
Butter Face Strippers: Yes or No?

Knight of the Round Table Dance
Tuesday, January 16, 2018 9:43 AM
Went to see my backup CF last week. She wasn't there yet and as I waited I saw the body of a 9 on stage. Perfectly perky all natural C-cups, an apple ass, and a toned hard body overall. Upon closer inspection she had a rough face. Maybe a 5. Eyes too close together and crooked teeth spilling out of her mouth. She was a butter face if I ever saw one. I thought of getting a dance three times because her body was smoking hot but then every time I saw her face I chickened out. My backup CF eventually showed up so I went to her as planned. This butter face works an overlapping shift with her so I'll see both of them often. What do you PLs do when you come across a butter face that has a near perfect body but her face is just meh? I can't do it as long as there is a better option in the club.


  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Mary Jane gets violently ill at the sight of a woman with an unattractive face. I would avoid her.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Depends on how butter her face is :) One of my favorite SC stories, my buddy and I were at a strip club a few years back. There's a stripper facing away from us with a picture perfect body, just perfect legs and one of the best asses I've ever seen, along with gorgeous blond hair. We're drooling over her, and she turns around, and she looks like a female version of a particular UFC fighter [view link] We're like OH DAMN FORGET THAT. Then, she turns back around and, I shit you not -- she is so fucking hot from behind that we're like, "we over-reacted, that body is perfect"... turns around again OH DAMN. We left the club when I got buzzed enough that I was like "I don't care, I'm gonna get dances with her". Maybe the point of this story is that it's good to have a sober wingman.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Subraman LOL that's what I was doing. Look at her body - HAWT damn I wanna feel that all over! Look at her face - ugh please turn it away! So conflicted! I think if she was an ultra high mileage dancer and my backup CF (also ultra high mileage but a 7-8 face and 9-10 body) wasn't working, I would get some dances.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’d definitely get dances. But I’d start with one - to make sure she had a grind that worked for me. Since her face was a bit rough - the other factors would be more important - and if she had bad breath - or if she was doused in perfume - or a coating of spray tan - then I’d possibly cut her off quickly. If she was a no extras dancer - she’d be out immediately! If I could get her facing away from me - grinding her amazing ass cheeks against my hard cock - and if there were no mirrors in the stall - I’d be a happy man!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I don't put much stock in the face - for me it's all about the bod - but everything has its limits - if there's stuff about her face that's disturbing and borderline a deformity, then that's different - if her face is just meh, then not an issue for me - I will often forgo meh bodies but never meh faces if I like the bod - in fact a pretty-face really doesn't do that much for me; rarely if ever will I get a dance from a girl w/ a meh body b/c I really liked her face - a great bod (per my tastes) is what moves the needle for me (gets my juices going, gives me a hard-on). I'm def not a hard-grader w.r.t. faces, but there's def been some instances when I could not PL-stomach a dancer's face, but that's probably been more of a rare occasion - truly hideous girls either would not get hired the vast majority of the time, or they would not have the confidence to dance, or would not make $$$ at it and quit (although there are obviously exceptions).
  • warhawks
    6 years ago
    Body trumps face for me too. Besides, most Strip clubs are very dark inside. You’d be surprised at what some of the 8’s and 9’s look like in the daytime and when you are sober. I’ve been at clubs when they first open at like 11am for lunch and have seen the girls coming in before review at noon, with the lights on in the Club. Let’s just say the fantasy was squashed with a few girls.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    I am a sucker for a beautiful face. But I had one in VIP not too long ago with a nice long lean body and beautiful hair with a meh face. I went back just intending lappers and next thing I know I am dogging that pussy with a great view of her ass, lean body and (as the gentlemen I am) was holding her hair back in a ponytail grip which she seemed to enjoy. That seemed to work out pretty well for both of us.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Face trumps body so I wouldn't consider a dance.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Q. Why is getting a blow job from an ugly stripper like walking a tight rope? A. You never want to look down.
  • wildbourbon
    6 years ago
    I can put up with a butter face as long as her teeth aren't too bad, she doesn't have pickle-dick breath, and she smells clean. Unfortunately I've found that a lot of butter-face dancers also lack in the hygiene department. I'm not sure why; I've wondered if lack of self esteem contributes.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    Short answer, no. I don't get dances with girls that are a butterface
  • ebonyplayboy
    6 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo, It's all about the body for me in a strip club. Sure who doesn't love a beautiful woman. But when I want to have fun at a club the body has to make me drool. Can't really remember the last time a pretty face got me rock hard. Oh but that ass tho!
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I'm also a body over face guy so I'll take all the butterfaces. Especially when they're sluttier than others because they don't get as much attention. About the only thing that ruins it in a butterface is having HELLA jacked up teeth. If they're a little jacked, I can deal with it. But when there's gaping holes and a bunch of crooked ones in there I can't do it.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    I feel like it would come down to personality
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @TFP I think that was it. Her jacked up teef were the deal breaker.
  • crotchrocket
    6 years ago
    I am as shallow as the next guy and love a 10, but have had most of my best experiences with ladies that were more GND. I'm fine with butterface up to a point. Fucked up teeth and nasty acne are a turnoff. Then again if she has a smoking hot body but serious case of butterface, you can always just have her ladpdance for you in RCG. lol
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