
Comments by TFP (page 124)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    New Reviews Field
    Yeah I noticed it also when I was writing my latest review. But like others have said, that info doesn't seem to come up if you click on the club directly. Which sucks, because I'm curious as to how much other guys are spending sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Butter Face Strippers: Yes or No?
    I'm also a body over face guy so I'll take all the butterfaces. Especially when they're sluttier than others because they don't get as much attention. About the only thing that ruins it in a butterface is having HELLA jacked up teeth. If they're a little jacked, I can deal with it. But when there's gaping holes and a bunch of crooked ones in there I can't do it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Finally Back In the Game
    Yeah I've never had that happen before. I'm sure most of the strippers Ive been with wouldn't give me the time of day outside the club but they're good at not showing that. That's supposed to be part of the whole fantasy. Maybe this chick had made so much money that night already that she just didn't care at that point. Which is still kinda shitty of her to say that still. Anyhow, I read your review and left some comments. My main gripe was the fact that you didn't take our advice about the free limo to avoid that ridiculous $50 cover. Why wouldn't you save yourself some money?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Died and Want to Paradise
    You know what, my bad. I always preach that it's all about doing what makes you happy as long as you aren't harming anyone in the process. So if this girl genuinely makes you happy then more power to you. I guess I really am cynical when it comes to dancers. I'm just prone to believe they're out for the money no matter what they say or how genuine they seem. So I'm sorry for questioning your original post. Takes guts to be as open as you were with us here and I'm glad you're getting some happiness from it. Lesson learned for me: If I don't understand it, or have no constructive criticism to offer I'll just shut the fuck up and not post.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Died and Want to Paradise
    What The fuck Is this shit?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Stripper Instagrams
    I didn't realize this was a thing. Until I did a review where I told that a dancer gave me her Instagram to follow. Within hours I get private messages as well as comments right in the review asking me for the dancers IG. If the profile is public, no worries. But if they set it to private I would think that's because they don't want any random person having it. That said, I think it's a good marketing tactic for these dancers. Like the OP said, he likes Instagram and loves seeing hot pics. That's right up these girls alley. They could drum up to their own business via simple slutty pictures. Curious to see the responses.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    titfuck her : yes or no?
    Is there even a doubt? If you love titfucking those are exactly the kind of tits I think you'd be wanting to sandwich your dick in and leave cum dripping all down her neck.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The search turned up nothing? There's actually been a few discussions on this topic, and I haven't even been here that long. If you're going to use the dancers name, don't give any details of extras (HJ's, Titfucks, BJs, FS). I'd say the furthest you should go is mentioning that she was cool with grabbing boobs, ass, feeding, maybe FIV but that would be the furthest. If you want to be detailed, just omit the dancers name. If you're trying to help out readers of your reviews to know which girls give the best mileage, let them figure that out on their own. You've let them know that certain mileage is possible at that club, it's up to them to figure out the rest. Plus the overlying rule: Your Mileage May Vary.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    titfucking strippers
    Titfucking is also one of my fetishes. So of course I'm all for it. Even an OTP titfuck is great to me and I'm able to LDK as long as she keeps it up for awhile. Unfortunately in the non extras clubs where I get the OTP titfuck, the girl usual doesn't stay in that position too long. The times she has, it's excellent. Of course nothing beats a dick out titfuck where she let's you finish on her. I've only had one like that so far. I definitely need to find more dancers like her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does dressing matter for strip clubs?
    Imgol075 I would think jeans are worse than track pants for the strippers. Track pants just means the guy might possibly be a perv but jeans are rough on the girls ass when it comes to grinding. Plus for a guy you're not gonna feel the dance nearly as well. It's always gotta be slacks or shorts for me, depending on the club. If I'm going to some divey type club shorts are usually fine. In an upscale club that where you bust out the thin slacks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Pick a number
    Should've clicked the link first. No minors for me buddy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Pick a number
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Think Some of My Topics Are Getting Deleted
    ^^^that entire post proved not one thing about changing anyone's mind about Rick or his system. Who cares if your spam threads reminded us of it daily? Whoop dee fucking do! You used to post periodically that he was gay or a fag. What I'm asking for is the proof that those threads succeeded in changing someone's mind to thinking he was a fag like you claim it did. As far as the Vince Michaels comments, I only know the history that you guys have dug up. The sex with the 14 year old is indeed, damning. But the quote you posted, not so much. He said who hasn't looked at a beautiful young woman. When I hear young woman, I think of an 18-20 year old woman. He didn't say older teen, he didn't say young teen, he said young woman. So like I said, it's all about the context. He said, a woman is a woman matter the age. Here once again, I assumed he meant an 18 year old is a woman just like a 60 year old is a woman. He didn't say, an older teen is a woman, or a child is a woman, or a girl is a woman. Anyway, all this means nothing. Like I said before, just like you feel I've already made up mind, I feel you have also and nothing will change it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Think Some of My Topics Are Getting Deleted
    Your spam threads have had a big impact against Rick Dugan? Prove it. Yes I haven't been around long but I don't see any change in how he goes about doing what he does. He still operates 'the system' which you seem to despise so much. Much like you have accused me of coming to a conclusion, I can see you've done the same in regards to your spam threads. You think they are the ultimate weapon against pedophiles and system runners and nothing will change your mind.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Think Some of My Topics Are Getting Deleted
    Dougster, the point was that your millions of same thread spam isn't what caused people to be disgusted by pedophiles. Funny thing is, you're taking credit for exposing Vince Michaels as a pedophile but it wasn't any of your threads that did that. It was clubber, who posted the direct quote about the 14 year old girl on a sailboat incident. Up to that point all you did was harp on a statement he made about a woman being a woman no matter what age. Which can be taken in any context but you took it as him talking about underage girls. Once you changed your annoying, daily spam threads from being about stolen valor/fake war hero to charges of him being a pedophile, people still didn't take notice. It wasn't until Clubber's quote that Rick Dugan and others started talking about it. Interestingly enough, once Rick spoke out is when you stopped attacking him. Which was cool since, like most of those crappy threads you start, it wasn't changing anyone's perspective on Rick and just clogging up the board. Point is, no one misses your Rick Dugan is gay threads and they did absolutely nothing. Much like your VM threads, which are thankfully being deleted also.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Who is Trucidos and what is the issue ?
    Txtittyfag I had you on ignore so I didn't see your response until just now since I was logged out. Anyhow, you're right. There's plenty of non strip club topics posted here. SJG will post a topic and continue to talk to himself for a year or more straight. No one worries about that because it's only one thread, which is easily scrolled past. But your threads are posted almost daily, and in blocks of 6-12 threads in a row. That's where the problem is.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Think Some of My Topics Are Getting Deleted
    Which replies? You mean the ones where people are disgusted by pedophiles? It doesn't take reading everyone of your hundreds of threads for that. You've made your point. It doesn't mean you have to keep spamming the board with the same damn thread topic. Out of curiosity when I first got on this forum and saw your spam threads about Rick Dugan and Vince Michaels I clicked on them just to see the replies. Lo and behold it was you commenting over and over. No one else. Much like those SJG unibomber threads that I also learned to avoid. So which replies are you talking about?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    "The road to hell ..."
    Well I'm still somewhat new on this site (less than one year) and got attacked by a few people when after reading one of Gawker's threads, suggested he might be a troll. I suggested that, because I thought that there's no possible way someone would go through all of this. I later apologized for calling him a troll and just figured he was as addicted to her as she is to her drugs. Then he posted the thread saying he was completely done with her. I thought, finally! Then I saw the comments from members who have been around awhile like Subraman, Rick Dugan, RL348. They were all skeptical. Saying they'd seen this kind of post before. Now lo and behold, 3 weeks later and here we are.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Who is Trucidos and what is the issue ?
    @BHF I disagree with that. It seems the only thing Founder is taking issue with is the multiple threads with the same title. Namely, the 'attack Vince michaels' threads. We have multiple threads about LDKing, none of those get deleted. Multiple threads about OTC. Hell, even one of the taglines reads 'where starting a bunch of threads about OTC is alright alright alright!!!'. Difference is, those topics are actually about strip clubs. Talking about Vince Michaels all day has nothing to do with strip clubs. I just wonder how long whoever is moderating is gonna be able to keep up. It seems these trolls have an endless amount of time to be able to post thread after thread just for the sake of spamming. I'd get tired of hitting the delete button after awhile.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Think Some of My Topics Are Getting Deleted
    Looks like there is finally some moderation going on. It does make the board a lot easier to navigate, even when not signed in now. Dougster those millions of threads you start with the same topic? No one reads them, we just scroll right past. But it's annoying even having to scroll. Thankfully with the moderation, we don't have to anymore. Not sure if it's Founder directly removing them or if he's appointed someone else to clean up the board. Bit whatever the case, it's certainly welcome IMO.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Have you fucked a Pornstar ?
    Shit, between DMV and CP I'd give the nod to CP. Volume aside, he seems to have my kind of taste. Meaning those huge titted chicks that I'd spend an hour just having fun with those tits and definitely finish in between them. CP is the man. DMV your list is quite impressive as well. How was Cherokee? Always wondered if she really knew how to work that don't like it appears in her flicks. We need stories from both these men.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Have you fucked a Pornstar ?
    I agree totally with C.M.I. To be honest I see regular ass dancers in the strip club who look better than a lot of the major stars I see in porn. And a lot of them are willing to give you that same PSE for much less than that 'star' or actress would in an OTC session, some even in an ITC session. So I would also pass on the porn star. Hearing your story of it makes me even more confident.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you sneak alcohol at LA s nude strip clubs
    If you need a buzz, just have a few drinks in your car in the parking lot before going in. That's what I ended up doing. First night clubbing in the nude, juice only LA clubs was kind of a shock for me. I'm used to clubbing in Vegas where I'm pretty much drunk or buzzed the entire time I'm awake. But SoCal nude clubs force you to pregame. Don't drink and drive, just take some shots or mix yourself a drink in the car in the parking lot of the club. I sympathize with you, as I also don't feel right being sober in the club. Just not as fun for me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another one bites ...
    From the looks of it, his first and only review before this one was November 19th, so his VIP privileges ended December 19th, about a week before this visit. Unfortunate, as he could have saved a lot of money by avoiding this ROB. Unless of course, he felt it was worth the price. He did say she was the hottest and fittest woman in there. Still, I think based off the fact that was only his second review that he was a newcomer to the SC scene and got duped into paying some outrageous price. I'm sure he'll read and learn and never make that mistake again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another one bites ...
    I don't have VIP privileges anymore so I can't read the review. Was it his first review? If so, he's gonna be pissed when he gets his VIP privileges and reads some other reviews and finds he overpaid by 200%.