Be my guest, Just don't be surprised when some 300 lb. gorilla bouncer tells you to go. The club has to conform to local ordinances regardless of how stupid they might be to us in order to maintain its adult cabaret license.
If you have to drink to make the scene, either have your warm up drinks before hitting the club or go elsewhere
Not in LA but you can always hit a bar before hand and get your buzz there. Or you can visit The Odd Ball Cabaret in the San Fernando Valley (North Hills) to be exact. They host private parties for regulars and serve all the alcohol you can drink. I think they are having a private party for Valentines Day this year. I've been to two of those parties and they are worth the drive.
At my local club a couple of years ago, a disgruntled customer shot a dancer in the face (she survived) and then turned the gun on himself. now there is a pretty thorough pat down and wand wave. I've seen full on metal detectors other place. That said, i've gone to my fair share of clubs when they just touch your pockets so you could probably sneak a flask in if you're wearing boots. that said, why?!? you need to be drunk to enjoy naked women?
also, not uncommon for there to be a bar next door to a strip club with friendly bouncers probably willing to let you have multiple re-entries.
I don’t know the area, but I wouldn’t recommend trying to sneak any booze into those clubs. The clubs have significantly more to lose by being found to have booze present on premises.
As has been suggested above - if it’s that important - have a couple of drinks before you go to the club.
I saw some college boys try to that once at a Sunset Strip club. The waitress caught them pouring it and a bouncer literally threw them into a nearby brick wall. If you try it, please let me know so I can be there to watch.
If you need a buzz, just have a few drinks in your car in the parking lot before going in. That's what I ended up doing. First night clubbing in the nude, juice only LA clubs was kind of a shock for me. I'm used to clubbing in Vegas where I'm pretty much drunk or buzzed the entire time I'm awake. But SoCal nude clubs force you to pregame. Don't drink and drive, just take some shots or mix yourself a drink in the car in the parking lot of the club.
I sympathize with you, as I also don't feel right being sober in the club. Just not as fun for me.
I don't know anything about the particular clubs in your area, but in my area, pretty easy to sneak alcohol into the nude no-alcohol clubs. I sneak in a small bottle of vodka, buy a bottle of water there, go into bathroom, make the obvious exchange of vodka-into-water-bottle. Stripper would sit next to me and we'd both drink from it. No one ever said anything, although frankly I believe management knew what was going on and didn't care
Back in November at my club a group came in for a party and had been drinking before hand. One of them decided to get on stage with the dancer and ALL Hell Broke Loose at the Club. I've seen some pretty wild things in my day but never did I see so many people rush the stage for her protection and to throw him and his entire group out. They are fair to their customers but if you give them a reason to make your stay less than enjoyable they will. Don't Be That Guy
You obviously aren't from LA or you wouldn't be so shocked at the "nude=no booze" laws. Do yourself a favor and don't try to bring booze into a nude joint. Anyone desperate to drink in an LA stripclub club can go to a topless one where they can drink themselves silly.
I'm not doubting any of you from LA, maybe things are just more lax in SF (get it? More LAX in SF?)... but, if I were to do the vodka-in-a-water-bottle trick, given that it's the exact same water bottle I just bought at the bar, how would anyone know if I wanted to keep it down-low?
last commentIf you have to drink to make the scene, either have your warm up drinks before hitting the club or go elsewhere
also, not uncommon for there to be a bar next door to a strip club with friendly bouncers probably willing to let you have multiple re-entries.
As has been suggested above - if it’s that important - have a couple of drinks before you go to the club.
Bonus points if you run the straw down towards your fly and ask the dancers if they want an intoxicating drink from the straw in your pants. LOL
I sympathize with you, as I also don't feel right being sober in the club. Just not as fun for me.
I've snuck a flask in before.