Participating on this discussion board has greatly expanded my knowledge and expectations of what can be experienced in SCs. If I had to go back to my prior practices now, I think I would stop clubbing altogether.
The sad part is that I used to be more than just satisfied with it.
I wanna thank TUSCL also for making a bigger PL than I ever was and as a result blowing thru tens-of-thousands of dollars in the process - thanks TUSCL
I used to go straight to Facebook and Instagram on lunchtime and breaks. Now I come straight to this site instead. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that.
I love the discussion, the unabashed nature of the posts, and the brutal honesty. I love to see people not afraid to post about what they like and for the most part not being ridiculed for it (FUCK you SJG).
And I LOVE the review section. My favorite reading material these days are reviews of known extras club. I have the ones I know of on my hotlist. Anytime I hear of another it gets added to the list and thus more reading material. Hong Kong reviews are the best as it's basically like reading porn.
I appreciate everything I've learned on this site, but as papi said it has probably caused me to spend more money than I would have had I not read the discussion
This is the first site I check when I get home. Love catching up with the craziness.
So glad I've been a member of TUSCL for such a long time. Insights provided by our members save and protect us and make our cash go a lot longer for pleasure. :)
I guess i found TUSCL, or actively followed TUSCL too late in my SC career to make a very noticeable difference in my mongering style. In hindsight, it would have saved me a lot of trial and error and helped me be more efficient and effective in my use of time and money at the strip club. Unfortunately, there really aren't too many good strip club options around me. Maybe a handful that i tend to frequent with two or three favorites and one or two more in the mix. The rest of them, i won't be able to do much besides OTC mongering (which is not as easy as TUSCL will have you believe) to get any decent action regardless of anything from TUSCL (reviews, intel, PMs, discussions).
Reading through reviews (many of them mediocre or worse) of my frequented clubs, basically my interest is only peaked by recommended dancers or a "review" of a particular dancer i was intrigued by but never tried there, rather than any tips or tricks that could help me at said clubs.
I do, however, like the discussions for the most part, some of them anyway.
It is true that I am thankful for this site, however I've noticed some people, like SJG, put too much stock into their identities with TUSCL.
So not only am I thankful for this discussion board, but I'm also thankful that my life would be the same without it, unlike some members who are "Jones'n" to make a comment and have their opinion heard every hour to have their thoughts validated. This is a fun place to act like a juvenile all over again. I'm also thankful I'm nowhere near a troll like SJG.
It's the general sense of humor in the board that keeps me reading. There are some really clever and funny people on here. I first came for the knowledge, I'm staying for the stand up routine.
Smith takes a lot of shit for his self proclaimed ephebophilia but all the meet-ups he's arranged is pretty cool. Hope he never leaves.
Papi has a good sense of humor but can be long winded about training wheel topics. I suppose he truly does help a lot losers here. Hope he never leaves.
It can pretty damn harsh here but no one seems to get overly bent about. Gawker comes to mind, dude gets some of the most harsh responses. Hope he never leaves.
Ctrl+Alt+SJG suffers from Dunning Kruger effect. He's like Trump in many ways, while you're busy trying to correct something stupid he's said, he's drowning you with another dozen equally invalid ideas. Hope he leaves.
So yeah, I'm thankful for laughs as much as anything.
tuscl has been helpful. unfortunately it was too late to influence my krazy infatuated las vegas madness. i wish i found tuscl earlier. and ditto bonedin. my learning curve has been painfully slow. (financial pain specifically.)
Is that what you call SJG's condition? So we weren't just stating ad hominem comments towards him after all. I knew it!! Yet you should try to convince SJG that he has that defect in his personality. Denial is just a river to him.
last commentNow show us your tits.
I love the discussion, the unabashed nature of the posts, and the brutal honesty. I love to see people not afraid to post about what they like and for the most part not being ridiculed for it (FUCK you SJG).
And I LOVE the review section. My favorite reading material these days are reviews of known extras club. I have the ones I know of on my hotlist. Anytime I hear of another it gets added to the list and thus more reading material. Hong Kong reviews are the best as it's basically like reading porn.
This is the first site I check when I get home. Love catching up with the craziness.
Reading through reviews (many of them mediocre or worse) of my frequented clubs, basically my interest is only peaked by recommended dancers or a "review" of a particular dancer i was intrigued by but never tried there, rather than any tips or tricks that could help me at said clubs.
I do, however, like the discussions for the most part, some of them anyway.
So not only am I thankful for this discussion board, but I'm also thankful that my life would be the same without it, unlike some members who are "Jones'n" to make a comment and have their opinion heard every hour to have their thoughts validated. This is a fun place to act like a juvenile all over again. I'm also thankful I'm nowhere near a troll like SJG.
Smith takes a lot of shit for his self proclaimed ephebophilia but all the meet-ups he's arranged is pretty cool. Hope he never leaves.
Papi has a good sense of humor but can be long winded about training wheel topics. I suppose he truly does help a lot losers here. Hope he never leaves.
It can pretty damn harsh here but no one seems to get overly bent about. Gawker comes to mind, dude gets some of the most harsh responses. Hope he never leaves.
Ctrl+Alt+SJG suffers from Dunning Kruger effect. He's like Trump in many ways, while you're busy trying to correct something stupid he's said, he's drowning you with another dozen equally invalid ideas. Hope he leaves.
So yeah, I'm thankful for laughs as much as anything.
Is that what you call SJG's condition? So we weren't just stating ad hominem comments towards him after all. I knew it!! Yet you should try to convince SJG that he has that defect in his personality. Denial is just a river to him.