Most Pathetic PL Moment

avatar for SirLapdancealot
What is your most pathetic moment as a PL?

Mine was sneaking out of the house at 10pm after my wife fell asleep just so I could go see a CF. I did it a few times but then stopped because I felt guilty and realized it is not worth risking my marriage over it.

Another one was using the ATM at the club, not just once, but twice, and then leaving, going to a grocery store to buy something and get a cash withdrawal, and returning just to keep getting dances with a potential DS.

At what point in your PL life have you stopped to say to yourself, "Now this is getting really pathetic!"?


last comment
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
I think mine was negotiating with a stripper to ask her to come to the club earlier so that I could buy more floor dances, and she told me to go find someone else - she does just fine arriving late, paying a higher fee, and selling VIPs.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
Bringing a Christmas present to a stripper in the club. I may still buy presents for dancers, but they'll have to see me OTC to get it.

Sending flowers to a stripper to the club for her birthday, only to find out she got shit-faced drunk the night before and didn't even go in to work the day she said she was going to. Never again on that one.
avatar for hassenpfeffer65
7 years ago
1. A mid-week stop at a “club” in the back of an adult book store in no-where-ville NY, May 2000. Walked in and found I was the only customer and there were two dancers who were absolutely not my type. Should have walked out but instead I stayed and drained my wallet on lap dances. The weird thing is I remember their fugly faces better than other dancers Ive had over the years who I thought were beautiful.
2. More generally, I agree with Sir that the lying and sneaking around, which I’ve done my fair share of to visit SCs, makes me feel like a major PL
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
My most pathetic moment was the time in the club that the DS told me no more fucky sucky. It's one of the few strip club stories that I don't want to tell. Very large amounts of marijuana were involved.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Buying my all time ATF presents and celebrating her bday in the club bringing her a fking cake. Total PL material and that girl had me totally by the balls.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
I have so many pathetic moments to choose from. This one goes back many years when I thought I was my ATF's boyfriend and thought she loved me because she told me she did. My ATF had a guy always around her house and she said he was remodeling her basement. One night around 3AM she called me. The guy had died in her bed of a drug overdose. I came and got her and took care of her. I did not even reproach her for her lies and behavior.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Did he at least finish remodeling her basement?
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Yeah there were a lot of them that I wish I could undo but maybe this one is a little different. In an effort to fuck one OTC for free I invited her out to dinner and while we were eating I offered her a bubble bath in my hotel room. I was a little surprised that she accepted. But when she got inside my room and saw the bottle of bubble bath she backed out. Complained about feeling sick to her stomach. I kept that bottle for a year hoping that some day I would get another chance to use it but I didn't.
avatar for bvino
7 years ago
Mine was wehn i first strated back into this lifestyle and fell for a hard sell that cost me $400.00 (Club ATM(!?). What a sap. If I ever saw her again a would get at least $200.00 of that back in trade.
avatar for Rod84
7 years ago
This was for an outcall massage girl. I brought a single rose. Guess I thought it would enhance the GFE of the session. She snatched it away, embarrassed I showed up at her door with it, and probably didn't want the neighbors seeing me show up like some kind of douchy boyfriend.

I now just follow the script. It's not love; it's just a service for money. Once I got that thru my PL head, everything's been smooth.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I had just fucked a dancer in vip - and it was pay after you pump. I get out of the booth. I’m still hard. Trying to find my wallet while feeling jizz still dripping down the inside of my pants - was a low moment...

One night I was in NYC with some buddies. There were 3 of us in my buddies Chevy cavalier. They decided to troll for tunnel bunnies and I opted out. I hit a deli - got a corned beef sandwich and two beers - and sat in the back seat eating while my buddies got blown up front.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ ROFLMAO @Cashman1234..."If the front can is rockin', don't cum knockin'!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ oops, front cab not can
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
It was a small car - and I didn’t want to be that close to the action! Lol!

To top the night off - they stopped in to watch a live sex show in a Times Square theater. I sat out on the street reading the Village Voice.

It all started off as an innocent trip to Little Italy for cannolis and coffee.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Cashman1234, post cum afterglow is a vulnerable time for a PL. I have forgotten car keys, forgot to pay, and said some stupid incoherent stuff in the 15 min after I LDK. I don't have a good solution. Hot strippers make me Stoopid.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
nothing too extreme

one time i used the atm (luckily there was a gas station right next door to the club with a much cheaper withdrawal fee) to withdraw more cash because I wanted a 2nd VIP with a hottie. in my defense, this girl gave me one of the best dances I have ever had. she even allowed DFK, which, in my experience, is unusual
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
SirLDAlot - I know how that goes! I’ve tried to count out my money - and it’s pretty easy numbers - $20, $40, $60, $80 - but I’ve tripped myself up when counting when I’m still a bit cum-dazed!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ Cum-dazed, jizz dripping down legs, watching her get dressed, dark room, her talking - there's so much potential for pathetic moments during the afterglow.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
^ another time - when I was fucking a stripper at a rough NNJ club - it was in this filthy stall. I’m fucking her - with her bent over - she’s grabbing her ankles - moaning - and I keep yelling at her to keep holding her ankles. I’m pounding away - yelling “Don’t let go of those ankles you dirty whore!” I finally cum - I pull out and toss the used condom on an old radiator. It’s the middle of winter - and the radiators are all letting off steam. The condom starts to melt over the heat - and it stinks like death!

I push the dancer down on the chair - and I’m disgusted with the filth of the place. I go back to the club and try to chill from being so crazed. I drink a few beers - and the next thing I know the dancer is running her hands through my hair. I paid her upfront to fuck - and she apparently enjoyed it - as she says that she’s mine for the night! It took me a bit before I took her back again.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
Cashman why did y’all do it in a stall?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ That's winning at PL LIFE! as far as I'm concerned.

Pathetic would have been if you burned your hand and got melted latex and steaming jizz on it trying to get the condom off the radiator.
avatar for LDJunkie
7 years ago
Many pathetic moments. 1. Basically coming out of the club in plain daylight with a big, wet stain in my dress pants. 2. Dripping cum on my leg while getting back on the car. 3. Going out for a "quick trip to the store" just to go to the club and getting a quick 5-minute lap dance.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
I could write a long, tear stained, book about all the dumb fucking PL shit I've done. It was especially bad when I first started in this hobby. One of the more painful ones was when I gave 200 to a honey for some drama she was having that I can't even remember. Met her in a parking lot somewhere and just handed it to her. Nothing in return and I wasn't even that into her. The memory still stings. That type of PL shit never pays off.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I told her I loved her.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
Leaving the club to grab more cash from my car. At least I didn't have to use the ATM. This was in my first year of clubbing. I have much better self control now. Well, actually I just take more cash with me.

There are other worse PL moments in my life but they don't involve strippers or strip clubs. Just very hot women.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Losing a fairly large amount of cash in the parking lot of a club one night. I rushed back to find it gone, of course.
avatar for lick-that
7 years ago
That's the saddest thing I've heard in a while. Hope you never do that again
avatar for lick-that
7 years ago
Ok this is more embarrassing. Fucking in the club, she's bent over, my pants around my ankles. Finish, leave get halfway home, cash cards ID GONE from my pocket. Got robbed while she was bent over in my pockets.
@ Upright. Ive seen a PL do something like that once, everyone there felt sorry for the dude.
@Jack. Man, Pussy should be a controlled substance..SMH
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ good stuff @lick-that! Truly you were ripped off by a rip off bitch. LMAO and of course it had to be standing doggy.

I gotta admit that was well played on her part. Pro style ROB.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Worse shit I can remember is hitting a club for, I think, the 3rd time in my life, but first time in SF at the hustler club. I go with a buddy and our female friend. We pregamed before we got in so we're all pretty drunk. Sit at the rail and start tipping all the girls and our female friend is getting all the action, tits shoved in her face, getting her tits squeezed etc. I still end up having drink after expensive drink in the club until I see this AA dancer get on stage and I'm just like WOW! My female friend say, 'tip her a lot, she'll come over after she gets off stage. So I throw a shit ton of ones out. Sure enough this chick comes over and I tell her she's the best one in there. She must have smelled the naive, no experience PL on me because instead of asking if I wanted a dance, if I wanted to spend some private time with her in the VIP. Mind you I didn't even know what a VIP was. But I was drunk and she was hot so I a fucking hour for $395. And she did nothing but talk. Not even strip, not even taking her bra off, only sit on my drunken lap for an hour and talk. And my dumb ass didn't even ask her to strip. THEN, to make me look even more pathetic, this bitch asked for a tip when the hour was up. AND MY DUMB ASS GAVE HER ONE!

I think about that night a decade ago and still can't believe how fucking dumb I was. So I guess it wasn't a pathetic story, more of a dumb as fuck story.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ But did she give you a woody?
avatar for Doces300
7 years ago
One great thing about this post, is that we all share the PL lifestyle and the embarrassment it can cause. I have had my share of pathetic moments as well. Mistaking p4p as a relationship, paying before meeting up, being at her beck and call.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Oh where to start...

Overnighting money to a stripper so she can pay her kids health insurance premium.

Having sex in a VIP once and realizing I never actually had any skin to skin contact with the stripper because she was a germaphobe. Think about that, I had my wang inside her but my thighs never touched hers hands never touched boobs because she always positioned herself just so.

Buying a VIP with a credit card and having to fingerprint the receipt so I couldn’t reserve the charges.

avatar for Digitech
7 years ago
Paying $200 to a stripper for a handjob. She wanted a tip, but I didn't have any money left. So I used the club ATM to withdraw some more. This was a brutal ATM with a fucking $20 surcharge for each withdrawal. Well, I did that, with the stripper standing watch. I handed her another I think 40 more and she said it still wasn't enough. So I did an ATM withdrawal AGAIN, bringing the total paid to the dancer to 300, plus 40 in withdrawal fees.

I got a spine after that, I promise.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Went to a branch of my bank I don't go to often - took-out $$$ from the ATM but didn't count-it (it was late-night) - went to the club, knew how much $$$ I had taken out and how many dances I'd had but noticed my stash a lot-lower than it should have-been- i.e. the damn ATM had given me $50s instead of $20s unbeknownst to me and I was paying w/ $50s when I thought I was paying w/ $20s - fucking-a
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Damn Digitech - that story needs to be the in PL hall-of-shame :)
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
"Buying a VIP with a credit card"

i've done this once. and i had to pay a little extra because i was using a credit card. and they took my fingerprint. i guess they do this to ensure you aren't using someone else's credit card.

in my defense, it was a beautiful PAWG with natural pierced C cup breasts :-)
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
good reading. i did most all these things that y'all done. amazing how our thinking goes out the window sometimes when we are under the spell of a sexy woman!
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
When I was really young, I found myself at an extras club but didn't know it was an extras club. Found a cute girl and took her to the back room for dances, $50 full nude couch dances. The club forbade touching of the breasts, privates, and buttocks but this girl let me touch everything. Going into the third song, she said if I had a condom with me, she would fuck me. I didn't have a condom and was upset with myself for a long time afterwards.

Anyways, I still had $400 bucks left so I got 8 more dances from her.

Fucking idiot. Should have gone to the grocery store to buy condoms and come back.
avatar for orangepicture
7 years ago
I'm fairly new to this whole scene, so I don't have any remarkable stories like the ones you guys are telling, but I did notice the other day I was sub-consciously saving and putting aside any $1 bills I was getting as change from my daily purchases in order to have a stock pile for going to the clubs

I also recently spent $100 more at a club than I had budgeted for, so the first thing I did the next day was to coin wrap all the loose change I had collected in some giant 32oz soda cups in order to trade them in at the bank in order to recoup some money.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ congratulations - seems like you have the right PL-stuff

avatar for JAprufrock
7 years ago
Lots of enlightening, educational stories here. I don't have much mongering experience, having gotten back in the game about a year ago, but I documented my worst experience under the Tijuana Club Hong Kong Reviews. I wasn't able to perform.
Pieces of advice I've picked up, which I sort of knew before, but were reaffirmed:
-- Don't carry more cash than you're prepared to spend.
-- Don't bring your ATM card and don't use a credit card for anything.
-- Don't be silly enough to think she's into you. It's a business transaction.
-- Don't wreck your marriage over this. It's not worth it.
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
Before email was a common thing, I wrote an actual letter to a girl at what was my favorite club back then. Fortunately, it got sent back.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
I've done about 75% of these things, myself. And I'm still young. I honestly don't even know my MOST pathetic moment. But the most recent one that stands out is from last Christmas. I had been trying to see this one girl OTC for a few months but she kept pulling SS on me to get me to come to the club instead. I put up with it because she's hot as hell. A few weeks before Christmas she says something like "You don't have to pay me just to hang out with me. Why don't you buy me a Christmas present instead?" She was pretending to be naive about what I wanted. Now I could have been a real man with a set of balls and told her that I wasn't looking to just 'hang out,' I wanted to pay to fuck and call it a day. But no. I said of course I would get her a present.

Spent the next few days wracking my feeble brains trying to think of something nice to get her. Ended up driving into Philadelphia to Steven Singer Jewelers to buy a live rose dipped in gold. Sat in traffic two hours each way. Paid for parking, tolls, couldn't find a bathroom, nearly pissed in my pants, and almost had a car accident, but I finally made a beeline for the club with the rose all gift wrapped and everything. She certainly seemed surprised and appreciative. But at least one or two other guys were also there that night with presents for her (chocolates I think). Oh well. On the plus side, I finally did get to see her OTC... ten months later! And it cost a small fortune, too. In the interim, she convinced me to see her ITC probably 12 to 15 more times. Played like a fiddle, I was. Luckily, I think she's worth it. She's gorgeous and I like her very much. She's still my CF and my ATF.

Other than that, there was the time when another girl texted me and asked me if I could bring her some condoms, baby wipes, mouthwash, and a cup of coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Which I did. Happily, at the time. And I even paid for it all. Presumably she needed all the supplies so that she could fuck some other guy in the VIP room. Words fail to describe what a bitch I've been for these girls. Luckily I'm not such a bitch outside the club world.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Well done BurlingtonHF. You knew she was playing you - and you complied. This speaks to the level of hotness your dancer has. She’s special to you - and you knew the otc sex would eventually be worth the effort.
avatar for Htxx
7 years ago
I had already given my SB $6,000 cash for her new boobs when she needed an extra $1,000 for anesthesia so I brought it to her home as she was busy getting ready to go to the club to work she didn't have time to blow me or fuck or anything. So I just left. That stupidity still stings a bit. What's worse is telling her I love her. Still see her but not as often as I had been, still text each other everyday. Pussy it is what it is
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

Thanks, man. Yeah, she's something else. If I were a "one woman" kind of guy, she'd be the woman. Luckily, I'm not ;)

BTW, your stories weren't pathetic... they were fucking awesome!
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
Yeah this thread reminds me of how if you go far enough left or right politically, it's simply extremism... If you go Uber-pathetic in your mongering, it becomes the memory of a lifetime! "OMG, I actually did that" lulz
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
This thread reminds me of the power of the pussy. Fucking straight man's kryptonite.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Thanks @BurlingtonHF! I like to think we live and learn, but when a dancer shoved her tits or pussy in my face, everything gets thrown out the window!
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
One last pl story. I had a roommate who worked for a large hotel chain in Manhattan. This was close to 30 years ago, before they cleaned up Times Square. He would go to the porn theaters at lunch and after work. He had a collection of polaroids with him fingering several stars. He’d get all horned up - and when he got drunk - things got crazy.

He calls me from the hotel - tells me he met two hot whores at a bar - and they are ready to party. He says to bring lots of cash - and to meet him in a specific room at the hotel. I withdrew $400 - and I pulled another $300 from his stash (in a shoebox he kept in his closet. I drive in as fast as I can - fighting through a mess of Holland tunnel traffic - I park up in Times Square - and I get to the hotel lobby. I stop for a minute to calm down a bit. I’m fucking sweating and when I look in the mirror I notice that I cut my shoulder - and blood is dripping and coming through my shirt. I run back out to a nearby drug store - grab some bandages and an “I love NY” T-shirt. Go back to the hotel - go to the men’s room - cover the bleeding cut on my shoulder - toss my old bloody shirt in the trash - put my new tourist T-shirt on - and find the elevator.

I’m tired - still sweaty - and the elevator is one of those glass ones - and going up so quickly doesn’t sit well with my stomach. I keep it down - and I get off the elevator. I find the room - and it’s a smoking suite. I open the door - and there is a smell of rotting food - and cigarette smoke. My friend is on the bed fucking one of the whores - and it’s not a pretty sight. But there’s smoke coming from the open bathroom door? So I look in - and the other whore is shitting and smoking. I look over at my buddy - he turns around and says “Never give whores privacy - NEVER! Grab a drink - and start fucking!”

The smell was too much for me - and the visual put me over the top. I pushed past the shitting whore - and threw up in the shower - then I threw up in the sink - then I drank a beer and sat down.

The whore finished shitting and smoking - did a few lines off the coffee table - and was ready to go! Needless to say - it took me a few minutes to rally and get back in the game.

Luckily I was about 3 years out of college - and I could rally - and go a few rounds with the whores. My buddy had a shopping bag in his room that was always kept filled with condoms. I was lucky that I didn’t get into trouble with any police - as I had my college backpack filled with $1’s, 5’s, 10’s and 20’s - condoms - and gauze and medical tape!

The whores were filthy - but it was a good time. We gave the whores about $500 for the night. The room was free. The drinks were free because my buddy called the hotel janitor - and let him take turn with one of the whores in exchange for bringing up a few cases of beer.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
^^^ Even the small of bathroom vomit couldn't stop a "true pro" from earning a living...
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Cashman, once again, that story was not pathetic, it was amazing! Now if there is a thread for whores on stripperweb or some site where they tell THEIR most pathetic moments, those girls could easily post that encounter. "So I'm taking a shit and having a smoke at the same time when this PL bursts through the bathroom door, vomits in the shower next to me, then vomits in the sink. Then a few minutes later he fucks the shit out of me."

I think we need a thread of Cashman stories. Or a thread of everyone's favorite times mongering.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
^^^ Doing this all in the "I heart NY" T-shirt was the icing on the cake of the story though. LOL
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I have nothing that can match any of cashman's stories. I some of my PL moments ... I have left the club to buy dinner for my fave. I left the club to get more money to spend on my fave. I have also turned down other dancers i liked waiting on a dancer I really liked to return who never did.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Cashman1234 Awesome PL stories! Like reading "Memoirs from a Monger".

BTW thanks to everyone for sharing your moments. Regardless of how pathetic it has been great to read them. The standard of pathetic has been raised high. No matter how pathetic a PL is, it seems there's always another one out there even more pathetic!
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
Trying to be Captain Save A Ho when I first started clubbing.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Glad you guys enjoyed my pl stories. I’ve set the bar nice and low! Those hot whores weren’t very hot when I sobered up and the bright light of day came out! I’m guessing they had seen some crazy shit - even crazier than a pl vomiting all over the bathroom.

On the negative side - I hooked up with a girl a few weeks later. She thought I was a fetish freak. When we get back to my place - everything’s good. We enjoy some good civilian sex. Then she tells me that she needs to use the bathroom. As she’s walking towards the bathroom - I ask her “You aren’t going to take a shit, are you?” Probably not a good hookup question! She gives me a very odd look and says no. But I won’t leave it alone - “Ok. Just don’t shit in there. Ok?”

I’m pretty sure her friends heard about the freak who was afraid of her shitting in his house. In my defense - I could still remember the stench of that hotel room.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Cashman1234 I almost had you pegged as a tarmac fetish freak. (I keed. I keed.)
avatar for lick-that
7 years ago
Ok this one isn't a stripper story but I think it falls in the PL column.
Had a friend who told me this tale...

He was home chillin, had lunch, curry chicken if memory serves, got a call from a Hottie he's been trying to get. Gets up showers and heads over. On the way his stomach starts to bubble, but he's only thinking about the pussy. Gets there and feels like taking a shit, but first time over he doesn't want to blow up her toilet.
Cut to the chase, they get it on, he's pounding it out, she gets on top, rides the hell out of him. So he wants to fart so he's on his back trying to squeeze out a quiet one she won't notice while she's going hard.
He squeezes out a wet sloppy load instead right there in her bed!!
Lmfao. He ran outta there with his tail between his legs, avoiding her to this day.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
@SirLDAlot - I’m happy to admit my fetishes - but that’s not one of them - lol! That’s a dangerous fetish - tarmac fetish - wow!
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

Awesome stuff :) The closest I ever came to that was when I was visiting with this one hooker/stripper at her hotel room and I went to go use her bathroom before we get down to business and notice a bit of diarrhea dripping from the edge of the seat when I lifted it. So naturally I make an excuse to leave and get the fuck out of there because, you know, I have high standards... Ha, just kidding! I dry heaved a few times but I got over it, came out of the bathroom and fucked her anyway! I even licked her hooch, although admittedly I could not bring myself to lick her asshole. What can I say? She was hot.

Anywho, I was born in NYC at a time when Times Square was still very dirty, but by the time I had come of age it was basically all cleaned up. I know crime was pretty bad back then... I mean, I've seen the movies Deathwish and The French Connection, so my parents can't bullshit me about the "good old days" LOL. But I do feel like I missed out on some good adult stuff, nonetheless.
avatar for lick-that
7 years ago
I was "fortunate" enough to come up just before that Damn Giuliani or whatever his name was ruined Times Square. Oh it was an experience.
Don't even talk about the quality of the SWs on the West Side, man Movie Stars used to be out there. I remember once 3 of us were driving back from a club late by the Lincoln tunnel just a the cops turned on their block. They hollered for us to let them in, we did, and proceeded to get the best CBJ I've ever had. Better than most BBBJs Ive had too!!And by a Ms America young black chick!
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

I knew I was missing out on a lot. Apparently you didn't even need to go to a club or call a hooker back then, they just walked right up to your car on the street like in the movies ;)

Is it possible to get nostalgic for something you've never even experienced?
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
My most pathetic and life damaging moment was when I got married.

Anything done in a strip club or an AMP was just money lost, nothing more.

avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
@lick_that @ @burlingtonHF - I came of age in the mid 1980’s - and Times Square was still nice and sleazy. I had a college friend who had an old Monte Carlo - and he’d drive us into the city for some wild times!

There were still real porn shops in Times Square. It was a bit crazy for young horny guys - as everything was available - and it was generally reasonable. You needed to be careful - as it was easy to get robbed.

They still had those homeless dudes who wanted to wash your windows too. You never knew what they were spraying on your windshield.

The city has changed a lot since then.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
Without a shadow of a doubt, the dirtiest, nastiest, and ugliest stripper club that I ever went to was somewhere in Manhattan in the 90s. An old friend took me there when I visited on a business trip. It was a place where crack addict strippers with bad teeth gave cock grinding $5 lappers on the main floor. I passed as my buddy got his rocks off after a few and then we left. Up until that moment I thought all strip clubs were all gentlemen's club style. I was shell shocked by the place. I got the strip club handshake from every stripper that came up and felt like I needed to be wearing a condom.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
SJG, truly, I have sympathy for that part of your life. I never leapt across that abyss. THANK GOD !! A single life is my choice, no obligation to any slavedriving bitch.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

The City is definitely safer and more livable (albeit more expensive) and I wouldn't want to turn back the clock to the "bad old days," but I really wish they hadn't included the sex industry in their shotgun approach to quality-of-life improvements. It's a shame that we can't have a happy medium, like less street crime, less aggressive panhandlers, but still have the sex trade out in the open.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ that could probably be achieved if prostitution was legalized
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

Absolutely, I couldn't agree more. Sex is legal, giving people money is legal, so having sex and then giving your sex partner money should also be legal. Anything else is just illogical. If the sex business were totally legal and totally unregulated (except for age of consent laws and rules against actual slavery, obviously), we'd be that much closer to living in a genuinely free society. And NYC in the 70s and 80s would have been that much less shitty.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
^ I fully agree. They most likely haven’t stopped many folks from paying for sex. It’s illegal - but there are many easy methods for getting a whore. If it was made legal - they could focus their efforts on trafficking.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^^ Vincemichaels deserves a great deal of credit for such wisdom.

avatar for LDJunkie
7 years ago
I have a new pathetic PL moment. I asked for a condom to the guy next to me at the club. I was ready to buy the lap dance but i did not have any condomns at the time. He did gave me one.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ @LDJunkie IMHO as long as it wasn't already used I say it wasn't a pathetic moment.
avatar for goosman
7 years ago
Not nearly as gruesome as some of the above, but when the stars are aligning for a good club visit where I have a combination of time, money and an empty house to return to smelling of stripper scent, I really get scientific about deciding what club to visit. I'll make like spreadsheets & charts based on plusses and minuses of different clubs to find the perfect club for my window of opportunity. I get obsessive & nerdy with it.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Pre-internet, I went to a Vegas club that targeted naive tourists. Promised the moon, paid up front, told me to go into a room and take off my clothes. Then, nothing. I felt like an idiot. Still do.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ LOL - we all learn our lessons in this game
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

A similar thing happened to me, except it was in Manhattan. And it was my first time at a club. And I was still a teenager. Very traumatic. Basically it proves that I'm an idiot, because I've been going back to clubs for years since then. I think normal mortals would have been "once bitten, twice shy," but I'm a glutton for punishment, apparently.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ nah, you just love pussy too much - can't blame you
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
Not sure I've had a PL moment, at least in my opinion. Many might say that it's that I still have an infatuation with my ATF after so many years.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’m guessing that most folks here have a similar feeling to what Papi_Chulo said. We love pussy so much that we will do a lot to get it.

We’ve all gotten taken when we were novices and still learning about what to expect.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
@lick that

that story about the guy crapping his pants was great LOL
avatar for LDJunkie
7 years ago
@SirLapdancealot haha yeah, i made sure it wasn't used. Closed package of course. I know its not really a pathetic moment but the urge of getting off was too big at the moment, i had to ask, im no fan of wetting my pants (though i have done it quite a few times).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Just remembered one.

An older ebony that I knew from an AA dive I visit - she was about 40 but looked great (natural very firm DDs that stayed in place even w/o a bra); and she was into working out and was very toned.

This chick was a veteran and had a lot of baggage as well as a quick-temper - she was cool when she was tipsy in the club but outside of that she had a quick temper and could be a real bitch.

Anyway one night at this dive I'm enjoying her DDs ITC and she was in a good-mood - she suggests we go grab a motel-room and that is what we did after her shift was over.

We get to the motel-room and she starts acting weird as if she didn't wanna do stuff - anyway we kinda have intercourse for a bit and she claims she came and wants to stop (which was BS) - I was upset then she tries to turn-it on me as if I was the one w/ the problem and she starts copping a major attitude.

Obviously this was going nowhere and I could tell w/ her temper and bad-attitude that it was only gonna get worse - after we had left the club we had actually driven to her house where she had dropped off her car then we drove to the motel in my car (we had actually been out once b/f about a year earlier) - anyway I was done w/ this crazy-bitch and did not want her in my car thus I left her ass in the motel and just drove-off - about an hour after that she sent me a text threatening me that "I was gonna have to deal w/ her and her peoples" - I ran into her again after a month or so at the same club - she came-up to me and we got into an argument and she left it at that and went about her way - a few months later I started getting dances from her again ITC but knew better than to get involved w/ her OTC - have not seen her at the club in a while now.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
@lick that - I just read the story about the guy shitting the bed! That’s too funny! It’s funnier partly because it wasn’t me! I’ve been pretty worried about letting out a few wet farts - while banging one out.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ It's called a 'shart' if a fart contains liquids and solids.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
^ yes - it’s a shart. However, I think this was less of a shart - and what we call - gambling and losing! He thought he could release it and be quiet - but instead he shit the bed!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ atomic shart?
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
^ that’s a dangerous one - as those can ruin sheets and mattresses! One blow out and the color scheme becomes very chocolate...
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