. I was gonna post my own review warning folks but I felt it was unnecessary as there's already a ton posted and more negative reviews being added weekly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Info requested for Phoenix AZ visit
    You might get a better answer from some of the AZ posters later on. It's still pretty early out there. Give them time to wake up and check the forums. In the meantime you'll need to wade through the obligatory BS posts. Folks around here are more apt to help folks who contribute more often with reviews or in discussions. Do you only club once a year during this annual trip? If so you sound like me. I'm trying to go more often though, but my home area sucks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Best days of week to visit Tijuana?
    I've never been but from reading different reviews I definitely want to try Monday and Tuesday. Reason being not as crowded AND that VIP card saves you 80% on a room at Cascades on Monday. So when you take a chica arriba you wouldn't have to worry about any half hour knocks at the door. Plus you already have a room to bring any SGs you might find. Sounds like the best time to go value wise. I've heard the quality of girls is still pretty good and since it's slower the girls will be more open to price negotiations. I'm curious to see what more TJ regulars have to say about the best days. So far the main notion seems to be stay away from Hong Kong on weekends due to the crowd.
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    7 years ago
    Do you talk to other customers?
    I guess you'd hate me then, Dirk. I don't often engage other customers but sometimes I'll try. Mainly if I'm in a club I've never been in and I'm trying to get a feel for the place. On my last trip down to SoCal I ended up talking with some guys in both clubs I visited who were regulars. They gave me the rundown on the place, which I appreciated. I can generally tell who doesn't mind talking for a bit and who wants to be left alone. If I get the vibe that they wanna be left alone I don't persist.
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    7 years ago
    Asian Fix - Shake It!
    I gotta concur with rh48hr. Was a bunch of flat asses in that group. Pretty ladies, but severely lacking in the booty department. Luckily for them as Lonewolf showed, there's plenty who love that body type. You'd have no competition from me for their time. You take them and I'll be looking for the big ass big tit chicks.
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    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    This is the end (not by The Doors)
    Upright citizen wrote " You should post this as your end chapter in the extensive TUSCL Article you wrote in 2013 on this girl. This thread really belongs in there. " Time to go searching and learn some history. I've always questioned why a guy would go through all of what Gawker did. Maybe his old article is what I need to read to gain insight.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking Pussy into J.E.L.L.O
    Lotion/ Lube
    Yeah I've heard baby oil is bad. As a guy who loves titfucks I used to use this lotion that an old GF used to use. Smelled great and worked perfectly. Only thing is she would always have problems holding her tits together because they would constantly slide out of her hands. Had to keep readjusting her grip and that get annoying. For jerking off I've never used any lotion or anything. Worked fine with no artificial lubricants all these years. Same for sex. Girls are usually soaking wet. Never had sex with a stripper so I'd imagine if they're not into it they'd need to use something to get wet.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Girls that try to sell VIPs/CRs right away
    Some girls claim they don't even do regular dances. I've heard this a few times. And like others before me have posted, they promise it'll be worth your while in the VIP. I've never taken any dancer up on this as I have to know what type of dance and contact I'll be getting before I commit to VIP. I would imagine other girls that do this are trying to maximize their earning potential. Trying to make big chunks of money instead of little pieces from lap dances. Like Dirk said, trying to hit home runs every time. They might catch some newbies with this (I fell for this dumb shit as a newborn myself). But I'd think most guys who've spent enough time in the club would not fall for it. And yeah, I think it's a bad look for the dancer. Makes her come off as pushy, desperate for money, and not caring about a connection. We know the dancers ARE all about the money and not really looking for a connection. But don't make it so obvious by having the first thing you say to a PL be an invitation to the VIP room.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you ever worry that a stripper will see your TUSCL reviews and know it's you?
    The last review I did, I worry that that dancer might see. Mainly because she's a cool girl and I think she'd be disappointed that I put her on blast like that. I wasn't thinking clearly about the possible repercussions when I wrote the review. Ive had folks private messaging me asking for her Instagram account. And then when I don't give it they usually go find it on their own. Folks local to that club have told me I shouldn't worry about the review because she's well known for being UHM. Even if that's the case, no need to put her on blast on the world wide net. Let it just be SoCal's knowledge. And I'm quite sure she'd know it was me because of my weird ass requests of her. Good thing is that I'm not a regular at that club and probably will never see her again. But still, I learned a valuable lesson to either share details with out mentioning the dancer, or vice versa. Since I love to share details I just won't mention who the specific dancer in future reviews.
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    7 years ago
    NY, NJ, PA
    To all my LDK Fam LOL
    Hahaha! For real though, my combination of boxers and dress pants never fails me.
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    7 years ago
    NY, NJ, PA
    To all my LDK Fam LOL
    Ha! Will be no realizing anything with me, I've perfected my LDK gear to where nothing leaks out. I remember after a great LDK at Rhino one evening I was standing around recharging hoping to have a second. Dancer comes by and tries to get me to do dances. Starts rubbing on my junk over my pants. I laughed in my mind thinking, 'this chick doesn't know that her hand is mere millimeters away from my still drying jizz.'.
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    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Have fun Go Vikings! My team sucks BALLS, and today is pretty much the only real chance we have at a win. If we can't beat the NY Giants we will most likely join the Lions as the next 0-16 team.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tip me Daddy
    Also, I can't STAND when a dancer asks for a tip before I can even give her one. It's probably my biggest pet peeve. The til size dramatically decreases when she does that. I remember one fine ass girl at Spearmint Rhino LV gave me a wonderful LDK but then before I could even stand up to get my wallet, asked for a tip. Too bad, as I was about to hook her up nicely. Instead she got a smallish $10 tip. And if a girl gives me a shitty dance and asks for a tip I tell her I only give tips for exceptional dances, sorry.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tip me Daddy
    Wow. Well I know TUSCL is just a small sample size but still. Judging by the answers on here I need to tone down my tipping. I'm a generous tipper at heart in everything and probably even more so in clubs. My tips are more in line with cashmans, and in cases of extreme enjoyment even more. Example I had a VIP session with a chick and she treated me so well that she charged $200 and I gave her a $100 tip. When it comes to dances, I only tip on series of dances. If it was a good set of 3 dances that cost $40 then I might give an extra $20. You guys seem to tip a lot less. But reading SW fake ass stories they make it seem like guys are tipping a lot, much more than me. I would what the REAL median is?
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    True confessions
    I did some fucked up pervy things as a teen. One I remember was going on a long bus ride to SoCal with my church for a youth conference with other churches. I ended up sitting next to this girl a couple years younger than me that had an amazing rack. We chatted for a few hours and then I said I was tired so I was gonna take a nap. So I use my jacket as a cover and put my head on her shoulder. No objection so after awhile I moved the jacket to make it look as though we were sharing the jacket as a blanket. Then under the jacket I rest my hand on top of her shirt lightly on her boobs. I was testing to see if she'd move my hand. Nope. So then I start light groping still outside the shirt. Still no objection so here came the ultimate test. I reached under her shirt and rested my hand there on her boobs. She had an uncomfortable look at this point which should have been enough for me to stop. But she didn't physically move my hand so my fucked up mind took it as 'cool, keep going!'. So I start groping away, hand all inside her bra. That uncomfortable look remained on her face for 2 hours as I groped away for about a quarter of that bus ride. Looking back jeez was I fucked up for that. If I were famous and rich no doubt that girl would be outing me for a payday although we were both minors. Good thing I'm a normal middle aged fuck lol. All that on a church youth conference. Even though as I learned, church teens were no different from any other teens. There was plenty of make out sessions and girls sneaking into boys room at the hotel that was strictly forbidden per the church rules.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Most Pathetic PL Moment
    Cashman, once again, that story was not pathetic, it was amazing! Now if there is a thread for whores on stripperweb or some site where they tell THEIR most pathetic moments, those girls could easily post that encounter. "So I'm taking a shit and having a smoke at the same time when this PL bursts through the bathroom door, vomits in the shower next to me, then vomits in the sink. Then a few minutes later he fucks the shit out of me." I think we need a thread of Cashman stories. Or a thread of everyone's favorite times mongering.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Plus Size Strip Clubs in SoCal
    I missed this topic somehow but I gotta cast my vote for Paradise Showgirls. Plenty of thick women there.
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    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Most Pathetic PL Moment
    Worse shit I can remember is hitting a club for, I think, the 3rd time in my life, but first time in SF at the hustler club. I go with a buddy and our female friend. We pregamed before we got in so we're all pretty drunk. Sit at the rail and start tipping all the girls and our female friend is getting all the action, tits shoved in her face, getting her tits squeezed etc. I still end up having drink after expensive drink in the club until I see this AA dancer get on stage and I'm just like WOW! My female friend say, 'tip her a lot, she'll come over after she gets off stage. So I throw a shit ton of ones out. Sure enough this chick comes over and I tell her she's the best one in there. She must have smelled the naive, no experience PL on me because instead of asking if I wanted a dance, if I wanted to spend some private time with her in the VIP. Mind you I didn't even know what a VIP was. But I was drunk and she was hot so I agree.....to a fucking hour for $395. And she did nothing but talk. Not even strip, not even taking her bra off, only sit on my drunken lap for an hour and talk. And my dumb ass didn't even ask her to strip. THEN, to make me look even more pathetic, this bitch asked for a tip when the hour was up. AND MY DUMB ASS GAVE HER ONE! I think about that night a decade ago and still can't believe how fucking dumb I was. So I guess it wasn't a pathetic story, more of a dumb as fuck story.